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Show HH HIE DRAGERTON K companies. The situation is entirely due to the increased use of fuel oil. This news is of interest to coal miners in view of the present agerton Tribune SHORTAGE OF OIL ' Publihetl Weekly 'tlfice: Dragerton Theatre Rates . ne Drngortim 16 $2.50 Per year; 10c Publisher- - - ,,Jack FOR COAL r.lEN Per Copy rts to IS GOOD HEWS Clifford increase the supply of fuel oil from liquidation of coal. The sooner the day comes, when the shortage" of fuel' oif becomes serious, the sooner will come the time when coal will be mined to supply the needed fuel. Every effort to increase the use of fuel oil is an effort to stabilize the coal mining industry, is now the opinion of coal producers and miners. ' E. S. Holt told matter the post stockholders of his company, President the .pie Entered as second-cla- ss November 11. 1947 at Utah Oil Refining company last Pragerton, under the act of March week, the demand for fuel oil S, 1879. continues to exceed supply, and Dr. Co- we therefore urge those contemContributing Editors of fuel oil lombo, Ernest Cox. Jean Crosby plating installation to assure Hanson burning equipment Harold Fred Johnson, of a supply befor themselvese Mortenson Orion Lund, Verr.on) Contininstallation the making Sanders Emery Olsen. Father satNews Betty Jean Poglajen, George uing, Pres. Holt stated the uration h"en point LaVae hs Perez, Joan Malaby. The men in Sunnyside and SunPatricia Waring and through the United States despite the tremendously increased J;k il nydale are Fern Peterson. preparing for the baseities and output of oil refining ball season by getting ther teams John Blevin lined up. Last week several meetSYNOPSIS . . . Smoky, one of emblem. In the center was one ings were held to organize their ' s clubs and line i up all the old plat the contributors of the Dragerton of the most beautiful sun ers and any new men interested we seen. ever roses All the have Tribune, goes to sleep on the job. He has a dream that he left Car- were in full bloom, presenting a that have come into our commubon county in 1948. He returns glorious site long to remember. nity since the last season. The two Sunnydale painters, with his wife in 1975 and notes The thought of the struggle of Ooet7man, As Dr. a new bustling community. Parley Rhead, Curley Fausett and Woody Fol-li- s, have spent the last week ,n Moss Jeanselme Price Mayor, he finds James Lee, Walt Wetzel and son of J.' Bracken. Jim tells to get Rotary- interested in this Salt Lake painting in the home In the forties came of Claude Heiner. They are now Smoky the news. The court house project late " We 'were now back painting in the homes on Into dream. the most in which the of disaster, county officials lose their lives told, this Rotary proiect had at- Edgehill Drive. Silas Ross, the Boy Scout lead. . . J. Bracken defeated the sec- tracted national attention in Iner, is really doing a fine. Job witn ond time for governor by a few ternational Rotary circles. scouts. There are three troops votes . . . then appointed as amThe Price city park had aL the and "they are looking forward to bassador to Monte Carlo. The taken on added beauty. The la'-gcourt house goes to East Caroon flower beds presented an array a Court of Honor to be held heie a bustling area of 50.000 peo- of colors that blended beautifull v soon. Si has the boys all signed With the Sunnyside National with the background of the ever, up ple. A. D. Keller serves two terms as mayor and then greens of the Memorial park Rifle Association. The Sunnyside National Rule moves to Salt Lake City as man- These evergrens now grown to Association has just been organof a large grocery large trees present a picture 'Uat aging director ized in Sunnyside with James chain. one could neverJiave Imagined Cassano as senior executive and Now We Continue with SMOKY'S here In the desert country. Silas Ross as junior executive. Dream: Adjoining this area, is the nrw Mr and Mrs. Frank Maikosek and really modern hospital. Once and daughter, Rnselyn, went to Carbon College managed project, it is now Salt Lake But it looked as though with these, a'city Friday of last week by a board appointed by and returned Sunday further improvements had stop- managed evening. the city, county, and the miners Carbon welfare committee. Every modern Mr. Markosek is a Shriner and ped. We went toward College, and here We witnessed appliance is to be found In this went in to attend the Masonic convention held there last weekthe greatest growth in the city. building, and service equal to that end. New county high school, one estabBill Davis also attended the the finest we had seen, greded obtained in any hospital our sight. Grade schools covered lishment has been made available Masonic convention and was made a Sh nner the area to the west that we to the people of Carbon county. A thought would be a residence (To Be- Continued) meeting was held Mon section. Even a section of former residences had given way to new school and college buildings. Here was the real progress of Carbun county. Carbon College had be'n extended Into a four year school. Here also was centered the training of men in the coal study, with fine laboratories all working In connection with the npw industry of East Carbon which we had not seen but only had heard about. Shops to train students were of the finest, and Carbon College now covers three full blocks instead of the ones we knew as we left. ' Sunnyside and Sunnydale -- ... suc-ceess- . Indeed, we realize that we cant buy good will. We know we must earn it through sound, The stadium, which was in the making in 1948, was now complete. Alongside was a fine field house,' and as we entered on the walls were the records of the teams. football Championship teams every year since 1965; basketball teams championship each year since 1963. Track teams year after championship year. Just the evidence of the fine manhood of Carbon and Emery counties, as well as the entire southeastern part of Utah. Students to the college have a fine dormitory. Others travel kack and forth from various communities In the area. The greater number live at East Carbon, which is connected with Price with a fine bus line, and a toll of only 10 cents per ope way. College buses also make the trip for the students, but buses on a fifteen minute schedule offer the better opportunity for the students. Municipal Rose Garden -- A visit ter ethical business practice. - nd past week, returned to her home in Castle Dale with her daughter, Orphy. Mrs. Adamay Brown and Mrs Edna Graham spent the weekend in Salt Lake City. Ellen, Stella and Sharron Pr3-tonhad them trip to- Salt Lake Tuesday, April 20, to sing. Their sister, Ruth, who accompanies them on the p,ano, went witn them. After the broadcast Mr. Walker took them up to the offices of the Utah Fuel company in the Judge Building and the girls sang for the entire office force which numbered 50 or 60. The girls did and saw many other interesting things on their ti ip and really enjoyed it. here.Sonnv j is VERW FRA rVsEE to SEEMS FURTHER H Vf$ TBE. NExt TOvJN? .IT 8ut it awT Heres good advice: If things wont come your way, go theirs with' GOOD BRAKE SERVICE SSfWkT W In.t.ll .w h"ke 0, Uy the Quality,, uaod on Jour or i g Q a Job Our merkeotc1 lodge know Petit Job Rd end (rucki Inside t out. Ihey requall-fito do beoer Job fo 0i your tiro money Our trained Drive me- chanics maki sure that your brakes sre ad- ln.J01 justed and precision equalized for longer, mora for the best brake service in town I even wear! Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Eastern Utah Take your best pictures to CRRLS IHOTO SHOP for enlarging. Theyll suffer no loss in shaiply defined clear reproduet ion. Prompt, efficient scry ice. The finest portrait work in the eitv is to be had here also. Let us take your graduation pictures. (I'amviifhd fl tftfglM Op ) (I jts v CAMPBELLS TRANSFER iNfliiFr f iwii TT C1E STORAGE MOVCiVK IS. i 7-U- P ft- 9jVU4 M 3 .j? BOTTLING CO., Price, Utah 'SHIPPING 309 CALICIN AVf Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moping Service . . . We Pack , Pick Up and Deliver. 4 X I zs-ii'v.iii.- i 'i viv--.- y-- Xy ' means added work Yes, spnngun eJtlM for every farm family for those who make - - BIG BROTHER SEZc V Garden was next. Here was beauty as we have never seen it anywhere In our travels. This beautiful spot, so well- cared for by Park Superintendent Loren Golding, was really one of beauty. Church Community Dragerton There will be a beautiful program given in honor of Mother's Day by the girls of the church An invitation to all mothers and daughters to attend has been extended by the church. The title of the pageant given is, Mothers A tea will be of Long Ago. served at the close of the i MOVING-PACKIN- OC2QS and Daughter Tea is May 7th, at the planned being A Mother BUNNEL GARAGE VOU UVE AROUND 7 PRICE, UTAH ipirinofliK30 er Tea Is Planned . Residents are again cautioned that Tuesday is trash day at Drag-erto- n. Do not place garbage in with your trash. Garbage is considered anything of a food nature. If it is determined that garbage is mixed with your tnsh it will not be picked up. Do not mix, keep them separate. Place your trash at the curb on Tuesday. Your garbage will be picked up on Thursday and Friday, depending on which section of town you live in. FOR SALE Band instruments, ' accordions, guitars, sheet music and musical gifts. The HOUSE OF MUSIC Price Theatre Building. WKcr UI1ITED MOTOR COMPANY 280 EAST MAIN STREET Mother-Daught- ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to order in my home Decorated birthday and wedding cakes a Mrs Walter Whitspecialty. burn, 167 Grassy Trail. 1942 Blue Deluxe FOR SALE DeSoto sedan New. moradio and heater, seat covtor, m. ers, U. S. Roval "Air Ride" The John Preston family m rayon tires, $1600 00. KAISER had a houseful of Sunnyside COMPANY, INC., Sunnyside, Thev were company Sunday Utah. relatives who came up to see Mr Preston who is still in the Dra"-eito- n FOR SALE Excellent acreage hospital but getting better just east of Wellington on highThe visitors were Mr. and Mis way. A small down payment Perry E. Snow of Ferron, Mr and will secure your purchase of Mrs Henry Bailing. Mr. and Mt. one-fiv- e acres balance on conLou Albrechtson and Mrs Orphy venient terms. See George MilRichards, all of Castle Dale. They ner Jr., Wellington are the brother and sisters of ORDERS TAKEN for pansies, Mrs. Preston Mrs. Snow, Mrs petunias, and other flowers and Prestons' mother, who has been vegetable plants at 102 8th West. Mrs. Jack House. staying in Castle Dale for tho DO Trash Day At Dragerton CLASSIFIED OM3 the Municipal Rose burden Color of all descriptions. Meeting Loren, he told us that there were now over 5,000 rose bushes in the It was providing thei garden. greatest attraction to Price of any other feature. During the month of June,. ,pver 5,000. people had signed the visitors register. The garden was filled, and now the only new roses planted are of the I finest types, and this means for each new one planted, another j has . to be removed. Efforts are made to plant those displaced hi the city park. The rose garden is considered the finest in , the west, and is the greatest civic advertising feature in Price. It is now surrounded by a beautiful rustic fence. electricity. val electric equipment ,s More th since time this year than at any to pump, equipment war begad , niulti. of K Hi low-co- ' bTl t st ;ri htung. cwniog. PAPER - q and for Heaven's sake remember a HOBBS batterif next fibjn T, hands? W papers. Close Out little woman's got something there, "'Henry. Hobbs batteries are quality built to deliver dependable service. long-live- d, Only the finest of available materials go into a Hobbs. Thats why a Hobbs battery has a way of keeping you going ..'.not letting you down. Rotary Rose Plot L a $0 GET G9I11G WITH HOBBS Tri-Sta- te J 1ITAH POWER Home Ownership -A UP WALLS! room and furniture. Its easy as picking daisies to put up our VcuW ,hSre,oi.i..ic-b,re- J DOLLS Bright4 walls enhance your entire W'" in farm homes. and water heating to take full advana Are ,o . Among the plots that are outstanding, was the one receiving the greatest attention when we had left. It was the plot of the Price Rotary Club. Here were planted over six hundred of the finest roses known to gardens. The design carried out the Rotary day evening, April 19,-i- n the Sunnyside school house. The new o -'ficers for the coming, year were put in office. The new office-- s were: Mrs. Julius Maki, president; Lee Allred, first vice president; Mrs. Alt Blackburn, sec-'ovice president, and Mrs.. Henry Murphy, secretary an t A very treasurer. interesting program was enjoyed by the largest crowd of the year. David Strain, one of the teachers, gavp a talk. A group of 5th grade girls sang The Lords Prayer Another croup of 5th grade grls danced the Danube Waltz. Some of the Spanish children interpreted some'of their dances Nan Blackburn played two accordion solos. Renee Newell and Nan Blackburn sang Serenade of the Bells Sunday a snow and rocjc slide took out a section of the pioe line. It was only two days since a break in the line had been fixed and the water sunnly had not had a chance to build up. The children in the Sunnyside school were sent home Tuesday afternoon because there was no waer in the building. By the time the line was fixed again and atcr coming over the top the houses on Parkway and 'Edgehill weie out of water Five men made the first trip over and worked ,r. snow around their waists, and finished the job Tuesday at 4 p P-T- - College Stadium Tuesday, April 271918 TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH & LIGHT TAX PAYING COMPANY CO. - local Control MEriDEnilALL OF PRICE Lumber Co Price, Utah |