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Show I Twsdav. February 10, THE DRAGERyON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH 1948 ( PAGE TTTRE3 Smugglers Set Handy-Bookshel- Hade in One Evening Hew Record on Chinese Coast ;EvScree(i;radio Features. I7.CC3 Violations In Three Southern Ports Reported 1IKE Myrna Loy, MerW In Ten Months. and Gene Tierney, radio actress Alice Frost beSHANGHAI. Chinese customs gan her acting career with oriental roles; like them, officials report there were 17,00010 she is best known today as a cases of smuggling during alone. months in South China typical American girl, the The value of the goods ports involved is Released by WNTJ By INEZ GERHAED ex-ot- adventuresome "Pamela North of the CBS "Mr. and Mrs. North. A heavy Oriental diet was too much for her, so she set about the serious business of learning to gather laughs. She was a stooge for such masters of the art as a Bob Hope, Fanny Brice, Walter O'Keefe and CoL Stoopnagle, work- ing at it while other girls strove to become radio's equivalent of Bette Davis Those years have paid off in ber success as "Mrs. North. February 13 is a big date for Dinah Shore. With Melissa Ann occupying the cradle made for her by her father, George Montgomery, Dinah returns to the air on her new program. "Call for Music, a variety show, brings us Dinah and Harry James and his orchestra, with "It Pays To Be Ignorant giving up its Friday spot for the new show. When J. Arthur Rank visited Hollywood, Michael Curtiz told him about a young actor, James Mitchell, whom he'd signed to a longterm contract. Mitchell, who resem- bles James Mason, has a leading role in Curtiz "The 49ers; Rank, who asked that Mitchell' test be aent to him In London, may borrow the young man if the Curtiz schedule permits. ... President' Niles Bravo to NBC Trammel, who started 1948 still hopeful and fighting for a radio code of standards, a high level of program practices and content. For example, limited commercialism, clean copy, clean Jokes. It was a good fight he put np pt the Broadcasters' convention last fall, and apparently he Intends to continue it. self-impos- Columbia Pictures will soon release a new musical, "Mary Lou, featuring Frankie Carle and bis band. The song's publishers launched a drive to push it, and soon you will be hearing new recordings of "Mary Lou played by nearly all the top bands. All, that is, but Carle; Co lumbia Records wouldn't let him do dt Horace Heidt held prior rights. was Robert Kennedy, a truck driver when Director Rich- ard Wallaige and John Wayne heard him sound off after a minor traffic accident, He was so eloquent that they signed him for a role in RKO's Tycoon. fj T Ladles Be When the popular Seated and "Hint Hunt go traveling it is possible for worthy civic enterprises to benefit. Minimum ad- V mission fees are charged;. for instance, in March "Hint Hunt will appear for the Charleston, W. Vs., Lions club; the fifty cents fee for each person will go to a fund for hot school lunches for children during the school year. under-privileg- "Design for Death, RKO's documentary film, was made after some eight million feet of confiscated Japanese newsreels and feature dramas had been studied. It took Richard Fleischer more than three months to go oyer them. - - - - - On the Columbia "Lulu Belle set, Glenda Farrell came up with a reminiscence that startled Dorothy La mour and the others. In 1928 Glenda played a debutante in "Love, Honor on Broadway. and Obey Gable played her fatherl Clark ODDS AND ENDS Captain Clancleared cy of New Yorks 19tb precinct out the inmates from the 67 tb St. police station so that it could be sued for scenes in RKOs "Tbe Window,, , , Henry Morgans second picture, following "So This Is New York," will be "So This Is Hollywood, . . . Jams Paige's wedding gown was equipped with a weighted swing skirt, for dan IP ben Phyllis Calvert returned to England after maktng "My Own True Lore" for Paramount the took with ber an assortment of things that including a are scarce over there chromium plated rolling pin. f estimated at more than two million dollars in American money, an astronomical sum in Chinese currency. The customs in Kwangtung province handled the largest number of cases, with the Shanghai office ranking a close second. Key centers of this activity are three landmarks in the white mans attempts to capture the market' of Asia. Each now is a struggling Center of international trade. The three cities are Shanghai, which has been entirely Chinese since the end of the war. British Hong Kong, and Portuguese Macau. Both Hong Kong and Macau are near the great South China port of Canton. Reports from Hong Kong frequently' tell of gun duels between smugglers and customs men. Customs patrol boats are armed with heavy and light machine guns. Mix Smoothly. Big-shsmugglers mix smoothly In the r international populations of Hong Kong, Macau and Shanghai and make contacts while their henchmen do the actual smuggling. Smuggling is not new along the China coast, but it has increased since the government notably banned many categories of imports to combat inflation and conserve foreign exchange. A number of Shanghai business men, unable to import legally, have turned to the smugglers as a source a of supply. Details of how deals are made and carried out cannot be obtained, but interviews with several importers here disclose that the price for bringing prohibited goods from Hong Kong to Shanghai ranges from 10 per cent ad valorem at the owners risk, to as high as 40 per cent with delivery guaranteed. Some importers see no moral wrong In bringing In certain kinds of prohibited goods illegally. "Not all of the goods smuggled are luxury items like perfumes and one said.- - "In many cosmetics, cases, urgently needed Items are smuggled" In items which were so short even in the U. S. that only recently have American factories produced .ehougb tq export. In the meantime, the government ax has fallen here, and the import of these items arc under a quota which falls far short of the countrys actual needs. Therefore they are being smuggled In for the, benefit of Chinas industry. , First Bought .Legally. Most smuggled goods -- are first bought legally in Hong Kong from foreign suppliers. From there they are routed to Canton or Macau, from where they make their way to the wealthy Shanghai market. With the government tightening up at Canton, more goods are going by way of Macau. American business men in Shanghai are of two minds about seeing their goods arrive this way. One said: We are in the Far East to do business. As far as we are concerned, we legitimately sold our goods to purchasers in Hong Kong. What happens to the goods afterward, and whether or not they are smuggled into China, is none of our concern. But another American, representing a large American firm, said this: Hong Kong is one market China is another. We dont like our goods flowing from one market to the other illegally, causing price fluctuation! in either market which we are unable to i control and which might react unfavorably toward public reception of our goods when the restrictions are oft. But neither he nor any of the business men interviewed could guess when the restrictions are likely to be "off. ' L WOULD-BSHERIFF . . . Mr. Franco H. Dwire, former CleveE land policewoman and n grandmother, announced that ebe would seek Democratic nomination a sheriff of Lake county, Ohio. She will ran on and reform platform. anti-gambli- BEFORE SHE CAN WALK, HONEST . . . Ever bear anyone .brag about bow he learned to swim beforo he could walk? Take a look at youngster whs wont be kidding when she tells that story. Sherry Lynn Whitford of Loa Angeles la only nine months old and already shes daab. The tot swims threo times dally and uses swimming the combination of dog paddlo and crawl to propel herself about the pool. She swims with her tiny bead under water. Here, she is being dropped into the water by Crystal Scarborough. 20-fo- ot 'r-- i X i-- IT CAN HAPPEN . . . John Foster Dulles, GOP foreign affaire expert told congros that Russia will take ever aU of Europe unless Marshall plan aid ta given to the European Immediately. I f . ' f A v T M - 0 jX A X" democracies, 4C X .. Gus Lesnevich outstanding light, PUNCHING IN THE. DARK . heavyweight boxer, la shown hero ns he instructs (oar students of tbo Institute for Education of the Blind in New York in the nse of boxing gloves. The blind boys are guided by strips of elastic which connect the right and left fists of opponents and keep them within touch of each ether,,; .. , . -- HOT WATER . . . Thanks th the round metal disk floating in the center of his water trough, this horse has the laugh on old man winter. It is a floating water heater, prodneed by Westinghonse to assure farm animals of a drink despite-thcold. e 'i SOT . . . Nikita 8. Khrushchev, secretary of the Ukraine Communist partys central committee, was quoted by radio Moscow as virtually admitting that the Stalin regime is combatting uprisings ia tiie intensely nationalistic Ukraine. IS THAT anti-Sovi- et EMPEROR HIROHiTO PRESIDING . . . Emperor Hlrohlto of Japan, who was not always so democratic as he is now, looks lonely and deserted as he attends the opening session of the Japanese diet In Tokyo. This is said to be the first really demoerstio parliamentary body to function in the history of Japan. CALIF. Europe. The governor announced that preliminary' arrangements had been completed to use the training ship Golden Bear of the .California Maritime academy on the trip. Donations will be solicited, he said, for the 1,500-to- n cargo th ship will carry to Greece, Italy and possibly France. 4 .i Explosion Wrecks Building; 12 Persons Reported Hurt An explosion NEWARK, 'N. J. Newarks heavily-industrialize- d Ironbound section. Injuring a dozen persons. At St James hospital, a spokesman said eight persona brought into the emergency room appeared to be In "serious condition. In my book, material is far mors Important than coaching. Leahy and Crisler have had far the best material lately. They have had material that cbmpletely .outclassed rival players, .through, the last, year, and both know t, , , They have been meeting teama that never had a man who could make their first squsd line or back-fielNotra Dame and Michigan steadily get the best material in tha Midwest, a strong football sector. There Is no such monopoly In other sections. Since the war Army and Navy took a drop a terrific drop on Navys side. Material Is Important, but a smart, keen, alert coach also If a big help. Modem football moves at a hilling pace. Thera are so many new offenses and defenses that a coach slightly behind tha time la completely bewildered. A feetbaD coach la tha hardest working instructor in the realm ef sport, No ether coach in any ether game faces each consistent pressure. No ether eesch face so many problems, has so many worries, so many shocks. Tha pro game is full of fin coaches: Paul Brown, Steve Owen, Sutherland, Greasy Neale, Buck Shaw on and on. But tha answer her la still largely material. I hav no record of Navy material for 1948. But it should match Armys, and with a pro coach tuck as Phelan or Tatum or on of that clast,. Navy Isnt going through a season again winning one gam a year. Navy has won only two games in the last two years. This won't happen through 1948. -- Gov. plans for California to send a unique relief ship filled with food and clothing to of youll be agreeably surprised to see how easily you can make this hanging bookshelf from the pattern. i - f 1 .1 Jk , X f CONSCRIPTED . . . Wearing the rags given him in exchange, for his own good clothes, Nick. Datsis, American barber from Worcester, Mass., managed to escape from Greek guerrillas who drafted him and made him their battalion barber. -- . . Tho front of the four-un- it diesel power plant ef Santa Fea El Capltaa streamliner dangles aver All so street at the south end of tbo Los Angeles union station. Train had arrived from Chicago, uncoupled It coaches and waa ea route to the roundhouse when an apparent brake failure Caused the locomotive to trundle off the end of the tracks and crunch through a wall over the street. HOW NOT TO DO IT . full-si- ze Only ordinary hand tools hammer, saw and plane are needed. The pattern Is first traced on tho wood. The drawn outlines are then sawed and assembled exactly as and where the pattern Indicates You'll be able to make two at less than the cost of one ready made. All materials can be purchased et your local lumber yard. e e e Send 15 cents, plus 1 cents postage, fer Pattern No 21 to Pattern Publishing Co Box 215, PleaaantvUle, New York. la NR (Natures Remedy) Tabtetlh there art e chemicals, no minerals, ae phenol derivatives. NR Tablets art different off different Purely vetjf table a combination of 10 vegetabia ingredients lormulated over SO years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, - at million, of NRt have proved. Gets 254 box. Use ss directed. i C":cxklkt fcx ac;j "J 3 La 'STGfllH?:' Coaching and Material d. Earl Warren has disclosed shattered a building of the Ceianese Corporation of America in the heart woodworking nt i never tried though youve pVEli yoirf hand at coach-Suppo- t California Plans Relief Ship To Carry Supplies fo Europe SACRAMENTO. pROBABLY the main reason that Rear Adm. James M. Holloway Jr., head of the U. S. naval academy, hasnt called us In to help select Navys next coach Is that Holloway is an extremely smart person one of the finest types West Point or Annapolis have drawn to date and a better educator than he is a football selector. Another reason Is that the admiral figured ws would cast pur vote for Capt. Tom Hamilton, who Is now Navys director of athletics. Captain Hamilton, a brilliant navy officer, only needed a bit more modern experience and a slightly less rigorous schedule to be a match for anyone. He was far behind such coaches as Frit Crisler, Lou Little, Frank Leahy and many others in experience. And experience la the most vital requisite of X footbaU Grantland Rice Navy had Its pick of the field? Who would be the one to select? Among the best coaches in college football In no selected order we could name the ' following; Leahy, Notre Dame; Crisler, Michigan; Little, Columbia; Red Blalk, Army. Matty Bell, 8.M.U.; Jimmy Phelan, St. Marys; Blair Cherry, Texas; Jim Tatum, Maryland; Wallace Wade, Duke; Paul Bryant, Kentucky; Red Sanders, Yanderbllt; Bobby Dodd, Georgia Tech; Wally Butts, Georgia,, and Bernle Blerman, Minnesota. But how many of these can Navy get? I dont think Navy could get Leahy, Crisler or Little. I doubt that Navy woJd reach for Blalk. Ive heard two names mentioned lately Phelan of St Marys and Tatum of Maryland. Either Vould be an choice. Phelans 1945 or 1948 St Marys team was certainly as well coached as Leahy's Notra Dame teams or Crisler Michigan teams. Leahy and CrlBler currently are rated on top. Both are brilliant coaches. But no one knows bow large a part tha best material plays In football. al ic light-hearte- . Easily f A - When fantna.wpbsiMC'puitwtiMry la muscles, tew, dona and back, relieve such symptoms quickly until tin hawnent specially owdc fot the purpcea, I .m i mem contains effective nibefa-de- nt kitted icnu that act like slowing warmth from beating pad. Help attract In surface blood supply. Soretona b in a daw by feidf. Past, senda, sanafying relief assured or prtca refunded. 50b, Economy me 11.00. Tty Soretona fee Athlete's Foot Uk al Si typo et common fungi oa contact! Get Well QUICKER from tear Caere Owe So a Cold Ffl! CVQH"llirar O Cough Compound Jo dlcWSL cutcL io dlokU 11 Illinois run Our Information on Illinois ia slight But our information on Michigan ia complete, and it Indicates that tha Wolverines will be just about as tough next fall at they Were last season. Michigan loses a flock of stars. Including Chappuls, Welsenburger, Yerges, Mann, Ford and Pritula. But there will be morC than enough tart left to plug th gap and make the Wolverines again as formidable as any squad in tha land. Bernle Bierman at Minnesota will have a fast, powerful line, one of the best in football. But be could use one or two of Michigans backs. The point la this anppese Michigan wins again and the Big Nine sends out Minnesota or Purdue to play against tha Pacific Coast conference champions? I have aa Idea yon will bear one ef the loudest squawks that ever churned up the coastal water af the parting Pa. cific. & SnninqAu $ond& i'W1 OUla A full PASH IM IIATHrOS fcM 0 1TT7F AptiiMfer MCI Utf MVCN J UtIHftJ J32T Women ta your 40s"l Done this functional 'mlddlo-ogperiod peculiar to women esuae you to suffer bo flashes, nervous, highstrung, weak, tired feelings? Then do try Lydia B. Ptnkhama Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Its a mows tor this purpose! Taken regularly Plnkham's Com-- " pound helps build up reelrtane against such distress. Thousands have re reported benefit! Also a very affects atomaohle tonic. Worth trying I Possible Tangle Tha, Big Nina cither is gambling on Minnesota to win her conference crown next fall or figuring the West Coast is too dazed to cart what happens. At least nothing so far has been done about rending her second team to the Rose or third-plac- e Bowl gam in case Michigan and SORETONZ Liniment Heating Pad Action Give Quick Relief! e' i idu f - COMfffiilkB Help Them Cleanse tho Blood of Harmful Body Waste Tmt kiditvi are toMUnUjr filtering Mia mitter frea tk blood nmu Bub kidney eonotliiMa la Is their work de to ro not net nn Nature Intended-fai- l ioto Impurities tbt, tf retained, map not eon tb nyetem and apeet tbo wboio body machinery. Symptom may be atnrfnf backache, pera latent beodaebe, attack of iinaineoa, getting up Btghta, aweiling, putbnneo under the oyen n feeling of nweoue anxiety and loan of pep and etreogUu Other 1(0 of kidney or bladder dto order are aoaetimee burning, aeanty er loo frequent ermattoa. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment ia wieer than Deflect. Lee Been' Pilla Boou'l have bed winatng ew frieeda for more than forty yeem. They bare a nauoo-wi- de reputation Are recommended by grateful people tbo oountry ewer. A at year neighbor I |