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Show tj--i Ui' -- a S I f g tp Frn (he whether they should obey Congress or Brigham .Young, and then eatoe the on from a thofsaml foul throat will stick . fo oar Religion and BrlgLam Young for us, polygamy or death." Ho they talk all over the city, vandvdro the Government of the United State to interfere with them or their institution. Bishop Woolley, la bis discourse in the 13tlf Ward, mocked at the puny force on tbe bill, (Camp Douglas!, and said they" would eud out enough women to demolish that show concern. 'Well, things are gitting hot here, and if tbe polygamy bill p maas, look out for lively, times, , The women areto bold, an .indignation meeting ou Thursday night on the qnctlimrii to whether they will submit to the action of Congress or not. If they derid in tbe negative it will borough on Congress. Anars. ; patriotism and material progress, popu9 j I gfiew. lation and other qualifications end asked Mr. CnRSon's account of the uew mines: for admission. Congees, however, with the on on now THURSDAY HORNING, JAN. 13. is going Prospecting its nsnul obtuse ue, faiiedUo see it preNoitU Fork, and prospects Lists been found. Barrett's District is feu mile cisely' in tfiat light, and on tbe 9th of TIm PAPER OFFICIAL pssr September, 1850, passed an net to organ square. The Recorder's office Is on Dia MAIN STREET the .3 izo.the Territory of Utah, of which Presiof the City, County, Ter-j-6 coveiy. eight miles nud a bulf above 132 line. On December 12lb, dent Fibmore appointed Brigham Young , I ; f rltery, and , the Uuifed lower Claims bad been recorded above and 103 ,j. Governor. In retnrn for lid courtesy AND below discovery. Districts have also been established atove and below Barrett's. ST OF ACCOMMODATIONS Brigbutu nfterwurd preached one of bis nomu-TH- E are three kinds of clsims creek ciino excitebeyt. There and "rip snorting" sermons, iu which he said: bar. Tbs creek claims are 200 gulch i AM ; "Why when that time comes (the earthly an If one half the report are true, feet on the gulch, And on either side to i altitude of nine feet above the water level. i ivt reign of the Saints) the Gentiles will come Montana I certainly tlie Holiest of Then Reasonable come bar claims, and, as we underbr guiogto n to lie onr servant. ' I know Charges 4 on r Territories, not alone In miner-'al- s stand it, tbe gulcb claims are ou the side t da John vim, several in office the jiuf iu men, Nation, high am) metals, but agriculture 'anil gulches. Discovery is up within four who woaM make gmsl Wrvnnts. I 'exof the 'mountains.' it H only Are inanufactaresr ns well. " Montana is miles miles across the range to the St. Joe digof tlid United Stales to pect the Pre-fdefast becoming .self, sustaining, and gings in Idubo, where eight or ten men black tny booli." This wn, lo say, the Malt Lakh Cita Utah, 1, 1. 1S.0. were working last summer. There wns UOT, Alabama, promises noon to leave all her unkind of same the least, At .Brigham. t 10th. no snow on at December -I TIIK Discovery far in her wake In the :o: time Lemuel C. Brandenburg was Ap- la'tw.'en the uud NElt lilt under tho firm got K. Four miles above, it was from two and n & Bros. hi. race for the prize Of fame and favor, halftolbree feet deep. .Cedar creek is cu Ickhb n this dijr be dnwnjlred pointed Chief Justice; Perry E. k Brochu by nn ta d on f nb All a, counts and notes duo Tlie year of- - 00 was a dry one for from twelve to tifleen feet wide; it is now and Zeri.bbabel Snow, (Mormon i, Asso- us in this Tenitorv must t o settled with tf TIIU LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF firm f F. AtEBB rn K tino., .nd all debts flowing nlaiut 400 inches of water and will Montana In every sense of the term; flow ciate Justices; Seth M. Blair (Mormon) sow due u si Troy. Msba-ne- , must be settled will) 1,000 inches in the. spring. It does HOME PAPERS. no and nosnow during the .winter, ore II aokub ch. , not empty' any water into Bitter Root Attorney General, and B. D. Harris, Sec- the uew firm of Tuko D 11. AUKIUJU H. Fill GKOCRRTES, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, I' rain In tlio summer to wash out her river; three or four miles below the forks . THfr'DOK- - II AtTKltBACH. retary. Thus the President bad divided nr j. it. bxidle. alt CIGARS. sinks in a it is The canion. RAM U. aU EBB VC1I. gulch OILS, GLASS, HARDlatent wcalth.,ThofireAeiul preyed the offices pretty equally between Saint jnt-4WARE. HATS, GAPS, ROOTS, bVria1'0 and Genthe. Tbe offleers diJ not reach upon her beautiful, ami enterprl.lng XIV. ! NOTICE SHOES, CLOTHING AND cities .In all Its wrath Ievcrtho width 0f the gulch varies from twenty or Utah till July, 1851, at tvblchtime there FURNISHING GOODS and pro - J thirty to 300 and 400 feet. Mr. Cukhou were n few Gentiles resident in Salt Lake leas, she prospered I HEREBY FORBID ALL PERSON. OWING IX UTAH. GENTILES '1 tho U' firm ot 85 td tbtf pmi wuriied out. He has k 0, ot Bonneville, aflera advantages II had and to-d-- .(COJCTJXUED.) Oily, mostly1 carpenters and other art! paring sny debts, BOTU gresaed i to K. X, Chap-madue said considerable experience in mining. ,.v 7to r ss we have dissolved pirtncrshin. z hi whose labor was just then in special An capital anil labor far exceeding We asked his opinion of Cedar Creek, He debts due said Arm will be eolloeted by me. r j Captain Stausbury completed bis sur- demand emigrants u ho bad failed at that . Jani-iw-, any Territory on the list Tlie all 'thought they' were good mines.' Asgiod J. W, BOOTH- to a Careful attention onlers 8&r Goods mail. a os Land Cbauce? As Alder? the 'No.' day-of the by and Salt Great out good set shipped at on tbeir way to the Pacific and perLake, vey prepoint absorbing topic, however, -are orders SOT Tho receivetir r Better.' If the. are half true.it on his return to tbe States in only exclusive Wnolcwilc, fej August haps half a dozen California traders or sent, racking our northern neigh- is wonderfully rich.reports dell-t- f NOTICE! B&T House In Corlnnc. (jbQ Th shallowuess of bors brain and muscle, is thenew the ground and, the pleutitnde of water, 1850; and soon after nn Immense emigra- catlle dealers. Thenew Geutile officers A MAN ,OF THOROUGH BUSINESS , tils indicates rapid working, and. exhaustion. tion appeared on their way to California soon found themselves involved lo diffi a firsbclasu accountant aud penman, la gold discoveries In v be But will niche disco other g The association of tho preceding year cnlty; Judge Biochns rashly attempted to d. (irons of an engagement on very reasonable likely trlct, some eighty miles west of ered.atid the facility withwhicb the groum seems to have created terms; or, he will duvote himself to writing up great confidence preach Against polygamy, and bavihg his and balancing old books of account, opening Helena.' If We may credit one-tent- h can he worked, will, , with its rejtorted new sets, Ac. References unexceptionable. and all a these made . life nearly Territosoon left tbe emigrants build threatened after of the reports, concerning the rtch-- richness, make money plenty and Address, A. B.," RspoRrm Orricz, Gorlnne. a town speedily. Qatrtte, Helena, lengthy stay in the Mormon, settlements. de28-2CoRixsE, Dooember 27, 109, ry, followed in 1872' by Secretary Harris, ness and extent of this newly dis- up M. T. For Mormons three the had been year the more once leaving covered El Dorado, the Kberhurdt Am wo hu hi lie government entirely fore, tliene reiorti are almost uuheard of in tho States, most ol RAFFEItTYS KEG SALOON, the, hands of the Mormons. , and Comstock may congratulate from sources. reliable' the tbe them had died out prejudice most(f i against themselves upon .taking- - second There are thousand of others how And hud the 3IOVTAVA STREET, policy of the first year been BOY , place among "tho wealthy metal ever, that would lead one not ac- pursued, mutual OFFI VIC1TED EI.PIK Et fOlATY good will would Lave East aide, belteetn ilh ami 5 th Strata. DV THE (I LLOn BILL. giants. Below wo give a few of the quainted with mining life. to think been established on a firm basis and tbe . f most reliable reports and some of CORIiYXR, UTAH. for settlement in Utah considered a reul were their authors lit subjects, tho most authentic information yet tho nearest The of thi has Couutv Piobnle Judge insane asylum. Tho ex- blessing. Bat renewed prosperity, plenty .received from this wonderful eoun-- . Best of Wines, LIqonrs and Cigars in great numbers had produced only seven wives of whom two ar also , citement which is fust spreading and Increa-uutry. hi Walk right In, and help yourselves, hi nieces tho own variety. of, daughter uo3-t- f Through the kindness of Mr, Clark, of throughout the mining districts is tbeir usual effects, arrogance, spiritual brother ! The Post Master gentlemen. It V V pf Brigham (be Arm of Donnell A Clark, we are said to be Intense in Montana. pride ami a desire to dominate over "the is iu tho same fix, o ml ti the some publish the following extracts out itis unbelievers," and numerous difficulties City NOTICE ' nmti! from letters received by him by last mail: Should this uiseoycry turn arose. Late in numthe a season lias large been often the cusc, a mining onea time half a Our county clerk has at Thera hat been but $33 00 expended upon tho MwsoVliM. T., Dec. 20tb,18G9. e ber of were it that emigrants Jail (tVlnevhells Cave), There is still considerpersuaded tho even expecdistrict, exceeding dozen wive. of whom Uireg of foar atill able W. A. Clauk, Esq '.Dear Sir A lira: due from citlxena that signed a submv iptlon I have no news of importance except the tations of the most enthusiastic In whs unsHfe to continue tho westward matt cling. recently, to e.tabllah and maintain a jail and THE LARGEST AND FINEST FITTED UP ROOM. IN police force here. Mr. Howell has already colgreat excitement about the nwly discov- Montana, will soon command what at that season and concluded to letnaiu maris too The much reoordrr county lected $300 03 on the subscription, for which ho as great ered mines. Tbe excitement-iall winter among the Mormons. They THE MOUNTAINS ried to keep any' longer tho statistics of refuses to give any account of. Tbe citizens ask as ever. Hundreds have returned from she now begs, sufficient capital and an of was thia auall all that and until matter, explanation plcuSunt our titles. Others of our County officers those that have not paid to withhold tlrequest there nud all have the same repot t to labor to develop lier wonderful re- represent e amount make. All sy that it far exceeds any sources, and population to entitle tumn was too far advanced for them to are in the same bout. they subscribed, till Mr. Kt well makes an, -of what has been done with the money leave even by the southern route, after thing ever discovered in the Teriitory, her to admission. collected. Ti already Mate, , Jfenc, Mate, ke, Uphar: both in extent and richness? My sou has which a series of merciless exactions beMANY CITIZEN 8 WHO FA ID, JL in ! just returned from there this evening He The abovo la false as to the amount collected gan and never ceased as long as the Morloouted claims which he thiuks are very MLT URL COnUESrO.tDIACE. or expended. llic proprietor lias spared no pains nor expense in making thisjthc 8, Q..bKVELL mon civil And could authorities pretences re2l-4rich. He was not able to get down to the most " comfortable place to pass away an hour or two at the great, .Xntnmal THAT BILL. bed-rocfor bogus lagal notions, or tbe emigrants but the ground prospects very n. ; Game. The Dull Ejre'i Kallroad Cempletian had . well, from 13 to 20 cents to the pan. Ilun--dreof be uhich could nnything they -- Drlvlug the hut 8plk FSlT, Golden Crown Cigar, and the best of AlesAVincs and Liquor, WHO SAYS MOT Since wo learned our loyal brethUrLhsu are passing d ily through here in ' ; on hand. who Those to hired out had H on ill War stripped. Head tho always strikes tho ren and sisters at the tithing olllco fact, tljoy a'o goiitg'day and night. It 3m no! work for Mormons were refnsed their pay Declared from the PulpKa d. C. KUA'nv, Prop. will make one of the largest camps in the The p iblio arc notified, that Job Stmm at are so much Interested In the Cullom " Railroad diffithe 1870. denied in and Jan. redi the Nai.t ess Lake in if I the 10, there BEST the intend courts; City, ogdm, keeps Ate going Territory. hill as to hold lfieeilngR every day FRESH OYSTERS, 1'ICiS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS'. Fl.KT. k Call MISCELLANEOlfK ADVTS culties arose lines of froth one' to five Alitor Importer : spring, and would" have gme before this, them. onl JUK MMMUV. try conto we consider and but could not get away from here. FraIt, f night JmA-thundred dollars were im(Ksed for the " .Thinking u lino from the Lions Deu . . ternally yours, 35. I GET THE BEST; 820. tl lo l.uve bu lit I some of inter sT, in all suits be- tinue the publication, that all may slightest , Bokkr, M. D. its lc upon provisjtosted equally Hnd tween Mormon and 'Gentile the latter inbeen taking ob'teivations BUY THE ONLY (IKNUINK IMITtOVKD "JLL V Kbvsrose IUncuk, Dec. lHlb, 183. transmit the same for your dispoasl. It variably paid the costs; they wrro openly ions. YSiS Mn. W, A. Cmbk Diir Sir A Ilro: Oroido Gold was generally given out that the lust Mpike reviled in court by the Mormon Judges, j Tlie excitement is very high throughout would Mm ila.'tirrrd by be driven to dy In the "Bulls Eye And in one peculiarly aggravating this county, over the discoveries recently Corner Fifth uud Montana Struh, " imTIIK nu Justice Willaid Snow boasted to Front Street. tnado some seventy miles below- MUrouIh, Railway, and in consequence Otjoioi; v.tTri! dimihm; which, iu fact, are extremely flattering. mense cfowd, estimated at 20,000, nssetu-ble- d Gentiles in bis court that "the time was an aM th Lett link, llufitin Coriuuc, pa, . Tbry COUINNE, UTAH, tv rinvil; . t Two men who have been working for me i OCI.VTKO l'lir.SH DISPATCHES HLPOUTED r ir ! V. li n 3HU ,mKK. to witness the c retmmies of one of near at hand when he would judge GenH. til, OSUOIVN. A. Ffoprhtcr. .', i A, BY TUB V. U. T. COM PAN V. airtiim b this fall, have just returned front the dig- the 1raprlrtora. rj)ilUn -- d l n,r-.nit umi dly greatest uud most daiiug enterprises tiles for life ami death, and then he would ' -- o gings. Due of them, whom I consider a 4. m's and T, i'h ... i , t .' f it i Hie f of n above per. modern lime lik Having ln'owu snatch their over off will heads am chickens in the d I nil reliable man, tell rao be saw three puns market, 'now vis-itv- d building trainway J of al Lind, work, 11. pared pri t) was mTi' Till city, i xi uv.j mi I cm j'rejMriil u tun 1 h ilie 'irvre.t Doriu..; Cheyenne, ai Uip very low hi prices. Toamsiers and freight4d Hitt ,J ; i of dirt washed out and tho product was a level pluiu tho tinparallel distance of door yard." In no case an emigrant riy a very destructive file to- er that an be irvnrod in tlie Ttrrit will r,v. nr- - (iidl b I f'JO'M limn find iutoiT-- i to give it., a cal by it lo their i loM 'Vt(lii ; 1'. eij'Ull $9. The creek is prospeoted, more or at " retail aud Otdora bo!(hali dedi.v 4 f f.tu hloekH died five accomre. were miles. near Two tbe Hot e'aewhr work is uud his Tbe three going . thirty k r On a Springs to entirely day. utcod r j tT.t,. tanre m.ideaaj t lalU.v and .lomidl? ntt ii.Jedtr Ichs, for ten miles, with favorable results. se'J'J If r-I m 1, n.t tarnish, a j!i 1 x'ra rel The hfc-- is estimated at UtT Dont forget Ihc t lace. il.jii-t- f I am told the creek is from twenty-flv- e to plished; the wot Id that is Mormoudnm companions uuw isely buried him aud pro- stroyed. NO MX1 Y LS llU,u:ibl D IN ADt'V'-M- r to five hundred thousand from thfeo in at the magnitude of the ceeded on their way without uotiiyiug the amid by I.xrvrM any ) r- - wiifih' th I nj. ' long, with numerous aide thirty miles some clollurs. The owners of most of the -i mvabl ( "h 1 ami are of the said authorities. latter M'll, structure. At gulobea, about half past one o'clock city wo made Complaint K to have ce aud n mi open eyautli already destroyed buildings !f to look and prospect very wejh I think, ry h and If not was in readiness, the construcb ordmanctT had been vio- contracted for new ones. sone that returned, vsrytbing ' city a Missoula doubt, that HOMRR'S beyond FJ!K!) county tion car came k Ktfress (disrees. Hi kIs f il te ieiiNt nia ii.uusKit w were ith last tie and tbe lated; they tbe d will make a marked progress in permanNew York. 12th. A special from pursued,, taken Kick to Im knc, tip aeudliM eja m Minta an Sttrit, adianee. ent improvements iu the future. But last rail; tbe woikmen bored a bolo for the city and every dollar lin y had, as well Atlanta, Ga. 'says, the legislature ! au Agent rending for six Wet ln-- g - ju1 e few persons have as from the the beantiful aud elaborately as their wagou and all tbeir stock were met yesterday, In compliance with tVatidi flee Nlukl-i- g rea'ini fS tVavt I etrs engraved He, I of Wines, fluAllly (nit. Mqnura I'oriitnc, or Governor tho orders for or rev n $20 Wnb aos for $3t $!M), miuiag camps above here, though lam iron nail, which had been provisional 11 to taken tbeir flue costs. for c nod Another ml fe81in ou pny luiiul. prepared Clgars in.lnnily ALSU KU1ANT OKOttfV. HOLD I?US. looking for the whole country to turu out Bullock. Tlie Senate organized the occasion at the enormous cost of 7 Gentile was struck over the head with ff la'o4t ft;d nioM eos Iv ntylcs, fu1 I a and Tv.o firni.Ll si I'il.i ir.l Tabks always tho choice of the with and Fraternally yours, fr?m 10 o 00 inches To rg, at f'2, $. m g a! urd r. r centr. The prophet descended from bis board, by Bill Hickmun, and 'returned quickly, t Thus. Newman. f(5. .and $ each, cent with watidiea at loae.t j , DISSOLUTION NOTICE ! Republican ofllcers in the House, .LUNCH ALWAYS ON HAND. State kind am! who).silejrlies. $183 carriage, and approached tbe eacred the blow, for which he was arrested uud there seems to have been considerd at order We are permitted to make the following r rcj!ilrKl, only from ( A THI'. PARTNERSHIP vxDtln able disorder and confusion. But share of t nblie ration ice si.Uottul. Cotno TIIH OHOIDK WATCH en.i ' Ac tho extract Ironr a letter written to Fred spot which he and God bad selected for fined $80; the costs made np the amount while ot uliJ firm un.iT seo I! and w jimiio Holland if nt us, a yg, howic tL were you ixd knives oelO 3m 118 Fulton Street. New York. pistols and la tho lJvr bninM in liU p ty, wan Uvav, White from, the new gpld discoveries. It tbe termination. The multitude stood in to more tlmn $200, bat as be hud but little gam- -, a .aul dr.n ., or a tong. J u . threats (ti-and made, lvcd flourished, freely mutual on lb by consent, of dv . is dated Missoula, Dec. 15th: "The uew breathless silence; not a man stirred, not over half the sum, they kiudly contented F lE'i TtYLOIl 16SL was bualne.M Im violence 1b no actual December, continued per,11 happily lloMUU JILW1NS. at tbe o .Uud, corner of M n ana and Flf-camp, struck 80 miles below here, is, I a woman stirred, not a horse stirred, but themselves with taking all he hud and let petrated. House Tlie adjourned ta. atre tlie han-ht' a the underaljjned. by thing beyond possibility of doubt, as Brigham stirred the band struck juir hiiug an organisa- th tii tiro intrreat of Mo Sn mvav in th nrvmK up a him. depart. Many who had co i.e iu without completing 1 "very rich! No roan has returned from . . JOHN HOLLAND. ' de2-lthere yet with any opinion, but the above. waltz, and then tbe crowd waltzed J As with a complete outfit finished their jour- tion. The nndersicned having jurcha'd tlisatwve' ' are rvpar.d twdo a LlVfcltY Specials from Paris eay, the city U. P. IL IL EATING HOUSE, projerty, Many of the old Kootenai, Bear gulch, the "chosen prophet" advanced aud ney on foot' When these emigrants and SALS over tho business.. is excited miners and from other tragedy McClellan, greatly oampsv stretched forth his mighty band to grasp reached the general rendezvous ou the The bet of avd Carriage 4 ik roi of yesterday, In which Prince M. PATK0.VIZE HOME INDUSTRY. say they never knew anything to prospect ihe BRYAN, W. T., staidly on hand and for bare at reaaonaUe rate. magnificent chased aud polished ham- Sacramento they beguu to compare uotes, Bon apart shot and killed M. Nolr. so well. If this does not turn out to be j AIsj a Oood Winter Ranyla. WM. ELLSWORTH, Prop. Office and Stables, aatrthee4 comer Montana added to tho ei- - The Prince was promptly arrested t the "best camp" ever struck iu Montana mer, cost $2 50, the Saints cheered in and as each new comer and Flflh Stre jta. Coricne, Utah, there is no truth in prospects and iodica basso, supprano, alto, howls, grunts and dence it wua thought best to compile their and, held to; answer the charge of TioV-JOHN HOLLAND. tioosx No man can a claim to minWarm Meals on arrival of all Traits, --ta bloiv was struck, and bang atoments to aeud to tbeir eastern frien is. homicide. Tbe squeaks. , town lots or unless be is of on dcM tf the gronnd Proprietor tba ing Ban Francisco, 12th. The legisft ft f fi S succeeded by oth- Accordingly the affidavits of five hundred v v in person. There is one fact yon ran rely went a three-poundi ?, elected lature Jasper OFarrell, ers in quick succession; then a savagt of them were selected, reduced to form TO THE' WOtRKJCtft CLAS8-W- e SAW are all firm belie are now npon, that is, that-wCommissioner. Harbor VICTOR prepared, to furniah all classes with constant iutbo richness of tbe new camp; looking man turned bis camera on the and with their names oppeuded published C0RDELLA, and Dion are about arrangat home, tbs whole .of the LLuio or fob C0ISIXXE, UTAH Iury There have been as yet hot few men from spot, and is a moment his instrument re- and circulated generally in the ewst ihis tlio spare momenta. Bualnes new, Uht and Wholesale for and match billiard Retail another , $2000, ing abort. They, appear to think it a bum-bu- flected the i mui profitable. Peraons of either aex easily earn book, of which a sworu copy nmy be to take place on the 22d Inst. . ' They are worse humbugged in age of tbe from 50c. to $5 per evening, and a proportional Alwaya on baml Lumber. Latb and SUIuRlee, Is Pacisum by devoting their It rumored tho California whole time to the badLumber rongb or Ur eased furnished at tlia lower. with your humble servant at his found in the State Library at Sacramento, thinking as they do ness. Boys land girls earn nearly as much as fic Cash Pricea. sold out to lias Railroad oc7-3the elbow. The locomotive was driven to the contans statements of facts men. That all who see this notice may seed their seem Central Pacific. Both WINKS, I.IQUOIIS, companies ' The reoent new gold . discoveries . on end of the last rail, and then followed a almost iucredihle, even with which, address, and test the business, we make this knowlour rethe the offer: To such as are not well satisfied, sale, deny nevertheless, ' the best attenof Cedar creek are attracting unmmal brands) we wiU send $1 topsy for tbs trouble of writing. short prayer, appealing to the Deity for edge of Mormon law aud its admit) in tril- port seems to gain credence. To get Fall tion, from all quarters, and the excitement tbe a valuable sample, which will (Eorinnc TOBACCO, CIGARS and GLASSWARE. do toparticulars, preservation aud prosperity of Brig- lion; but they are tho sworu testimony ot posesslon of tlie California Pacific commence work wo, .and a copy ef Th is becoming more Intense every day as se22-ln- t ; would CaliIeopUt put tho entire system of Literary Companion one of the largest tbe mines are prospected ami developed. ham and the railroad; then came tbe reliable men who now re ide in Tuolumne, fornia Railroads and best family newspapers publiabed all under tho control The underaiftned will receive stock for a winter The rush to the new diggings is said to be President's (thats Brig) address, which Amador, Placer, Nevada, Sierra aud other of free by malL Reeder If you went permanent, ou the and Central after Pacific companies. thia date, at tbe Pa. lfio SubHerd, immense, , and the road from. Helena to was read with a beautiful nazal delivery mining counties pf California. This pubCprofitable work, iddrui E. C. ALLEN-M AJ1 ntana stovk returned on tbe let, Street no5-3Missoula Is literally dotted with eAgerand Augusta, Maine. Paris,the 12th.In' Legisof first or aooner Ordered. Corps We If aaaume May, right-boweG. QuiU Cannon, lication roused all the old bitterness of excited men bound for the new El Dorado. Ilochforte. referred to the tianal reaponaiblUUes of terders, and Lave latin', y, Ereh Garden, Flver; FTnH, Hef The intelligence which we have thus far in which he stated that Brigham and God feeling against the Mormons, which was tlie murder of Victor Noir in bitter tbe beet Ranch In tbe country. -bhrnh and Crifgriefl Seeds, iKh McBANE, k HEATH, Tree, received aeems to be reliable, and, as yet, bad accomplished, this great work, that not a little Lightened soon after by the terms, and said, the murderer, tlie . , , Refer, by permlaalon, to direction for enKnro, prepaid by trail. AND no .discouraging reports have come to O. II. KluOtt, Jia. McNasseb, hAtl neither asked nor received as- shameless avowel on their part of polyga- Prince, was a cousin of tho Emper- 8. O.F.Skwkll. The they and Jadlciom aefort-me- nt ot P. C. complete B. Johnson,- fi.aueiT, hand. , Wa sincerely hope theee gold Oaxtx, ho must not or, M. go . In unpunished. feal and incest as and the tares coentr ff Agesfi Granted. of their religion, Oliver nodtm my diggings witt prove to be as rich and ex- sistance from the heathen Gentiles, should bo promised 25 Sorts of either for $1.00: prepaid by mail. tensive as v presented. . A large and with tbe assiaiaaee and advioe of tbeir the former of which had been ' for "nine done, regardless ofjustice relations. Also small Fruits, Plants, Bulbs, all the new IlOT SP1IINGS. UTAH. flourishing City Xke Helena will rapklly prophet Brigham they would be able to year practiced secretly and openly dePotatoes, Ac., prepaid by malt, lib Early Roao office The of the Marscillics, Henri Potato, prepaid, tea IWM. Conovel's Ck loess grow up, the'sopplies of which in tbe accomplish eveu greater miracles than nied with great bitterness. Meanwhile, Itockfortes received Mail end A by Telegraph paper, lias, been seized spars gs a, $S per 14i9ia Rex paid. main will have to come from this town, ' ; noU-tx- l Wholesale and Retail Dealer In) promptly filled. New hardy fragrant everbtoomiAg Jiput Honeyorder of the of tho all would In exterminate this Government. Gentiles, vs ty bene-fitte- d. Guadalupe 1818, treaty they Hidalgo hence we shall be materially and suckle, 50 cents, anofe prepaid, Traa Cape Cod . Washington,. 12th.' The President Cranberry, tor upland or lowland cuitiu--, ti.ix Among the many letters whkh overthrow the Government, and set np this Territory had passed , from the doprepaid,- with direction,. Priced Cats- -. have lately been received, la one JVom God's kingdom in thia great valley is, li minion of Mexico to that of the United wnfc a number of nominations to the Kr 100,to any address, gratis; alee trade list feed's y, A. Senate was Fred White to Ted Sweeney, of Mather o beers. ' He waa followed which on Commission. among lesser in 849 and tbe Mormou States, auearly by lights B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Xmeerfea sod A Crockers Billiard HalL , It W dated Edward B. of Chicago, J t I Seed & of tbe chnrcb. Thns ended the grand thorities called a convention "of all tbe for Governor Solomon, Mason Warehouse, Plymouth, Maas,' 1 etablished Missonis llills, Deo. 17th: of Washington Terri184 p de2-t- f A -i Celelire for aver, limits Co., hoo doo at tbe terminus. A great many citizene of that portion of Upper Califor- tory Agent Fwtjtd 8wsxxnrr: I arrived here y . . . BOLICiTOfiA OF. Ales unit ht braltd Porter. am The reports and from other places, nia lying east of the Sierra Nevada Mountwere going on nol-t- f 1 are favorable, so far; every man that comes gentlemen officerspresent AMERICAN A EUROPEAN PATENTS llETROPOblWN; IHjTHI;. to take and of tbe into consideration ains, ' from the mines employees including tbe proa account good gives - t AND , .i.i 1 ( ! Illumination priety of organizing aTerritorial or State Incloeed yon will C. P. and U. P. roads. about tho diggings. SIN FRINCIStt) STOHE. ' find some of tho gold from tho diggings; and ball this evening; already more than government". This convention met at COUNSELORS AT PATENT LAV, j I got It from a friend , of mine who had twenty-threas aofUcttors of Patents,! (13 years experience fire crackers have been fired Salt Lake City on the 5th of March 1S49, Between Tbird and Fonrth Streets, , ' been la them. This mao is UcQnirk, Il v DEALEniN f . : , ICO SEVENTH STREET, more a in tbe and Patent are session and short opp. off, "ordained 0ftce. esexpected; and that had the ferry on Snake Jliter; ho now CO 1X1 MINK, Yesterday I visited the tabernacle and tablished a ret and independent govern- DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, DAVIS & COHN C. D. keeps d saloon bore. He say it was gotIVagliiiigtoii, MLSH K CKCEfiflU, Proprlelari froan One pan of- - dirt;' but don't get ex- listened, while a blush mantled Bay eheek, ment, by tbe name of the SxiTS or Des- cited until yo bear from me Ogaln. From at the DK.LLh.ll IX apostle's irsnlt of out flag, nnr ERT, fixed the IxmodariMt Of the new Oboes, all accounts, I think it will be a blg camp. Government and onr President; listened State and provided for the election of a 1 ' 7 I have also oeeo Fred Sualb; be will leave CROCKERY, QLAG0VARE, ETC. DRY GOODS & CLOTHING. $ s Papers CAllI.KULLV PREPARED, and patent , a Gold oseek with Tom. on tbe 20th of this to an open declaration of war should the Governor and all State officer. , On the I secured WirUUUT DELAY. . This FIRST CLASH NEW HOTEL u IK"V rB MONTANA STREET, . Fxamlnatlonr in tbe Patent. Office "free of to the public. The rooms are month,Tor the diggings.' No more at present Congress dart to pass the hill now Sod of July following the Legislature of neatly atnli no aud individual fee etked iu arty case, forubly.farntsled. Thwtabkinre charge, present. , alwaya Vip pending against polygamy. They ap- the new State met,' elected a delegate to aulcss a Patent Is allowed." ; COUINNE, UTAH. r Yours haste. in with boHt th tho afford. market Hsntana plui 11 Street, " as any o' her "TcHable Charges as reasonable pealed to the assembled foreigners rene- Congress, adopted a memorial also to that tores Regflel will elosa out cheap. Branch Freeh Oyatcra always on hand and sen ed up l! White. ' ' . Jep. in Malnd. Agency." and , any nations--fOgden or sty e ou i hort notice. all of to answer an gades m Utlena T, tody lo which they set forth their loyalty, Bond for Circular of Terms, instructions aud 1 1 I I . dr-t- , The Bar la stocked u ilh tW flucat ti oc.-St- u ; , references. gp tf i Idinors, ahd Cixr. ,n U Utah Tri-Wee- Uepcrter kly ether 8We. gulvrrttecmrnts;. re-up- :Ve , 'Statei. WHITE HOUSE, , OGDEN, U. T T. OUCiEES' WHOLESALE' SE0(DE. -- if;, (Comm iss i mt 4 tJKcrch ant. n i - roc t, ip.. Dissolution notice! OORINKE, nt CO-PA- e H 4 UTAH. eti-iiu- 1 -- nr-tun- -- " h I PAINT. tK 1 Yest' oi tlio Missouri River; ay fl-i- cy s, EDU-cation- the-Missoul- a w if di M MWJTMYS A M Iff- 0 A Mi r a i Nrontaiia treeL Oopiiiiio. ! per-mitteiM- o i r 1C te or or -- s IT c t W-- K o jl w i .il. k, ! t ds JOE!! .I,B. I I lors TELEGRAPH. - .. s 1 Ire 1 t HOC ) I -- Ar' I' trf . I m-ti- . 1 1 1 1 ia v - In-for- e 1 H ne WM. LORiaiER, iia limit i:ssi:n, 4 Q Watches, to, I X Z CITY MARKET. VIV V 3 BLACKSMITH SHOP to-da- K I r i yet-gon- A- -- M 1 satl-fiiem- fW iik' ic Oc fid ft I SilL.001M Ib'iii-tere- 1 , s I- T c t 11 . lim-tofo- i lt m tx PACIFIC STABLES, -- ' m fira-.-claa- XI. gt er, e tv HOUSE, ECLIPSE ra s tt t MILL r ttr g, k, . m ' i t. iodt iml. J. A. OLEABY, , by-Brig- r, 's GROCERIES, to-da- 1 O- A m General Produce i i - S. comirssioN merchant, L. TIBBALS, per-100- ! 4 A -- L-: to-da- - to-nig- 4 e I. . - PATENT OFFICE. Alexander ..... to-da- 0, Montana Street, HEGGEL, - UTAir 1 Boots and v aiflhoe. J v i CORINNE UTAH. . X 4 J ii ..... 1 -- -- r- I I i a I |