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Show THE DRAGERTON VrIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH PAGE FOUR rr Dragerion Tribune - - Published Weekly Office: Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton 16 - second-cla- ss RULES OF BY HELEN ROWE Wedding Solemnized 1. The contest is open to any " person. 2. The contest will start on Feb. 10 and will close at midnight, April 3, 1948. 3. All original entries in the contest will be given 5,000 votes. 4. Votes in the contest will be awarded as follows: For each one year subscription at $2.00 1,000 votes; For each two year subscription at $4.00 2,500 votes; For each three year subscription at $5.00 5,000 votes. No additional votes will be given for subscriptions extending more than three years, and the rate for such subscriptions shall be $2.00 for each additional year beyond the three year term. 5 Votes submitted by any candidate cannot be transferred to any other candidate in the con-n- d test, after they have been once recorded 6. The final tally shall be made by judges to be selected by ihe contestants when all entnes are completed. The decision of the judges will be final. 7. Entries can be submitted by Each subscription any person. must be accompanied by cash payment. 8 Votes will be given for renewal of present subscriptions in the ame amount as new subscriptions, and with the same limit of three years beyond the expiration of the present subscription expiration date. 9 Subscriptions can be accepted from any place in the United States. Local subscriptions are matter The school held their LEAP November 11 1947 at the post office at Dragerton, under the act YEAR dance Friday night. It a of March 3, 1879. jwas bue 8UCCess and everyone had a good time. The admission jwas 50c for girls and their part- ners and 10c for extra boys. The ' sta RAY LARCHER ACCORDION irls had 40 ask a boF 11,6 uI1 ft"11 and Pricel manF Pay SCHOOL Distributor for the famous Noble Accordion. In-- 1 of the irla were stuttering around structions at your home for be- - scbocd tor at least a week. Im ad m a glrl and ginners and advanced students. surey nce a arent Fou GIRLS? Yes, Up We Go in the big contest . . . All now on their way Studio at 305 N. 1st East, Price, iby year bein the boy is enough for to win that big round trip to Salt Lake City on Monarchs big AirUtah. Phone 728M. me. liner . . . And that $50.00 spring outfit that goes as an addition to JOBS DAUGHTERS RUMMAGE1 the first prize. A week end at the Utah Hotel . . . with plenty of The Girls of East Carbon , SALE will btf held in the Price This is a prize worth trying for . . . And it tainment . on an assembly Thursday at Community Chtirch March 12 P Ebould , . . Subscriptions be ot the Dragerton Tribune, which easy 13 Clothing and' household 12:45. Anyone could come if they 18 East Carbons own newspaper. every one in East Carbon to. Surely wanted demona articles for sale: They gave stration of what they do in gym.s interested in this newspaper. Get busy now . . . Remember the . Every one has an equal chance . One 1940 CHEV. Club Coipe; ndw They put this same Demonstra- - contest is Just starting tires, nev paint Job, just over- - tion on for the Gym instructors year subscription at $2.00 gives you 1,000 votes. A two year sub- the cou,ity Saturday, and it scription at $4.00 entitles you to 2,500 votes, while a three year sub- hauled. 1936 Chevrolet Coupe, vdr y. clean and good, top me- - went over very well, just as it scription at $5.00 means 5,000 votes. '. . Get busy and reach the top of next week's list. The. contest is just starting, and will end op chanical condition priced right did for us Thursday. t sell. SEE THESE CARS BEApril 3 - . . There are already five big prizes. As more contestants FORE YOU BUY at Jesse M. CHILDHOOD Chase, Price, Utah? Phone 76?. tions. j TEEN AGE We ask questions.! The noise you1 G ETIQUETTE PRlvE WINNERS Rradlev . make when youre eating dont Mrs. Premier Sweeper Julia y y soup. Cobo Aluminum Set Kit of Union aL!T that rd be Supply Rubber Boots Miss Violet Another enthusiastic group of Ir you date Jim and Bill and Blair arboun Doc Jones: is the panish idieLmet this Carl, plat Pete and tell each one hes best, Mr7 Gan Maes, 1V7 Vth Dishes Violet Pizzuto, Price thls week third tlme that Westt,es are desirable. youve Pressure Cooker Mary Kran-k- er some day rJn JfTiJtogether and been sent to my office. What 10 learn more about the correct) io. Newequally rules may be added to well vn. s . e use i ttie electric range. A com- -j the contest as it progresses, but have, you to say for yourself?? Electric Clock No. 061 plete meal was cookel in the 'such new rules and changes must thU q. pari rprtaini iaj Silverware Set No.x D67 pie No. 21 held their regular meet- thrift cooker, one was cooked in be approved by a majority de- Case Beer No. C81 ing Monday evening. It was a the oven and one on the surface. cision of all the contestants en- Table Lamp Jack Bonaquist , Following that a broiled general business meeting. It was grill 'tered. a n- A11 subscription blanks must Y . get dinner was made with the broiler.! Case 7 Up Della Corte. reported that the card party held the O. K. from the Con- recolve 14 was successful. The demonstration was given very February Morris N ?? dance?? test and when OKed, A gift box was raffled- - and won by Mary Black. Utah Power & they Managercan be deposited in the conViolet CoRefresnThompson. service advisor FOR SALE Band instruments, by Light HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARY who haa given all the dem0nstra- - test ballot box, the location of accordions, guitars and nd-tic- al ments were served by Thelma ANN RODISH. which will be announced each How old were tions for the ladies. week- Spanish Sheet music. j Lemmon and Helen Lamb. Next gifts. Those attending the demonstra12. All votes will be counted on meeting will be held March 8 af you????? House ot Music Price The7:30 P. M. All members are asked tion were: The Misses Mike Val- each Saturday during the contest, atre Building. Mary Kathryn N. Who was the dez, Jennie Callegos, Bersable Lu- and will be recorded in the folto attend. lucky fellow that you had a date jan, Ernest Vigil, Irene G. Mad- lowing Tuesday issue of The Trio- with on Monday night, and didnt rid, Ernest Casillas, Pete Rosilla, une Contest Manager, want to break for Play Practice? Julio J. Marquez, Jake ArchuJACK CLIFFORD. leta, Ike Montoya, Dan Maes and Ballot Box will be placed in the Waunema T. Whom did you Mary Maes. 91 Dragerton Theatre and another in go home with from the game 91 Do you get EVERYTHING that the Drug Store at Dragerton, with Green River????? Was it Howard E. by any chance????? you want, Merl????? And even MM 444 1411111111 Charlotte S.!???f? We all hope so, shes cute, Merl, good work!!! Claudette W. We (r nt .. tonLissiT l2ZV: .. SPANISH LADIES 8tte length. Her veil of lace and.net fell from a crown of seed pearls. " The ceremony was witnessed by the parents of the young couple. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Newly married Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold J. Hanson of received Mark Hanson Harold congratulations from a host of Dragerton. friends at a reception given in A wedding dinner followed the their honor at the Third ward nuptial rites and the just weds chapel in Price Monday evening. left for a honeymoon trip to Las The young couple exchanged Vegas and Boulder Dam. At the reception the guests were wedding vows in an impressive ceremony performed by President greeted by the bride and groom, Anderson of the L. D. S. temple their parents, Miss Pearl Oliver, at Manti on Friday, February 20. sister of the bride and maid of The bride, the former Miss Wil- honor, Nolan Hanson, brother of ma Mae Oliver, daughter of Mr. the groom and the brides brothand Mrs. W. A. Oliver, was a er, Sheldon Oliver. For this bride carried a bridal lovely picture in her wedding gown of white slipper satin. The bouquet of gardenias and roses. flowing skirt with its large bow A musical program was preeffect at the back fell in a sented during the evening and sweeping train. The fitted bodmusic provided a backice was accented with seed pearl string bridal atmosphere. for the trim and the sleeves were wrist ground Oliver-Hanso- n CONTEST CO,fJTESTfiNTS OUT TO Will III THE TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST rowk Rates: $2.00 Per Year; 5c Per Copy Jack Clifford Publisher Entered as Along the UP WE GO Tuesday, March 2, 1948 co. j , PRIZE LISTS Grand Prize A Round Trip by Monarch Air Lines to Salt Lake City. An All Expense stay from Friday to Sunday at Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City. Entertainment of the winners choice each evening in Salt Lake. A $50.00 Travelling Spring Outfit. Second Prize An Hotel Utah. se yZ Entertainment of the winners choice each evening Third Prize A Fine Combination Radio and Recording Phonograph. Fourth Prize Boys or Girls Bicycle. .One Dozen 8x10 Portraits by Carryl. Five More Prizes will be selected and announced Fifth Prize f later. - ENTRY BLANK hoe ) 9 9 9 f 9 9) B te B B B B B f; Jit d 9 9 9 91 re re iiuecnl 9 9 9 9 re- 9 9 9 991 re Future Location DRAGERTON SHOE REPAIR ie re SUBSCRIPTION BLANK for served That you've heard about... That car manufacturers demand . . . That gives new and old cars alike L0AI1 PAYMEI1TS REDUCED ! Effective Immediately NO BETTER TERMS ANYWHERE GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME TO PAY CONSOLIDATE THOSE SCATTERED OBLIGATIONS PAY THEM OFF IN CASH AND OBTAIN EXTRA MONEY FOR TAXES, GIFTS, HOME NEEDS, REPAIR BILLS, ETC. . . . - Address Year Votes in you for one year. Since Jan. 27, 1947. We appre ciate your patronage. We are proud to be members of this community. Our desire is to expand with our com-u y. We are njj 100 union. Subscription Rates 1 Year $2.00 1,000 Votes 2 Years $4.00 2,500 Votes 3 Years $5.005,000 Votes . the Tribune Con- Make Only One Small Monthly Payment J to All subscriptions for more than three years cost $2.00 for each year and do not receive more than the 5,000 votes given for the first three years. nsx LINCOLN HOTEL When in Price, Stop at the LINCOLN HOTEL m Christine Gordon & PETERSONS DRY CLEANERS DALE PETERSON LARGER Air Chamber LOWER Air Pressure Prop. MM4 I ! I I I 4MM MORE Comfort EASIER Steering V LONGER Car Life Well give your Dodge or Plymouth F new looks and new performance. 'A (t7 Convenience TUtfttTyoM f in Comfort, and Safety. GIVE YOUR CAR A NEW LEASE ON LIFE THE MOTOR CREDIT CQMPARY ill PRICE See DILL YllllTEOR DILL WELSH FOR A QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL LOAN UP TO $1,000.00 . Please enter the subscription of Have with pleasure A NEW KIND OF RIDE! 0 . Address test are to be given re re JAY JEWELRY Submitted by - le :e :e ie ie 9 in the Tribune Subscription of Contest to be conducted starting Feb. 10, and extending through April 3. The above contestant is entitled to 5,000 votes for the original entry into the contest. Dragerton Tribune Contest Manager: re 9. Please enter j re re 9 Dragerton Tribune Contest Manager: heard that you had fun going home from the Whats the matter, Ellen B.??7 game too! And how abouT you, How come you got so sleepy so C.????? .Doug sudden in the sixth period the other day????? j Were all sorry that you hurt L., and we ' I wonder why all the kids are your head,-Tommhope that it will get well real trying to sell subscriptions to the1 soonnn Deseret News all of a sudden???? J stay from Friday to Sunday at the in Salt Lake. - wJu A Round Trip by Monarch Air Lines to Salt Lake City. TUNE-U- We have your size in stock todayl Highest allowance for your old tires. about supper, 'long TIME A DOG DOESN'T SEEM LIKE SUCH A DUMB ANIMAL Youll never waste your time at Blackburns. We guarantee satisfaction. REDD MOTOR COMPANY 129 West Main PRICE, UTAH CHECKUP P Our Engine Tune-u- p Includes Check Points, Spark Timing, Condenser and Coil, Spark Plugs, Distributor, Clean Carburetor Sediment Bowl, Clean and Air Cleaner, Test Fuel Re-o- il Pump. I SPRUCEUP We Will Check Oil, Headquarters for Tires, Wheels, Upholstery Clean- Steering, Brakes, ing, New Floor Engine, Transmission, Clutch, Rear Mats, Seat Covers, Rust Removal, Appearance Repair, Axle, Radiator, Shock Absorbers. Wash, Polish. Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan BOHHEL GARAGE 'I Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for t Eastern Utah |