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Show Vv THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Page Sts v FICTION Tuesday, August 26, 1947 plate. She let out a growling tisa .ar.d rousing herself, waddled off in-- , dignantly. She wasnt used to such corner SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS , shabby treatment' Nosey had no time to worry over this breach of friendship in Der-mlTHE PORIC OAIiDIT indignant stamping off. In By DEE RANDALL fact she was back in a few mo- ments, rubbing her face against his pants leg as a Iremirader of her The same chain all the gnawing vitals. She hadn't been fed COLLINS. as you know, stores NOSEY Number One Egoist of time. If we could get to the bottom in two hours. Nosey paid no attention to her 4 the day. Just as Napoleon once laid of that, we'd be getting some pleading. He was waiting for the claim to the title. But that was back place. In the 17th or 18th century. And noDermies boredom with this con- stranger who was to visit him. At PIMrloe much about him versation was evident. She settled precisely three oclock, as the note body bother stated, a tall, shabbily dressed man any more. Except those who like to back on the comfortable pillow inHis dark hair was old history stalled in the drawer. But not be- appeared. dig and delve into musty sleeked neatly back, but otherwise Needs books. fore looking at the empty plate be- he was hardly s picture of sartorial Napoleon had only an Empire to fore her. Soon she was snoring elegance. conquer. Nosey had a newspaper peacefully. She knew the plate "Mr. Collins? You received my Tillie as would be filled later on office and an note Nosey noticed the stranger's his territorial grounds. Scatfoped Qiarmer Jor 1Uo junior 2)raJJ JdaA Side GoAinfl es iyJjunn CnsrnhhS i tteilSneS, LYNN CHAMBERS Jams Satisfy Taste During Meals ever-lovin- Scald and skin tomatoes, skin onremove seeds from peppers, pare cucumbers and discard their ego-buildi- ions, self-mad- seeds if very A V; r- - . w IV y, 4 1 to lV' Dermit'i thing" . Dermio's answer was an assenting butcher shops in seven days," Nosey went on. "thafa a record for any criminal Hes plenty nervy, too. Sent them all a notice beforehand. He's got the cops in a quandary. Must be a ghost bandit," Here he snickered scornfully at the idea of a ghost ransacking a cash register anr sticking a butcher knife in a mans back. "What puzzles ms," Nosey went on with his one-sidconversation, "is hew be gets In and out with the cash right under their eyes. And why does he always pick an pork hiss,-"Sev- en ed 1 1.760 Jvh "i Ay.V 4- - VS 4 V : -- I Nosey read and reread the unsigned note on his desk. "Maybo IU be able to get a lead out of this after aH" ho reflected. Soma butch- er has received a note saying his store would be next. He was coming in to speak with the editor. The editor had turned the whole business over to Nosey disgustedly. News seldom walked right into a newspaper office. Leada that came in by mail might better hav been called misleads. Usually tome quack eeklng publicity. Grim determination could be teen in the aet of Nosey's features. The editor had faith In him. He would have to get to the bottom of thl thing. As number one egoist, he felt certain he could AN INDIGNANT public was be- coming boisterous in their vehement denlale of this Pork Bandit who slew and robbed at regular daily intervals. The editor had hinted at a bonus or something equally satisfying financially to the guy who got a lead on this story. It would sure come Ip handy. Nosey dreamed. Next mbnth he and Tillie were getting married. A glint of happinesi filled his usually placid eyes. Sweet Tillie with her flaxen curls. And how she could cook I Noseys mouth watered in anticipation of the dally meala, like those he had already sampled at Hillss little apartment Dermle opened drowsy eyes and looked reflectively at the still empty la Nest baas. yards 6 To encourage 9 To put on 12 Persian poet 13 Girl'a name 14 To obtain 15 16 18 10 22 24 27 29 21 22 laboriously Sscred word Large cross To seize Molten lave Thailand Isinglass To engrave hill . Capital of nia (var.) Edge of e hill Symbol for nickel 27 Irrigation ditch - . 29 Italian tenor 41 Note In the chromatic acale 42 Foreteller 44 European song thrush 45 Consumed 47 Layer of metal 49 Spanish coin 60 Author of Fighting 24 26 Men Numbered disk 64 By 65 Tavern 67 Third person absent-mindedl- How did you know? he Well you see, Nosey drawled, his five feet four swaying magnifiyou said you Just came cently, from your pork store. When Der-miwoke up and Just went right back to sleep again, I knew that was a lie. If you had really come from there, she would have been over there sniffing your pants and licking your leg, maybe even chew Its past her ing a piece out of meal time now, be smiled down fondly at Dermle who had stirred at mention of her name, looking ex pectantly at the empty plate. He went on: Then you told me some details that the police have carefully guarded from the public Nobody but the Pork Bandit hlmseli could have known them The man hung his head despairiI used to own half of the ngly chain of stores, he spoke bitterly Until my partner swindled me out of my share. It was the only way I knew of to get back what really belonged to me For a moment Nosey s gaze wa it Ne. 28 5 To shun 6 To smear 7 Teutonic deity 8 Light brown 9 Entry in an account 10 Correct llCompass of the Hindu 17 trinity 69 French for 19 and Slang: roll of paper money 63 Ireland 65 Unaspirated 67 Before 63 Part of the skeleton 69 Tardy 61 ' 48 Eastern state 61 Printers measure 53 55 56 Beak 58 Wholly Atawtv 60 Golfers mound You and I 61 Land measure 64 Artificial language 66 Babylonian deity 62 Pmi NMr Part of to be Highest point Grape refuse 25 Uniform 28 Vocal solo 27 To ensnare 28 Barnyard fowls 30 33 1 Cow's Cry 2 Unripeness Note of scale 4 To be wrong pointy Symbol for osmium 43 Dried grape 46 To leave out 21 23 Vertical J Im manager of the store on East 8Qth street. Received this note early this morning. I left the place and hurried right down here as soon as I could Didnt have time to he looked change my clothes. down apologetically. Yoilr store will be next. This afternoon, the note read. It was signed: The Porx Bandit" Nosey scanned the writing carefully. Nothing there to give much of a clue. "Have you seen the police? No sir, thought Id speak to you first They seem to be getting nowhere fast, bo laughed ruefully There has been a note before each he reminded crime, you know, him. y Nosey patted Dermies neck. She stirred, looked languidly at the viaitor and dozed off again. Nosey asked him a lot of questions and the visitor seemed anxious to supply all the details possible. Im flattered you have so much confidence in us," Nosey told him. Will you pardon me a moment while I get my notebook. 1 want to jot down all the information you can give me. Now Nosey never bothered with a notebook. Any old piece of copy paper did for the hottest scoop. Outside the city room. Nosey beaded for a telephone booth. He made a call picked up e notebook from a protesting stenographer and returned to his nervously waiting visitor. He wrote down sentences scrupulously, making sure to dot every "I and cross every "t To anyone looking on, it was evident Nosey was stalling for time. It wee only a matter of a few minutea before the two husky cops arrived. A pair of handcuffs were clinched on the now (puttering viaitor who demanded to know the meaning of this. Here, boys, Nosey addressed the cope, is your Pork Bandit. He kind of sneered over the name as only a real egoist could do. The man suddenly stopped bat- e New Caledo- 22 Late-tfr-eeas- Nosey motioned him him. tling. asked. Twofold High craggy Clayey soil Slang: boles-i- n one 35 Shawl 38 Careful 40 attention Part of the y? itrtH set It '-t) grapes are ideal for use as conserves, a Jam-lik- e product which gives a true lift hand quivered nervously as he to fall and winter menus. A true beckoned him towards a chair. He conserve con twin raisins or nuts, took the paper the man handed or both, but they may be omitted. stranger's hand quivered nervously as 1680 Pear Pickles. IMI 1 Even though most of us like simple meals, well cooked and attra- ctively served, theres an almost universal hunger for something tart or a bit of a sweet that gallon pears cups sugar cups water cups vinegar piece of ginger root sticks of cinnamon tablespoons whole allspice tablespoon cloves 6 2 4 2 2 2 i sir. large, pare and core apples Run and vegetables through apples a food chopper. Add sugar and cook until thick, vinegar and continue cooking until of the same consistency as chill sauce. Pour, while boiling hot, into hot sterile jars. Seal at once. 1 i MtUti Hertsoatal Boiled Smoked Pork Shoulder Mustard Sauce Baked Potatoes Pureed Squash Tomato-ColeslaSalad Beverage Baked Pears with Honey w g It's true, it proved rather expenbusiness. But sive this no matter the cost. Nosey la ace man. One of claimed as a the finest men on the staff of the Daily Gazette. Besides Tillie and the newspaper office, it must bs revealed. Nosey has still another love. She now lay cozily In her private retreat . . . the right band drawer of Nosey's desk. There was a quiet purr as Nosey patted the soft, dirty white fur on neck. Dermle - was the nickname tor Hypodermic. A name fitting te the oversized cat becauae you really had to stick a needle in her to make her stir. There was only one other thing that would rouse this reflexing feline. That was the smell of boloney or liver, even from the farthest corner of the city room. Originally from the restaurant on the corner where she was expected to rid the place of mice and make herself generally useful, she had found refuge in Noseys comfortable desk drawer. The clatter of dishes and hustle bustle of the crowded restaurant had proved too much for her sensitive nerves. Nosey stopped his tender patting. This annoyed Dermis no end. Raising her head, which was more energy than she cared to use, she perked a quizzical eye at him. "Dermle," Nosey spoke seriously, "If we could get a beat on this Pork Bandit case, we'd sure have some- MENU we look for in addl- Select firm pears. Pare and leave small ones whole. Halve or quarter the larger ones. Boil for 20 minutes in clear water. Boil sugar, water, vinegar and spices (tied In a bag) for 10 minutes. Add pears and let stand overnight. Cook until tender. Pack pears into hot jars. Cook syrup until thick and pour over peara. Process for 5 minutes in a hot water bath. to'the basic foods. Peach Chutney. gallon peaches 1 This may take the form of a colorful tomato relish, a crisp green pickle, or a thick sweet Jam or conserve. These accompaniments are polished often the finishing, touches tcr-- e meal that make the difference between a success or a failure in the food line. Now that sugar is plentiful we can indulge ourselves a bit In the mixtures. of sweet fruit way Pickles and other relishes don't require much sweetening, and theres enough in the gardens and on tile markets to make eur shelves bflth oulge and sparkle with other good-lee. Think of sandwiches and you Immediately remember how good pickle are with them. Then, too, you can use them with meats, in dressings and sauces. Bread and Batter Chi pa. 8 quarts sliced cucumber 2 anions, sliced 614 cups cider vinegar 2 eupe brown sugar 1 pod hot red pepper 1 teaspoon cinnamon H teaspoon ginger 2 tablespoons mustard seed 1 teaspoon turmeric tablespoon celery seed 1 piece horseradish Soak the' cucumbers and anions (separately) for S te 16 hours In brine, made by cup dissolving salt In H gallon of cool water. Drain well Add onions, 214 cups vinegar, and 2ft cups of water to the cucumber. Simmer about 19 minutes. Do not Drain; discard iquid in which scalded. Make syrup jy boiling the sugar and spices with I cups of vinegar and 1 cup water .or 5 minutea. Pack well drained :ucumbers and onions In hot jars. Jover with boiling syrup and seal it once. This next Is a variation of chill auce that has seasonings youll ike. It has the tame thickness is chili sauce when you have flashed cooking it. Peruvian Sauce. 24 ripe tomatoes 8 large onions 3 green peppers pod hot pepper large cucumbers 4 tart apples 3 cups brown sugar 1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon ground allspice 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3 cups vinegar 1 3 sympathetically bent Awards the mans back as they led him away. LYNN SAYS: Then he returned to Dermie. Use Ingenuity for "Have'petience, old girl he pat- breakfasts ted her head. When he returned, When apples are In season during there was an extra cushion In Der-mifaD and winter, serve the family and a domicile brand drawer pancakes. Add 1 cup ippl new plate. It has two sprightly mice -hopped apples to your pancake bat--P In ted on it This baa caused no,. aD(j serve them dusted with a end of concern to Dermie, who, mixture of U cup of sugar and 2 minus her once sharp teeth, cant tablespoons of cinnamon, figure out Just how te bit into the One cup of minced ham. cooked uag meat of roast beef little rascals. She doesn't have any 9r toto Pncli trouble with the extra helpings of boloney, though. U School Dress want what you JUST to spice your wardrobe a simple yet unusually appealing frock with special side interest and the popular wide belt Afternoon Frock to make your waist doll size. Try A SOFTLY styled afternoon a bold used in condress for the slightly larger trast. striped fabric, woman with scallops to edge the No 1680 is designed for sizes front closmg and brief sleeves. 11.Pattern 12. 13 14. 18 and 18 Size 12. short Pattern provides a set in sleeve in sleeves, 3sii yards o short or Send your order to: length for fall wear. teen-age- rs back-to-scho- three-quart- ol er Pattern No 1662 comes in sizes 36, 38, 40, 42. 44, 46. 48. 50 and 52 Size 38, cap sleeve. 4 yards o f 39 inch fabric Jackson Caused Treasury Building to Jut Into Street SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each 709 Mission pattern desired Pattern No. Size .. - - Name Address 2 onions clove garlic 1 cup seeded raisins 5 cups vinegar 14 cup white mustard seed 2 tablespoons ground ginger 1 pod hot red pepper I cup brews sugar 1 Chop peeled peaches, onions, garlic and raisina. Add 14 of the vinegar. Cook until soft Add all other ingredients. Cook until thick. Pour Into hot Jars and seal Imme- The Treasury building m WashD. C., juts out into the street in the way of everybody because m the 1800s, during a discussion about the new location. President Andrew Jackson strode forth, stuck his cane m the ground and said: "The building shall be here. And so today the Treasury building stands where it completely shuts off the view of the White House from the Capitol. ington, 7C Qhaku jiOEIGXCLD'i Delicious ,K0OL-- DRINKS FLAVORS' diately. The above chutney recipe may ala be used with apples, pears or plums. OUT, go lOUD.I l Blake year butter go further by having a luscious spread for the bread or aa accompaniment te the meat course with relishes sad other goodies made now while prod-ac- e Is still available. v Grape Conserve. quarts stemmed grapes cups sugar cup nut meats teaspoon salt 2 6 1 ji Q Os DICE Be sure you get liniSFIESSSii U - Americas favorite rice cereal J the one and only Kellogg Rico Krisptesl For the Concord type grapes, press t remove pulps from skins. Run skin through the food chopper, then boil for 20 minutes in just enough water to prevent sticking. Cook pulps down in their own Juice until soft Rub through colander to remove seeds. Combine skins and pulps with sugar and boil rapidly until thick. Add nuts and salt Pour, boiling hot. Into sterile jars and seal at once. Plum Conserve. quarts seeded plums 1 lemoa H teaspoon salt 1 large stick cinnamon 6 cups sugar 1 cup raisins 1 cup nut meats 2 d Use plums. Cook until soft with pulp and grated lemon rind, salt and cinnamon. Add sugar and raisins. Cook until thick. Remove cinnamon and add 'nuts Pour boiling hot into hot jars and seal Immediately firm-fleshe- Release kr Western Newsnaper Union When youre serving melon, make It the best youve eyer tasted with a light sprinkling of mixed and powdered spices. Do you like a sweet, southern type pancake? Fold in 2 tablespoons of brown sugar with cup chopped pecan meats to the batter before baking. Uae your leftover rice In pancake batter. Fold in cup of rice to batter with cup of grated cheese before baking if you want to servo substantial far. JOHN h FITZGERALD. 4 stains Smrr Mom peepb cm smoking mr "then evor bcrc I |