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Show 7 ' - , f - t Tuesday, March 2, 1948 PAGE SEVEN TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Yucca Moth and Lily Examples of Cooperation The yucca moth and the yucca are excellent examples of cooperation in nature. The yucca moth visits no other plant than the yucca lily and the yucca lily is visited by no other insect than the. yucca moth. The female moth visits the lily for the purpose of laying her eggs. In return for this privilege the moth carries pollen from one yucca lily to another. By doing this the moth makes it possible for the yucca lily to produce seeds. lily CROSS BOBBY TOWN SOX ? Marty link! In each nostril quickly opens up nasal passages to relieve stuffy transient congestion. Invites restful sleep. Relieves snlffly, sneezy distress of head colds. Follow directions in the package. Try ltt . vims vmo-ric- i V00 ARE A SMOKER? Ilhmmni this aint as good as his usual brand be must be expecting some salesmen in tomorrow! "Esther, do you want a slightly used diary? Marvin just didnt live up to the things I wrote about him! 1 FLAM OR CORK TV Change to SAtSOthe distinctive cigarette with By Ernie Bushmiller NANCY OUCH Y OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH A. mm OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH J OUCH SvbttitvtoNot AhJcoog Not Tailored Shirtwaister 'V'OULL like the comfort of this carefully tailored shirtwaist dress the way it suits every occasion with ease. Choose a pretty plaid cotton for summer, or a crisp starchy white. a I& Sano'e scientific process cuts nicotine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending makes every puff a pleasure. TOBACCO CO.. INC, Jt.Y. FLEMINO-HAL- AtmntaMdnamnmttHituUfropolartnmtt roue boctm Atom sano cigauttb Va Pattern No 1617 Is for sl7es 14. 18. 40 42, 44 and 46. Size 16. 3ft 35 of or yards The Spring and Summer FASHION contains a wealth of sewing ideas for the home dressmaker. Free knitting directions, free pattern printed Inside the book. 25 cents. Send your order to: 18, 20; SEWING CTRCIH PATTERN DEPT. St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each 328 Mission pattern desired Pattern No Name Siz Address By Bud Fuker MUTT AND JEFF Crunchy, toasted Kellogg's with spices and makes these muffins n, taste-tempti- nut-mea- ts, extra-delicio- 3 tablespoons 2ft teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt teaspoon ginger OR 1 teaspoon 1 cinnamon ft cup shelled walnuts or milk cup 1 cup sifted flour pecans Blend shortening and sugar thor oughly; add egg and beat well. Stir In molasses, and milk, let soak until most of moisture is taken with flour Sift up. baking powder, salt and spice. Add to first mixture and stir only until combined. Fill greased full and top muffin pans with nutmeats. Bake In moderately 30 minutes. to 25 oven hot (400F.) shortening ft cup sugar 1 1 egg tablespoon molasses cup Kelloggs ft ft By Arthur Pointer JITTER in GROl'MG GRRIII with only lA to 2 pints per acre of All-Br- All-Br- two-thir- America, most famous Natural laxative cereal try a baalW tomorrow. t Proved new spray method requires only 5 gallons of water or less per acre ! Saves labor , costs less! How To Relieve Agricultural Bronchitis 1 7 7 CREOMULSION for Couzhs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis PILES TROUBLE? y 'if .Creomulsion relieves promptly b cause It goes right to the seat of tbs trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed branchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you & bottle of Creomulsion with the unit derstanding you must like the wayare quickly allays the cough or you to have your money back. Weed-No-Mo- now gives you easier, weed control than has ever . .in small grains, com, flax, re A cheaper, and more effective Jr before been possible and pastures. in only 5 gallons Use Agricultural of water or less to control weeds on a whole acre! Des Research, this new veloped by method has been proved on farms like yours. Haul 95 less water. One man qan treat as many as 100 acres per day. Use a simple lightweight rig that you or any local shop can quickly assemble! Weed-No-Mo- re Sherwin-William- By Len Kleis VIRGIL MRS MURPHY SAYS HER INDIAN BLANKET IS MISSIN6 OPF THE CLOTHES LINE THREE Of MR. HANSON'S WINOOWS W&GE BROKE- N- MW, BCTT1R HAND SFt A VINO barnyard, fern row, aid, With tha J can treat with only NR.JAS atm 1 for (owl. etc. ditch, method Wed-No-M- you at fence row 10 feet wide f&Uon of epray mixture. AGRICULTURAL CeSHMIXS For Quick Relief Costs lets per acre b.caus. H controls woods moro offoctiv.lyl LONGER! Now, DOVT DELAY donor formula you can or at homa -to of palnrellev distressing discomfort Itch Irritation due to piles. Tends to soften and shrink swelling. Use this proven doctor' formula. Youll b amared at It speedy action relief. Ask- - your druggist Ointtoday for Thornton A Minors Rectal ment or Suppositories. Follow label In store. For sal at all drug By Jeff Haye GIRLS! WOMEN! try this if youre is Agricultural pron Tha aster foraster formulation of 2,4-mula turn ja recognized by .utbontire M being more effective over wider rang, of ward, and conduumt than other typee of e 2,4-penetrates the weed elmoet immediately, cant wash off, mine oaaily, won't dog or Corrode equipment, la hermleee to stock. .e St Aek , On 'CERTAIN DAYS Of Soot- hDo female functional monthly dieturh-anc- es make you feel nervoua. Irritable, o weak and tired out at auch times? Then do try Lydia K. Plnkbama Veg- a. etable Compound to relieve such eymp-tpm- St AT WORK IN NEW SOUND MOVli your county agent, vo-e- g teacher, or farm euppiy denier to arrange for yon end yonr neighbors to M Agriculture's Now Conquest. It will show you how to boost yields and e. profits with Agricultural a FREE BULLETINS Ask your farm supply dealer for free bulletins on the proved If be cannot spray method with Agricultural supply you at once, write direct to Agricultural Chemicals Divisioa. 1228 Midland Bldg, Cleveland 1. Ohm. km WMt Last S Mr Wartx, It s amour tot thlai Taken regularly plnkbami Compound help build up resistance against such distress, Also a great stomachic tonic I Tke Ike lest Sreibn Marts-Ste- DakiR Jake Co. Owns Ca, Create e far V. V. Lasnaca S Ca, PSbtarjk S Co, let, PUMWab Sknts-WtiU- a fa, OmUaS lata K:::acfenmi7IlMIimnSzx:n imiJirjzmvxA ' S |