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Show PAGE EIGHT THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH SJ'" It 4 L. For Tuesday, February 22, 1949 Mens Suits the Month nf February Only ' 100 Wool of Philco Deep Freezers Most All Colors and $25.00 OH Regular Price Sizes Just Received a Large Shipment of Regular 100 Wool, Sharkskin, Gab- ardine, and Worsted This Week Only Machines Como In and Select Yours Womens Spring Coats $49.95 and $59.95 White Sewing Complete Now Stock $49.95 $29.95 To 50 to Select From $54.95 (low f- - that many items in our stores have been reduced recently and we will make further reductions as fast as market conditions, change as it is our policy You will find to follow the market down within 24 hours from the time that the reduced wholesale prices actually go into effect. A Xr - xr In our Meat Markets we handle only high grade Government Inspected meats. A Womens Vhi Spring Dresses 3 usco -- .. junS , 00 1 Wool, Sharkskin, $29.95 vaseline . 'uppnnnns Spring Suits Gabardine & Worsted HAIR TONIC nnwnms Womens New To I. VimunATlS , $13.95 DRUGS .J.M. !I?.U)! . ROLLS ... $49.95 -- $54.95 41c -- 25c 60c SIZE Alka-Seltz- er lO'a JR. ANH SUPER J , 1 Yodora . MOR PORK, MOR BEEF, . Pancake Flour 35c Mor Veal LBS 4 PAN STICK Max Factor 1fact TAN-A-RA- (fatuC A Cruise Around mP -- 50 iv Rayve WW i GetFrtt LIGHTER Ronson$6to$15 Scotch Tape 1 m A 1 lux flakes & 334 LIFEBUOY RIIIS0 Filling Station LUX SOAP MTU SIZE 18. size MTU SIZE 13 J f Generator, Marked Savings NH r $3.49 Potted Meat $3.55 Tamales 25c OZ. CAN ... 15c 25c Aerowax 49c Sliced Bacon -- 43c os. tin., SVt 2 17c FOR 1 LB. BAG -- 25c 69c 5 CANS 5 CANS .. 69c . H GAL. CAN 59c Purity Crackers 2 LB. .. 29c Pure Lard, 89c WILSONS Boiling Beef Ham Salad OZ. GLASS Beef Pot Roast 49c Pure Pork Sausage ARCHER HOUSE iRib Steaks 63c 1 lb. roll 43c Vienna Sausage 2 CANS -- 95c 43c -- -- .. 29c 23c -- EMPRESS Coffee 1 La TIN 45c -- FOLGERS, HILLS BROS., M.J.a TIN -- 56c UTAH VALLEY Catsup SPECIAL Veal Roast 45c WILSONS 50 LBS. FRESH JELLY 1 Carburetor for Ail Cars $2.79 ... LB. BAG ... 1 Morning Milk Tubes, Extra Heavy Duty 1 OZ. CAN Coffee 1 La SPRY $4.95 Oil Filters, All Cars $1.49 LBS. FRESH GIANT Jelly Drops & ' Fuel Pumps, For All Cars 6:00-1- 6 Hershey Syrup Morning Milk Exchange and Up $10.95 -- WILSONS Cleanser Deal 3 cans Y, 30 t SILVER DUST ilk , Pikes Peak Flour Enter with any one of these LARGE SIZE Lever Product! SWAN Star Flour 50 25c Tang LBS..... SWIFTS Hits 5c Baby Gift Set $2.15 t Red Entry Blanks J Pancake Flour zh theWorid for Two 15 Round Trips to Europe or $2,500 Cash to each winner HOME PERMANENT . PILLSBURY Ptlft or $10,009 Cash ttomoMi mtzu Y un OH LTOHEY PACK 41.50 12 OZ. CAN 29c 2 BOTTLES AMERICAN FAMILY IMITATION Maple Syrup 25c QUARTS .... AMERICAN FAMILY IMITATION Maple Syrup Nucoa f t -- 15c 39c 1 Purez 33c Oranges 12c WASHINGTON Delicious Apples 35c Lettuce per lb. M5)A LiJLZhXLjnJ PEE LB. f j J 6C 16c |