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Show PAGE SIX THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday, January 25, 1949 NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS A Filet-Croch- RELIEF AT LAST Chuir Set et - Our improved pattern visual with easy charts ana photos, and complete di reclions makes needlework easy. to-o- M - Brwlsf Circle Neediecrall Dept W. Randolph bC Chiraco U, Ui Enclose 2d cents lor pa It era. No for many things, but for none to much as the provocation by which Reduces he can aet forth his record for his country. G. C., a Sun columnist, of ljuoted a witness In the spy Investi-gatio- n aa saying he had given the Standardization, in the case of ,tory 0 the spy ring to Walter Win-on- e electrical manufacturing com- - theu in 1941. Mr. G. S of the Sun pany alone, has slashed the num- - wandered on to aay that though ber of types of fractional horse- Wlnchell reported the story to the Standardization Electric Motors power motors produced from 23, 000 to fewer than 4,000. w HOMI jmis REMEDY TO REUEYI !C?miichrb eW CUCJv DISTRESS A PRETTY and easy way to keep furniture clean I This filet crochet is beginner - easy crochet that everyone will love to do. a Make this carl ends. Pattern rection. chair-se- t 1078 baa charts; or di- Only Vlrka VapoRub gives you this Penetrating-Stimulatin- g action when you rub it on throat, chest and back at bedtime: It PENETRATft to upper bronchial tubes with special medicinal vapors. It STIMUUTIS chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. And It special keeps working for hours-ev- en Pl - V ICKS VAPORUW Getting Deaf? -- STAGEflSCRE to People Report A man Is indebted to his enemiet Types FcrYour COUGH Released by WNU features. By INEZ GERHARD SCOTT a good Give lizabeth scene and She didn't like the shef happy, one In "Dead Reckoning" "It was only a three-lin- e scene, and the dialogue was she explained at lunch terrible, the other day. "But I have A five-lin- e scene in Bitter Victory', and it was supervised by a famous doc- hMt ilMt.Olil LIZABETH SCOTT Yellow haired, with arresting beauty and a husky voice, Miss Scott la wonderful fun. She had been to sales, bought a rain coat and a pair of shoes "I love sales; when I was a poor young actress here tn New York I couldnt have been dressed without them. She says she may marry this year if she can get time off from Paramount At that 4 time, Stalin and Hitler had more than a pact In early 1941 the French were down, London waa burning and the British, after Dunkirk, were fighting from one cnee. Russia, now it can be told, was acting as an outpost for Nazi Orlando Martins, from the Basuto country hr Africa and a favorite actor in London, has Joined the Seamstresses will save time, ef"Hasty Heart cast Ronald Rea fort and thread if they use scotch Patricia Neal and Richard gan. of material tape instead basting Todd have the roles which were beautifully done on the New York Did yon know that shellac will intelligence. So much So that when stage by Richard Bsfseheart, John turn white with the absorption of Sumner Welles warned the Russian Lund and Anne Burr Baseheart and - water or moisture? ( mbaggy that Hitler would attack Lund got Hollywood contracts as Russia In June, the Russian ambas-tadresult of their work. Use np leftover pickle Juice by went straight to the Nazi pouring it over sliced cooked beets Trial offer available on direct tales Zenith tmbassy and reported Welle conWhen Ossie Nelsons mother and allowing the beets to marinate Radio Corporation or Ita subaldlarlee hr tig versation to the Nazi ambaisadorl flew from New Jersey te Hollyin it. Serve the beets as a relish Thus, any Russian spy ring In early wood to spend her vacation with or on aalad greens. 1941 was also a Nazi spy ring. Ossie and Harriet, her son was worried, for it was his mothers If there is an elderly person or I duly reported Levines statefirst plane trip. But the stepped child in your home, burn a low ments to the President, who already off the plane in California fresh wattage light all night in the hall knew something was afoot The as a daisy. "This ia the way to or bathroom to insure against so American Intelligence services did travel! the told Ossie enthuscidents. on two Aa late let at it year ago, iastically. He looked at her and tor example, a dossier on Hiss was muttered "And they talk about landed to Secretary Byrne. There the younger generation! S a big difference between an service and a police Jane Wyman goes into "Man tore, which slipshod reporters to be made In England Running", arnot overlook. Spies are by Alfred Hitchcock. Acclaimed as Toslktynsiil rested; they are followed to uncover 1948'a best him actress because gone otroar, PERSONAL in enemy network. The Intelligence of her work In "Johnny Belmdr bosky children whoa yoe rive lervices call this; "Going up the by London's Film Tribunal, she BARBERINd them Seott'a ladder." It means locating the head- will use the $4,000 award to esEmulaioa every Apprmd lor VtUrona. Us of all the and spy ring quarter tablish a scholarship at the Royal day I Seott'a la BARBERS art In demand, Grtdaafo la all agents. It frequently results in Academy of Dramatic Art It is a "sold aalne" mmmlh. Sail Lako Barter Collet. Soil Lak f natural AAD City. Utah. ITS Botoat Street. breaking th enemy's code. If the presented In the name of the cast Vitamins and Batura enemy hai the slightest notice, the and crew of "Johnny Belinda. U. Hal pa ohildm grow right, develop sgent Is flashed that his cover is oaad tooth, atroas boaoo. broken" and the enemy shifts to Holpo mud off ooldo whoa they Before Bob Hope left for lack anonsh ABD Vitamin KETCHUM BUILDERS aaw lines of attack. Germany for the holidays tha food. Many doctors recommend It. Economical. Boy today at cast and crew of "Easy Does SUPPLY CO. For a newsman to give notice to you drat store, It gave him a present a walkan enemy of his country for the MOKE than fust a tonic lot Th- ing stick whose sliver handle untake of a story may make him a screws, revealing a test tube Jft powerful nourishment! 4th South at 7lh West in to G. of the eye S., but reporter large enough to hold enough Salt Lake City 9, Uuh this reporter he loses th name of liquid refreshment for a long American. Frank Knox waa a newswalk. paperman on a consultant basil when ha wea secretary of the navy Some Hollywoodian recall when Surely Mr. G. S. ( doesnt mean Victor Mature arrived 10 years ago, that Secretary Knox should have set up a tent at a traffic Intersection published the battle orders of the and refused to budge till be got a U. S. navy, which was certainly a movie role. Now he has finished great toewa story especially for playing "Samson" In "Samson and Your Sleep th enemy. The Chicago Tribune Delilah (wait tfil you see him slay Why scratch and suffer tonight when waa hailed before a federal grand those Philistine with the jawbone soothing, medicated Remnol Ointment is Jury on a charge of disclosing to of an ass!) and returns to Parawade specially to relieve itching, fiery tha Japs by a published story that mount to kin) Famous through lour generations play opposite Betty Hutton for its quick, lingering comfort. we had broken their code. in "Red, Hot and Blue." Thousands bow know there Is no excuse for letting deaf one lull the joy of living. An smarm new radiooict hearing device Has been perfected in the Zenitht Radio laboratory! -- so aim great toeaiyto it be can ue sent to you for 10 day free trial.e Ready to wear, no individual titnecewary. ling Accepted by the American Medical Association, Council on Physical Medicine. Coma out of that world of denca. Write today for full details to Zenith Radio Corp Hearing Aid Division. Dept. 19 - S Y, 5801 Dickens Ave Chicago 39, Illinois. Made by the makers s of Zenith Radios or world-famou- BiM nsm. ly energy-balMIn- g -C- w-vhi-l SC0.CO Eczema itcijiIIG Steal Now that Chamber! has elected to tell a fuller atory, a large number of men who draw pay as newspapermen have become Monday morning quarterbacks on how I "Jar FREIGHT PREPAID A beautiful gleaming vitreous china, cioae bolted clone! combination with a tcaooned hardwood celluloid sprayed teat. Remittance milk order piMia 1 It Isn't right, four money bach without a fight are you gom through tha functional middle ago' period pocullar ' to woman 3 to S3 yra I f Dow this Bioko you ouOor from hot tUabeo, foot oo norvoiia, hlgbotrung tired Then do try Lydia SL Plnkbam's Vegetable Oom pound to relievo aucb symptoms Plnkham'a Compound sloo has obat Doctor call a a toms cb to toolo affect I LYDIA L PIXXHAMS W WNU -- - K! 0449 eons, CUAFP2 ups? Quick relief With MENTHOLATUM - Dont go oo suffering from reach for MenthoUtum, Feel painful, dry, cracked lip Meathotatdmitla tnous combination of menthol, fast-acti- o g camphor and other ingredients soothe tender tip skin, revive dried-ou- t skio cells, help them retain needed moisture. Soon smarting paio leaves, Upa feel smoother it a pleasure to smile again. In tube and jars JJ and 7J sizes.' , stove league More Restful "Darling, lets get married. Why the harry? "Well, it would put an end to our being just crazy about each other. Hybrids Stranger What is the standing of the Spendmore family in this CREOIViULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis town? Native Well, I should say they are sort of betwixt and between. They arent exactly nobody and yet they arent really anybody. A Born Poet "But, father, poets are born, not made." "Wnte u bat you like, my boy, but don t blame your mother end me for it." &ST&SK' Luscious Bran Muffins . . . with Raisins! late-hou- the matter. Levine did not mention the name of Ills er Chambers to me. Bit principal interest waa an investigation Into the death of General Krlvltsky. He did not mention the clinching evidence at aa active spy ring, the microfilm, for the good reason he didnt know about It. football i packed it where away belongs. And one feature has been the argument involving Tris Speak er and Joe Di Maggio Heres one r leading example-DeaSir; The other night we sat around and, alter r discussion of the inevitable the comparative abilites of Joe Louis and Jack Dempsey, natural ly the chitchat switched to the all time baseball team. One man averred that there should be a place for Joe DiMaggio. That be is such a great star that it seem ridiculous to bar him. f, These are the facts: When Isaac Don Levine was talking to me in 1941 he did not know, nor could he se expected to know, that I had seen a reserve naval intelligence officer ilnce May 5, 1934. (I nave lever been discharged and I have lever resigned. I waa ordered on the inactive list May S, 1934, but I got my verbal orders every day). Still less could Mr. Levine be expected to know my orders But I lid, and I followed them. Neither sir. Levine nor G. S. were In a posi-lo- h to know my orders, much less relieve me of their obligations in HARDLY seema possible that in less than two months sevra thousands of ballplayers will be neaded for the sun again, aoulh oi west. In the meanwhile, 'the hot stove league is getting hotter now that IT tor, so it's absolutely authentic." a real news-ha- n would have told the public. lommander-in-chie- Famous Baseball Duels Creomuision relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomuision with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. Save all chicken wishbones! 20th Century - Fox and the Poultry and Egg National Board Join In a promotion for "Chickea Every Sunday; contestants send a wishbone and a letter explaining why they like chickea every Sunday, also tell of "a desired wish. Winner gets his er her wish. Three regional winners go te Hollywood, as guests of Celeste Holm and Daa Dailey. should have handled the story Their first approach is to get the facta right, which they always magnificently ignore, the prerogative, I suppose, of small anJ unread circulations. The truth is that nobody had the evidence, though many had tha story, until a few weeks ago Then Chambers, In defense of him self, revealed the microfilm. Up to When Steve Sekely directs an A that time. I didn't know If it, Levine picture, hes Steve on the didnt know of it. and neither did .cast and credit sheet; Sekely when he doe th Govt B, he's S. K. Seeley , . . Wayne Morn ("John Love Mary,) had The Inside story Is that if His tough holiday season; he had hadnt sued Chambers, it a lour wisdom teeth extracted . , , doubtful If Chambers would Patricia Neal has aA interesting have revealed ,them. Voder a landlady Mrs. Jean Acker Valengoading examination by Hiss tino, widow of the screen's great lawyer, Chambers blew. To the lover . . . Chet Lauck and Norris sneering question or "Is that all Goff are auditioning actors for new Chambers angrily yon have? characters In "Lupi and AbnerV, . . answered that he had tome other evidence and then exploded Phil Davis, head idea and gag the microfilm bombshelL That man on Rafph Edwards Truth or supplied the evidence which Consequences", has sold an original made the headline. story, Moon over the Cats ills, to George Jessel, to star Danny Ita one thing to know a story and Thomas. It is a musical, and Dtvis another to prove it and it is libel will write the screen story. to call a man a Communist. Botf on the air and In print this report Jack first effort as a er has objected to that silly rule motion Bennya picture producer, "The stating that the blindfold of justict Lugjty Stiff, produced for Amuseis being twisted into a gag of th ment Enterprises, is scheduled for free pres and going so far as tc February release Benny has a nlca call it a court license for the fifth case starring Dorothy Lamour, column. Brian Donlevy and Claire Trevor. "It was pointed out that tjp time All-Br- ... JOILY, Get cur- rently, and for the last 20 years outfield or more, the all-tihas been made up of Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth and Trie Speaker, and which of those three could a fellow toss out lu favor of DiMaggio, no matter how great Joe Is. It was said we could throw out 8peaker, that .ild Trig had been only a great flycatcher and that he didnt really rank with Cobb and Ruth and and lusTasty Kelloggs a cious raisins flavor combination! 1 cup sifted 2 tablespoons flour shortening 14 cup sugar 244 teaspoons or molasses baking legg ppwder 1 cup Kellogg's 44 teaspoon salt 44 cup raisins $4 cup milk Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg and beat well and Stir in Kelloggs milk. Let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Sift flour with baking powder and salt; stir in raisins. Add to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased muffin pans full. Bake in a moderately hot oven (400F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Make 9 marvelous Well Ail-Br- QUICKER From Year All-Br- Cough Due ia a Cola CHI CVC w Cough Compound rUlabl Tar mrm . M , S CHICKEN -- two-thir- ds muffins. Cosily opplttd to root to, vKILLS Fu. with Awarlcaa Mast he whtl duckoMk porch I ot. trooti l LICE DiMaggio. famoat aatoral lasativa cocoa 90 chcfcm- When I got home, 1 got out the record book to look up Tria records and I am convinced that DiMaggio e Is forever locked out of the outfield. Surely, no on questions the rights of Cobb and Ruth and, after a bit of study, no one can query the right of Speaker to the center field spot, either. "Now look. In the 22 seasons, embracing 1907 through 1928, all Tris did was average 344 'at the dish. In 2,789 games and after 10, 208 times at bat, during which he got 3,515 hit. Only Cobb, Rabbit Maranville and Hans Wagner went to bat more than 10,000 times The only others in the history of the games who hit safely more than 3.000 times are such star as Cap Anson, Cobb, Eddie Collins, Nap Lajoie, Wagner and Paul Waner Even Ruth didnt moke tnat category. all-tim- 0 0 1 kowtftii today I 1 ARE YOU A HEAVY siaomin?' Change oa coax nr MAM to SAtSOtbe distiactlve cigarette with amass I B Not a Sanos scientific process cuts nicotine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending makes every puff a pleasure. njEMINO-HAL- TOBACCO OO, INC, N T, L eunuOutdeomttiuitinuatrorolorUooet root doc roe asoot "The only ethers t top his lifetime batting record were Jobb, Rogers Hornsby, Dan Deiahanty, Billy Hamilton and WUIle Keeler. Ruth is two points sack. Think of the other greato who couldnt bang .344 in their career, and Tris did R for 22 years! "Hes in the book for hitting 50 or more doubles in five different years, showing his amaz'ng speed, and a knack of taking the extra base that DiMaggio has. He lead in he matter of two base hits, with 793. Aside from those . figures. Speaker also shares the record for most assists from the outfield In one season 35. He once was guilty of perpetrating a pair of unassisted double plays in a season, and his mark of four triples in his three World Series stands alone. "Im aorry that DiMaggio cant make it, but the book wont yie'd Speaker was good It says so. Caswell Adams. tn 3 f mouth-wateri- samo ciCAtma V EVEREADY Just Aefaffery with 'MINE LIVES? as an active cat... ... takes a cat nap bounces back with new pep... soEveready batteries bounce back M extra life J BOUNCE BACK a to 'EVEREADY BATTERIES LONGER UF El Speaker vs. DiMaggio The Speaker-DiMaggiduel Is tough one to analyze. In addition o to being hard and timely hitters, both were great outfielders On the defensive side alone, they were better than Cobb and Rutn Both had better arms than Cobb and both were faster than the Babe. Speaker had a better chance te show his outfield ability than DiMaggio. He played In the day of the dead or at least deader ball. This gave him a chance for a nuch longer range. Speaker was a star at going bac) for a ball and so is DiMaggio Both could also come In. Speaker ,as master at fielding ground balls perhaps the best in basebalL No me would be more dangerous hi a pinch than DiMaggio has hei wijh men on bases, waiting 'o te driven home. I doubt that DiMaggu can ever reach Speaker e batting mark of .344. Few havt ever passed this set of figures. "Eveready brand batteries give you fresh power when you use them; na fur ally, they use up some power when your flashlight i turned on...but nV UtS;, Connie Mack has the Idea that there should be new baseball rankings every 29 year since so many things change. This is a good idea. DiMaggio then would certainl., head the new order dating back t 192) or 1925 Or possibly beginnin; with 1930, when Cobb and Sptakei were through when Babe when Wagner and Collin and Lajoie had all finished. O Nest rime yo bar batteries for your flashlight, be ? sort O' Tj all-ti-n- P1 When your "Eveready" batteries cat nap between uses, the chemical dements ia the cell develop-fresenergy recover power - so that-- .. you get "Evereadr" yjlaref-eitio5 the g brand ia the world. Then Tonll tea what v r r Aomoee bach means . . . why batEveready teries are tie batteries untb "Ntae lore,"! ini When you map on your flashlight again, the batteries bounce back with renewed power. That bounce back gives Eveready batteries longer life! nunOMM. M CMWON COMPANY, me. EaM Ond Stzmt, Hew York 17, N. T. MVWaCWMilQatlMaOqMia EVEREADY' FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES |