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Show ( ' iol Daily Utah Reporter MISCELI.ASKOUS. acquit the Wtr OSke of blame, tie noTKi Germans had time bring erapte having i rll ' toro into ' the field. " Th French V ftr C CUp4trWr. f wero outotfmbmd on end tbedc pat i ' H ITET, YOI1K. $ fenslve. A new plan wn nceeary in. , 7 9hrl1 ft 1CU., 0 Park ftew. Ib-tto and deator t ATh?!! 4 Kne, Park Bow. Tbi ' tUe volving retreat on Chalons v Bvtem : CHICAGO. & XIC1RS. IS Rencj diiproeedofeediwoareping to UWES LIQUORS t Ceckt Mu Dvtvtft Thlnl aud Fourth Strto, , Co.. D arborn eiwl. 1 f the public, end the Emperor wee urged ' OAU FRANCISCO. Corner Sontana and Flfrti street, offensive; ; ; YifUlirg Li Boom 90, Marcbaeta Xxcbang I to WDM AL. fc: I king. , , advice end plan eontIction,McMihou attill A CttEEY.rtU, Prjrlelor. I T.UI, HALT LAKE. COIII.WE, were adopted. The pamphlet clove w ith i 4 Vletlur, Pat Offlr bnfldlng. e decleretion that the German ncoea O. X. MnrrK k CO., Prop. ere. due to lb superiority of numbers! TCeri4ttVlc.v Tht FIRST Ct.S NEW HOTEL U "w npeti to t) H,hln. tj ron; am m ally and PAPER improved artillery, vigorous discipline, T v UP for Pf enthority, end military and County Tir-- 1 r?fPot THREE TO SEVEN - YEARS I pbd' wttfhbwl th market' afford Trevh yPraa!wyaou hand amleerrednp In I ' " - OLP PpOPF, and the United I pnlHotio epirit of the prop! which util, j 4,1 wrbe el! other Interest end opinion. It itu the Th. n7 wine.. fm teiMeaf .OCftltffk Uruora. an t Mgtm. cenrti resettle looes babite introduced by ( IRO ,01a SaZfir&C ailCi II On the French renncssy Brandies, would f epccthtlly lar been hid enrraredtn dcrcl. tIz: Vn , troojai erpaaed, P . .. c th . OLD HOLLAND OIN, tNiw nimipfl i ipliwthdto twin wl tttt-rt- m ioln lion, utmnce Mrifto w'ro'wi nn rornmni I ( f uiWlpU(W(hcko( UTAH 0,0r,,r' ebeane- - rf Warina and x- - I Tniperltll Nllf IT Itlltl LOUINNK, I d by infantry. j The flnggiRecani-Bfkt I I I tlita tmna and thnr Havlne rccctstjjr tak-, n anthamed trarclint Ent I tUcencjr nftl.e unity wa weakened. Uh. Wh irAitU ud naovtN it, I yurpi to I ! collect dM doe tht paner. AMU AHTtltt ttlTTF.Il. keepj ua by.fjceeace df, Opjoli.-- in tho Curpa I I in j COCKTAIL the reptibiicati pr LgUlatif, and riJRACOA. a lUTTEU', . IT. ItEAOI.F.,... Telitor. I trodneing into It a epirit of criticism aud UARASCIIINO. AN NISI! ITE, the Onljr rircpreof ilenw In the City. AHSYNTIIE, FRIDAY EVENING; KOV. 4, 1870. 3. November The French , VICTOR CtlRDELLA Doth l.aefrrn nmi Cnliforuln J1.7tf hwp only 2,100 prisoner on their haud. Ciuttt e. AHEIMCAX KXniLfiK HOTEL j At noon on tn first instant, Thiers w.s Vnuglinn. I ALE to e eu Hiidictn AND r with POUTER. IN TIN OR tie King We nrlnt tn rlnv n I -I'Th I!0T ON ' ' SANSOME h TREET, I 4-t- Sam. Ii. Tibbals. r ,.Tr;rflWe. C t mu, an.AfrteWwar',i;wLich ukS' r f- fit VIb - ' e Mi: K(TI.Tr 0M.1IISSI0.Y ! Bb' K e?m,cl1 City, to the effect tl..t .he .p,K.lnt.tdj dnlng the Rank of railf.trnli, CIU WPiONE ment of V. II. Vaughan to .lie Clov-- 1 . 'I'..l ". AND RfJIA CAllFf participated. P. M. Thiers wits WINES MADE A SPECIALTY. arnonl.lp la- acceplahle to ho "co,.. elowlrf ,)ttl Ul.m,tk , Extcndinp from Sorrrtmcnfo Street ,1m) T1), ..t'JMf to JhtUcck Street. eevatlve,. hut not to the ra.l Ucanader pi)rt,.n Tl.l wouhl be newt to ua If PriM.-KateCh.,1- -. .ill cP,.t. h, SAN Fit A A Cl SCO. wo eouM make out Jut what he lh, c,t, of Bo dwell, & Bin.lr,, Fr,n. means. e anxiously await n see- - U E,,rj Granvii's ofiVr of mediation, Belnir eentntlly torsted It nffra to 1nslng or' ' UANcracTCRKR and telegram In explanation of tho tntre will bo no ottncl oiTerrd by himajto men and fsmtll. tudn etn'Dts, both as to convenience, comfort ant ecouotuv, wliert o have hut Intel refurned J French Fixations for memltcr of tint. Excrhior and Golden Mate lTIi::il JIY What Keep tvmstsnflv on hand n good assort for tho jobbing trade. Ordtrs bv mail will rvecive prompt nnd iirefid iittonlion. d'Kula ul,iited east nnd went on the line of I e Railroad tho sutiifl dav nrder are revived I . Atwood I F. L. k J np-rlo- fronr ffve AVccksf travel and resl J tiro nsetu!ly but the couacnt of French dence around and in Zion, during I provisional oovermnent to boldmr? mrh r - ..... '' I L l I - , We reap Fltm-fliAtli.iu Hu ,iw a. ati S aoy lnar. E, tayo; Ih J. Patent Dentil. XOTIOXS OF ALL KINDS. equipment of the ItMi in nruiy and ail denertra-- hh prrfi-ct- , it ' The , papers of New York are Just sodjippurtent!0fhe apeak it) bijh terntr of thu IVusHian now excited over the death of a 11a ofilcer. Iu siy tlio French burwlar, whose head was blown ofT killed and woundrd'ftt Sed in wu tifben by an infernal lunchino ln a man tbonaand'. In that battle the Uivaiian ner decidedly effective, not to say contingent alon, which went into haft! novel snd Ingenious. It really com- Ch.000 lie kJtlu! ttrong, lo--t mands our admiration. Wo think and wounded. Hal convinevd that the something like It should ho pat- Pruw-iaaccount coucoal tlo actual lue ented for the mountains; it would of t'huOerumn-savsueh a deal of bother nnd ex- - MON I AN.V L-- FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Pst -t p! Oifire (fudding, JOHN F,AVIirJ23I3X3 - fojcr.u k LATEST EASTERl IIEW3. 1 - I. be.nl, and ll. next mornli, I. found quite .eeplmlou. In be bAckynrd. The Inventor l.y having thu, ao .uecvswfully tried hi. mvn Washington, r ,tM, h., I lWui,M Hrbnck I be- - i illt In E Mcntan.a Infernal Invention ha, reeelved a ,,, ,,, ,lu.r national notoriety, and while those more humanely inclined may denounce this effective' method of t the ItriohTrn.l 3ppoal protection against burglars, we can3. Tlio Nvrmb-Salt Lkb Ciiy, not help but look upon the man of Vurnnn If. Vaugh.n n appointinunt who contrived this deadly Instru- Governor cf till a Tcriilory ment a a public tiencfuctnr. to the radical nnd the ofdue SALT' LAKE. m Ccn-py- E U K OPE, IN mon. . CDRINNE WAR. SEMINARY) A. B., Principal. C. DAMQN. XT term of th TIE first to-da- poa. uxrr fl, 33t. an C Th orv for th ya-tw- l7i. to-da- a large force inonln to separate Pm-si- m Germany from the Northern Confederation. He hoped to- - win (he first general battle and cause a alliance of- Austria - and Italy wfch Fraeoe. iu iaipoalng ou Davaila, Baden and Wurtem-berThe defects la the French military eyetem, and delay la bringing up men aad asaterial defeated this plaa. Ha Cm fiirUalttes uaeooatered. neu-tratii- y g. a ry ( m-- SWEET MILK, SOUR MILK rrllav, ti j I j I I a eiV. tlarsya nn miH MAh KPT CN j fouu.t ih ihoiccet vrt'tle f)p. xt'H-vcri I lU.ii ALWAYS cf HE h,t'.- , .. . , urevt. It a oti glvn tuition fee In b" t w.lt t ehoo In wrrbest th-- lr very-eff.w- log lh, n e.-he- r can be monthly. In !irxtee, I be tnaO to make this the I h TtTtt-rv- . j t- 1 oT ihMIrg eonvtctlon that nch h-t- n it n shonM be left xrholly with (nta auJ th bath RrhooL 30-- tf W. C. D VWOV, I rlCflpal. It I j Alt I M1 wtfr,r VT f vi'a ,tnt ,. i,.l t .i.i w4 have open I), FTC Ih .. ... consent. Th nwtitM will h tt'M bv Mmit' l II ,w. All eron rtnr-N-m- ef t th knowing bi call at tha ol-- stand ally r-- qn-aad tasko tmme-Uatvarment. KWCFL Ttotrr, - ' M.T. BDROV. , not tf Mmrembev 1. 1ST'. Oertna. hn-tn- them-lrf,tn4bt- e. of the firm el, l M ILL HRDS - Nb or mad a epfcishy at tko Oflli axowla pntmw. IJ-aiE- I I FAD Riromra ouSlf lit. . 1840. ' Tram or Iron Doom, Wrought Troa WAKtTa, j Flre-pro- rf BinJc Vaults, Oirderu; ssteel-Lne- d A wirings. Orating, Iron Fence, Stairs, Balconies, Prison 417 k Ceils, Eto. 419 s Barbel Sfrecr keltw ririit, SAX FKAMCISCO-..-..- , Moiicftomma of TutbiU's PotmtrMb. - ' table WbMibetwwa ,,,34-3- . J --4 : f will pominud ti MlfVllV. ii received an-- t rea-m- ia h)i Three Ufa i ty mail or reiiirua iiiada tha de. oHT- -r 11 iiptm, nlfnhlc to erect hopi or dwrlllnTi on term enuy -- Afiplyto D. KOU .1 TIiv, (,o v.r' Ir . Front Street, 1 1 1, f 1 1 H wb ...orl- to.i.e(.. nf w t,li v: ih a rn pl i, g yi,v ),. i o'ip ic pr rt buy, ir, and thru pica , hi-i- h- -, I fnl ifinrlrd Fltlfd RerslfhL Cr fti;i ' 1 i ,at io ti wl,..t loutiatt jii my , o m , ,ga-i- School. Dancing d f A . o. It a tvtc ltn ofr.N a mv.iMi 'w7'it.t. v r in rpra 1"r lf - ber 3 1,'a i TI V' lcM t lif r. k r a d.aic v -- n he I'UBJ-- r ,iit M I OR DDY, tJ. Pn-Q-nr- TABLES. Agent SPRING BF.DS. MATTRESSES Ci.rir.n, - - - hound loc . U rFRrH Pit pi (.of il ?I!i. -- . r-t-emle Quick VPAR OP TUTS .' omr RKV T V. t. Jtv senior 8E KUIlKU trom ' ta t.tv and nmi Mat er-wln- ltvc t itrottu. SALE HOOMR; -' -- Prmt na, cm r !n, Pr mtrni'y field Coin, Tl.k'ta 2 si .10,000 Paon smn rtng jrisia awstd d to ti toket If) 10 htldijS Tlda etiterprla- - is g"tteu up tn H NLVADA SCHOOL lHSTHU- mimu: nnj. j. t camxvwj. A. B' i- CORINNE. UTAH. O. vov It reC.ri.u rt,,. ; OobY. - Cn Tfcamrer, J. . f -- l f2tl!' Mt-i- 'lV ch! rtnrjt, P"!t 'tRi Van Ifirr a tl h ! t': ''f ' Lavca-tu- H. noMni -- . orpnv-loi- - ,jPlppV.t,i 1 ctInl. J - THY C.LUi)i:Nlv Pet t tfltce I ,M8',f fiin (JwW field r ln I Prrni field Coin ftn, I Pretnhiais field o'n 1 Prtn'sm, field fold 1 Prendnm. field eln i MtUaiiivWtr(M,(, (Two door.f shove -k : Cold Con m, NEVADA m Baskins ntv. cuV 1- fnc. l as eliciiit as itny house In Utah. . Prvntum, a l fon Pr tnltm, C.d Cmn Pr mtani, BEDSPREADS. T0 11 AWARDED DEC. 27, I 1 Prta-iiim- , Hrpairlfg alwsys promptly t mu nn', ft 1 PARTIAL LIST OP n!I7.r 1 fit tty tlatiA SUE BRACKKTS.X MIRRORS, COMFORTS, DLT, ft, D.. (tcrt'.r fri--e i Cnpltol Preiiihiin SIW ; PILLOW. LIKE CITY, UTAH, soiree-- bera of th" mb Itausa, for t.rui of twelve GRAND ENTERPRISE what-nots- XMlRtxKi. r ay. . $85,000. SOFAF, ' Grammar School, ft.' S, Tt ile, Paert.eMa, Zng-r- l, t Rcliorl b Tuea 'ey. and Frl ii:skh T. .MARKS KALT Dj'-Cf- EFR!OKRATORS, P, RTU., r " n CRIBS, LOUXGES, J.I M. I.ANGSDORF, f-- 1 rk-ti-- . WASIISTAXDS, One ot MiiHIh Umerirmi Orsrmt The Ihm ft n p t lie Factory! froiii Dlreef nlfnhlcfor rhfirch use.. .Apply ut this ' our. Ofllcev J U,f in.. n,n ? ,,PPJr the Immigration General Town Rlt Agvnt, aaXVtf OMAHA. SALK pood rlty .Lots His bndnp.g rriilrc, in k.bt v( r in nr: ts km . r Pntf Prd vn I'ee, vl,w 0a rnn,,nty rcclitng opening out c f.ai lit-1 luil.bHkuf Q vt p.tu nut 1i, c mruituie, u.h , Ou !L n t t V. che f 'i,,v ' UCD.VI CADS, Ooi'l'td". Vrri-'r-a'Vl ri-. tit 0't'r,ri'et V Pot CllAlliS, l I! aiM(eVtk- J HOUSES L vm. fIK.r. P, t I'n-li- f funrap a tllln piurun in-- i inint ftal nur alv to ageu on tl.c gtouud, or 'll dJrti an Offlee at tb. ebnv am tmw prepaitalto do ail kiname) i of Or raiiit-b- .1, vp tlio itoa, ftKnonfu-ft- ! 1 niiMitly e.ay-tug dav. Ti riua CALVIN NUTTING & SON. -- nt t1a.-e- . d Pioneer Iron TXTorks, ESTABLISHED ro.xARTSKI:sHIP HEnEToraTRE rjpHE ltirg nnHrr th asm ul tile rf t tht Aif it1ovet by BinmJ flaw t Itur- - LlieV. SALT LAKE CITY. etrClflVr. lr.-- KITCIIEX SAFES, Sirct, ib. Dfssolniion Notice BUSINESS CALIFORNIA ASSAY OFFICE, IIA7IS, I) . P- -' mil teo-- t l i n xp rlere.d Tltr frm lh-it- U.U.U.V, pal-- l r,nen. nrnl rhilde, n fr tit abroad an le ba ae r - fe to will taken pair, I I t resiiuabla rto. Patronage rtp,:ifuiiy t tnviatf EtnntltT k ELLIS. t- Wmon Ironr.TTcrA - V. xe- TjOSO T.IV o (.rlnii,-- . Which rt h,.t,,.-i.ro- , i,i ,r,- - u"h .heap, ana gr ' vMiith bu.ii, . Wl ,,on,, Tl,e for'em,M s. , haul and delivered in th cltv r r-- " FUKF1TUEE. fi It - W Will! FRS, tirpni-niPti'- BUREAUS. BUTTER, Etc., n-a- r, IitrrnieUtte Departmeul.... I'1 J'.TTh - BUTTEIl MILK, April 14. O- m t MILK! MILK! MILK!! SCHiif??, U.l'AOAS. I AI.L THE TOWN ItlruMUj ee7-J- t. d I LALJES. Usan f'1 of th r 1. LK--r- ITS! TO, A few term will t Into thr ,ttrtmeut. wtih th fol-- I organ''! towifig rate of tutHnn p, r month t Prlma-- y Dcprrtneni. 93 00 . r Pr,pru-t,i- in: imra. DELAINES WolNifc PLAID UTSIXESS AM) UKMDKXT I.0TS I rnn?ln? ti pi m BCL! lSK SAW MILL cl f om 8.5 lo $50 dire COM?.XE. UTAH. from llic Fitclory. evrr on han,t Irnmbffr, Lh na ncd. Apply at (his Of-- Alw.y.mngh Shingle, or ilnftej fmnUhml (he h.we.t flC. Price. 1 on Mlby J,,. w- ,- ka, of rhlrteea g a trt, 34th vctton trfn rifla 1h SEtX! TER'l wilt open niRkl-- Ph a Tear. rk II XI. - ,:id Cftllll i I SILKS J'ATTNe. price. j CITY KUM1F, nrcbll-i-M- a Dap 1 TiPt limy l x..n h i lit b lip it.int.i in i. PEPUITJIKST leg pm pn !. ni ,..r mi , rli t LOT h Ml. HI NOES. e,r PATKO.IZKIIOUKI.I)U iTI? VI te-- first etm will Tb J " filbb'g Lftter Alai ' F.XIIKl.s-- J Kep7 Constantly on Hftnd. Family SmvIiis: MaclitnoIlll tllO lllllirovrd nf- J' piilmfr K 1IIU 1 -r. 1 O i iMly IHNF, Cropr. MONDAY, OCTOBF.lt 10, INTO, In th new brick church, the flnet hall in th ettv, sort nowhelttg fl l up fethl ct tmr. teammar Department,,.,...,,.. ... ... 4 CO In ,ne Higher Oepertmenl wrtH b of Dm with t the-petept teacher Ic op In MUtO atAOH. PGSTIVOwill nature. Toors November 3. The Figaro y publishes a version of Napoleon's pamphlet on the campaign of 1870. and the causes which led to th capitulation at 8edan. , The Emperor recalled to mind, his manifesto leaned jat after tie declaration of war and the ml lior with wbieh be listened to the cry of On to- - Berlin. He says hi plan wa to maea a hundred and fifty thousand men at Hets, a hundred thousand at Stratbnrg and fifty tbouaand at Cbnloce, and evoee Ihw BblQe near Ilasenau with a I 'Jrahasj Dread, new school wfil com mence ou Versailles, November 3. - Th term proponed yesterday by Thler, and acy by Bitnarck, are: Tbs cepted latter offers to the Freucb an armistice of twenty-fiv- e days to allow general election to be held throughout France ; the tnlstioe to be based on (be military tatae in quo existing on the day of sig- j I REV. TUB Wilrox polntnicnt aeoker here, tut i well received by C'nsrrva.ive men, both Gentile and Mor- - T0W.V L. otit.inrd . tmth I ute lit Coiinne, ion . Iimi tvi1 . In patll of Strrti, ru VEI,V,TS. UNIOft BAKERY, Montana m , ) FOB SALF. di-i- p. pXeporWd by Waatern Union Telegraph llro. l COMPANY Hppfttf mr.b, t orfp- -, and ap f Inal i arant. rd rt'i-pi- .. c p loo'. jHCfU I aud wfd nn IltmI. KSt.tf J MIH I KT It. r TELEGRAPH. A. RAILROAD UTEItS t Tin. ('ortnno. A rmT 1 j t (Op-oiJ- Fnmdi nud b'flh ' factory, Srot. Kuhn A YD.It .lont;iii:i Streef, si nd Shoo Bool Mit n u Vu. 0, th ltb. BOOTS, SHOES alwxy on band lop pile nr .MfiKb- - pnld f. pdlna erll i hlr. Pb'nfv of Or, Jn, IImv, nnd Corral room for r of Ki ".tf li It 3. e, P!tlic I .il brldlf flnpt UNION PACIFIC WboIcHttc and Retail DcnUr roan kaut or Metbo rOLIfAH ItOTRI.. V of all kitidu bon, ht uid !). Iror-l Srn.T, S anPCMwini JACOB STRAUSS, SALE STAltl.ES, ei covrt K.-tai- 1 0KNIBUSE3-T- ) nto.u t.nd FiAh', CIGARS and GL ASSWARP.. jf AHf e Nurembf-- ron vreo. d-- h T. n penso In the way of trial. Only think, a man attempts to- pry open your window shutter, nn explosion t-- 1 Xji-V-mrY- onu-fomt- ti FREE STREET. COEINNE. WI.NKS, f t!i Ifst hruhilv) ti-nio- hbi - and 4iU f i ro " ait- Vj, ,1 K and Fifih Hm SACRAMENTO AND (Rtepn v ISMS.-- I' ItOCHIi MQi:OHS, C3- - lnpt oi'enM H. h'nt H n I' tv nn r ot furor, b e a irh p. ith a t.r hi k f pver gm all nw end f the Uf.t p tt-- ri a aldeti lip ft r. t .no 'U.r lnr prt pp fortn.li, It. tmnnlH'r tlio Itil.rnal ntbla plre. ,Moi t in p'ri-pi- , , y p no. X-TA- S (orlnue, itab, f 1 Uhnl. Ci, sU COJtINNK, LTkU. VICTOR C0RDELLA, MEYER M. a Fonicr of (' riio.r, .''ab. M'l et, .ON. rni-era- -11 n min U LOUIS RECCELS M. BAR It AIT. O ! -- , Addr.a i , j- .AT av-t- IIOfJi2. to !rri -, PACIFIC HOT! K. TRUMIIO. M"iitsti ant ai!Jet fill- -. I n J Just Htccived tir tdira a tci.cil and promjaly and eircfuJb extra parked lolnuure a etjr anl WrlyUt, No rha-- B fvp pa'k.'w no rb.ri;e for dc.IV er.iur pin) a in tli city or t lliu la if a. m-- ,t I I- J. an.tf Etc. GOODS, m I Ik-.- MxrrcTcaih I Hia J iVo. 144 STF EET. Between oth nnd Oth, SACHAS OT CRT OOl'D , i tc , i licjki fh an 1 to not t- - im tul coaiM H rm-tan- lt hr tORblct, 'ail,1 Tubs rr.s. rure, si, It csh. ('onia vur, Etc., EIc.,t - we-rw- k t' YVILLOir TtrtES, Rroonis 8FLT.1 AI.r. KIND Orrs-tri-a- , It S , AKNW nn 4rA- - xr A II of bi WATS ! PEOPLE, NTil.I TR0IB9. QUEERS WARE. I t: Wnabbonrtit, Mutches l.lq non), C I H A A V r l v XJirOIlTER AND JOI'jIa, WOOD AND AX- P- mu first 1 t; j0 ,J.F. HAXimssjj I THINK FOR YOURSELVES. GROOLRB ES JX OAS OVI Vlneg, -- 1 O, VK STAPLE AND FANCY 33ciia2s.oxrs, 11 Garden erds snl cfnpr!t f IVos. 8 run! 10 J fr BRUSHES, OF t niici Dfltc California I . a v I Brigham Discounted! OUTFITTIXtl DEPOT rul I BUSTED OlKH ITIlt.Y CO I. -- I 1 I DCvft 'TI BARRATTS rr k Also on land avers Tall IX Oicrn say last. I f Injp B- - w. of it imests era anUcIpnb d and cheerfully enrolled. The Aiuerttwn Kxclianur Coach, with Rad Lights, wl I be at the barve and depou to convey )sta-nirto the IIjIcI, , TIMOTHY free. 8AMKVT, tf Proprleb r. Governor ShafTer policy, we tiover HUSSEY, DAHLEIt & CO., willing to receive and earnestly con M. !S. I tlio klighteat difrercnco ofjcr any proposition front Franco which Mucccfaoe.tjtV'ison A Morton), detire for opinion expressed, though wo did ecru to curry itli it OH hear tdight criticism on one or two Pnce. The Figaro this evening will pub 0 3 H of hi nets of "tho principle none hUa version of Nipoleons pawpblvt n 1 whatever. Governor Bhaflbr' poll-- 1 the Freuch campaign of 1870. UTAH CniX.. HW New 3 Tho ALL OUR WORK GUAKAN TEED. Ncujler '"r,' cy, a It appeared to u. was summed I contain All ordera fi nn the con lr p otnp lya I tided up thu: runlsh all crlmcH by Yrk Timwi of tn.mofrow will tor in no rite Si in , I - to, mikI Ur. w.th an cf intertiew ita)rtmiVAitteii by iuputt whomsoever committed; discourage r,l,r, im iMattiiunetSwi m4 nh.n f'e t,r u". Hurgeondn.Cbii f of tie AuglAutwict. aiod. lutliciarv fustnln the dMoya'ty; w riouhBrtK or K'71 f Bntl proUet nit iMtiidleUuch ,ailltn,,Mtein ...u ik- Cmrio t e Arm. P;UM-II. II. SimPIlElID, Mornmnl.m an, I minor matter. ' troTlw SOLD DUST.- pofyganiy take care of tl.cm.elre.. I Ilraaw whole parks of artillery binll lit SffJV IN!) f!()TK ColN. AND IF there were ten GciiIUcm in Utah j IllAJLIf; frmn the field nf Sedan wllio thelmtile EXCHANGE o eonaorvtttlvn to op,me thi , , there wa n ,nu,u. bt,nim r, GlazUr, Faptr-hanrElc.; IIOCGXIT AND SOLDplatform wo never hoard of them. h conduct of the French army In conclusion, ona Wok with the Mornmtr ln earlier b.tU., h deeclhen and I'cntness dispatch. CoJJcctiona will receive ptinapt atteuUon. he ,,r , JVA.-f LaTr'Y" paiHTtt nml ancakerft; If you really one, uni at.tea that i ,. t a..u o gun r , w ,1 rei tro aitcii'ioa. ft, tby like the new Governor; for heaven i coufi ience in tneir general nud XLAXLXIOAX Mke rlon for the moment that tliia, crunhiiied will) want cl (iEOHGE I.. HOLT, you begin to prniao him Home forty, spread doaoralizition umong them, CLOTHING three millions of people In America France, h camddei, ha no General ca nmuAtis r.e;i Aand Whatcaalo Will begin to aspect him. ' Tho pable ef coueaanding ever 20,000 ruen, KOOKS. NEW sfmOKKY, wnrt omen forTTl administration He ataba, from thu v. ry ouUct, the c IIATs. CAPS rLOTHINO, FURNISH-INWALL PAPER, is that Brighams organ have in- mlHHiriat was inadi ipintt-- . At GOOD- TRUNKS, nw French troop hkiuning Sedan 'li dorsed it In advance. POCKET CUTLKlir, ETC. VALISES, horse "and eating the raw fl d. TL AVI) 1 say first I . all the wttit Mb - Whoesale drain ;s Utah Redeemed! v. J 'a Cr Cat i foist iti an, im:. Fruits of Ercry are AXI) I Though tha tii.-n- t I KOTt.'J I Alpha, and Omsga! 'I ' MJC(, awry deacrtjti4mof)ri, ftywsRiyavfflttf'fi ss : am 1 X ""1 - DRIED In?an Carden, Fletrtr tn4 icfnnt,E XJtii.1 .. Coi'iiino. . FVuIt a'MlN1(ul((, 1 CTennr And , , N Wtiolr.., j FRUITS, rrnsr- cl ss jio tel, Tr t California and Corner .llontnim am! 6th St Port t--f 1 c UlfJTAH HOUSE, cei CU OREtn, - fur! K.-- ciiu, 30 J Street, 'san,. AND JTO AVljlltti jroh A. 4 anocEH-f- TJomIon nnd tbClty, AcaaMtvTg, Wholesale end Retail v . 4 si MoniacaStrcct, UTAH COUtNNK; - P'thoOmnAL MWBI.LAVKOrs' 1 f 1 khii s. i:m no- - &'' S, (UhlMirOA AriMMiOr ili'iiJr .!lliTllimiT.l, - A.m' mk i U OlUVNN. T H , f. r y(i.nr II. C. !.UVII 1 L'ou ti -- -- P'OEnns V. -- SuO.lO-- ANSUALLV. n.ouscoTT.u-iA,.- i. A.mnt l Ton W UORK OP K.VKIiV promptly uid odoe.' ctp: pnttll Jf'!.(- ,, ng. -' |