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Show C ' Published Weekly Office: Dragerton Theatre 18 Phone-Dragerto- CUSTOM WORK on linoleum tile. Phone and carpet, 335 E 2nd North, Price 61-Boyd Williams. WE DO e Dragerton-Trlbun- Bates $2.50 per year: 5c per copy FOUND Pair of childs and adult glasses in vicinity 8th West. ....Jack; Clifford Publisher.,. Inquire 142 Whitmore. ' ss second-clamatter FOR SALE Entered as Day bed and matNovember 11, 1947 at the post tress. Call at 341 Columbia Dr. office at Dragerton,. Utah, under Mrs. Ray H. Gilison. the act of March 3, 1879. ONLY $2.50 FOR TYPING State and Federal income tax papers. Day or evening until 9 p. m., LET ME DO YOUR SEWING for except Sundays. Phone Dru-cil- la you Mrs. Hugh Moffitt, 120 Powell, 952, Price, or 153 Whitmore Dr., Dragerton. West 2nd North. CLASSIFIED DRAGERTON Tuesday, February 22, 1949 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH TAGE FOUR SERVICE COM-pan- y SALE New FOR Maytag, $175 cash. Call at 347 B any time will take care of any after 5 P. M. problem you have carpentry, Bendix electrical plumbing, Band instruments, washers. See Fred Johnston FOR SALE 4R22 at 160 W. Geneva, Les Tomaccordions, guitars, sheet music and musical gifts. The linson, Garden Rd. or Orlan HOUSE OF MUSIC Price Mortenson 11R12 at 118 WhitTheatre Building. . more. Kelvinator electric ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to FOR SALE stove complete with fuse box order In my home. Decorated and some wiring. Fowler forty birthday and wedding cokes a gallon electric water heater. specialty. Mrs. Walter WhitBoth like new. Mrs. R. W. 167 Trail. Grassy burn, Fryer, 110 2nd West New Pianos and FOR SALE FOR SALE Packard, 8 cylinder Organs. Piano tuning and re- -. in good condition, $1400. Make pairing. House of Music, Price me an offer. 260' Highway, Theatre Building. Sunnydale. Pete Stoyanoff. FOR GENUINE factory built parts FOR SALE Deer rifle, cheap, for Dodge and Plymouth cars 129 3rd West, Dragersee Bunnell Garage, 154 East ton. Main, Price. memATTENTION, MOOSE-A- 11 Mrs. C. BOARDERS WANTED bers of the Loyal Order of O. Steele, 328 Columbia Drive. Moose interested in degree team work see Tom Pruitt at 343 IS YOUR CAR COMPLETELY Denver Ave., before Sunday, COVERED in case of collision, Feb. 27. . fire or theft? If not, see Leo C. Mrs. Henrie, 344 C. Ave,, Dragerton. BOARDERS WANTED Tom A Pruitt, 343 Denver Ave.' Farmer Automobile Insurance. -- 30-08. Solution of Water Problems Holds East Carbons Future (Continued from Page One) ' ares of land. The water will be stored when available from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. It will be conveyed by pipe line a distance of 6 Mi miles where it will be used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 to supply the domestic needs of 1750 families and for municipal purposes in the town of Sunnyside, including the Sunnydale Subdivision. Kaiser Co., Inc., Sunnyside, Utah, 2.5 sec. ft. of water for domestic use from Range Creek, tributary to Green River. The reservoir will have a capacity of 1750 acre ft and will inundate 35 acres of land. The water will be stored from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 by capturing flash floods and spring runoff, and whenever available above that required to satisfy existing rights. Water will be conveyed by pipe line a distance of 7 Vz miles and used from Jan. 1 to Dec .31 to supply the domestic requirements at a coal mine and for industrial purposes incident to the mining of coal. Kalser-Fraz- er Parts corpora tion, Ironton Division, Provo, Utah, 2.5 sec. ft. of water for miscellaneous use from Range Creek, tributary to Green river. The reservoir will have a capacity of 1750 acre ft, and will inundate 35 acres of land. The water will be stored from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 and will be conveyed by pipe line a distance of 7 miles where it will be used for quenching coke and other industrial uses incidental to the manufacturing of coke. at the home of Mr. and Sunnijsida Mrs. Vem Jones and their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry ColettL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradey and baby daughter, Gale, and Grant Bradey of Castle Gate visited. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bezyack of Sunnyside, Bruno Della Corte in Sunnydale of this week. The two Patsy McCourt, Gay and Barbara Monday B Mrs. a d e y s are Mrs. Della r Fad-dis Fausett, Barbara Waite, Billy and Scott Jeffs of Sunnydale Cortes brothers. attended the birthday party of Donnie Tittle in Columbia Saturday night. After the party Gary Turnbull of Columbia came home with the boys and girls and stayed with Scott until Monday morning. The boys spent Sunday up the canyon on the ski trail Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heers served a delicious Sunday supper to the group of married people who have taken up coasting and skiing on Sunday afternoons. The seven couples were Mr. and Mrs. Wil-mWright, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marakosek, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffs, Mr. and Mrs. Pres Summer-hay- s, Junnudaia Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and of Somerset, daughter, Sandra, guests Colorado, were week-en- d of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jones. The work of the Utah Power and Light company is completed and the new street lights are burning. The town is well lighted up on all streets. Mr. and Mrs. Thuren Odendahl, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Murphy and er DANCE Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCourt and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Della Corte. Mrs. Wilmer Wright entertained some of the little folks at a TO Your Favorite Orchestra Valentine party Sunday evening. Those who enjoyed the lunch' and Valentine favors were Loretta and Valene McCourt, Roselyn Marko-se- k, Gary and Bruce Summer-hay- s, Art and A1 Heers and Wal- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT ter Wright The old Sunnydale store is closed. Most of the merchandise has been moved to the new store which will have its official opening Saturday, February 19. Until then the people will have to go to Sunnyside to shop. Mrs. Vi Lindsey and Mrs. Nina Jensen motored to Salt Lake Friday of last week and were expected home Tuesday of this week if the roads will permit Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Daily entertained at a Valentine dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Alton Green and- son of Sunnyside. Another Valentine dinner was and Mrs. Lavar Mower have new cars. Mr. d&racjerton ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fryer entertained at a dinner party February 15. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Scow and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nelson. The fire whistle blew about 9:00 p. m. Monday, calling the firemen to 3rd West where a fire had broken out in the attic of a home and was burning about the flue in the ceiling, but. the fire department soon got it under control Dale Stockberger has sold hts home to Herbert Towers of Murray, Utah. Mr. Towers is with the Murray Plumbing company and has been working off and on in Dragerton for some time. Little Anna Mea Dugan, who has been confined to her bed for over a year with leakage of the heart and rheumatic fever, is to be placed in the Primary hospita in Salt Lake City as soon as the arrangements are completed. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarrfes Dugan, had her in Salt Lake City last week to a specialist and now she is in the Dragerton hospital for a checkup. Bragerton Theatre WEDNESDAY TUESDAY February 22-2- 3 DOUBLE FEATURE ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE - (Except Sunday) LEA YE PRICE FOR (Except Sundays) Wellmpton Dragerton Sunnydale Sunnyside 8.45 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 3:01 p. m. 5:30 p. LEAVE FOR PRICE (Except ..10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m Sundays) 8:30 .10:35 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:05 p.m. $.35 p.m. m .10:45 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:40 p. p.m. .. 11:10 a. mr 1:35 p ra. 5:45 p.m. 7 wl PRICE FOR COLUMBIA 8:45 a. m. 3:00Pp. m. LEAVE COLUMBIA FOR PRICE 10:05 p. m. 4:3 p. m. 9:45 P. M. Schedule is Disaantinned far the Winter Mentha SHOPPING BUS SCHEDULE (Saturday Only) Leave Sunnydale for Price A M Leave Dragerton for Price H 9:30 A M Leave Price for Dragerton and 3:00 P. M. Sunnydale NEED EXTRA MONEY? THURSDAY ONLY February 24 See Russ Grange at the Miners Finance Co. Loons to $300.00 Legal Interest RrhMr rDlm.kr DRAGERTON Open Laily 9:00 A.M. Close 1 i -- 5:00 P.M. SOL M.WURTZa JAMES TiNUNG Sal M. Wwrtul Production lUleowd fey 20Hi Century-fo- e :00 P.M. Saturday OUR WINTER CLEARANCE FRIDAY SALE HEAD ROOM . . . NEW EtlOW ROOM. Ne danger of knot kin gyour bat off in either front or rear seat . . .Wide, wide eeaU bnilt for three paueu,er luxurious comfort. HEW Vihen Army ... LEO ROOM Real Untchont room for long legs and tall people . . . and Dodge " teats give them full support for comfortable and relaxing trips. NEW knee-level- day-lon- . . . New pins Fluid Drive, sqneeies extra miles rora every tankfnl of gas . . . gives yen much faster acceleration for safer passing. NEW PERFORMANCI Get-Awa- physical exams revealed that our wartime generation was far bigger, taller . Dodge started plannhtg this great new car TTS lower on the outside . . . higher on the inside! - Shorter on the outside . . . longer on the inside! ... Narrower on the outside wider on (lie inside! You will wonder how it wag done! V Heres daring new design . . . distinctive new style , , . natural beauty that Sows from truly functional engineering. Heres new elbow room, more leg room 25 and more bead room plus the amasingly ride of Dodge Drive. New styling . . . new "Get-Awa- y engine . . . new luxury and comfort . , , optional Gyro-Mati- e transmission are only a few of the new thinge thatll thrill you. But see them off at your Dodge dealer now. Learn first hand just what the daring new Dodge will do for you. ... OYRO-MATI- C frees you from shifting OFF W D 0D6E - latest Spring Styles HATS PRICED AT FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 1949 c! ths Izst f;!n aifcuftVfiMM' Many Hems in Stock Are Oil DISPLAY my t mu ill B&koiojid HALF PRICE See the Daring 154 loti burned tbi brighter... becansi it flamed le tbe skadev af daatkl aO Childrens Dresses gyro Fluid Drive plus - - A tOO Cwtery Fas SUNDAY $ac THaawM MONDAY -February 27-2- 8 Matinee on Sunday $1.00 Cewis Cadies Store Price. Utah 6 Tktlr All-Flu- - 25-2- Dresses - Suits - Coats i N:E February CONTINUES en-in- SATURDAY fr Eh Price, Utah ftlOM. |