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Show TMwS'i .. ''7 mliJJ- (mdM V, J . . " Itali Import it. Mailv Aaihururd Agents lar the tleperttr, V XK V VHK. V ! P. Uowr.t Q Cou.k. L. Cohum $ p, S,W l- - ; Cam FKAXriC. JiD IIOND'VY EVUti, -- Alt'll Kill C, I' ic!i Ollier.' ' f .11 t,i Tl . v ut. I pioj orty g ui.-- t S.ic ?? Kf-- will L- - ngsts,-Lhcrt- wiif-U- "4 . rf ttie tti--n- s cun-tutra- qh J the Condition of the South. ITiX. both lit ltesilof 1 I. ans )a 0,1 i,aIt ot wijlinut aLv'lfg- oaljura ri taw i la-ti- i- L on 31 it t ar.-J- u. kiil'-.- l 31 .rea ,.:i i n. tu-da- y. pa-sa- ge ( s. Ih-ta- 1 7. -- 1 p u t(ii-.- . ati.l s is ircti Tb. X itional J 1. hol.i,p.,rh'ri:FT) d iHt tie I 31 i0,riVthe r- - ontradici it. ioierinaeut Veuthcr, 1 4Ilii3U,. anJ i:tix5zt. Garde', H cam1.iii; uMhiacbef.jrt marsntAiuncje ibmTbijg am- - i.4ynm.u.TW &. h tt'hoLOK.VLE rw guiles, Cblrajo, & Heavy lartlwaiv, Nlielf Xi Iron, Stoves, ' Nails,. 1 -- Sah I. Aal t'ae AKGiilTSOT 1 i ! v Also, Manuiacturera of Tin, Copper and Slirfllron Varfc Colorado street; , KHEP CONSTANTLY ON flBD Biiiioiil, 3IIiiinjx Inqilomoutis. the.. - RV,g . ss ce -i ' ch att-ndan- La-taa- H. rdlOXdHEIPJi, v , axrv- cities rriii-jlpk- ! follttlhai uili rerrite fcistmi, vj pitonpr meuaw V AM lltTAIL DlAI.Kas Vi a vll' Y i - '1ructoi i rejiorted iiisuhe. '1 he Geuiiaii evhU ite Vers lilies and the Proncaov ill occupy the ' tMn iumjA lately. G-erris- ,1 SIHHT DRAFTS DUAU v - I t (jaatii-i- f a rolioid NtTidut .t lut:i-v- . X qmlfou is Lt t expected to !trrie ( hisopuirit- 1 : r ,ErfV-- T. nilLD. V.. bug inis-- ra t Ja lV.,idnt; UUV AX!) SELL bat m 11, , CA-S- I ir 4 ;;-- Hfiiv , AVa-hingto- O. D. tu in th- - ilJ -r o ! wt-r- r - ng i . - di'mgiu, h.;a F,X'b'Ri:-r-. X-- m .u&V, il Il.KU., nt the a 1 : i .Lvxr.tiV'x. t Pori ifn Hnws i. 1- i .i Tht 12 h bioh? i.Ie HnisLy o, C.iCfe'-- tCtLk to huvr. publjsiks tuttuM Lnn - 1 tei hvt 1 :ij' ci 'v ki,.ing Mir-I - j- 4 U'CiijJsVnfru-bArt- a j v - bn, i .itiri-c- i, - Mwr eulh.puku lliaii i:) on th 7ia of Febrmrj. MtktV p'isr pUtiUtiUti tfiii bt.llv iltamg. mi other planters bOtTereJ heaviljr. At II three shocks were fdt, over j wt-rIJuil -data liags jiuauute. greatly K. Ilayliss of tliis city, lues present teged, b it fo lives were st. eil t!io question of voivin tlie I'rohA largo wa'rh fctory will immediately lent of tjy generation ih'a thonnigli, e trieelf 1 ia Sau Franeiico. ' of the MtHulnWid t 1 - logical c'i -- a Iteii.irU of ll.e A number ot .men ail ' troys are workj dial li.Ml.ft.il . ing a small gold placer near the fortificatureas fostered, hy ljhritianjnliu- - j Death of lloucliefort am) tions near lilack. 1oiat, panning out ' , rnc,, die Brand rWn.d.v lK-l;a(- l lt sn UH. Mil i.wn.uy of TIO, things rigiit at la-t- Ami give to our 3Iarck 12 The Decio-crat.- s American iilization its piace in j . , and Conservatives of both Hou-e- s tYEisn.u s AiJ THIS AFTlH the mountains, where mw llie foul Md a caucus Among other bus !! SOdS DISPATCHES. ITeluiions of Miper.itition ami liceu- mevt was tba of a resolution that tiomneivs sway the it is in the evsciMial interests of the peoDomestic Allows. jnns-.e3Ir. llayli-- s appeals to the j ple of the country that the Democratic Ka-- t of for ; the generous people and Conservative members of this Cou-gremeans to erect an Academy, here Xew York. M .refi 12. A speiul be iu constant upou the frota Kii.giton, Jamaica, pt.tt-- s the which1 shall he adequate to . until the final 1 adjournment, and Sut,!' h,uVra Tt!,"r'!i"e mttd .wants; of t; tali' and the 1 lucky X t bo absentees be that mjuired to return uitiu kt t arrivcil th re ty f:o;a, Mountain. Territories - tV:I at tiutonce, i legislation - conteman lriiic. .. The tTuiinuti-iiiici- s ate two an or trom extraet this be ly quote are atnai ' plated nuy avoided. ' -. ia dciug - thi ir reiwrts, which excellent-addres- s, . : Tho lie tlius pulsSenators; ' together I .it Jy aunts it loti. wili s, ill ,v . with thf II Hike committee, are in sesit u theiiuesUon: 1 or Xew v rk as as -- l.c cads. di.-eussi- ,. .Is w.t, ! i Co tin tie a Seat of Learuiti P aurU!-!- ' Ill , '4 i Il A very able article ou the sulj4vt r of (lueulion in Utalf appears IaU r 'u.r of R....TSinDomm-bLrnmissio...irti;ri-n,i,inllueutial t rian Cinircii. The author, ltev. II. CTS Oil tlioir T7fiy Ilome au,ukd Iv 4, w uthfr -Shi I: n, r us AviI all xuk-: l) cpvv3 ' ' th-- j f urta rrAtiifgt M reb If, Tlier wjt-- a Su Fr tin Hcnnbiican and m will ui- b ei4j..loy and and uAyl. i ices Letter. in c rt i"i W-i- r f r pufpssos indicate l.ji lribu-d- , Le j rri res dvtrJ to trgt? 1 mi Tn- Democratic j fi s us vrd tiiMrfoxe ti e- N S'.' .jiL-MA.TTi.li- tli x MAIICIL I:J ( iVs'-t- u aJv 1 iAuxouTr igs, uLJe I tlALol rfsolv-- tl to the II ;;! gir x'lca nou I rvirtrncz owr ail oluer. sul.j(-- cnsressionai tegislation !Vr .1; : N. iilHahhi w Ku-kl-- AT'dagecIy iu tMc koiilIt Two rmr In:. ml A; j. roouv i). 11; AlMU :V- At I.U I! Ihi Lk- lv- - Vt tbar -- sai.t j.r;.Kr. 7 n. jla 4: , j i i L OOXGIMISSIONA 'l 'S trr'-- t Fisher, lUsua 2j, buHtlttjjr P- - i,ltd f rrt r.'fV. ciucAca). fl'i., irrioru X , I s 1!VD cai lt-.i- .1 f Ihe thii aiieiu Cdbr.il Jlut t.o great and clamant n Hsn, uni theie Js VUuuu soticf' wetf Itsfonut'l I call for We reqiuie.. , . , as , to the aouie necrsity of 'Aiik h tlie means of a higher edueatiun lor i- me to Southern iiirf 1 he loyalists protrcl soudl-ptiis ngiug at L h of Utah, we' require the Xew York, Mircii 12 The Jireinen means of a higher ialiriti.tu eulture Id.mdUity uml EUckwilis Mamt. have both or tho entire people ot Utah in '1 Ilf ltutwh hi.i ('! mceil-i- do ird f.r and HimLnrjmp.inutieadcmu s and churches are r , tLe tr.m-f ortation of for hei . a of m-ed- .Aati-Iartto- ti. s pa-,-- ig 11 , - x j m J j i 1 ll. the I..r W ur.d 3IcDvvett bts ordered l.y, On- -! ,u a g 'Ferritory. The center, the utpaUMis U of t orall educational ijilluetire, niu-- l , q i un rai the young, prosjHrou.s, stores, cump and garrison eupgfed of I online. . let ate , ofdu m,e Moiesiti tho cty nt ot the ierri-the strongest minus in the , . rit,.hui.uti...i. tory; here are the most enei-cl- ie )I aa i II. The tIK-Jm.ai.u, iu Kngoo, would hither hpidts ITtah; un X u: ticket, u.ththe iuvm troni tlie hills and vulley- - of Wyo- - Tei.m tiling, Montana, Ulalio and Xeai.t, bets of th San f,nu:ni-si)i- i, the youth of hotli aexe- -, to receive nrr.isi nore n !av Duumgo ieuut-wI ui.l tlie elements of a suitenor intelh-e. , , ' ,u f r ' r tual culture. They have ni faetli-- j ties fo a higher edneation now. bamaaci s of tt. e Teiilif ea lito edneation mu-- t be had at any ligate a: tears of tAr Botlie wealthy think, tuidseiid diti n uto nl tel tlno oa toird oil to tlie States turlher e.- -t their ;rt.f I ... ,J u . l n 'e ons atul daughters for that parpo-e- . , " tle liuhComHut wliai are the majoiity ot the 'navy, is whinner Jas rep rt, llliddle classes, not yet Wealthy aiii.g tq enough io feeml their elnidreii to Ik amt as ut thf scjui,t draft hbvc nU educated at a distance what are been e iiipaod.- Upn most po ints . they to do? If the supldv be not w annru.0a given them at home the dutv will f lLft left H ijti. I.n- jiegh eted. Theerv of the whole .one ot Cabral's ttnr.il. m id- Territory is, F.dieation for mir hostile imithl" Who will help us? hgaitis: Mo.tr Christian tm nds, I claim (bns.o, h,t checked by the United . . your sympatliies, your i.rayers, AW 1 reM.leut Co,r,'MtII. e aid lor the e:;u-- e of your C be Azu to mrs .tnrpis-i i. Christian civilization in Utah. Tlie ji4,'c',l!'u'd re he ws to t.ke prrsoi,,! command main levers for eievatiiig any jeo-- 1 pie intisUlie education and tlie gos-- t f t e I iree-- , oprr.it iog ia that d.r.cti.. . . urgently, needs them just now. l'V they were m Will you help us in this truly ur'.ble he did n..t 1hristian enterprise? Your them, nor lias under the tyranny of Moruioni-.n- i b rrn som lo anjone nttci.d to the have. been degraded, debased, de Csm miss.ua. The la- -t mail trout the tiled by a worse than Mohaiiiuiedan I oiled rnair-- mis-r- d the Cotaan-sio- u licentiousness by a iirute-lik- e lu- -t M mtcf 12 that has treated them like mere Cuicdgc, Cjnll Dam uf. for Si i Fraui-c- . wheu-Lanimals. Their cause is'y ours; the here race-ione; and therefore thev and will play IVery. CaAtad iaiker ha I you ahouM be one in apirati.n, in m itch ou Saturday, OooU win, - be- a cuiturt, in Christian love. J score ut UUtoJjn. Xoarly a t!ua.ind n- i- -u self-iclta- ht V 1 - ii. ! 1 -e J I ! e , - si ! It-Tl- iat j 1 1 eu-nlol- con-eos- t. t jM-e- j Ir-vf- t 1 ! I I ; , to; Je-'- m iii-iit- Mi', It. j. ihe h is dibcovtoed a miaou bdi.ii!i jn the treasury Eou.tio t'.etei mined to grt s def-alcatsu- r ot Con-- committfe lnvestig-itin- g n ot a dtpnit-.me- ohn Hupfer. v m , rv r oH- nLiLnoAD m V J v' x CLOTH I ISO IIOUSi; Sw be- - ii.-ig- n g 1 nt rs! iM he: all and Wholesale Svite n n 1 HATS, i- -t CjtoII ta .i. ts Ib-iiM- , tnt-sic- 1 llorKAIAX t T nil or, Aaa-r-toi- lUtiNKn)l'& $ i -- c jrtr o al s. t- dwt-U.- his Railroad C!oh ti un er tlie most fi-r- Dl n ausj'iees, with a iar.e ut ck of his line ail new and of tlie Ut st giit-ru- s. lie oit.-rat asiobi,hiiitly Uiw rn es lor . lti member Ue ylo-ehai.ruad t'iothing IiB-e- , f lloiiUna street, tormns, "If ff AN II jnt use in this lr Xi:w 0; n W ( For SalcN and Nircullhont at this Ofllre. L . ' , wo I oT-t- 1 lilSURE VGUil LIFE. Tim Fll.VrTS.HAN'S Life Insurance ? Coni pan J OP XEXV YOItKju " 5 l,r. mnMia; policjps n i travel. rtsn:encc. oroctupauon. I It A II. MVAHT7.. O t Agent Sor Cth. C. D. BANDY, Local AiH.t. mrl-- l ou in-ra- FOR SzVRE. One ot Smiths Amerifa11 OiTTans. The best in ii'f-Dire- from tlie Apnly T W0UK OF don 1 rompily rtiuTF ofilce. ' nEV-riCB!PlPS- u,j 0)V ry.POrXDHOF ery mm ct Factory-Suitabl- e ? cbeapiy BABBIT chftjp. s.t tfii et !, metal fo sic. A Ou ra-- or par Fire lor use. lor Clitircli at tlil Apply Extiii7iiihers; price, They are jmlU Office. at t s 4 IIOOIU-S- m - op-ne- a m-urg- eat iV-ot- at t i , l -- 17.-0U- f ' w 'A THUNKS, M. MEYER dy ui-so- G VALISES, ETC. Jwvlpy, t-- FURSISO-IX- CLOTHING, GOODS, , L-v-- .- ? C.rs, te h 1 ! E xs s r dd FiH-cit- : x ,Oj( vi--- ti-- f Ci - si-te- t i - f w al L fur a comj.ht. out in r - mil rr. JS" 4 Amt every t.hu- magaiheent variety of Illustrated Designs ' ON HAND FOB IIOUSF. FUHNISIIIXG GOODS. Jotwcfu dtli 1; ITc-I- A Nil the u.t et:ng ol Ctngress. 'i he press 1 here attack Llui, i.l.d Jwiut With hlispi-ciu' , . J1 t the huge bin a; nt of roperty o sued by him ia tie Dealt r in city and country. M Ot u the buok of were department FINE WATCHES iltiu-u- . h d by Cougrt.-.s-, Eoaiero refused I tBviufactnrtr of fine iistiva Ab sute-tautito :uv r tl m. CafKid., 3Iarca 12.Tte 3Iin- li-tamt slwim r 1 Fin nice L.s introduced u le pairi i.g d me with d:iau.b nnd (,u budget ,!:a I!.I--- tf iu t! e Mating Canada imw fttvd lgli is iu jtl.e Ii t f cuuntrieH now trading L. aiffi liogi oi i; tajuig in proportion the q . S3 i- oj ul h n j.h shq.j ch! more goods fiotu !, n !,irr,t th.m Kuglstifl Mrtrop.hta Ilulei) any other o untry in the (Win1, . or Id, and three times as much as "Th- - 1st. st xtjL a of KMitViiien wer irad to orc.-- r. he? air nfc neat y and g,!vkly done, f; tf . Wad 3Iarth lA Gen. , ?her- e r- RCtLL. A. j. CA,;nIE. man i received a lettor fiom Camp a( PXXirTTIiuC-Suj p'.y. Iudian Territory, iadlcatlug the teneivclt! iLdiau hostilities. n I . The Democratic and Conservative cau- T'air.tr. xrsous ltueba l the g thief and tlaia and oniara.-ut-i,;?. m. hone few iUjs n.'O, s.iy s the Sau Fmo-c-c- o r Gigirs, biai ihi.tatora of wonia atd mar-bbcus tl day, appointed a Cougres-ioL.bf i ilf .March 1, the sl.jj. Oiieu-ta- waa even, though Paiker w is tfe favorite. Xew York, 3Irch 12. - For ref. r- - n-- ,p the rlmrche and all ln m'Eio Janeiro, brasigtt to this city bv ttie committee, whonre charged with the duprun-ijn- ! t and bsnui i honiM of elections live giunaco, au stiMUat ties other and to Murray atreet fife this ia rniuj are, S. n political mai- Cjr.nrnv f. naf the cstuel family. Th gnausco w utteo ihe campaign. lers for injured $.3,000, Honors. $32.0.); eon n tuded with the Ua,a and ticuui, .1 1'CTIONiimrsE. Havana, 31 arch 12. In the recent ennon. " wii.e, it rramuldes. L ka our mouuuin pHjier maker.' $2l.0lM. iusured for S , CUh-- , lupi-- , land. 23 kt'nij, at -gagement were $i Tuuas,' 3l n l Howard i it aue.-jinsurgent inhabits the bigh-- r numutain every Qiackeuludi T.ptmn of, yrovony, ral and p. r- lAtH)' lati-i- and is Colonel Siraoud rwiturid alive. Ii insured for $12.0iH); looses oi buildings killeiL The Is aald that it never drinks. At'-has been captqred and executed. Ujon f,t $2, 0(H), itinranca not known.. nit. t pier, Audi neer. su t we have the ie ituooy of Cadain ashinztou, Marcia 12 Tut cnua.it-te- e Washington, March "12. The Hepubli-cthe ship Orimi!. whoRavsthd t r n a m; age of l.H) caucus of .Senator finally adopted a the newer appointed by days it lpub!ic in Senato1iLk a drop of water. rial C4U?iii yesterday consists of ilortou resolution fer a bill for the protection of Several Habcock t. E lmuudC' Frel nghntsi n. Suuth-r- n lovai;t.s. ' T" taM month A970 gallon Poolj. DumgtU SH. of gmw brandy were rpanufactured iu aud that by the House of IJutler of 3Its., No ether measure are to be enacted ami S70. a If Angela County, Cal. Sheltabarger, Mercer rf Ieon.,1 Thomas this session than Buch as relate to the cion-- . eflective imlis-peiivfb- le. of North Carotins, ami Cobura of Indv rendition of the Southern L. I. Divia haa luen Preei-JeState, j t Ao of the Board of Fk le!rl D.b cates i They will meet aud prepare a Huihliny is Deputy U. S. 3Ir$bal TIoopr, of Sooth Uauaitom. lliciii bill to protect tlie loyal citizen sf the CUrolusa, ibila attsmpting' to seize ant nW N-rrhy-- I A Street. f 1 ' UTAn. COIlIxANK, mur.au: s direct to AqSinwall, thtpe to . Frehrht, Iltiuf, ;iae, .r Pro.-pec-t, connect wvifa lines to Sail Fruncisco. I he tir-- t btisuitr Iroin Drtnitu leaves Montana CHIJECGS3, DWELLINGS, this Me- - k. . . . . Si lift . PUBLIC BUILDINGS." lh report that arrangements have INNH, UTAH. bet a m i.le to transptjrt 3),U)() Gtruaus to OOL HOUSES. Improved IIo he ra t umplctc r.r.il t heap. And Oregon is not tue. , all ether Edifirfi of the LatH City of Mexico, 31 ircli 3. The Legis- S; 3 13 of Architecture, s' Particular aUcntion paid to Oristure ot Jali-c- o has dojimed the Govern-rt- ders Inf imitf. O.xkv, o. the ground ot having tv louki( to tojiroui. groe-l- y s.me citizens of the h Uuitrd States. Mini-te- r Plans drawn and t Wilson l..is ations furri-V- t u cr.Lr- f,M7-i y the geaer.il goverumtut cn the I Ji 1 - -- I . much'di-cti--io- SHEET COlTEil. KOCKEU KOXS, C.ULD PAXS. EOCIvEU DU'VEUS, SITvIXG POINT Mlmi.LS, PICKS. (JFICKSiLVEti, GOLD StHLESr FAU3IIXG 1M I'LL.M ENTS, f |