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Show tf I V .1 I'1 V - - M h Reported Tri-Wttk- ly. IIlToR'Y MOUNINO. JAN. K.S.ilt Lake Ditisimi. . U. r 13. no autb irizo 1. traveling agent t.H hUpV'"-- r i n S:t J. Jtj,le auiuvl vr Ladies, Attention Provision for The Ladies Social will be held at Mr. the Ladies Social will be received by the David Short's building, lately occupied Committee at Mr. Short's building. Thursby Kennedy & Thomas, on Thursday day afternoon at 3 oclock; Jan. 13th evening, Jan. 13th. ''Gentlemen holding V-. . January 3, 1SJ0. a r arc emlitiUj innk-that the report of the taatSpjke, driven n the I n Certain It. It, wiv a carrot, -- 1 : NorTiiuE.-'Sfj f, t , W r - OJ J a UckHHftt .reiijhlon ,v Munro s store. Olt rOPILtlt SOvt.S. p fr The lu st ftKsortmeutof yen lfn matter tallowing unique, none can be i.nnd at KlliolV, and WVll h iv to if crpie.-- 3E6.GpOZ"t a A p 8 VO aus. : STBcns." MlliTAf 1IOHM W BL ,.30Mc II of activity in II STAGE LBNE. every branee. Theogh we conld not expect e heiiday rush like assay of the older been good with s eupply equal to the demand. Merchanta have for with the peat and oonadeoce In the fntare. The Junction flurry hae snbeided, and afretlof of permanency and succeeds it, qntu in keeping with the .........fa4 M ni largercitiea, the trade hae on gal...... 13 A, U. , m I J C-- . ) - A pacific; ti ."f ; t-- ., : , Rail Reu:e to Califcmla All it sad 'he I ; , a v t t Is bow completed sad running dally paaaeagtr traina, forming In connection with , tha antral PaciAc Rah road an r .1 t y V1LLG: QCUTfi 'PLATTE A -- ! I GREAT T1IK ens G-n- hi ft . year, B0t fsvonbie state of eChirs (U4 U ,epOTt la commercial circles. The week has keen one I ( '. lb vra OcMm Bclc With the doee of 00 14 - r-- Jtm. I. 1870. OJ, Carimme,the tr.week we are end .....sjqo COA Us UNION IDAHO AUD OilEGOtl I cANnuia. eeasnnabln Mur s : A H u, Mortgage the Form. win he sold at noo-tia- lf Song I vpf Ue former price. ... 1 n 30 a. x. j soap. f Lu Words byC. E. Fuhiu-s- j xionvtl k Rumaey'e p !h. J ( ' to .....03 ' Al. Kilims dlaiblo k. Mn-i- c by C. T. Lockwood. Price. I cin WiHT. p.M-j t rout Store, corner of 4 h and Montana I &V matvhes!. ...... ..7 15 p, m. streets for V(f r f 75 cents. A song for the times, designed Winter occasion. Wo very notifiable tt your d2 Clothing 1 txri i a. .Jl Telegraph V bo ,.i J 40 p. 2 ; have taken Domeeiie do more place during the week. , We 11f.e for the Itansohoff A Cr deliver Goods in the concert room, but especially aa fol owe SODA. quote and at I run 1 hursdayaa only. the depot free of charge. city atunta oa!y. 4VV I eoceeeeafteeeeeaeeweew jpf 1 of four singers, in the parlor or social cir- - j Knp't JK. CAMiEl-UDlFnotm IttE teast at powdkus. Oreen p a. .t Creighton Mnnroa. tf JUHS C UMNO. l AmIOwI Snp'L ' Dried He. It rebukes the. senseless extrava- a.... Ts enlk Uerrl ' A. H.TOWNE, Sapt. I DRIED FKU IT. Cool BcsiNEHH.Mr. Huam House is gHUCd of , the young BUtTEB. 30o people of the day, I Currents a notice 1 in an lb' toe immense subjoined laying of who about Ioe, .4Me KETH.Uy 1 a ii. supply k seemingly care little awhere the money I DilCIBflTltl e e neee en e eee' e eeee e ev ItAOON. reduce tons l(k) cduuhlerable a are per, day :'.rU 'eu that Wing packed now. comes from, or who earns it, so long as can ravrr. States W a. 37e Freas ,bmI niter JOE 11) (be under ! re- - Hiram, knows .what hes alout f There they can spend iL. rTlxe song nosy be ac I wfhArtTean , lu be.n made in Railroad fares ? signed will ran be plenty of demand for it next sum- compenied with tableaux la A .jtbUween Corinne, Ogden and the will Tomatoo...'!i....I.!r.l!!r.II!I.,....II representing shoes. them- - mer. Mr. Vaughn also is preparing for u'ot I I Bw.-viii....:.'- ::. : tory, if xartka will avail ers. it. diirDt bu I;:: liihogr.pb offered to bay putting op about 300 tons. Corinne will litl. pace represeutlDK rsrioas n .eH of the opportunity .ri.; STW case phsses of S j.... J M I Mineta, nailed.............. the war the money goes, and also where i Blackberries... 6Ad7S 00 kt.in before catering the cars.. Any of evidently be headquarters for ice as well . .. beams. L t 73 a 84 00 I W tb and wli it comes from, together with a I eaaeeeeoeeeee citizoot hating business involving as other supplies next summer. . rreach ceif, tap sole...' 708T0 California white and plnE ' I i a. Buffalo rur lined, boots le Kan 84 00 tableau picture representing the DAILY LINE OF COACHES Jirable Railroad travel will do well grapdl Ladles calf, heavy douple sole, W doa. Itki824 00 ' All tho leading Eastern and Western I I sheriff about to attach the property, when V to.; do finaaewed shoes, p dot...... 24834 00 ibnotve the following f daily and weekly newspapers at Elliotts ' ' the young folks determine to change their notice i corT at half price. o Corate between I Ticket ...48a dreader the Go to T. Olliers for fine cigars, mode of life, and never to mortgage the v down.... y zoos. ne and Promontory will be car. $2 00 at ! ! ! i farm. or . wholesale, only. '. . . . . .ale 'ifjoM. 1 2o ordiaar. nne and Ulue Creek. . the farewelL Chinamans 1 00 . ....., 38e cheese. 8ong andCho- suteafi .... Tf yon want durable Furniture,' go to one and Uonoevtlls ! VIL u 1 75 Foo. cts. 30 W. la as This run, J. "ho a workman ami Price, and by Lesher, Cbing Ogdeu ruin ut np his work in a substantial manner, ' song, which is dedicated, to , Sing Loo. SioSu Jb n f! . . . . ! . . ! . ! IVf. . Te candles. rosovcTons bates oold. To and from the C. P. R. R de2-t- f abovtf j: office. Post the MTI Istarperbes.. 3 00 wife of Chang, the Chinese giant,' isdes-, brooms. .1 ' inne to Promontory . cbeam tartar. 2 00 . New stock of California winter fruit tined to become the of the day. 'Ecl,j iiuu6 to JJluc Crwjk v e m song 1 50 . . . uue to UonnexillOi ..... ... ; I Jast received at Elliott's, of the best qnal-it- Already the boys are whistling it, and we si piece 3a50 2 f ' riuno to OgdeU BAILS. wholesale at and retail.' for see can how dont 78 lb..... they J help doing so, l a niece.... ir order of the Company, . ..lie Slil 35 i 5DlJtt.rV m ; i4c James Campbell, the melody is so sweet and tuneful that it Crushed Sugar at Kansohoff A Co. 1 tb ........ Witr .is Division. Lake almost goes alone. The .uinstrels sing it, SupL Salt CASED OOODR. Clkabed vr. The almost impenetrabi the orchestras of the theatres play it, and PlanUUon Bittere p ceae... 60 .........$10y 00 Corluno Dlrec ory sort of a congealed fog that has obscured Ching Foo, its writer, is on the high road Tiiitoi'oir ItedJscket ", 32 80 Angoeiurs the sun, moon, and stars for tb6 last week to popularity because of Ik The name " i... Boker i ...... 1600 ,yp. B. B. HALT LAKE DI VISION. Bourbou VfhUkey CociUll... in a very modest snow TOO culminated or two, underbe . Tinniminniwiukama, may corinne ornut Cocktail.. 8 00 Brandy D. J. Utyfroi Prop. storm, Tnesday eveniog, which in turn stood to mean Flower of Beauty, and Old Tciu Oln, Bne oo Prank O. Unsh, agent common TOO in modest effect a had the and ticket agent OGDEN, UTAII. cleansing very is the name of the heroine of the song. P.iinter.'ojierator.' 8 (K) IdirCt N WstHou, baggage agent. . CaUwbEWinP, MUnouri YintftK 1000 atmosphere. Everything was clear as a Making Love while on the Ice. Song nil.MKU AND SACilsnDRt's' " lell last night, aud is likely to continue so nd Cborn ' Word, and Mn.Io bj Pr.nk I can ravrr. lines, carryiigduc U. 8. for a long time. iiiium stag IDAHO TEUIUTOHY Howard. Price, 30 cts. A song for the 8 00 rrichfi V caac , a and Wcllrt, Fargo A Co. a express , OO j Piut IIENRV 0 Appld JaEIWES, milllMIIMMimMtHIII u-New goods afc Elliotts. New periodi- season, as, tbetitle indicates.' If, you daily for Virginia Cly, Montunu,. T 00 MiiMiiMiMMiiMMetiiei In Dealer this wish advico for I mUniKdiaUi rotutaat 5 r. u. ; every HtnwbtrriM &0 V interesting upon good Elliott's. at books New cals Elliott's. at Cranberries Dwmonti 60 Tor .$7 will and City, Helens., diy you j juijbect send for this song lilfiCkbfrriOfl Y 00 Qrocei Xiiquors, tssseesseseseeee ukhiot aud Deer Lodge ; Tim Heuder-- u, All the latest publications at Elliotts, at Mothers waiting for her chilget ik COAL. -, Wboleaale and Retail. reduced prices. agout. Ottice near It. It, depot Words by E. and Chorus. Bitter.Creek P ton....... dren. ..$18 88 Song - WKSTE1IN INION TKI.EllUACU TOBACCO. AND CIGARS Morrell A IUmsaya Premium Soaps at E. Rcxford. Music Dnvris. by James R. Murray, 4th atrnek corner of klentana, Corinne. yitiug Ofllce corner Montana niul Creighton & Muqro'a. Satisfaction guar- author of I'Aloca Soc. V lb.,.., $181 Gone AND Deane," "Daisy Babys 8tf th SN. . auRlMf anteed. 1 So Alum R tb What Shall I Ask for Thee," Arrow Root am to KDvrd Conway, manager. 'Mo Balaam Oopat vs Fresh Oyster find Lemon etc,Sleep," I 35 F. Brown, chief opnitor, of 35 is cts. This the I,..,..,,.., gem Price, 111 car b UoJi 22o Jl-t- f CDff.,,,,,,.,,. Y. f. (llascnU, cashier and receiver. at Goldbergs, Montana streat Borax refined 60 o love as mother So Mother CIlHONld songs. long DISEASES. !l O Pratt, 1 H. Wild, Frank Knight, Camphor Otim. iso Oat Meal at Creighton A MunroV 18tf endures so long will mother songs be Cream 7 artar. prim. ................ ....... 66o in Kuuier nl I. Koarny, oiwrators. . SOo White Olue, beat lovo ! Who can fathom htitnrt, tattery man ulid repairer. common .... ............ ............ 85o SriKK, It in stated upon qnea-- t snug. Mothers Thvt nine, ' ? It comes to ns c ist,SNE rosT orricK, T 6o Gum Arabic ............................... , lovable nulbyrity that a large amount of it ? What will outlast It " heat . 128 KA8TKKN ihana St,, between Fifth and Sixth ; PART OK our life which the even fiom other intoj Oum Tragacanth riake from the faithcollected ISO had been money Gum Opium ,14 00 loved ones go, and tel.s tis, ns docs this 'rje L HolOPoat Master. . 4 60 MuU airte from the east 'and kouth ful. throughout Zion, previous to tho comlowder Iphac . ,i, . IodldeiPoraaaium , 8 60 ono eyed railroad, for beautiful song, that i j. m ; from the west, 0 10 a. in.; petition of the 128 Quifikailvrr Mother's mothers waltloK, M.. waiting, ui th north. 8 5l) if. in. made the purpose of getting n gold spike 376 Quiulne p ouuoe WaUInu for her chll Iren on the M ills close for ent and south, 8.30 a. 1 ' as there was DRIED FRUIT. .here, oul I tilled with ; for !e ftest, 3 30- - . lit., for the to drive in the last tie, and Whre rapture, the 1 Lake lt driv. iliat O p ih.. no spike answering description, ....12$l4e Pm!. Anl the trno heart falnta no more.! .TniriPSi i Ih. I l0 Kf 4 efe Ofl C X j rr 5- Ground Cherriea V lb . . UU(j26 en at the e nipMion of the "irrigators" ....2&o klsking daily conned ion with pealed... to recure omitted who All Annexation. ox Su x.One ot the celebrated is EOOS, considerable railroad anxiety P doa.... 60Q65O .ns I'm nas. Miners four simplifying manifisied to kuow what bwaum of the extra copies of the Reporter yesterdry, HAMTOMII PLOVR. bTJtKKT, to f the roj-c- t, Pallferuta p 100 tha nt;one thw. finest known progentleman, who containing tho annexation fund. From a lynx-ve.......,$64 68 Lake 15 bait tins ofllci. we si Apply witnessed tho grand culmination, 4 00 Common p 1 (S' lb ceedings of the miss meeting, and tho golden spike" was really uiemoii.il to Congress, can do so this Uiohc learn that the Nnoilicr CHICAGO, ILLS. Wheat 100 lba GRAIN. ,ihu i that and p ...$2 60 iiti liiinmcnts nHI le given tv made aiul was on iho ground, ta p lb. before in their oiders .3y,c by sending morning was expatiatxe TRAUS COVAD EAiT AAD WFsf, lb., lia'liy lUie eveniug. in I ivt Shorts while Brigbafuby proxy hdi. latGLASS. thiuwoinh-ioi- i the IJVviitneof M 'iitaha Ih J.irnMuly tlm ing upim P box...: V,. ,..$788 00 tuetlo rn in adhering to the hiermd ter i 1, A yooit timo HAMS. .iiiticipntc Tliv'livst qualify of Furuihji several Laininites, 2Se Prime Cauvaaned p lb i K iurc m the market can be found at Ilowe th idles only ktlO'V Uvv tn se- - archy, extinguishing AYv dlStf and appropriating th. ir Geutile brotheis & BurgcSs . $254-210P tea blood. and treasure, lie sort of wiznrd-lik- e LUMBER. If you want cheap Furniture go to J. de2 tf Flooring p foek.... 'i to (iolithcrgs for (lOltlcii slipped the prt cion spike in his eapa-cj-M- W. Lesher, on Montana street. ,,10o 6e fonunon the sulmtiluted uiul llicad ntnt othi r brnwls of TIHC trowsers'poeket to T. 00 i Doora, earli tnmlie.-G(ClirlHtma ..,,..,...$6 i and Home Lock Hoapl'akCuatmu i. Golden drown Cig.tr-00 $847 one in its stead. Tbs magnificent Olliers for your Christmas cndies-- nt - H- f jjojp I d for the 1MO) ta, (eatabliahottled liver. s wholesale Olliy. tlmt developed, itself upon Ut eight eara located iu Chicago, aud celebrat- , au P ,w WW 8wc ed thronuhout le conntrjr iu the auooeaaful I selectid time was tho itivoeati-'mA full assortment cf ensed and canned treatment of PRIVATE DIHEABES, can be con- Uquous. Xvw Good! Good (iood!2 I $330 00 fldentlaUy conaulled nt hie office and parlora, WUlakejr p gal Goods at Ransohoff & Co. i nt Goods 1 !! , L. Tili- - for this, brilliant achievemouk Sant 00 and U3 Itandolph Street, corner of Dearborn I Brwudr... Dl ,.316 corner of Mu;Uns tiud Fifth sts, . CaO to r. OllierHj Iwc largest houne J utal ils !U.t or by letter fDcloitwf tkmp Oln, IlolUnd... Cbtco, mi r. c K ing a .400 stock of Wines, Portwlue, imported... 5H03, dlltf I for returnI1L auawvr. Pont Office, Drawer in town, for your clothing. 4 "York State" Dried, Ajmles, at . harry uti.l (u'-irsChicago, from the cask 'Also uol8-t- f I MILL . ;, PEED. Clnwie, lralt Lhm la. hr in h rt CtUfiruit Wines, f ?lilrnirn Floorlnir nvicl Film jrrmria, Goto M and DienuM, and aU dUoniert tf cn- - Bran and Short, mixed, p ton ...,$40U0 ni ha the largest stock in i.hinu lumber just received at Howe at yon want something nice. resereof Croc(r, which Uecureawi-hTiODli! Forty mllca we4 of Proa on lory. xiATCUEs. 1 ar. of uae alotf Iodide of tf tha out BlirgOHH. poUMi. mercury. atom caae ln the city at wlioleale, only. ' p laoo. but with hia N ectbauzes. T1frph. ' -, latest The -Ub- --MrrnorouTAH Hotel. Tiuvs (Uxml Brins Powrns its ry in,., bu I SaSSflfiSSt Beyond, the Mississippi. ou book .Vocta two nail. moiand immai I'miuiont, brought hy j 1x1 Tho Vt sTd Xeics says, the 2(KX) edition of . this world renowned by been a little dull for the past day or , les of I'acitlo Haiiroads, connected with the late Albert D. Richardson, i now ont S m tb. bouu Tb. foiiowind Wrt miles more in the east and west, and for sale by O. II. Elliott,1 sole agent how..cr w.r. Rl..nUron tb. M.tropol. j 535S&'aSlS5. " """U I"": ! I U I T 75 ieWni. J 13a : rad and j of treated E. train other hie "tolerable good feeders, to the for Utah. , ay mptoma, itan register I. Bustich, city; I'l'bis is the shcitit and 'vost direct mute y., I time an eared infaihble j avlng method, by ally oil. uJU eye central, W. I, j imd expenae. Alt diaoaaca I to the 8. Romanzo P. Moel, which Is now up-'r-- U Kingman, to aexual Ooal p eau of I gal...... peculiar the $8 08 nntlg Marshall do. ; J. w. Puck, Sacramento; organ radically and permanently AH tint latest My! I Linaoed cuml. 35 3 of IK) miles long, till some, more is Furnish-inP gal and I Old dleeaeee of the moat horrible claaa, where . patterns of Winter ClothingFrout 350 pgal nit. W Marble Clothing the at D. A. Johns, do; Edwin Bean, Chicago, I the blood hae become poisoned.- producing I xjum Goods Neat foot p gat,. ybonld , rnther think they ,....,....,...,368 V sts, Job. T. It onhl.' Palace, corner of 4th aud Montana , Morphy. MonUo. i O.o. W. d2-t- f weamert p can.. & $1 n Ad. Kuhn Bra, Proprietors. umfuii . i Morrii, T. FCope, do. , ,, wn Til AN SPOETATION. I I j Deleter j tj, lb t Aon., e f ChiiMgo, com. . choke IUo not true, Nrt carrots writ? used in the . Wc el pst ruction of the one arc imLbtrd to Messrs. Boot A ejeri road, Cady, tho tunsie denlcra nud except in paying the in publisher. r . at 17II0LE0.UE 4 ,ste-iisiv- ixneiNNE- w H ! s CUfnfiw't,:j jjfjjjyf . ... t. iJ3.0IFIO OOAOTI f j t s i r b J, i . - Foul Pays! f ' thaSea. v - k J- r 1. , , , j i 4 Diraet CMunratieMs wad a at , O HUE A H A, I .......... I, b Avaidiag tha daagara af t ,S i Traaclea III Less Than 5 ," 8u Thraugh M V with Chloago and Korthwaatern, Chicago. Reak Island and Pacifla aud Hi. Joseph and Council Bluffs Usllroads, and Mia aourl ltlver Lina )f Packets , to snd from all prioel.-tb pal assteru and era ClUea. 1 i .....,. CHEYENNE, y, A I , . Meat 31arkot. 1 .uA;ri;.1AC.!rt t ies and i , with Btaitaa for Deuv.r. Central City. lUtiWjFr, aad pota la Coloraue anil Nt s' BRYAN -- 4 ii k i tla Stag es; far tha great Sweetwater? Dlatrlet. MUiet ' OGDEN, w th W. 0. R. IL for Halt Lake and Sen Ih era n Utah, ,a CORINNE, with Mtagaa far Helena, Virginia all Oir, point la VTeaUaa. , . ,,!, 1 i;,-o- -- 0IU:.0. Bd-- FIRST CLASS HOTEL! AND KAT1NU HOUSES at convenient point on the line.' Pnllmian Palart, Sleeping A Xm w- Cara accompaux aUtmiue. iug-rco- to Montana, 4 For through rate on Swentwator Minea amt other freight pointa, apply n- C. W. ME -- ever-peacef- Gi Kuji't. C. (I. HAMMOND, Uen'l Hup'l, Omaha. Ticket Agents Omaha. J. liUDD. limt I to-rni- n, r freight Agent, Omaha. ul Flit 1 IDE, Ain't ' i K. IIROWXHON. General mmwm (HMiBR & i d Soi-iiuKK- ,f . tit, STAGE & EXPRESS , V u t - JLJIJTJS, 1 DHr 1 is AT KELTOIN. , I - -t , Brig-'ham- -- Min-hurst . I -- TO oonxnrro,' 1 1 vmomiA oitit, I VI . p-i- r h-- r ... - yXBXJBIJA and 1 SiStfJ5irS i!r.'awffi;5S,,,c: 1 fout nnrjTorj. !" "I"": r - h. rnx CARRYING - -- The Marble If Front Clothing want a good import- you tuce, corner of 4th and Montana streets, ed Bracdy, at $36 per case, go to T, n tho Isrgeat and best selected stock of Olliers. cots Furnishing Goods and Clothiug the 'mountains, We are ioforpied that the 2-- F.arl Crown Cigars .tR.D.oboffACo. I Rx-orENiN- tf on Go to Goldberg9 for Golden sew Uintah House will be Til read Cll eVt'illK Tobacco18-t- fand most favoraFriday morning under the Golden Crow f. . ble auspices by Mr. Cordelia. Since its Lemons Fresh Oysters , to Grocerie.Go for close it has been thoroughly renovated Olliers ,T Goldbergs. ae groceries, in the original packages on- - and supplied with all the necessaries to 1 Coal, weighed and delivered, t in future. forNo. resort au it to make enjoyable $12.00 per ton., at Howe Afc - oiighton A Mcnro havo reduced - , - the t jan4-3- t t.1 tad price of California Flout to $5 A Burgess. per . aMort indred. Let ns harehread. TJ Ollier ha the dl8tf The Pick and Plow, published by Messrs. ment of groceries, liquors, provisions, clI shoes, boots, ears and tobaccos, hats, cAps, Maguire A Wright, at Bozeman City M. wholeat mountains, the in Scale and T., bears no special motto, batintroduces io ?sBHrKe.slay cr ,for wlghing the heaviest sale, clothing, only. itself in a very pleasing manner in every merchandise, sto. a singls weigh -cents, empty return 25 cents. .. Front Marble and bears the impress of ability and Ad. Mon- line, 4th and of corner Palace, head line" to the last luA Of A A Clothing latest enterprise from its bought is the place to tana streets, ;i 00 tb. fourth p,B.. W. h.T. no styles Hats, Caps and Furmahing Goods. ..tur d2-t- f time for an extended review of new pobtications ; they come in too thick of late. very lavish to bestowing its igh Those ladiea(?l Those Indionation. d titles upon all that attended the meetings purand die Ti cf he hit-niof the Um Certain Indiguatioq (Eorimw e CDi several wards the in be holden ported tp The bait, howeve .ouTday. t of the latter end city but which, really, loo tLick for the Gentiles atten-c- e Ju ot the chap exist the in Imagination to swallow-- Intoned titles among what only for the Deseret Aftfk does the lying otists and hypocrites !$ ktr very" wel H. LUI1BES, Proprietor. are said to be very diagasting affairs. The t tht working men; which Includes the idea of Balt Lake ladte8(?) holding IndigFOURTH STREET, cers 6f thf Pacific Itail roads, donl care Cullom the nation to be slobbered over suppress meetings wit, the much ab-?- d COUINNE, UTAH- wid yer blarny ye billl But long go and worn ont title- if Hon., T f blackguard.! Always en band r a variety ot the best Meats, p r., Capt., Col, GenI, Gov., Ac," Eq., tta when fresh Butler, sugar .cured Hama,to Retail custom. Particular attention paid aQy of them' are not entitled to each jfgr s7-t- f o to T. Olliers for refixes and affixes, snnd vroofd care to at $1.75 per gallon wai rantedWltlsUy, nt proof. are their names HUHLDUT BROS., sppear in the same Aew lot of Rmn with the c Wboteeale and Betail just received at Howe A Burgess. d!8tf at lf lbcJ were. Apples, wholesale and retail, oyri too' much bait Its ( 18 r Ik Ik Goldbergs. man, George ! Tom," Dick, and arry so and so wonld catch them J. W. Lusher hasbe largest asuortroent 71 If f y Monfanii Street, quicker and best quality of Furniture ever opened hats what your afler. COIUNNE,.- - - - UTAH. se7-lde2tf in Utah ed Candy, Honey, dali kinds of Tobacco, at Char d25-t- Wars. h ,ad at I 1 Fart I country, by professors of medical college, aud t by the medical profesaion generally. Those affile ted should apply to him, and be cured at , treatise on Spermatorrhea, Syphilta, and other diaeaaee of kia specialty, sent in seated en- r. o. Da. AddT 1 Dr. daa. 1 tausohoff & (Ba., WHOLESALE W 4 Territory. m RAISONS. SODA. eaae..., $6 66 - . f SOO SALT. ISc Bek SOAP. j box..... P.. .1 $9 80 10 68 37 j )& 18c New Orieana Crushed ... Powdered. Belcher a A - Montana Urtei, M. Tlinl Bugar House p Sorgum p gal A Fourth, f p COIUNNE, U. T. ease Imperial p ft Japa aeee p ffi . iwa ft ft. Qunpewder p p HAND. 4. Ordinary grade Good 'Stock, New Conehc $2400 - R 60A20 00 02100 180461 3 T and Quick Time. I RATES OF STAGE FARE (ccaaitscx) AND TIME. Natural Leaf, P ft $1 10gl 30 ................ 100 p ft......... ...... Office M cord.. $808 t P doa.... 5 IP f I I I at , Walker j .WOOD, - JTVoaa ICXDUtS. Bed Lead P ft....:: ....90o , $600 8boi v . .. 18o Greenfield Btsxti p ft, We Intend to make this department of our ltii J Special attention given to orders by a speciality, and shall revise IF from day paper forwarded same day orders are received, I day M important changes occur. Parties out sending orders, ran rely (upon these Wa deliver Goods free of charge In the city of the city correct la the nfsT.' J fijftrrea a tf net being (he aa4t depot ft o . AQEUT, CORINNE. r Or. D. TIBBITlj, PHYSICIAN AND OUROBON, ...70f80o " per gal Preetcn k Merrills We can and do offer better advacUgea-C-Wi to cadi buyers than any other . TaR this valley, Houen la no!8tf 80k2 50 YEAST POWDERS. a TIU. IUW0ERS0H, TOBAOCOES. ' p 60 35 j 1 1 Ftaecut par lb..., . ' ft Bern la Jr AbbotU, on 1 1 SARDINES. TEAS. . - Connect with Passenger Trains both ways ou the U. P. Railroad. $2 00 pgal gal .....4.'. Toung Hyaon URGE STOCK consTAtiTW 1 BTRUP. l a j 21,q Belcher's Golden j Leave Corinne daily for Yirginia City, and on alternate days for Helena ---1 Helaua and Fort Benton. ' ............ .... ............... 33c ..lie lh. ............ ...... . . ..... 33o Extra O. COMMISSIOII L1ERCHAI1 T8 & CO S ....13 PltlUt IdOt 1 FAIKiO .16 box p WELLS, .12 SUGAR. - Faror Furniture . Eldorado on Loon Creek, RICK. Morrell A Rumeey'a per Chemical Erartlre MEAT MARKET , - WJTTT. CaaUle Ji-if- J New lb -7- -; 18 Kuhni ; p Babbits per ) t AND 4c POTATOES. p y bt - P X I ' ' W t Indian Creek to boiee City, M ,.. " u " 0da - BekerCUy, - Caioatown, ' Lagrand, Walla Walla, tTmaUlla, Portland, nwt - $60,.... .3 day . M 3 3 85 8d,,..,.3J. 90 4 90... ...6 100. .. , , .5, JOHN HAILEY, p2-dA- w Ts,jri'tu 11 to. . A McXull's Drag Store, Ogden, U. T, Calls from the country promptly attended ' 0e30-t- f rridlfntal , glfsitaurnnt. C. B, LOREN A CO., Prop t - . I Tho proprietors beg leave , puke the ah- aonoccmest that they have opened their new lie. etaurant, and are prepared to erve a choice Meal In a trmjrplenrran fyK '2Mlu J . sSu L 4 |