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Show Serving Drsger- -t o n, - Sunnyside, Sunnydale he and Columbia. '"Com- bined population 'fe "lume o B.OOU. riDume Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, April 20, 1948 l E. C. Democrats Elect Officers - . i- Number 42 STATE TO DEVELOP RECREATIONAL GROUflDS III ROCK ASPHALT AREA v. This coming Saturday, April 24, there will be a matinee VARIOUS GROUPS LAYING PLANS TO BUILD ONE OF THE FINEST OUTDOOR SITES IN STATE starting at 1 00 p. m Roy Rogers and Trigger will be on the In addition screen in Utah to Roy Rogers a serial will be shown and three big cartoons all in color. This is a special show for the children and will be continue every Saturday. All your favorite cowboys will be shown on these Saturday shows, plus Mickey Mouse Woodpecker Woody Popeye, and the best in cartoons for the complete enjoyment of the kiddies This is your show The price of admission is the sime 14c as at any other time One of the finest recreational areas in the entire state, with facilities for both summer and winter activity is assured with the completion of arrangements for the new highway that will extend to the or precinct caucuses meetings Utah Rock Asphalt company mine. have been held This was the announcement made this week by W. C. Winder, At the meetings held bv the 'V of the Publicity division of the .Utah PID .Mr. Winder stated that the Democratic party in East Carbon, the following were selected as contract, by which the PID will pay a large part of the costs of the ;v -precinct officers for the organizaconstruction, piovides that the recreational area, which will be de, . V A tion, and as delegates to the Dem-cratveloped by the. road, will be opened to the public. He also pointed w O county convention: V ? out that aproidj of this action has been obtained from the Utah Fuel Chan man, J O Columbia ... ; which is the owner of most of the land. company, Av Peterson; vice chairwoman. Alice The proposed highway will be gravel-surfacduring the present ArCrawford, secretary-treasurof agreement between the state department terms Under the year. thur Biggs, committee, Fiank v, it and the Rock Asphalt company, the road will be surfaced with rock -Pcglajen, Jr.; Otto L Horner and r V Ed Taylor ;delegates to county asphalt for the season of 1949. This will mean a hard surfaced highway through to the recreation grounds. convention, Arthur Biggs and J O Peterson. The new highway will add North Dragerton to the production of rock Chairman, greatly rw ' 'Leigh Preston; vice chairwoman, and will enable the comasphalt, 1 w 5 Losanna Preston; secretary-treas- -) 11 , pany to cut costs of production, urer, Losanna Preston; committee,1 by handling the raw material diLeigh Preston and Isanna Pres- -' Anselmo & Co. and the Utah rectly to the plant for processing . v ton; delegate to county conven- Fuel both took four straight last instead of having it handled twice jf tion, Leigh Preston. if as has been the custom in the week to continue in the first top South Dragerton Chairman, spots in the standing. However East Carbon took a lion share past, with the use of a tram from tp-- ' John Busch; delegates to coun- Anselmo continues of the talent show prizes when the mine to the highway. to be the hot &i, ty convention, John Busch, Wil- deam of the league with a six Ellen, Estella and Sharon Preston The East Carbon Rotary club liam Flynn and Conway H. Ove-so- n. romped off with second place in have undertaken a study of the R. lead over all opposition. game the big Kiwanis 2nd Annual Tal- recreation advantages. They proStultz of Anselmo hit 222 last ent Show which was held in Price pose to assist all other factions in week. Zewahlen and Jewkes of on April 7. The Prestons' speciai-nysi- providing the best kind of faciliAberdeen rolled 235 and 228 Bee-hi- ve ' Construction ' coke is a vocal trio. Joan. Moffitt of ties. These will include- play- the to come this in have ty tipple pany, regular paydays activity ovens For the st art of operations Orangeville who plays the piano ground and picnic areas in the community is adding greatly to to this section The future plans of the Kaise"-Fraz- coal will be hauled from the mine, an smgs took first prize. business during the coal strike F. Anselmo summer, with trails for horse' ; f These four girls will go to Salt back Parts company are also With a large crew of men employclimbers Utal Fuel All boys interested in playing riding. Mountain through the main street of Sun- Lake on Tuesday. April 20, where ed in the construction of 65 new expected to increase the activity American Aberdeen find a summer paradise . also will Legion Baseball, this around on the high-- ; over to enjoy their sport. For winter interviewed homes in Sunnydale for the Kaiser Of this section Surveys hav- - been nydale and p,Py wju Home Lumber summer are to report to Deputy way 121 new for heading toward Columbia station KALL by Phyllis Parry, activities, it is expected that one the homes in Drag- completed highway Kaiser Company company, and Sheriff Rip Collins at the DragA transcription of their numbers of the finest ski areas in the counerton for the Geneva Steel com which will extend from the Sun- - and Horse Canyon erton School ball diamond beginGeneva Steel . will be recorded and played over ty will be developed. The section The afternoon. Monday ning KOAL. Studio contracts provides plenty of snow during Station reAmerican Legion regulations it make impossible to carry out every winter, and with a fine must under that all be boys quire of having the girls highway which will be accessible plans previous 17 elithe age of in order to be S. Flies to over the air. perform to gible play. during the entire winter, , , The Kiwanis Talent Show was Plans for. the development of - Word has just been received by MINERS PETITION FOR exceptionally well attended ar.d the section are just being made. SAFETY RULE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffs that road is being constructed the competition for the prizes was Committees of engineers are makJohn L. Lewis, President of the United Mine, Workers of Ameri- their son, Pfc. L. Mark Jeffs had ing a study of the area, and other A committee selected hy the of the main highway on noilh completed a trip to Panama ca, and the United Mine Workers Union, were found guilty of con- just over class their committees will be appointed to taking by of has coal miners Carbon county miles wesv L aaut Citjv the Canal Zone, Uruguay, tempt of court Monday morning by Federal Judge T. Allen Golds- work out a , joint program, in . secon(j place. ComIndustrial the petitioned and Chili. He was the radar man state line. The the which every commdnity in East resome to mission of Utah make on the plane and reported a very borough. Judge Goldsborough stated that failure of the men to wifi participate. This new road reportedly will lead to the Carbon state orders. the in changes safety trip. South America is turn to the mines, as well as failuretoobeythe court injunction order .Bar X structure where the Stano-- J JliniOr enjoyable recreation Girls . project is going to be Approximately 29 recommenda- a great country, so said' young was in his mind sufficient to render the . . guilty verdict. The judge ex - lind entire for the district, with the tions have been submitted for Jeffs, and he particularly liked near the company will, in AlOtherS was all he from convinced of leavaction all that that the the public parts of the state miners the consideration of the commis- the low prices of food and enter- plained future, start drilling a test well.1 to invited enjoy the facilibeing w at and same ill work the this sion. The principal recommenda- tainment. ing time, company remaining away during period The Stanolind 0f the MIA ties. This section, when developGiris Te junjor tions deal with ventilation and Mark has been in the Air Force was evidence of orders of organized leadership. shortly announce the location of entertained their mothers at the ed is also expected to attract ,the test. blasting measures. The commit- since June 19, 1946. At the presmany from Western Colorado as tee appointed consists of Frank ent time he is stationed at Kees-le- r The Bar X structure extends Sentence will be pronounced on Mr. Lewis at 10 a m. Tuesday well as from the southeastern part over the southwest torncr of Fox, Adrian Anderson and Albert Field, Miss , and is taking an morning, April 20, by Judge Goldsborough. . of Utah. iMesa county, ndrth into Garfield Roberts. advanced course in radar. z as- - hostesses. The mothers were county, Colorado and west into ted with beautiful rose Grand county, Utah. corsage by their junior daughters. The tables were charmingly dec-- I orated with rainbows. At each place a small rainbow appeared; small pots of gold were at the end of the rainbow, RDM-2- c, Zogmaister, Jimmy a lunch the the aboard USS delightful During McKinley, is now program was rendered by the jun- at Eniwetok Atoll where a series ior girls from the various wards of major atomic weapons tests throughout the stake. The Drag- are being conducted. Jimmy also erton ward was well represented, took part in the atomic bomb test The importance of the opera-- , havin8 the largest number of at Bikini Atoll in 1946. tions of ths Geneva Steel com- - mothers and daughters attending, Jimmy is well known in East Carbon having lived in Columbia panys mine in Horse Canyon, on numberihg twenty, The Dragerton junior girls sang until he joined the Navy. He is the statistical report on Emerv a Carbon High graduate and the county, prepared by the Utah De- - two songs and a solo was render-partmeson of Mr. and Mrs, Romano Seppi of Employment Secvr- - ed by Sylvia Jensen. of Ogden. Utah.. The Festival this .year wa.V ,ity is b., Uy evidenced. Checking The Caibon reports, County der the direction of junmi liader, Chamber of Commerce, has ob- - Mis. Dora Smith. ' ' tamed some interesting data. The average number of emBy U. S. ployees in the entire Emery county covered by Employment securMineral rights on lands recently in 1943, was only 147. It must ity to the Uintah end Ouray added NEW PLANT WILL PROCESS COAL Port of, the r,e be noted that in this instance as Indian reservations have caused to proces plant being constructed of Wellington, Utah, well as each year since there is' Two men from Caibon Coumy some misunderstanding, H. Byron Utah pal is shown os construction continues on retorts enlis-tean estimated 50 self employe I in in the navy last week Mock, regional administrator of the district, that do not appear m through the Price Recruiting Oi- - the United States Bureau of Land the list icturned by the dep.ut- - B(e. accoiding to Chief Packard, Management, said today eration and only four of the pio-- I merit, from this average of li7 reciuiter in charge. j.je explained that under pro posed eight retorts have been in 1943, we find that for the last Dan Andrew Kofford, son of, visions of the law all minerals in Work rushed is completed. being -- 1945 Erne period-i- n Mr. --and Mrs. Lafs A. Kofford of -- lands in the new addition ty on the section under constructicr,-an- d 734 employees un- - Standardville enlisted on April 7ated in Grand showed tx-d- er with county, offi-to company according ( the security set-u- p. In the and Morgan Maxfield Busch, son eeption of those reserved to the cials the entire unit will be ready fourth quarter of 1947, this num- - of John T. Busch, Dragerton, en- -. United States under the Atimic i for operation in about 60 days beflias been increased to 113.1, listed on April 10. Both enlist. Energy Act, pass to the Indians One of the problems yet to be or an increase of 720 per cent for ments were for three years. They installation will be the 1947 over 1943. The Carbon bounty Chamber 0p received their physical examina- watex liue Cammerce committee to study Some can increase of this he tion and were sworn in at Salt extendln from the d WelHng-pla- nt accounted for in the coal mines Lake City and at present are in liquification paid a visit to the to reservmr the PlantRe of the Records Coal Pro-lto- n the value of the re- - ties, with some inteiests being in Huntington canyon, but mast of San Diego, California,' taking of the reservoir will be explaining Mr. Pufiiam held by stockholders throu.hout it comes from the Horse Canyon their recruit training at the Naval 'small area in T. 14 S., R. 21 E", covered products, cessing company at Wellington paif at once- - and installation told the this week. The committee head-imahe expected that the state. S. L. M. operations of the Geneva Steel Training Center. group follow-beeed by Dr. F. V. Colombo haveiof the Plpe'hne wiU on a ton of coal, this value,-baseWhile the committee of the Co. According to J.C. Forrester. making an intensive study1 H. F. Putnam of the Records would be tar oil, $9.60; char or Chamber of Commerce could not manager of the district unem- of the possibilities of obtaining Processing company informed the smokeless fuel. $9.00; ammorij comment on the operation ufitil ployment security office' in Price. GO a government coal ' processing visitors that approximately 200 i;quer $7.50 and dry gas, 92 cents, fiuch time as the construction has in addition to the average 1133 miners listed for plant located in Utah. Making tons of coal from various mines 0r a total of $27 02 worth of prod- - been comleted- county they expressed during the last Emery in 1947 the study of the new plant at in Carbon and Emery counties has Ucts from every ton of coal treat- period 'indussuch an with Dr. Colombo already been put through the two j ed "Coal delivered to the plant the thou8ht hat there were 50 additional employWellington were George B. Jackson, Ken J- - completed retorts Putnam also cost about $5 per ton. ,ery is of great benefit to the re- - ees not covered by the insurance. il worth; Q, E. Beveridge and J. stated that the average recovery Even the figures on other clas- The plant consists of eight re- - gin They recognized that the A. Theobald, Price; Walter Coch- - made from this coal was about 40 are effected by the op- shcations to so as fed be connected torts, proper processing of coal in the eration of RorSe ran, National; Carl Nyman and gallons' of tar oil, which contains with coal, sized from 1 8 inche.', future of mine, the. the coal section and that In these classificationsCanyon whole- ticts of coal and Robert Vaught-- Mayor A. D. Keller, also of Price, allthe are, 31,000 votes is. fed j which three inches into by new thls of rs operatlons Glenda Lee Civish and Mayor D. K. Downey of Help- - will be refined either at the plant sale in industry and retail and trade, steam. 26,000 of A two set superheated Helen Rowe Executives of the Records' or at some refinery, 75 gallons of closely watched. When Ice and miscellaneous employees, . 26,000 the steam. The pro- - wlR supply hile these employees work in company greeting the committee ammonia liquer, which has a cess used has been developed by completed and in operation, the Jennie Abeyta 21,000 and explaining the plant were Humber of uses, 1400 pounds of all take u-couny practically Merlene Stark : will Mr. The 13,000 Records and 'present about. is employ plant patented. Russell . Winters, Ervin Wimber smokeless fuel, or char, and ap-aCarbon uj their r esjdence m Graham Pat r ..13,000 ur 25 on men a basis the of is local of j composed H. F. Putnam. count?, either at Dragerton or in proximately 4000 cubic feet of dry company Vera Nuzio 11,500 Price. . The new plant was not in op- -, gas, per ton of coal treated. In people in Carbon and Emery coun-- 1 daily operation. ic er 'O. TV Uk v V ed . V;- Anselmo Keeps Six Game Lead ij Per Copy. 10c Aerial View of Dragerton Kiddies Matinee Saturday, 1:00 P.M. Election this fall should be an important event in the East Carbon area. With the large number of new voters that will be eligible to vote this year, much political activity throughout the region will be evident Already party Let' all help to make our community a bette place in whcn to live. f; V 'wWv ;v5 tV: ... Construction Work Keeps Payrolls Going Here American Legion Baseball Teams Being Organized de - er Pfc. Mark Jeffs America shed Utah-Colora- - do Rose Kfltertain ' , Former Columbia Youth With Secret Operation nt se $1. Mineral Rights Retained j six-mon- th situ-coun- 0rcme i -- de i UP WE Contestants Out to Yin In The j ! TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST i 5-- by-pr- od serv-boile- .- nd j ' 4 ' . -- J 24-ho- . |