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Show First Under Water Photos of -- Life-Savin- g ' ' :v- U ; r r,. Saves Work for IL Summer Vacations 19 12 Style As Gas Rationing Clamps Down Faced with wartime gas and tire rati on s, t acation - , t' this year is fashioning a neu' location i pattern. Gaieties yy popular at the turn of the century util be the order of the day for millions of m ? V r Americans. Here are some of the nation s 1912 vacation styli s. Left: College girls become haymakers. i .4 I -- minded America . 1 Tank Corner in Arsenal of Democracy S, , V s k IM X V f The array and navy soon will Inaugurate a new method of microscopically copjing letters to soldiers aw demonstration of hfeSaInjj is slnmn above, photographed for the first time under water, as staged by members of Boston chapter of the Red Cross. At left, three swimmers enact role of victim, untrained rescuer and trained rescuer. Victim grabs would-brescuer about neck; would-b- e rescuer gets panicky, victim. Trained rescuer drops down on both and breaks their grips, prying both apart as shown in first arii second photos. Right: Rescuer flexes knees for spring that will shoot both to surface. A e grls ;f- Keep Em Loaded and Keep Em Flying r I yI 4 in foreign lands. By means of this method 1,500 letters can be recorded on one reel of film. Three reels are the equivalent of two mail pouches. In this picture Private Erw in Twad-de- ll removes the camera from the recording machine, for processing before reel is shipped. This Is a view of the Chrjsler plant In Detroit turn ug ut.f liri ha ships by the hundred. Imposing as it is. tins is just a cog in the iuthty machine now in high gear turning out the smews of war to d ft at the Axis. Production has now hit its stride and the tanks roil oT, n jt and day, in a steady stream. Midway Hero Jap; Inspect Malaya Ruins n x . t ! L i Shoun above is one happy solution to gasoline rations in the tradition of the Mauve decade. Yes, the horse and buggy days are just around the corner. sight-seein- V t f g J 1 ? I is Lieut. Henry Fitts, 25, of Macon, N. C., first publicly acclaimed hero of the battle between American air arms and Jap fleet off Midway is- land. He dropped the bombs which sank a Jap aircraft carrier. ? At an army air depot somewhere in the western of the IT. S., hug part transport planes, the fljing s of the army air force, ship freight on wings to foreign battle fronts. At left the loading crew is transferring freight to waiting fljing box car. Inset: Poised for flight are these air freight planes, to any air field in case of an emergency call. Mourning Outfit liox-car- War Heroes and Symbol of Their Purpose Pudgy General Tomayukl Yamashita, Japan's No. 1 soldier, Is shown leading his staff on an Inspection tour of the ruins in Malaya, The general directed the capture of Singapore and then went on to take Bataan and Corregldor in the Philippines. This soundpholo is from an enemy source, and has just been received in the Vmted States. Plead for Lives Rescued by Bomber in Caribbean i iff i Meanwhile, as good Americans, many summer vacationists may have to say, After you, soldier ," uhile Uncle Sant's armed forces go Pullman. For example, in the period from December 7, 1911, through April, 1912, nearly 2,000,000 fighting men were transported in Pullman cars to all sections of the country. v - I j mi t Thirteen British and American war heroes visit Independence hall, Philadelphia, Pa., after being given a rousing welcome in New York, rhey are shown grouped around the Liberty Bell the bell which Is the symbol of that freedom in whose cause they performed tbelr heroic deeds. The heroes thea went to Washington to visit President Roosevelt. Stark terror written on their haggard, unshaven faces, these five Frenchmen, accused by the Nazis of being saboteurs, cringe pitifully on their knees somewhere in Occupied France. Their fate? We leave that to your Imagination. Messerschmitt Flies Over U. S. Swell Falla kwatfMwda i ft1 - i if ,, w T i Ham and, cooked in this fashHappily for all concerned, there are no Axis submarines in ion, will make up many a vacation e these blue u aters. So, with menu this year. Doesnt it remind abandon ue take to sailing. you of the good old days"? old-tim- Dressed In his German bund storm trooper's uniform, Karl Geiger, 59, of Brooklyn, leaves the fed eral court building after a hearing. He was arrested as be left a Brooklyn funeral parlor, wearing this outfit. Somewhere in the Caribbean The thrilling moment when seven Geiger explained that be and a friend, Eugene Habel, had made a men, adrift In the Caribbean sea on a raft, were hauled to safety to the pact that whoever ahouid die first cabin of a giant U. S. asvy patrol bomber. The men had been adrift would be mounted by the other for seven days after their torpedoed freighter had been sunk. Lieut. wearing the bund's storm trooper Hugh Rogers and Ensign Ranee Thompson were In command of the rescoe plane which was landed In heavy seas. uniform. ... Underwater Alert if AA A J. Ben HogaryWins Hale America Trophy f i If you cant go cruis-- on a luxury liner, the ing " river steamboats will do. And if you haven't had a trip on a river steamboat you've missed something! "'' ft eg- t s i I V Falla, the nations No. Scottie, owned by President Roosevelt, did his share in the national scrap rubber salvage campaign by rounding up balls, rubber bones and other gadgets dear to the heart of s pup, and donated them to the drive. 1 The first German Messerschmitl plane ever to fly In the C. S. took in the Air Cavalcade a joint army force and treasury department tour to boost sale of war bond i. The Itinerary Included 1 cities. The plane (shown above) was shot down aver England. Included In the Cavalcade was a British Spitfire, famous fighter plane. part r 4 - M , t r i At the periscope daring diving practice at the naval submarine it. training school. New London, Conn Ben Hogan is shown receiving the award for winning the Hale AmerAs the sub goes down the officer seer a green film cover the lens, which ica golf tournament, held at the Ridgemoor country club In Chicago, gradually darkens to black. Whei shown left to right are, Ed Dudley, PGA president; George Blossom, the dive level is reached he com L'SGA president; Ben Hogan and Tom McMahon, president of CFGA. He pan wound up with 17 strokes under par for the event. mands level off. le |