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Show PAGE FOUR THE VOICE OF SHARON Missionary Returns With Bride A n n OPEN l II 11 ih Evenings and Sundays mi ir 1 71 1 r x if V- 4 ft j MR. AND MRS. S. REX CLUFF S. Rex Cluff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Guff, will be interested to learn of his return from the Brazilian mission where he has labored as a missionary; also of his marriage to Miss Brunhilde Stark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wilhelm Stark of Rio Negro, Brazil. The marriage took place in Rio Negro May 1, and the young couple left immediately for the United States, coming by way of the Panama Canal and Los Angeles. They were met in Los Angeles by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Cluff and Mrs. Hattie Solomon of Salt Lake. They all returned home by way of San Francisco. The bride is a native of Brazil, her parents having immigrated to South America from Germany soon after their marriage. She speaks German, She Portuguese and some English. is the first convert of the L. D. S. mission in Brazil to immigrate to the United States. The marriage of the young couple marks the climax of an interesting acquaintance and friendship. Elder Cluff left Provo September 24, 1931, in company with J. Reed Butgener also of Pleasant View. They are among the first missionaries to land in Brazil since the opening of the mission six years ago, and are the only missionaries from Provo to have labored in Brazil. The Stark family became interested in the young men and their work and Elder Guff succeeded in baptizing one son and the daughter Brunhilde. The young couple will make their home in Pleasant View. Special Double Breasted Patch Pockets Single Breasted $13.65 $16.65 ne oub y 15c V 19c 10c 15c Soaps and Cleaner 43c No. 2 can Whole Figs, 8 oz 15c 9c 17c Peaches, Del., 2J can Fruits for Cocktail, 1 lb. can 17c Canned Meats Salmon, large can Salmon, Del Monte, tall Deviled meat, , 3 for Corned Beef, 14 oz. can Vienna Sausage, can Sardines, Oval, 2 for Shrimp, can Corned Beef Hash, 1 lb. can 7c 15c 10c 17c 11c 15c Star,1 Medium Cocoa & Chocolate 20c 13c 10c 8c 27c 19c lb 4c Butter Crackers, pkg 37c 14c large package Dainty Ice Cream Cookies, 20 for 26c 10c Sodas, 3 lbs Jumbo Snaps, Ginger, Vanilla, Lemon, 13c 9c 18c 18c 16c a 17c 23c 10c Crystal White Soap, 10 bars White King, large pkg Shaving Soap, bar M 27c 27c 4c White King, Chandu, Mission Bell Toilet Soap, bar Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 for Clorox, pints, 2 for La France Bluing Lux Toilet Soap, 3 bars ... 4c 15c 17c 9c ICe Canned Vegetables 2 can, 3 for Corn, No. 2 can, 3 for Beans, No. 2 can, 3 for Peas, No. 17c 17c 16c Pilgrim Cookies, pkg Butter Cookies, pkg. Graham Crackers, 1 lb All 5c Package Cakes, Fruits and Vegetables ;V 'iy "'i ' . 1 And every mans every need is cared for here formal double breasteds, easy Sports Baks, new peak lapel singlebreasteds. Theres the assurance of quality and the incentive of clear cash savings. - - all-wo- Tomato Juice, Del Monte, Tomatoes, No. 2 can Spaghetti, 29c 25c 25c 5c 9c 2 for 15c 10c Hominy, No. 2 can Pork and Beans, Pierces, No. 2 can 2 for 19c 11c Spinach, No. 2 can Carrots and Beets, 15 oz 5c Franco-America- n, m m ol Pot Roasts, steer beef, . 5c Tomatoes, lb . 5c Veal Leg Roast, lb 10c Bananas, lb . 5c Veal Chops, lb 12c New Potatoes, 10 lbs 13c Lemons, dozen ...... 19c Grape Fruit, 3 for Cantaloupes, 2 for .: y Delicatessen MEATS Lettuce, large heads CERTO, bottle 5c and 9c lb Sirloin, steer beef, lb... jr yQ T-Bo- ne ..... 10c Bacon Squares, smoked, New Utah Cabbage, lb. liir 11c 12c 10c Del-Pear- s, 35c 9c Rolled Oats, 9 lb. bag Corn Flakes, large package Puffed Rice, pkg. Puffed Wheat, pkg. Quaker Oats, large pkg Oats, Crystal Wedding, pkg A. Grape Nuts, pkg Grains of Gold, pkg Cream of Wheat, large pkg. Shredded Wheat, large pkg. 6c 11c 1 n 3 u : ') V I Cereals Purity Crackers of Mens Suits Saturday, June 30 - Rockwood, 1 lb Bakers Breakfast Cocoa, 4 lb McDonalds Cocoa, 3 oz Roof Garden, ground chocolate, Bakers Chocolate, lb. cake T 1 I) A Lid iT t- Rockwood, 2 lbs U Effective East Center St. Pineapple, No. 2J can Pineapple, 8J oz., can Grapefruit, No. 2 can Orange Juice, No. 2 can Jam, assorted, 13 oz Blackberries, near gallon Tuna Flakes Tuna Fish, White I ; Canned Fruits V PRICES n xn i kD The many friends of Elder misMinM) ' I ... lb Pork Chops, lb Pickles, Dill or Sour 3 for 5c Cornbeef, lb 18c Cheese, Mild, lb 11c Cheese, western nippy, lb 20c Weiners, Franks, Minced Ham, Bologna, lb 12c Beer, Fishers or Beckers, Pts. 2 for ..25c. ' Qts. ..25c 11c Pickles, Sweet, doz 12c Cheese, Harlequin, Swiss 19c Pimento, lb lb. aver29c Spring Fries, (2 14c Ginger Ale, Cliquot, 2 for 25c 23c age), lb . 3c 15c asj a |