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Show Tuesday, January 25, 194f THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON. UTAH PAGE FOUR1 L Every Suite . . . Every Single Piece Looks MUCH More Expensive! $359.50 III MOST COLORS 24 Only -- - Sizes 9-2- 2'2 Values to $19.95 fZ Mri VV " FOR. Boys Flannel in Bright Plaids Sizes 6 thru 14 Bedroom Suite complete vithSprings and .rr1-3- 9.95 Chairs Beauty Rest Mattress Studio Couch, ,.:-- 1 to 78.50 Btakf(S 7.95 Odd Chairs Baby Play Pen 79.50 Platform Rockers Sliirls nfflw 15.00 ttir Breakfast Table Mens Flannels 50 --2- - NOW $1.95 Were $2.95 Bright Plaids Brown, Blue, Black Shirts 9.95 " -- - Only 75 Left $59.50 VALUES TO Wool Pendleton Men's 100 Entrance Back of the Postoffice WOOL SUITS Single and Double Breasted - Gray, - NOW $2.95 Were $3.95 9.95 1 100 . 30.50 Were $9.75 - NOW $6.50 These Store and the East Syrup of Pepsin ,2I 1.20 .Park Store. WALKERS Heating Pads Lb. Dsxtri-Malto- Reg. 75c 69c so WILDROOT Lanolized Creme Oil 50c stores. 79c Shampoo Tooth Paste Upjohn Multi Vitaminj 25c UrilCAPS 100 3.11 FLOUR Seltzer Sr 49c FLOUR 3.49 Effervescent Tablets Wests H50c We deliver from both Heat Speeds 4.95 15 oz. Miracle Tuft Tooth Brush Dr. are for both the Main CALDWELL'S Meads prices Ailed SHASTA Beauty Creme t oz. Regular, Junior, Super IPAUA tube 49c Tampax 10s 35c FILLING STATION &T - GAL 95c No. N1BLETS CHILE BEANS Mexican Style LIMA BEANS Seaside No. 2 Can No. 2 can.... ID fLATCI I JUT Hunts 14-o- EACH 2.79 Tuna bottles, z. Tall Can.. I Clearwater Flakes, can No 300 Ford or Chev Fuel Pumps each... .4.95 REGULATORS AND COILS TO FIT ALL CARS l q males can. Chill Con Came No. 1 Can Mix No. 2 can 18c Prem Niblets 21c VIENNA SAUSAGE z. Lunch Meat can 12-o- z. . Anglo 53c 49c Mor Beef 45c 49c Cut Okra 17c ARCHER BRAND 35c 2 CANS FOR 15c 13c No. 300 Can utah VaUey A 45c Corn Beef No. 2 Can 12-o- Big S Brand No. 2 Can Tender Garden SWEET PEAS Lunch Meat can 17c Tang 13c Spam . Veg-a- ll .a 12-.- Z. Dog Food Heavy Duty can Pork and Beans OLEOMARGARINE SpPlugsErk5c 2 3.61 Turnip Greens SAUER KRAUT Alcohol Black-Eye- d PEAS r ' 2 for jC Sp f OZC zie ...33C Lard Scfn 1.10 Sdortening 31b. Can.. . 41c BY THE PIECE 29c Bacon 1.13 CoffeeS: 47c Crackers Box.. 43c Baby Foca 'x Papr WPO.'tf 25c u Bacon m Tamales m 49c 31c Steaks 10c Pki Roast 69c 59c ATOMIC . Salad - 53c Roast SIRLOIN ENDS OF POTATO L BEEF POT ib 35c Cheese -T-T-" ltu IPAKRf 79c y |