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Show V Tuesday, April 20, 1948 niE necting the coal mines at East Cartxm with the steel plants at About Town Geneva Do Those Household Chores You Have Time . . . Repair and paint the Ijnndred and one things your wife has been hounding you to do for months. STOP IN AND SEE US Lumber Co Tri-Sia- te Price. Utah PHONE East Carbon Grows, So Grows The Tribune i The Dragerton Tribune has become the newspaper of the East Carbon district. This area, which will boast of about 7,000 population before the end of 1948, is recognized as the fastest growing part of eastern Utah Already more than 6,000 people live in the area. The Dragerton Tribune also has plans for further expansion. Within a short time, it will be an all home print newspaper, with the ready print section, now appearing on the inside pages, giving away to local news. The news staff will he increased so that personal items from every community will be given space in the columns. 'he editor of the Tribune now solicits the aid of all in East Carbon in assisting him to make this an outstanding newspaper for our section. News items are solicited, and particularly do we solicit items of visitors in our section. Items telling of East Carbon people visiting away from home and on vacation will be appreciated. Especially we are interested in notice of all parties, dinners to which you have invited guests, and other social notes. Bring them to the Tnbune office, and they will appear in the first issue following the news event With this issue, the news stand price of the Dragerton Tribune is increased to 10 cents per copy The subscription price will remain at $2 00 per year, until the close of the subscription contest, when it will be advanced to $2; 50 per year. In making the single copy price 10 cents, we realize that daily papers as well as other county papers are only five cents per copy. We desire that our circulation be entirely to the home, and are not anxious of building up a news stand circulation To those who subscribe now dunng the subscription contest, an entire years service with 52 issues which would cost $5 20 on a single copy basis, will be mailed to you each week for only $2 00, a saving of $3.20. Our subscription contestants are awaiting the end of the miners work stoppage The contest will then continue for a period of four weeks All efforts will be made to secure a subscriber in every home in East Carbon Already many subscribers have been obtained in otner parts of Carbon county. To all employees of our mines, who live elsewhere in the county, we extend our w'ish that they become subscribers to this newspaper It is our aim to carry all the news of the fastest growing section of the entire state, and at the same time provide advertising columns to all who may wish to use them, and that will reach all the woikers of our fine section The payroll of East Carbon has already reached the one half million dollar mark, twice each month This represents a large pioportion of the business of the Price area This is the buying power of our section. To advertisers throughout the section, we extend an invitation to use the columns of the Dragerton Tnbune to reach these people The Tnbune is growing just as is East Carbon It is going to continue to grow, and, we hope, serve the section it represents. FUEL GAME LICENSES S. HARVEY, UTAH STORAGE CAMPBELLS TRANSFER 1 As .MOVE 'CYAN - MOVING-PACKIN- H SHIPPING VISITOR TO E. CARBON NOW AVAILABLE Stanley Harvey, superintendent of the Somerset, Colorado operations for the Utah Fuel Co was noted as a visitor recently at The "Harvey farrulv-iSunnyside a long tradition in the Ea;t Carbon district, with Stan's formerly mine supei mtend-eof Columbia and Sunnyside, It has just been announced that & hunting and fishing licenses can now be obtained from one of the young ladies in the Union Supply Office in Dragerton. This is ef- . 309 nt Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moving Service . . . We Pack , Pick Up and Deliver. with GOOD BRAKE SERVICE f.lENDEHIIALLo NAPA STORE W Our BRAKE CLUTCH RELINING REBUILDING know truck out. tn,d . Jour roch,n,c -, Do- Bed Dodg IS A.P.A. JOBBER A GOOD MAN TO KNOW Phone 506 62 N 1st West, Price origin., job Rat ad" truckl -- lhyrQul to 1 taster lnl -- BRAKE DRUM TURNING Piston Rin8 Refitting and Resizing YOUR N. Bt1 br,k lining of ctly th. IMlIty,. u,ed on AUTO PARTS AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP MOTOR REBORING " immediately.' m Job : fective and Torn, worthy son of Stan, now in the Safety engineering division of Columbia, li-th- er N. CARBON AVt. t : : i s Our trained mechanics make ior that your brakes are adjusted and pre- Drive for the beI broke service lit lewn! cision equalized for longer, more even wear! Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan BUN AT THE El - EL GARAGE - Inn TUES., WED., APRIL Plans for the sophomore class commencement exercises at Carbon college to be held on My are now under way and are to be worked out by a committee consisting of Joel Johnson. R.v-baMiles. Campbell, Dorothv James Dart and Dick Scow At a recent meeting of this group with Di. Aaron F president, and William Cross, class advisor, it was decided that this year's graduatin' class will be garbed in caps and gowns It was also announced that E Allen Bateman, MiKTintenilrt of public instruction for the state of Utah, will present the diploma.;. The invocation will he givr n by the Rev. Richard E Halbeit of the Price Community church and the benediction by Fletcher B Hammond Dr. John T. Walqu'st Dean of Education at the University of Utah, will be the pnncip.l speaker Graduation fur the high school Seniors will be held on May 21, Dr Jones repotted that the tentative lists now beinq considered me ide some 70 college sophomores to graduate and ome 187 Inch school seniors alieady qualified. The baccalaureate service, for May 16, will see Dr. S'dnev Sperry, dirpefbr of relmous instruction at the Brigham Young universi'y, as the principal Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Eastern Utah 20-2- 1 ra .Tone--colleg- e .jUi WINHINCER CHARLES JACQUELINE it WIT HELENA CARTER MARGARET TERRIFYinG Tension! ITT HUGE CAVERNS ARE REPORTED The answer to the question of what is going on the past several mqnths "'in thp area east of Castle Dale may be answered in the following article from the Grand Junction Sentinel. Diamond drill operations have been in progress in the Buekhorn wash section of Castle Dale for several months, and rumors similar to those now occurring in the Grand Junction region have been prevalent in the Emery county region. The story published in the Grand Junction Sentinel, was: . . . For some time past, as reported in the Daily Sentinel, diamond drilling has been in progress at the site of the old granite quarry in the Unaweep canyon, with the work in charge of the U. S. geological survey, reportedly1 to determine whether or not the granite lay in a solid strata, with the purpose of excavating huge caverns deep down in the gran-- 1 ite for war storage purposes if determined the strata is suited to that purpose. Some days ago a party of of- ficers flew to Grand Junction for an inspection of the granite area,, spending some time here. Reports have since ben re-- ) ceived, although not verified, that ,a contract has been awarded Mor- rison Si Knutson, contractors, for a million dollars to be expended in excavating into the granite,' and that work will be started within a few weeks. This development comes as a part of the plan of the atomic commission for the further development of this area, the source of much of the uranium available for atomic development. my mmv v;; ''MB': SERENADE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL CLAUDE FOR SALE New pianos and organs Jiano tuningjind re pairing. House of Music Price Theatre Building. (MICK FPrfrtES, is VIAFVPS HE CRUUN' V YOU 23-2- 4 4& it Id?. k fflAfFIELDrJmfHf - AT0tM' 1 - Constance I BENNETT I ? 1CWfrWIII JT: SUNDAY, MONDAY, APRIL Double Feature '(OOS. CftVUH' WTCtiERUf THURSDAY, APRIL 22 Double Feature They tell Us "jet planes can be run on corn liquor. Well that may be, but with corn liquor, who needs a jet plane? ft MEET YOUR FRIEIIDS DRAGERTON .TUEATER Plans For 1948 Graduation FUTURE EXPANSION Drag-erto- PAGE HVE College Begins THIDUDI1E PLANS FOn and Provo. was noted George Galbreath Jack Clifford represented Dragbusiness n at among visitors erton at the meeting of enthusirecently. George, former asts of Highway 50 and 89 he'd member- - of East Carbon Rotary in Springville on ApriltO. Ehast is always more than a welcome Carbon is vitally interested in the guest. The Rotary boys also welserious condition of the highway comed him into their club activithrough Spanish Fork and Price ties. both before and after meetcanyons as this is the route con ings during his stay. TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH DRAGERTON IN COLOR THEN I DON'T faiNK QrO . T'D UETtE'R HOtAE JOSt NEl) rv z I 25-2- 6 VO 4 , fe f ) 7H - MGMj 1 PA SEZ CARRYLS DOtSNl rt MUCH HlS returns year See them for better dm eloping PHOTO CENTER print quickly . . . and printing. You'll be proud of your photo when they receive the individual care they take in all enlargement. Member the Photographer Association of America UP DO A MAM GOOD TO r .ft- NICK ZAKIS,Prop. 1 - i Jf, iriital tf JciBAll-KcSalOl- . - ZllilZi j2Ml t j t H7r M t Robt. MITCHUM T -- ?- i( fi V 6 - USI V IH4 HOT- - m (Dca trot U W s II fysOUMi lit" 'It DESIRE BE' Richard W h"lll N V U Make up your mind to enjoy the finest from now on . . . and depend on BLACKBURN to give it to you. (I It a i riCTMEt COUHIMk U HOme-AFTTOSTA MU WIFE MAS MAO FACE TOGO OOT' MONO Htn. MSs jgfj gem, I, natal Mm Mctaw (COCCE SKEMM taut a AwW SMI MIZMMI i V plus- HART j |