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Show - I a: PAP 37HA1TOICOO A iroa, TT!!?. AAVmboa OACJAtltHTO, CAlA. rtComcuxo, A. I!. CUMUKC3 uiTTco:i o co., Foin, CTtcrs, Jcbbera and J 30 .nnnnifcstarert of TCDiCCD ADD CICM3, CIIICACO TRADE. MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA TRADE. BABCOCK (im PKiFiC iuu1 Bondu. Land Grant n to Builders and Important " TRADE. CO., EXTINBUISHER, Street Sacramento, sf COO VMmiIi dealer la tNr lb?i Front, ' GREEH OAN PHANOISOO. lha tUntUna of Vowmiareyetfelly mil oar tlOAKM. mann. of Leaf. onr fae.lltte Inducement tu VfM f"r WWM "P-rt- oe ' t!ti fttirn orrrri old In th Wi w bo ASSMT, 13 Order aoiiatted- 9 F a DRIED AND CANNED Fnuus, 4 of produce. Aim g, : Fruit nml HlmUe TrtN, Gardca, Haver end Craw keri'r. ' CALIFORNIA Oulliomlii Nos. 8 Pair held at Sacramento. and MrJd..ri. h. Aittlrr.. !1 Mr ret, IMPORTER AND JORDER 0 7 Manufactory, renter tf XI tenth and Dtllarm Street, Yrrra. THE CALIFOItNIA Brooms 1 fr I. John F. loiise. , I j CREIGHTON ft UUNEO, AGENTS. Oorlntie, U. T. Union Iron! Works, Auucar P. naarrox DTEAU EHOntES. '.pit-ti- Prieea aneb aa Is make It the Intere.t ( VtnS, Montana aari tdako pnrehaaera U bar iron ua rather than In any of the Atlantic State. O. W. FOOU. 3ap'L aTSm a son, and 13 California Street Uasut 8Taucr. SAN FUANCISCO. I W " V, Calgsroom lOCansocaeCt. (Two doer FA CTOJ2 YKlng Street, AND FOUBTlf x Xo. th ; Pitts' 108 Test Randolph St. No. 9c AS ulanufacturcri, 17 L 49 Mate Flrftt Propr. aplfi-t- f iiopxirjs ft co., iVFoirrwxa or x HUiJTiriQTon, DS Steel, Coal, Smith and inorei Tools, MTube, rttttafa. Oaa Wpe and Belting, Iloee, and SUPPLIES. AdlCitTI SAM f 0 111. Frcat street, n ei carUtnutimno JATAI7 "CTAO, 1 310 Front Street, Batwaaa Cotaaotreial and tT Samiaeato, FFLANOISCO. rt-.- - ir-- daily for Virginia City. Ileleun and Fort Ih-uto- aa - a- Connect wita rasnengbr Trninn wgye ou the L'rntral rucillo Rnilrond. r -- 4 r. V ,j ..ur.ufa ju n,UiU, , dysi-vpki- a NOW, RKADER. TIM HENDERSON, ACENT CORINNE rcrcrrkl c, ween, are all wa.knoe of th. it of generation, wh.-- llir. MAKE UNION PACIFIC DID YOU MAULROA c.' rf n ralveor-rIk. in erfevi L.Jta, k MIX. KVKK HIM Tliat thoe d.fl f erv . ntecvmfnl biiaiue. ru- n tr vo rg .tt .re j i t ti kmt never hikremU cen.j me.lai(-kuur f I , of n vuiism Ih heart. They i t'cvrr ktr.itqn aneeved in V. aln-- : tiny daii'tleeiea b-d- i, - i rf-v- i m-t- ( t , r-- d iooiagei1 ; they rv a v ta th diuptny of lah-i- , thi-- ; e.io add p and 14 j Dune e( ?niM light lit the fit-tlooka r other im Mtutm .l.iii iliB s. C. A BBOT Jc CO. I i ARK SC1-E- tlraat rn'l e ion ix I t xrd fan fleenr i of ftpj iiaidietfy Tone 2.jtrtfO x linn In1!! AI!F. NOW IN USR rOt:i: lin e Kail Wilts, I'QJOF.S. CISAF.S, Premium hare been awarded for Tebacrn I'liAtnpagaea. Pent Orfans. RtCUVED two JUT for bel MEERSCHAUM AND OTHER PArh.r and bet i liunii iirgitu at ihe MIkNHS TirES, UlM FA fit-et- a 1 - k- T1 COI - IAUAlT- to Calirotnl.--i Ctlter forhi af ill. wee and the COAST, '7, and Li. h In-'- ' Vfi . and the right iCiriC wali-an.-o- f wd -- one.- hte v w dMin-- f thrac org m Mpt i i Llufvdc. H K T. M It Si. a Tranclacd a . i DUeaws 4o through ts :; v ' tr 8plral affctlma. aulride, Ht . KM.tllt.NKn. rrai.' a ik tv t But lto those they do b'.iin.v,t' r' How m.tty me . fmui huljtifdi' .ii.t'fT-- b; fr m of M e d toL15 ought altf.iit that organa that lma re lmvil t!u '"',l L much aa tn lnuucv aiiuud uvt rj utlurtee- IDIOCY, LUNACY, Ftinitinm ivtvBTr u xn wnotreai.r, ttmi Vi LIFT la now completed and running dally iaa-u- g train, forming lu tontimiott ultu U.e Central i aciAo Kai.road an 1 111 P. J. Mc'AMARA, f TiOtb. PLATTE mi s. c. ARiiorr sl co., - met- C-r-i ni. ll-- attention paid to order by 1S-A- ' eit'f ruin Tram coxsurru Dr.4i.EM IN LAO, II o-- i a Paper and Window Shade of all kind. CIJLBCIIKS THE GREAT AND merican Orga n s, PAItf.ons LODD mean tho-K- who kt ep ih. v tiing ti vxecia. Thme wl.l lo I V,? 0 Me-'al- - srAlk. .W!f J Also; the , SOCK - - STATIONERY HOUSE OF 1. AV. kWTJWWE.'YOTiL, lOO Lake St., Chicaio, III. Supptice for Public Office , Min ; flank. Merchant Etc. , , - -- Pail o. a. THOMAS, TURNER AND DEALER IN IVORY, Clark Bt., Corner Randolph, (Opposite the Sherman Uon.e, Cl.t n?n. IT). ' r. UU box 3349. Hillard. Tool, and Ii.gitell- - 111, Ten !tn ,n Cn' " Leather. Ci.lk w vn'l M1 taM'T iwrierna. y .rtinga--ul rf n;r end Napkin ring ; Whip, I'mhr.Jiaand i araeo. hndha. Deli returned and atafited. ru Dwv"Kod aod ony jAdawtr e tr ul. C3 Wnrhlrtton m. wilsox co., tf cousse, utait. & 111 OIU AH fhup Doarstir Roods a DAVIS, o 149 South Water 3XunuGic?iuror of a t tt rZZrZT cheap youb. made n ameri a. Wtw Torti or nd,,fMd Ban Stato University School, Oakland, PREPARATORY TO JtM" UXlVERnr OPCLLA.. E.lgblkbtff la IMS. or ealakHme, aldreaa PrlnHna! a BOX 194. 3VC t Oabiud. Cal'a. ami hari-lni-- 7"d ht "f r .h.c i ujou p omp: um oi a rt-- l fltj 111 w tf d n iUHrttH! tr ih Otend'rndl rilllltlllern'i 1' and Ctiuuntl lih.flr baiiroad.-- . Jowjh and Mia- eourt River fjnn ui Paoketa to nd from all priuch pal atem and aonth. ru ClUra. i OIIAHA, NEB. a U41y Doughii . S-r- it .1). wta, 3vti N4MFE, onPM PrpprMor r 1. al, U. ,v Oaa in every mnm end wKh h roonTm ui2 r ran lmpnmi h3S5. mjTm ra Train II. 0. W. XtADK, - - Aee't Ona'l ' r . O. tflMMUND. . P 8pT. THAXCUI OOLTOX, Tlakah AanmU Om h'Ul.v.i .bin in. '-- npward oi EHtubliabci Ikoiulwnr. . y fbepakbd e t( r,"r' va i Tf N vlV AND 1W Sonlb I llif TH, T. IIELMHOLI. 6VH Ss Tntli klrt1 per botfle. r wd to any adore-- . everywierr. Kono ar peunine uuim : gravod wrapper wlli fac tUuU warthoaK, ud atgnrd P-- ee MMRN4oUirpi4iitslBp)i) ic It. BhOHNMOK. wwaecal freiaht Amt omlia, ,vt , HlUlU'i , FbJrm, UpchHt vt.fvh KXT II ELM HOLDS Rock KATIN, at cwavenletii pointa onANU the line. 12th 8.. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ' . D A. VAN la nt.nuteJ (' 0 .b maV of. a le. IS nCttropolitan Hotel, Corner pda mte?4 ' or liiaaiii.y vrtHii: miahkn, P. yj e t'-- fmlvr's wh. Iht rt e.iune riti.iith g, and lo g at nd ng. If 370 Farnham Street, myaetf K. W. ClWVBEI.L, r OROKOK TAir, T t AND JOBBIXO TRADE OXLY, SDLICnTD. Br term U,t Woluut and Mher show Casts, CHICAGO. a ricriBEb & n.RBoai bar-bo- ktrei-t- . if i t i.u! r uf or male in ja Ing e'er Direct CunnertioiiK mtide n; Ol PlfTl SE FRinrn, cttRiimi Decontrols, WtDow shides u noLums. o 1 cialij , Writ In vw, Ofta-il- ICTTRE mi mow co.v vn it. la tbo great r lure'le, and i" ff'uJ tfttr.it t.f the til. hr. Kill net lability, nl ail dl.t-- & 1 (' r liuuirr., o. XriUEEM IN Street fhlearo. o. a. oaszx of ta 1 S- -. Promptly Attended to. JONGS PEA LEM IN X))Mm ' AU Order i ,) Avekdiug the danger CT FLUID EX TI! Than Tour Days I W. W. KI31BALL, r. Steam Prlutlng, LKhogniphlug, Axn LOCK BOX 123, P. ton ciacvLAiia, nmvo mtrra axo sttlx or h rx.iui-nt.KT-, ADDHF83 fa III Less i Mn n ii III cto ry, ' (Between lOih and nth Every lnatrumcnt warranted for five eollelUd and carefully fl'led. in figr OlJctt liiiuae in Chicago caulilhlicd mi24-.in- i 1M0. , lot) 1'nrnum Nt OMAHA, NEB. PIANOS Ever brought to the West. . - Order XlInfkXSTt IVo. large! Baaorimcnt of FIEST-CLA3- 8 100, 108, 110 anti 112, ITJ- 1st 'j. Prices, from $100 lo $1000. WltOLEfiALK WABASIl AV., CHICAGO. ll(, 1 23 dellv 1,5 ipt v ? r. Went r II. T. UP auO-l- y r r - ' KlaSc Jidttt Iron Rok n, or rent; mt ? j he e Kclf-kbu.- CoMKomx, April 14, 1849, ah u g.veu t Ate of a.claiu leil,. ? if m to your Itvtr 4.rdyip.K n,,t ,,, tth lila t Your la-- week, j(U but llttie app.. t, a 3u u if(U( or llvt r c .mpIkJat ? - fnu- - p., Awyi.tir.plrl and Quick Timv. nol8 tf I i ,a I, I Do von i u rtie j.mr e on r,-j t I)., f( (. (ood Stock, Now Conclie I I F. rrn-ib- lo?mi br.gl.lt wl.! r.i f fhde, n.ale j t.u m.t bet-aci-i p g.f.tn ih. r iuhi.U-et1.Lv,- g iuyoti.-a.ir-! , '' (i gitawjy frim e aa bril your 1 - ... y or Mi? . your-al- ii Leavo Cnriun fni i )!. h-- u any ck ITave need -- Out. o- - d lit alonc'o lib..-- V n n(-.h- w 1 V !C' Arc f o ri-- t r nijt-l- y J.'2Awir T 4aV brekthh g r p.ia, .tipiiti d! Do y.,n-- a vo ru.Lc o the in palri d ! 1 ll.i Ul.j. 1 1 1 Do yoa fe 1 Booksellers Stationers. A TFHOX.X9.AE.1S C3 orr- r, IgDlAKAP 14 lau. S, liogj. In reply to your qua thMi to ni ol hr norite f Onti alt's Hlaa-tJoint Inm U lof. ItM," I will elate that wo have bad tit Hooting In ua on tlita rued uliicr larifl Wo bate bridges and aietho. hounra co.t ml wit p all of which oecni to bo doing wi ll, atot I am of the opinion, taking l"kt wionni aatett from Art-- , eaaeof a- ynatment and dbrablhty. It u tn- moat ileairahle ltnofltig lor llridgia, Euticti Uet.ee t and . are Wfore the p th ie, Tety Poly yoor, j. m. mnwtoun. Yk lYi chn. At Iml. Jnnclii u H. It. . . 15 CO., And Direct Importers of (OS ngln-tr- Blank Book Hanufaoturors. rowrER on , ox wrynx. nUNCl-KXCORDAGE COMPANY. Hoad PHILLIPS, TACSH I'.UtCO t.mt-ca-ta u pAtntfro bbaittin tu hlot ft inf Vomjmnlc Sacramento. . - Dry Oooods, Nolioas IWooIcr.is, jrffBre.kfat I time for th Car. and Route. Pamionffr. takinx Room, will berellrd In time for all PubRi ronrfoanre. Iravlrx the city. " Board, ft per week. Meals 23 cU. Mugle oonir, 50 cis - .lf4 r t i'i s , U!E a Mdhu t top! Or Vtie,Jt baa .fail awinlo T I'o yu )uv 1 WiDDIJC, Ni-v- . a II. KrusvvlfVn ; ' i.li ''ftI hlii-H- r.-t- r SMXTXii'S (Bctwcrn r.an lolph ai.d Lahe.) C.iitonpi, & fi:r a nt.m'n r of veer ji. hri-igof this r and I tke great pi. eure In 0 ij Ing . j I prove. terfeetly aatiefact mr It U bdk Ur aud r proof, and ea tly applied, CIIIUAUO. : ' fVJ f?V.Tj 1 tna'ket atl'irde. S4 K Street, X.' MATBXXX) cn kjaucxsco. r ORXZXTAL CrjoTb end Tobacco, 1 ihr li Tlie 'Table alway rnppllxl with the beat the I t I 1 rajt. il-- JOHN V. FARWELL ft CO. A IJfO Q.c::;:.aG9 t A .u) vi ry i ;1i g tu In Millard I. In amt SriGlE RU0U9, 5EITLT FTRVIUED, nr Tint da r, r:a a' or stoxrir. aplMf Zzu Xlte, r.nuli i'i alk. k ot.cj i ii. a. rtel hi a Nos. 43, 45 and 47 K Street. RAILWAY bt r Cn a ITrcndboo, Cal.m-i- , r ,;r 1 Boiler frata Atarka X TO Wlioh.ulo Co., HARDWARE, BAB AND SHEET IB3X, Tallses aed TXSAYQLINO BAGF, TSinn TT1 psacairnox or KTsay Tresis, 1 J N. D. THAYER, Whtleule Manfactnrer or a H. A. Sacmmen to.) n aS-S- ra npnnnnpg a. co., ! ) . r- -j And Blinds, " I J 207 Large Family anti 17K1D0US Ann Xoa. 114 axo 114 n. nut l)Hor.r Ct'jlU. i. Bet. Second and Third. ' S.ICIMUCITO. aoontn and dealkrs xx DSODG, The above machii I iMon made by the lUO irilH-rto the in. iona of rd nni-e.rvoid r itml l atrnue) amoe the year lH3i, at their pr.wiv lot. tiii Nearly .Tty of thft machine were told Utah I rntory In 1 l.owe.t Ighta cun- be bad by ordering tour cuiuphKe uitchloe ahlpjod to one Ntblrei Int'otiua'.liiii furul.Led by UTines and Jjiquors, 7JI Front Hirnct, Every deneriptfon of Quart z and MiU Machinery . .., VtrK tumtiKX 'i : I Toint Jo .IN WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOILERS, Mna n&Li . i ' qf;-- ; VCI.LS, - R. W. Wilcox & I. POWERS 'Importers and Bmritntxss or rn'T. ff'-rth- Threshing Machine J1? L '" J. DP HAND. . " AND . rictixATt. April at. nun. Jr n lhe.flug lu'.uofaeinr el ' y ton It.ii Wen for .lx it r glit yet rn tat' ' iirlv ) in r I ii bridge on the .rl- -i a k rin bn aM H i ro il It muLi. a , t heat' Mill ilara-i mi. no . ni y a e lied, rd naa proti il 'uhiih h t ,fu-i. apitWlf L. Power, , nnur flru'i Orn'l Snpi. lull) Miami Colutnbu. a Xo L 11. H. Co. The Kta.'te a - tul-mr- o Cim ixkati. April 0, 1830. We hare li.id In tiae, on llrnlg.a and Station Ilonu-- on thla Ho.id, for Hla tin lolut Iron Hoof Our rxporteuoe with it haa ! entirely a Itfaotorv, o muoheo that X do hot heal tat to rocoiniimnii it aa aue-u-t l ahlng all thai haa Won cluiind for ll In tcuu omy a .d dttr. IJilty by the tmiontee. Your truly. It. ti. !X)RD, Proab Xm). k Cin. K U. Co. i. BIUB.WlcK CUW. WMOMW-M- 1KT0. 'Jrnh your., f iu28 tf ' uwrjd (T txc.X- - All, Jan, M, I'OU t lio-J.t- v rv f voluntary bargee, a hat v,w' hmi u? upon yonr deb LiiU d, stall, tired 1 ertlon pr dnee , a piu.i u of yonr Ivor, or organ., get out i.f r r I( Mim. limes thi. k, ini.ly ur fl , J.V tat-ialiu- onlv. Fitted np or Kepalred. CaosttiKtcd GODDARD & CO., - lib-rou- to 1ISDIB a.-pl- I ad .o.) wed on dally to Chock at alglit. Mih)n-- t r If you are anffering or btt.'my dim CARRYINO THE e A CAL., , 1 Iionri t and Sold on E. M. ( nilllard Table Slanufaciurtr, Mm. u rh-nc- e i Cornxl-.lo- n It" T II E'ATJtti ! I have had eonridera In i . fur the lant ten oi iovi ti - ear la the ne of the Out f.i ml it tog.vevi.-c.it" IhM.flng, and d. and writ ihe ea'i fuciion. It taia.i y d care that niruiiht roof ill u d r. ccivo, 1 m that tt will be v, ry curable. Flr.t Mortgage tt,Chiago. BHUNAlifK & Bill!.. CASTINOS AND MACHINERY OF FIllST STREET, . btate liaUB.WJca J. FrOllt StPOSt, tot. N and 0, Sacramento. Steam Fnfflne nmt UoIIcia J Built to Order, S(taiabat and Quartz ' 1 M. r Every petcripticn, IX ff SCHAEFER. PACIFIC mON WORKS, k Ill cirotilnr, or etrly WILSON ttt). C 'riniH, Duli. o SAN FRANCISCO, i With curved foldtnff flat e.at. Mannfartrr of ail atyiee of 'ihuivii and Hchottl k'lirniture, N.w Ulobm, apparatu., Mh., Chart., ttv. A. It, ANDREWS bOO., u WILLMMS & CO , vaakljr o'1' I. KUMIE, m'rltlJ-fii- vklch eomhine alt tba fnw of other etronr explosive nw ta nee, and the UfJit breenf Um asMV DLAimxa bowmen. I; u making it So Beaux. . , V ( i V rjinlu-d- . cr' !: li'1 FORT BENTON, r pi-i- liomU liouiftit and Mold, H. r. iio-i- i I. I iditiil gold nl Fxcbangrd. OoM liouglit u riold at Market rate.. Coupon. baluuco., AND FROM THE IlOTEE. HERCULES POWDER H-.tl- Orttcr U. U. Sora ,11 Hlntct't'a Joint Iron Kuolife' y u put no on tin uncrrt n.ll and Im l.i'lig laet ha. taritago Hie-iti- t tin.,Iilar m et-- 'i.0i:c. I wit pit.voo g)a l.v ro iiiiii-iirUigaH rm uent and durable toof.topiili.U A. J. SIMPSON riniitdii'plila. P.clfte Uiilcvi t.nd -t FREE OMNIBUSES T9 IXdtlTTTne and L rtOUlKTV tba en. m oor ever til tlicr. fnontf pMucta Wi ilio clt liutioa to oar aay other com pound now In superior elrealer containing a toll awcairnox of o cn to mr Offlce, or of any of our aga-t- s. appltcadou Street, SACRAMENTO CITT. Cal. ZXEDA1 S Ft rer. Tu am. i Oovi-rnnu-n- t c i6i 1 Omaha. Nr a.. April 10, Tjkj. i I). Alt m rh Matches Etc. STREET, Corner of K and Filth 1 . THE ACKNOV.'LKi xEl FAVOKITE. ovr.a lao.oild m.its Sold in the juir iwr.u ,.f rur MiV PATENT uormou ciks. K.'iwl and 8U0LFBRC8. I De.hr. In PROMPT ph-aei-- T(-rl and 6th, SACRAMENTO. HELENA - 1.VEH&ER.0. SCHOOL FURNITURE! di Srfi'1 vv CN 1 riii IU CAkra wfitrn, VIRGINIA CITY, ht llioiii. THE GHICAGO P1TT8 PACIFIC HOTEL, Ithnr F. T V O L U and wiioyc aeon for roofing purpoeea. We take in leeomtnend'ng It to par tie. d ritiug a material I ha- oon.ldn a all the a.eniiaie r q'tit'd in a r . f, v.xj neatnoa,, dJ. rabbity and fir. wter . roof. . r vj CORINNE, a-- e r.tra Prut i acted froji, April M, 1870. Nib., OWAiti, v v.t it - il.-ji- t y :$n TO pl4-.iir- plra.nre that w err ly to tn- ii'iei rvvlk-ii- l niocit. of your UntoaUa r.li.tlo Join. Iron (l.ilug, put ou onr bulidiug ItilxlM) t ymr. W hava luid tnui-expert. nee with tin .a a ooff g material, and find your 1 is ni Ho ting far auporior lo It In every le.pecls material ue hive ever tu tart, think It the (ui iniii, Elt., aplfl--tf THE MILLH. snnattntlr nNfliftu Interior. I. He Ivered to t traaaperted lno eoneumer wtthb few of i time of It ad I. In ey uiMtvre, trey .stpi rlcf smj bar other Powder in Market. We bare bwa awarded successively la 1 1 ll FrEWN(,; . ri.ernv, Eaq. Drax Sib It Ii with i- -d I, ln.t lx a or MANTTACrmu Between 6th SPORTING. MINING, AND BLASTING lj - vi rltiM-k- . CCItDACr, no. 144 J on hand b5 'r 1 x a. the Union the T jiiul. RitlM.ul I'o.njMiir now lum nr .li.d hcsafior ii'iiilr (ruin Hu Uiiiti MmIi-.- , nmitli tenit. lii. li urn or n)i ill bo IrmHilod in Ilio R tllmwl 4 id tl'if apli I, hit of .aid or iiwd ,iiiny, t in nmmi f i or Ion ilo rmf, or for io I iu'U. groiiuite, u.IiUuk. or Ii r f' f. Thu 'oui. iV n4dv tlnri Yrant Ihini!. or ili tr !! an I a or inti rout It, a, tuvnl of rai-lfl- dial t .ft, Out u . 12,000.000 ACRES OF LAND. .11 r, Ukr tot Mt t' ntetiny toi tin- tnitiatt. KS4.IN Jo.ut I i RiKinug ou on ta r bw u.y (twilling iioe.e by pul t.r vd Mtor IikIiI .in I a tnTteco roof in rry . UiTi- - 1 in luitl'i eg du t would ue It in naji-ilm roof. her any o' i'lrlcnmcg Very rrepeettnlty. ViHif ob't wrvaTif, UH U. IIU'KltKff, llvt lJrlg. Ueu't U. A A. tu-h- , JLEJFM, I'Mlu Nan., - Waslihonrds Manufacturer, and have ContanVy the MKCfUXIO 1. TO TO XEIIVOUS AND DEDi:ifAT lrut or Tirr l;o. AMvi-jiiir- FtrtTi Stic Tubs BAN FRANCIBCO, By fr Hj per cent. is 1SIEUESI'! IVliiif STAGE & E11PQS88 Fumt. Tift or f.iijKin Jnmht t1 One Pnmntd ami art J'tll'ire ,01001)1 situnni l'f a Fiitet Mul t- -' 0,1 "lut'd A 314 California Street, STATIC AUHICOLTIMt' Times, CRUZES, POWDER WORKS TEHEE GOLD ll E WARE, m 1 IVikll.irttt a., (Mfigo. AgciitH WOOD AND WILLOW StrrV Ji.W.X. amt 11 H. W1LS0H & Gi)., E. J. F. HAHIHSON, BETWEEN BATTERY ASD 8AXSOME; Vico 1'ie.t lent. nrr.u.. JyM 663 MARKET STREET, . r j 1. K. Ijci In, y, to lotiimunl.i .11 ,ik. w. k 122 SACRAMENTO. 3m OFF1CF. AMU HALF. RmiUH, " J V, Fnrwoll, J.-h- .1 ty rliuj.-- MUDTORs! Ilono.v 10 IN81AST1A Prvsiilrnt. Garden feed and General Prodarc nrt Premium end Sc cl. etr'e Sold Modal .t lait State IUotiTd ADOrTfD IT. it G1., the lie Vtituit. umI iil) Yehvh JCsySiiiil Tur Cirnlir. The Tu (live trin Hrc I fe, H. M. Mooitn. J. D Srir.r.xiiv. Also oa bend PATENT CUSHIONS. f wt h iVrtiiilc A f X'fni til.1 rr 't kui-U- . Green mid Dried. SOLE AGENTS FOR Dtunkrt riiu;ui:l - Fruits of Every Description JACOB STQADLE & CO., i. rha'wlI r.Mt fxiwrrfi California nml Imported- jilliarS 'ffitilt jrfaaaftthrt;. i It HAS Oo. 10.000.00 O. 1 AGAINST FlUK. THE GOVERN MEN Wholesale dealer In r .v.' - l ! fa the Chrttprnt tint I Beet Protection W. R. STRONG, k CO - , t -- Huu oclP-t- f PARKER, WATTSOX, ''i o'- 5 - UbSl-C- 1 ,2 .u duress e IX k.I.K TO TIU.V V A And every description prepared ta cautnci or fnrmlth partlea a itnaba, or thronyhont the XunbWt, with ni) ,'Octcalta Klaatia Jotni Itooflag. la Urge m kinatl qnaotttiaa. Thia material baa Wrmit the atendard rooftsg ihronabont Ue UnH.il xtatra, end 1m every I a at.itve h m givm the best Mkl.fartion, and nu t ae lb fw Imt wtib aitrh trady eudorte-mentaiiptbdod. c Oflkf-1- 10, rcr. 12'ii and r'aruuara. BONDS Railroad U. P. a HOIIEV, tJUTD, Qmt orn LAND z V A ' Ia at beet market prieee We are offering for tad the S a California and Imported & 08 Clay 8 treat Caa 5 MELMDOLDS (HQ & Contractors. , , GUIDE. TBAVELEB5 j.. A Kag; ,Cr !y |