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Show THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SIX Tuesday, February 10, 1948 cJloveiij. I"-"- FICTION ITS THE LAW S'S' SSS, v 'wStSSvyy, Jdad Jivo-J-iecer By CLARISSA LORENZ Corner J&&9. clouds that day in April driving up Broadway. Tha radio in my Jalopy was tuned la on Tom ONeill, my favorite voice of the year. I was listening to The Songshop Hour when the sharp blast of a whistle brought me down to this too, too solid earth, Id driven straight through a red MY 'SSKSS' S' v. Set 2)etatf alio red oCingerie (Clever HEAD was In th These Budget Wise Recipes Will Make Meat Go Farther -- light As a big, burly traffic cop swaggered over to my battered coupe, my knees shook. I had a deep re- spect for law and order. Whats the big idea, sister? he bellowed. Tm sorry, officer, I said meekly. T was late for school. Better be late .than sorry. he said in an altogether different voice as he caught O'Neill's lush rendition of Irresistible You. He Jerked his head and smiled at the radio. You know, that guys not bad. Ties simply super, I gurgled. He makes me all goose-pimplThe blue eyes of the law flickered, then fell on the volume of Popular Melodies on the teat beside me, Music! What do you do for a. A calave served half shell provide a quick and satisfying way of rounding ont menus on meat-savin-g daya. The calave also may be filled with creamed vegetable or fish or a salad and served as the main dish for a meat "Bat dont let It happen again. Remember, Im keeping my eye on yen. Piano teacher," I replied, "at Next morning I wore my new shirt, which read, The Singing Miss Pollens Day School." I gava a pink, flyaway con- Cop. about It exEaster knows bonnet Nobody . him a wan imile. fection. On my radio ONeill was cept the gafig Jiere. I told 'em it had Ha pushed back hla cap and wiped giving deliriously with 'Time Waits to be that way, or else. If the boy Well, those food costs still are tba moist, blond ringlets plastered for No One, My heart went boomp down at th station knew I was a to his brow. "Ever do any radio aa I approached tht crossing on Crooning canary, life wouldnt be climbing, according to latest reports, and most homemakers are having work? Broadway. There stood my nice worth livin," to tackle the menu problem with That made me wince. "I Just wish giant in a shaft of sunlight I drove I sat still, looking slightly vigor I had a dollar for every audition straight through the re,d light At the "Say, he aald, his eye twinkling, first aid Theres Ive had blast of that tin whistle I Jammed on "that a fine reception, considering for all of you in "Pull over, ha ordered. the brake. Ha sauntered over, twirl- that I finagled you a radio Job. these recipes toX obeyed with alacrity. At the curb ing hit shiny toy. But Mr. You did? I gasped. day, for theyll 2 became voluble. Anything to sieve Well, sister, ha said aternly, if Burnham aaid keep the budget off a ticket I told him that, radio youre gonna make it a habit I have trim as well a He waved his big hand at me. 1 waa a snart and delusion for any to take 'steps. -- Let's tee your lisafurnishing Miss' When about know. I heard ambitloua young girt Id got no- cense. vory meals. him to give you tryI asked Miles, I looked at him In sheer dismay. out. where, Sorry, we .have our own Theres no lim-i- t He looked up at the clock. staff accompanist , . . Sorry, noth- ONeill went crooning on, but my to how you Okay, beautiful. Lets try that old ing right now, but If youll leave traffic cop seemed deaf this morn- number, may extend You Fall in Dont 'Why meats your name add a ing. Make It anappy. So I fumbled Love With Me? and He grinned, end It waa Ilka a in my Imitation alligator bag vegetable or two, fortify with rice, I As said I obeyed mechanically burst of sunshine. He leaned against fished out the license folder, Beryl noodles or macaroni nr let the hav a deep respect for meat swim in cream sauce or delimy car, looking at me aa if I were a Thompson, he read, and took down before, I crossword puzzle. Say, how about the number, name and address, law and order, cious gravy. Any of these Is guaranbanded it to me. Here you are. dinner tonight? teed to add satisfied smiles to your . ,v "You conceited goon, I told mydiners. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Why, I dont bel- self hotly, watching his broad back. Cabbage Roli-Cp-s. Serve you right. I began primly. You see- ieve-" (Serve 61 , The low celling depression that If be thought I waa a girl who could 1 head ef cabbage be picked up, even by a police- hung over me all that day waa lifted 1 pdund ground lamb or beet man at 8:35 when 2 got back to my room 8 onions, chopped Okay, sister, he grunted. I get and found a message to call Mr. 1 cup uncooked rice Burnham at the radio station. I flaw it Then hie. voice became offofficial Salt and pepper this to the hall phone. again. "Well, Ill let you 8 cups canned tomatoes "Be at th atudlo tomorrow night time. M enp water WHEN YOU ADMIRE YOU at 8.30 aharp, he laid over the Thank you, officer," I said. ARE HAPPY. Cook cabbage until tender; drain But dont let it happen again. phone. . and then carefully " separate leaves The next day I was on hand long Remember, Im keeping my ey on who waa my friend fa A man from the stem end. Combine meat, before aix. If transcription pro. you. He was a man everyone gone. onions, rice, salt and pepper. On Mr. Burnham explained. loved. He could . I looked at my watch: 8:43. Id gram, cominto each go any cabbage leaf place several taMiss Miles, the atudlo accompanever make It by nine. Not when I win Inside of minutes five of the mixture, then seand pany blespoons bad to pick up that dally cargo of nist, is out sick, and her substitutes every person in that company as his cure with toothpicks. a seven squirming kids and convoy having baby. in a greased Place the roll-up- s friend. His genius was th genius Whafa the program, Mr. Burn- for them to the red brick building that his warm and friend- -' casserole and add tha tomatoes expressing ham? waa my prison five days e week. I which have been mixed with water. ly personality. Th Songshop Hour. Studio B. sighed. Art ta long and life la short Cook in a moderate (350 degrees) when I was thinking Last night and didn't I know it Id probably go Heres the music. You'll have plenty over our for each other oven for on hour or until rice fa friendship it before to run of time on teaching sassy brats through and trying to analyze to see if I tender. exercises until the grave yawned. ONeill get here." Add cream sauce and pimiento to could discover the true secret of his But he broadcasts O'Neill? Especially now that Charlie had veal nftst as demonstrated leftover that hit upon something gift, I gone international on me. Corporal mornings, doesnt he? the following recipe, and you will in before. to m ever occurred hadn't Charlea Brent No. 1 beell When 1 Ha records at 8 th night beHis genius was the genius of bava an excellent meat dish: got hie bombshell of a letter two fore." knowing how to admire. Teal a 1s King. months ago, telling me cooly hed Studio of door Ive never known anyone who was fallen for one of those Aussles, I AS THEgreenbaiz (Serves 8) 0 filled with admiration and enthuB closed soundlessly behind me, kissed all hope goodbye of every H green pepper, shredded wide for everything Jn th A V4 marrying an artist Charlie played I felt like turning cartwheels. little siasm pound mushrooms the bassoon before the Army made before 6:30 a familiar voice broke world as he was. About things that 8 tablespoons fat went 1 ha for take and granted, you up my practicing. Hello, lister him play the bazooka. 6 tablespoons flour I looked up, and my Angers began into raptures. 4 cups milk Until today I thought he'd broken was my traffic cop, In the lowliest and meanest of Salt and pepper my heart But that night In bed, to prickle. There In shirtsleeves. and he saw qualities to praise. Yes, lives bareheaded 8 cups diced cooked veal ell I ta tried when I picture him, Pardon th attire, h aaid with I'm sure his genius was tha genius e 1 pimiento, diced could see were e pair of mock politeness. 'Tm not supposed for admiration and that that waa end white moist teeth, strong eyes, Cook what made him liked and popular green pepper and mushto wear my coat off duty. blond ringlets under a policeman I In what am fat for eight minutes. Kator know rooms O'NetU? and Tom you Are happy, you cap. I felt a twinge of remorse at froma was mova he that fat Add flour to fat and happy you, telling Professionally speaking, yea. having snubbed him. What if he waa Add milk and seasonings and How could he be otherwise blend. man. and over He came began polishing a traffio aomethlng cop? Maybe Just with his band the badge on his blue when he found all the world and its cook until thickened, stirring concould still be done about it contents Infinitely beautiful and exstantly. Add green pepper, mushrooms and remaining ingredients citing? and heat Serve on toast, in bread A I was thinking about him last or patty sheila. crouatades him night I couldn't help comparing ft contrasting him rather with anEnglish Hot Pot. other friend. In his friends this other (Serves 4 te 6) adto finds mine friend of nothing 6 potatoes, pared and sliced Ha attacks mire, absolutely nothing. 1H pounds lamb shoulder or everything: The institutions which breast men have founded are grounded on 8 lamb kidneys stupidity. The head of our govern1 large onion, sliced ment are crooks. Is he happy? You QONSIDER jrouj heartache of the pill, th Salt and pepper know he Is nob 1 cup water pin I think It probably la easier to be You m hi thought could never bo 8 tablespoons batter, melted told have man I second like you the relieved; Retell lom indent .arrow that hid tin about than the first, for it seems to Place half of the potatoes In a For long upon )row could you hive believed be one of the traits of human nature greased casserole, then add meat You would forget it it you hiveT Ah, no, to like to find fault rather than to which haa been cut Into cubes. W find things that are good. Cover with sliced in o blind along th rod we gal Yet I am convinced that anyone, onion and season Our eye r hoideti ind we cannot te with a little practice and attention with salt and pepThu grief will fide, thi hurt will be to the Job, can acquire part of tha per. Add water. Vughl; genius of the man I started telling Place remaining Thu eorrow pew wy th peace w lought you about in this little article the potatoes on top. ' Will ml upon iii and we will be glad. man who had the genius for admirawith living?" ga-g- ..." ' ' LYNN CHAMBERS MENU Spanish Pork with Vegetables Spinach with Egg Garnish Rolls Kidney Bean Salad Lemon Cream Pie Beverage Recipe given. Hard-Cooke- d dish than a cranberry topped meat loaf! Cranberry Meat Leaf. (Serves 12) V4 cup brown sugar H cup cranberry sauce 1 pound ground beef H pound amoked ham, ground W pound ground fresh pork cap milk enp cracker crumbs egg 114 teaspoons alt teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons diced onion 3 bay leave Send today for your copy of th Spread sugar over the bottom of 42 page FASHION Cud Bummer fashion a greased loaf pan. Mash cranberry news and tipi fri. color, sauce and spread pattern printed lnaid the book. 23 cents over sugar. Com2 bine remaining Slip and Panties exingredients A SIMPLE, well tailored slip for cept bay leaves. the larger figure thats as easy Shape into loaf ns can be to make. Few pattern and place in pan. Put bay leaves pieces and a well illustrated sew on top of lost R.4 Y ?EZ M4ZST chart that is smoothly followed. Bake in a moderate oven (350 de- Pattern includes panties to match. grees) shout one hour. Remove bay If you like, edge the slip with leaves before serving. dainty lace. Pork, prepared Spanish style, is No 8003 comet tn sizes 36, 38, Try Cemor ftfrfer-Y- 2s a favorite because of its savory sea- 40.Psttern 43. 44. 46, 48. M and S3. Size 38. slip, sonings as well as its color appeaL 3K yard of 33 or panties. li, you Vegetables go into the same dish yards. Two-PieFrock with th meat. ERES' a stunning two piece The juice of a lemon in a glass of A i frock that features the popuwater, when taken first thing on arisSpanish Perk. (Serve 6) lar side-sweclosing. It fits to ing, is all that most people need to insure prompt, normal elimination. 8 pounds pork shoulder, boned perfection with lines that are esN laxative, that irritate end diced pecially slimming. Make short or the more berthtract and impair nutridigestive three-quartFlour cuffed sleeves and tion ! Lemon in water is good for you I Lard choose bright novelty buttons. 4 medium sized potatoes Generation, ef American, have taken lemons for health and generation Pattern No. 1737 I for sizes 13, 14, IS, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire saoce r 18, 20; 40 and 43. Slz 14, of doctors have recommended them. 8 caps tomatoes Bleevet, 4 yards of fabric. They are rich in vitamin C; supply Send your order to: 8 cups canned pess valuable amount of Bi and P. They 1 green pepper alkalinize, aid digestion WIN O PATTERN IE CIRCLE DEPT. Salt and pepper Not t .harp or oor, lemon in water Ut South Wells St. Chicago 1, DL i has a refreshing tang clears th 33 cants Enclose In to coins r each Have pork shoulder cut into pattern desired,. mouth, wakes you up. Its not a cubes. Dredge in flour and brown purgative simply helps your sysPatters N -- Size, in hot lard. Place alternate layers tem rtgulat x Try it 10 day. of meat and vegetable In casserole Name. Sf CAUSOSNIA SUNKIST UMONS dish. Pour tomatoes over all SeaAddress. son and cook in n moderate' Oven (350 degree) until meat. and vegetables are tender, about 1H to 2 - Settling a Quarrel hours. An unusual custom prevails among the Apa Tanis, a tribe of 8002. 30-5- t 7M(or ce U pt er three-quarte- 20,000 Forgetting all the torrow we have had. Try to remember, H" it, when grief it lore, Thai a will pat. a il liar paaaed before. C , ,1 covering tion. meat completely Just as an experiment suppose for one day only you do not criticize anything or anybody. Look for aomethlng to admire and praise II you look hard enough for1 something to praise, you can find it, but if you dont find it right off, dont say a word of criticism Just keep still if you can't praise. Its amazing the effect this ha: on your life and on your outlook on the Brush with melt- world. One man to whom I gave this advice a short time ago said It wgs like going out Into the sunlight after leaving a darkened room when he began to see the wprld as sn admirer rather than as a Consider that art-- ; experiment of this kind will take Just one day of your time and not cost one cent Dont you think it worthwhile? fault-finde- r. -- V 1 s j I ed butter. Place in a moderate oven (350 degrees) and bakt for two hours Want to have company on a budget? You couldn't serve a prettier LYNN SAYSs Food Favorites Improve Your Menu If youd like something novel in a sliced and frozen persimmon served with calavo set on a bed of crisp greens. Rinse the persimmon and place in tha freezing compartment of tha refrigerator until firm. of biscuit dough Fit square Into muffin pans to form cups. Baka until golden brown, then serve as cases for creamed meat, vegetables or fish. living in an isolated section of the Himalayas. When two men are engaged in a personal quarrel, such as over a debt or a woman, they are allowed to kidnap members of each others family and imprison them in a private stockade until a settlement is reached. five-fing- iky-blu- f) Hoy To Relieve MAB? Bronchitis A little meat will g a long way If yon serve attractive cabbage roll-up- s in a bed ef buttered noodles. Round out the meal with battered green beans and pickled beets and aerve a simple baked fruit for dessert. You might try these two dishes with specialty meats if you want to aerve nutrition-ric- h meals aa well as appetizing ones: Savory Liver. (Serve 6 te I) 1 carrot, shredded 1 onion, minced 1 turnip, diced 1 bay leaf 8 tablespoons fat 1 tablespoon flour 8 Hi pounds liver (1 piece) 8 caps water or stock Salt and pepper Creomubdon relieves promptly be-Ca- it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help looeen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION martin , tm lih" U on of well-man- whoiweCalox McKewoa Co0- Bridgeport. hr Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis Uii I 1,11 if" &?: 7 Broiled Lamb Kidneys. (Serves 6) 6 lamb kidneys 1H cups french dressing , 18 siloes bacon T Rlaad by WNU Faatur. A nice filling for yeast dough is made of honey mixed with butter and flavored with Vi teaspoon of cinnamon or nutmeg, , If you like n meaty flavored bis- cuit for topplngs. use Vi teaspoon curry powder or poultry seasoning mixed in with the dry ingredients. Cheese biscuits are novel when you want to serve an interesting hot bread. Simply add Vi cup of grated American cheese to biscuit recipe Add this before or to ready-mimixing in the milk. x. loo CRLOX ro- w- Brown vegetables with bay leaf in fat. Add flour and blend, then add liver and water. Simmer for 1 to lVh hours. Clean kidneys and cut into halves. Marinate in french dressing for 12 hours. Drain kidneys and wrap in bacon. Place four inches below moderate heat and broil for 12 to 13 minutes, or until bacon is crisp and kidneys are tender. Serve on toast triangles. y weUoomcd. .tara informed HoUyh Powdef. Rub in Ben-Gaquick! Gently warming Ben-Ga- y discombrings speedy, welcome relief from chest-col- d contains up to 2 Vt times more fort You see, Ben-Ga- y methyl salicylate and menthol two agents known to all doctors than five other widely Insist on genuine Ben-Gaoffered rub-inthe original Baume Ana!g6sique. y, pain-relievi- Aiza far Pais du ts RHEUMATISM, MUSCLE ACHE, and STRAINS. Ask far Mild See-C-ay far CkBdrca. |