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Show Tuesday, December 27, 1949 Dragerton Tribune UDirageFtoii -.- ttt.-V -- December 27-2- 8 ss DOUBLE FEATURE Big Jack . With 'Wallace Beery THURSDAY . DOUBLE FEATURE and Delivery Service Twice Weekly Every Tues. and Fri . Pick-U- p $ I Africas mesl aavago diamond hunt! 7 ! i Columbia uwtfassyvm, 'foSTTn!BE PRICE STEAM LAUI1DRY & SATURDAY FRIDAY CLEAIIIIIG CO. December 30-3- 1 KIKKDOUGLAS tm to? LordMK a x:i3AMPio:r SAVE TODAY MARILYN MAXWELL ARTHUR JENNEDY uasmutr kthToha iou alkight W STANLEY UAHE! for DmMtol TOMORROW! floMapioyvy s SUNDAY cir MONDAY -- January dA Pi, ' V Bund up O months reserve fund to provide cash for emergencies or you with needed ur You wilt.b for some special purpose. . out ihow easy k fc when you Pri,.d : security this peace-of-min- d give yourself let us and bank today Come into our advantages of explain to you the many our six months reserve W 'ifs 1- -2 lIoTtiiriG Even Like rr ix j I 7 Arrangements were made .to a Christmas basket to some worthy family on December 24. On Christmas eve the basket was to a family. Cultura held its annual Christ- given The nextmeeting of Cultura is mas party at the home of Mrs. second ThursAnnabelle Tobey on December 22. scheduled for the in January. the day was chairman of Annabelle Tobey Host To Cuitura Christmas Party Mrs.-Tobe- give y FOR SALE Washer, beds, mattresses, dres ser, day bed, vacuum sweeper, and other miscellaneous Items Bargain. Miners Finance Co. FOR GENUINE factory built parts, for Dodge and Plymouth car see Bunnell Garage. 154 East Main, Price. Please leave laundry or calls at any of our following agencies: DRAGERTON BARBER SHOP SUNNYSIDE HOTEL FOSTERS CONFECTIONERY at Tobey. FURNITURE UTAH PRICE, tainment affair. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Hioks, Mrs, Cliff Mahan and Mrs. LOOK FOR DRAGERTON Purina Eggs. Union Supply No. 2. fet BOTTLING COMPANY, enter- at HOUSE FOR SALE 512 Edgehdl Drive in D section Dragerton. Inquire Jess Service station, west of the Skylark on Highway 50 6. December 29 7-- Kl-wa- nis after-dinn- er CLASSIFIED Some of the Best , as - WEDNESDAY TUESDAY Cal Jewkes and Ded Croft, iwanis Club To intertain Children Published Weekly Office: DragerVnT Theatre Tuesday's meeting of the Phone Dragerton 1 club of Sunnyside has been Rate $2.50 per year; 5c per copy set aside for the " entertainment of the children of the members of Jack Clifford the club with Daddy playing Publisher matter host. Entered as second-claAppropriate musical and dance November 11, 1947 at the post been arranged by office at Dragerton, Utah, under numbers have the act of March v3, 1879. TbailE .. fresh up families! -- PAGE FIVE Utah The Dragerton Tribune, Dragerton, t:3Ti:::ic You Ever LIKED r3HE CAKES, all kinds of cakes made Decorto order in my home. ated birthday cakes a special167 ity. Mrs. Walter Whitburn. Trail, Dragerton. Grassy ran UTOCO StslkiscJSsdsrs ,0 ONE of our beauti combi n nations. We want your piano or other musical instrument. Lets swap. House of Music, Phone 748, Price Theatre Bldg. YOU WANT ful S'romberg-Carlso- Ajs for MONROE CALCULATOR sale or trade for 18" carriage typewriter. If interested see Reverend Kenneth Johnson at 403 E Geneva Dr., Dragerton (UTOCO GOOD USED Breakfast set and one small childs rocker for sale. 310 Circleway, Sunnydale HOUSE FOR RENT in new section of Dragerton. See John Blevins at 405 E Geneva Dr Dragerton. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Two bedroom house at 335 Berkley. Contact party at 333 Berkley, Dragerton. Select from PIANO VALUES world-famo- us lines Hardman, Add a Solovox to any piano. House of Music, Phone 748. Price Janssen, Jessie-Frenc- h. v savings plan. tft VSul Vi - S Safety Deposit Boxes for Bent Carbon Emery IBaials Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PRICE, UTAH Qli Kgs Get a mgujj& ilr BEFORE (hetk-u- p - trouble starts! This Is th tima for aa aagiaa aava and general Loepectiea. Tit fc7 M ox lotting and troablo of lot taua-- o ' lubricate yaar oar haga aw lor told, weather. Dont risk fcroakdowa Driva iu today aud aw axpavt ervica craw will aaaka ovary thiug My ahapa. nCaacsM 5f?Svfrr Motor DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DEALER C. i Fubcc Brawiag Cocapaay, Sak Distributed by Utah Distribtrtirg Co. Us Ciqr 1 |