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Show Pf.E THE TWO (jilir linin' of 01iarmt Sharon's Cooperative Provo R. F. D. No. 2 Educational and Recreational Box 252-- Board of Directors H. Grant hmc, Pha-aicvv, James B. Ferguson, Edgcmont s. Roy Gappnieer, '1 lmpa-iog- i Alvin Luncetord, Grandview. Walter lloldaway, inejard. Scott Taj 'or, Lake Yaw. W ill.am M; Vernon, Sharon A. V. W atkms P. K. Nielson, rieasant View. Association Orem, Utah Officers: nt II. Grant lins, Walter lloldaway, Pre-ide- nt Vke-lre- s. Mjrle Wentz, Secretary AHciJa DeLunge, Ircasuiu Victor C. Audit sun, Gen. Manager Ei nest C. Claj ton, J. Erval Christensen, Yearly subscription Price ode . Application for seiond tree Mailed ela-- s tain which towers some .5 000 feet, making, when viewed from the waterfront or hillside, a pnture-.-qulittle citv. We have three branches in Tasmania, one of them miles from being located tlnrtv-fou- r Ilobait in the farming district, where Elders take turns in spendLetter from Paul Taylor. ing the weekends preaching the gospel ajid helping the Saints enBrisbane, Queensland joy the crops of fruit. A true knowMay 8, 1936. ledge of the Gospel is spreading Dear Friends of Sharon, very rapidly throughout both these winter draws branches and where prejudice and As a nigh at hand here in L'nde BinTs malicious falsehood once existed Kangaroo land, my mind seems to wander occasionally to the group of people who once constituted the whole of my worlij, and who, at the time of writing, are experiencing the somewhat diowsj yanderlust feeling which accompanies Spring weather. Just fifteen months ago the s. s. "Mariposa," one of the Matson modernly-equippe- d Line's most "floating cities, with the help of 0 two steaming tugs, pulled her tons of weight out into the San Francisco Bay, turned around and pointed her bows toward Aus"Mortralia. Four youthful-lookin- g mon Elders leaned over her rails, their ees fixed upon the aweinspiring sight of th ir homes apparently dufting slowly away from them. Since that time their lives have been teeming with events that have been a source of such joy and Happiness as they had never even dreamed of being privilaged to enjoy. Their once small woilds wherein three of their number had occupied themselves bv tilling the soil have so enlarged themselves that they exceed by far the imaginary boundaries set by the four prior to the time of their departure. After a voyage of twenty-on- e which time many days, during frindships were made, many glamorous ports were passed, and Siany g impressions were made by thrilling experiences, they arrived at their destination, Australia, very anxious to get into the harness and to learn if this missionary life was all that it was purported to With Sharon ' IuMi'hed MontliK bv VOICE Ass't Mgrs. to all Scera Members postage applied for. Mis. C. H. Dawes Grand View Thomas Corduer Ctwc Reporter Mrs. George K. Wells Vineyard Mrs. C. H. Poulson Timpanogos Mrs. Ethel Pyne Sharon Mrs. Eva Gdiispie Edgemont Mrs. Sadie Shaw Lake View PL View Melvin Mmer ... Ill I. A. Reporter Mrs. Meile S. Foote W indsor Avra Smith Adv. Solicitor SEMINARY SERMONETTE One of the usual marks of high social i!c elopment, intelligence, and character is the possession of a characteristic called TACT. Its presence assures a quality of grace, sympathy, and understanding that nut only produces pleasure in all associations but, because of its fine seii'e-u- f discrimination produces success in almost any field Would you endow your life with charm, grace, and sweetness, cultivate tact? 'Nuccess will inevitably follow, for tact is the ability to discern the best course of action m dealing with others, especially so that no offense is given. It calls out the best m those we tut it and recognizes their true worth. Tact can approach such fine distinctions that one not only talks pleasingly to others, but subtly twists the words to speak the nicest forms of personal pi. use; such as these replies to the quety of "Du v ou like my hat?" One said, Yes, I think it's lovely, and another with more tact answered YOU look lovely in it' Do you see the difference? BISHOP JOHN A. JOHNSON Missionaries OF SHARON tnends are now being made and amazing variety of scenery and truth is j 'evading places of enjovment, unequalled Tasmania is an insular Stale sep- by anv of its size, age or popula- arated from the mainland by about tion. 200 miles of water, and is one of It has also been described by the most attractive parts of the some as being the most mountainBecause of its Commonwealth. pleasant climate and comparatively small population the island is known as the "Plav ground of Auswherein many seek seclutralia, sion dining the holiday periods And if they be seekers after romance they need not leave its shores disappointed for it has an xn 1936 Tune ous island in the world, some of its peaks being snowcapped the year around. Because of these lofty peaks it has also earned the nickname Switzerland of the South," and as for further sources of scenery and enjoyment, there are wild canyons, smiling farmlands, hop gardens and orchards, historua ruins, impenatrable s, lakes of beauty comprable to those heading Provo River, waterfalls galore, which are beautified by the huge evergreen ferns that thrive in the cool damp climate. There are brocken coast lines, stretches of gleaming beaches, which create an unquenchable desire to live upon the sea, which explains the fact that upon evert Saturday afternoon or holiday, one can count dozens of jachts, rowing skiffs, fishing schooners, and bathers making their pick-nicke- r V- c departure for a week end at sea or on one of the nearbv As for advent ire time are many square miles of tile island that are still labtlid "unexplored" of the establishThe history ment of civilization upon the island is as thrilling as any novel, there being so manv escapades between the convicts exiled from England ar - the peaceful immigrant settlers. These white wfre instrumental in exterminating a race of abbriginies (Continued on page four) - . fh SENSATIONAL SALE jFasliionTailorcd nnnnni Q SUITS SAVE $10.00 u i The biggest' thing, men youve witnessed in many a year! A sale so downright sensational youll want to buy not one suit, but two or three! Come prepared for the buys of a lifetime . . youll and more. get them II life-lon- ij hi be. (Editorial.) A. John Johnson of Lake View, veteran of Indian wars, a sturdy pioneer, and former bishop of Lake View for a period of more than twenty jears, and president of the High Priests Quorum of Utah Stake for many years, is another Sharon resident to pass to his eternal revv rd recently Bishop Johnson was tiuly one of the great pioneers of this section. His was a life that was noted for courage and those sturdy trails that chaiacterize the Norwegian race. His many activities and the splendid family he has left to survive him will long keep his memory fresh in the hearts of the people of this community, , -- The first real disappointment came when a few days after their arrival they were required to be separated by about 500 miles of land and sea, one of them remaining in Sydney, the other three journeying 591 miles to Melbourne. From there I made my departure for a further 475 mile voyage to Hobart, Tasmania, where I spent the following year. Hobart is a city of approximately 60,000 people, being situated at the foot of a beautiful green moun t n Summers newest Models. n-rJ " ic 1 4 A HiiEiiTiAniii V f To wear vacationing! To wear to business! Lj 3"C Sports Jacketlike Styles Whites Pastels Navy 70th Anniversary Flash! rw Ladies Rayon Taffeta Slips, bought specially for this great sales event. Fine Quality Full Cut Long Cali- Length Adjustable Straps fornia Top Lace Trim Shadow Panel These Slips are a true 98c value Sale Price Who but Sears -- 1)1 Children Sizes Misses Sizes 14 to 2 to 1J inclusive 18 inclusive j be. J ' i A. ' ' - IssW When you see how vell made these shirts are and how full theyre cut, youll say they re wonders at this price. Fast color. I ! V- - Dress Shirts Americas dimities, piques and new shan tung broadcloth- - 19c Pair Wv wash frock specialists could turn out dresses as remarkable as these, at $1.40? See theml Like countless others, you too will plan your complete sum- -' mer wardrobe around them. Airy sheers flock dot voiles, SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE OF CHILDRENS AND MISSES PANTIES AND BLOOMERS Fine Quality Rayon Extra Full Cut Expertly Tailored Fashioned for Hot Weather These are first quality numbers and were carefully selected to insure you our standard, dependable quality mer- chandise. Mens 1 4$' Never Mend Pure Silk Hosiery - r " Men's Wash Pants is a sure winner for dependable quality and appearance. Comes in both 4 thread chiffon and 8 thread service weight Full Fashioned Double Heel, Every Pair Perfect Toe and Foot Regular 65c pair, 70th Birthday SaLe White Mesh Price 59c Pair $1.19 J Rayon Taffeta z 3 Pairs $1.65 Assured Quality Is Economical SHOES SLIPS $1.00 70c Hand turned leather soles. No wonder Sears sell them by the hundreds . . . our price is so Ipw. With shadow panels. Double stitched seams. Tearose and flesh color. Sizes 34 to 52. Rayon Assortment 25c Briefs. Panties, Stepins snd Bloomers. Non-ru- n rayon. A Sears hit value. Reg. $1.69 Come and see this grand assortment of tvash trousers. They positively will not shrink. 28 to 44 waist. Definitely anderpriced in, men, 1 PRESSURE M Qt. Qt 19 Qt 22 Qt. Wonder Can Sealer - 16 COOKERS ... $11,95 .$14.95 $15.95 $17.95 $9.95 Automatic Can Sealer $10 95 JAR CANNERS Extra Hard A! mum 7 TAYLOR BROS COMPANY THE DEPARTMENT STORE OF PROVO- - frill 1 SJililJ EVERY DAY A VALUE DAY 20 Qt. size 16 Qt. size Enamel 16 Qt. . $2 23 $1.79 $1.39 |