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Show Senrln me "A- Driftr (on. Sunnyside, nd Sunnydale Columbia. Combined population 6,600. Volume erton Iribime 1 inanity a better place In which to live. Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, August 26, 1947 DRAGERTON DOWNS CLEAR Lets an help to CRM GUN CLUB SUNDAY Win by Wide Margins The Drageiton Gun Club got revenge Sunday for the defeat they suffered at the hands of the Clear treek squad earlier in the jear by taking both matches in the team shoot held at Dragerton The Dragerton by wide margins A team scored 113 points against 96 for their opponents and the B squad also had an easy time, racking up 101 points against 85 for the Clear Creek shooters. Following 0ie the members of A the Dragerton and squad their scenes Jim Lipsy, 24, Les Peterson, 24, Julias Rossrpan, 24; John Busch, 23 and C. Anderson B 18. The team , scores are as The next meet the local gun club will shoot in will be the county-wid- e meet that will be held at Clear Creek Sunday, Students of the Daily Vacation Bible School Which Recently Closed at Dragerton r r :mn 1 TI In 1 i SCHOOL SEPT. 4;c .. r m ' '3; .. SPEAKING OF PEOPLE The children went to school from m. till noon daily for two weeks and devoted their time to studying the Bible and doing various types of handiwork such as making aprons, book marks, hearts, and a quilt which will be sent to a missionary childrens home. The average daily attendance for the two weeks was 192 children a day. The six teachers and their classes were: Mrs. Grider, beginners; Miss Rose Poglajen, primary; Mrs. Constance, Mrs. Vops and Mrs. Radabaugh, juniors; and Mr. Constance, 'seniors. The closing feature of the school was a picnic held Friday morning on the church grounds. Ice cream bars were provided as treats for the childrfen. 9 a. to Ollie Lindsey, athlete, r. Lindsey was born March 6, son of 20 in Gilmer, Texas, ones R. and Carrie Lindsey. He id his twin brother, Odell, were eek youngest of the fivelJndsey others that were destined' to :.ke quite a name for themsves Carbon County basketball and iseball circles in later years. e MOVES TO SUNNYSIDE The Lindseys left Texas and when Ollie to Sunnyside as three years old. He remained ?re for the next 19 years. He tended the Sunnyside Elementary :hool and in 1938 graduated from arbon High School. Ollie lettered co years while on the high school ack team. After graduating he went to ork for the Rock AsphaltJJom-in- y for two years and spent a lort time at the Utah Fuel Coke ens before he went to the Mine in 1940. It was while ; was working here that he met id married Leah Behlmg n May line Co-mb- ia 1942. Ollie went into the army in me of 1944 with the ski troops id was soon sent overseas to the ahan Theater of Operations. He ceived three battle stars for the a Valley, North Pennine and ome Arno campaigns. In addi-3- n to this he was awarded the dmbat Infantrymans Badge and e Bronze Star with a citation ading . . . for performing his ity in an outstanding manner id for heroic achievement Pfc. indsey exposed himself to direct (Continued onPage Four) jiiL v- -s J HALF CROWN TO KENILWORTH The Utah Municipal League Is holding its Fortieth Annual Convention at Price this comOver 800 pering week-ensons wll attend. Included in their program will be a sight e, seeing trip to Dragerton, Sunnydale and Columbia. All mines and plants in the vicinity will be included in the tour. The trip is set for Friday, August 29, from 6 p. m. DOUG BON RETURNS FROM CONVENTION Doug Bon, representative of Local 8003 of the U. M. W., returned anThursday from the state-winual Federation of Labor convention which was held in Provo. The conference lasted three days with better working conditions for all A. F. of L. members being the main issue stressed, The biggest majority of the U. M. W. Locals of Carbon .county were well represented. The present convention marked the first time in several years that the United Mine Workers sent delegates to the conference. Officers Were elected for the The Rotarians staged another coming year with Fulmer H. Latfor his one of their very enjoyable pic- ter of Salt Lake nics. The members and their 7th term as Chief of the Utah State wives each took individual bas- Federation. The miners are well kets and went up into the Sunny-sid- e represented on the Federations (Continued on Page Four) canyon Monday night. de 8-- Sun-nysld- PERSONAL By Betty Poglajen MONDAY NIGHT BRIDGE CLUB The Monday Night bridge club met this week at the home of Mrs. F. V. Colombo. Mrs. Ray Bowen captured the high prize of the evening and Mrs. Clifford Woodruff received second. SEWING CLUB MEETS Mrs. C. D. Waring was hostess to the Dragerton Sewing Club this week. The ladies spent the evening sewing and visiting. Refreshments were served by the hostess. COMMUNITY CHURCH TO SEND MATERIALS TO SIAM The ladies of the Community Church are meeting tonight (Tuesday) at 7:45 at the home of Mrs. Cassano to make up the material to go to Reverend Baise in Siam. Everyone is requested to bring their own sewing equipment. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN FOR SALLY MURDOCH . tast Friday, August 13 a fareMr. Frank Sjostedt and Mrs. well party was given for Miss SalAlice Hayward motored to Salt Murdock at her home. Sally is Lake last week. Mrs. Hayward is ly to attend the University leaving Mrs. Sjostedts mother and has of Utah. She will attend the Unimade her home with the Sjostedts; on the four year scholarversity for several years. Mrs. Hayward received. Misses Arlene she ship will stay a few weeks to Visit an- Ware Maxine Stover were and other daughter. Mr. Sjostedt re-- 1 hostesses for the evening. Everyturned the following day. one reported a very enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Morgan and' time. family and Miss Shirley Davis ; spent Sunday in Huntington CanCOMMUNITY SING TO yon. Of course Mr. Morgan fisned a of them had rest and the picnics BE HELD FRIDAY If you like singing and like Miss Wanda Daily, seven year to sing you are invited to atold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- -, nee Daily went to Grand Junc- - tend the regular monthly comtion alone on the bus last week, munity sing which will be held She arrived safely and will stay this Friday at the Dragerton p. with her grandparents until just Community Church at m. Several communities in j before school starts. Mrs. Edna Graham, Mrs. Thel-- j Carbon County will be reprenumma Wright, Mrs. Alice Kloster, sented by special musical Mrs. Mary Daily, Mrs. Hazel Mor- -j bers. The Ladies!'- Missionary gan and Mrs. Rita Gease attended Society of the church will serve the district convention at Monti-- 1 refreshments. j (Continued on Page Four) j " ' Junior Young Peoples held their first meeting Friday, Aug. 22 at the Dbagerton Community Churchy There were fourteen young people in attendance to make plans for the organization of this lqague. It was decided that the 'meetings Vill be held each week and the formal organization will take place at the third regular meeting. Included in the program for the coming months will be handicraft work. This is their special project. All of the boys and girls in Dragerton between the ages of 10 and 14 are invited to attend these meetings. A short business meeting will be The League AUD CLUB Dragerton New MRS. KLOSTER ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. C. B. Kloster entertained at a bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon. The theme used was Hawaiian and all of the table decorations were sent to Mrs. Kloster by her sister from Hawaii. The high player at each table received a sdeck of Hawaiian cards and the low players were awarded a Hawaiian nut. Refreshments typidal of the islands were served consisting of PaPoa juice, fried chicken and rice and Hawaiian fruits and nuts. Guests of the afternoon were. Mrs- .- Maurice Daily,-Mrs- . Robert Heers, Mrs. Archie Morrison, Mrs. Ray Bowen, Mrs. F. V. Colombo, Mrs. Charles Goldbach, Mrs. Homer Brown, Mrs. Ellis Morgan, Mrs. Walter Fitch, Mrs. Vern Avery, Mrs. John Hildebrandt and Mrs. Otto Thompson. JUNIOR YOUNG PEOPLES LEAGUE ORGANIZES held this Friday evening preceed-inthe Community Sing. 8- -7 Kenilworth pushed across one run in the last half of the .tenth inning Sunday at Kenilworth to defeat Drageiton 7 and take the second half crown in the Coal League race. Both teams were undefeated in second half play until Sundays game. Diagerton started out in the lead by scoring a lone run in the first stanza but Kenilworth came back to score twice in the second. Successive home runs by Colley and Farlino in the fourth inning with nobody on erased this lead. The fifth inning spelled death for the locals as Kenilworth put a triple, a single, a walk and two Dragerton errors together to score 5 big runs. The locals came back in the seventh to tie the game up with four runs when Tobey walked, Byers singled and Colley sent Tobey across the plate when he lived on an error. Two more singles by Waite and Farlino scored Byers and Colley and a moment later Waite crossed the plate on a long fly ball by Nelson. This ended the scoring until the last of the tenth when Kenilworth pushed across the winning run. Both squads registered 11 hits but the locals inability to connect with runners, on the bases caused 13 to be lefL stranded. Tobey started the game on the mound for the locals but developed a sore arm in the third frame and bad to retire in favor of W. Poglajen, ' Ihmmick ... worjcei , eight. innings for Kenilworth With Burge I - - f ' pitching the last, (vjfo, The next time members of the local club will see action will be in the Coal League All-St- ar game Monday afternoon, September 1 at Price. The Eastern half, composed of players from Sunny side, Dragerton, and Price will meet the best Hiawatha, "Kenilworth and Helper have to offer. Spring Glen will send two players to each team. Also on the docket for several members of the local team is the Coal League-Uta- h Distributors game which is slated for Saturday, September 6 at Helper under the lights.AThis game was originally scheduled for last week but was postponed because of rainy grounds. Patronise I trugerton Tribune Advitiwra d. 4-- By Agnes S. Jeffs Our search for people with inresting hobbies takes us this tr. All is in readiness for the opening of school were the words to come from Mr. Hansen, Superintendent of the Dragerton School, today. Registration for both the Elemen- j DRAGERTON LOSES GAME AND SECOND MUNICIPAL OFFICERS TO VISIT EAST CARBON PROGRAM The Dragerton Daily Vacation Bible School came to a close last Thursday with a program presented by the children in the Dragerton School Auditorium. The program consisted of songs, memory work, presentation of awards and special musical numbers. Despite the bad weather a large crowd attended the presentation. Sunnydale News OUie Lindsey j! 5th. SOCIETY, O .jtfi i tary Grades and the Junior High is set for September 4 with classes to begin on the Record Crowds of Children Attend Classes ey 850 CHILDREN EXPECTED IN DRAGERTON SCHOOL - 4 THURSDAY WITHEVENING follows; Willy Poglajen, 23, A. Orme, 22; Bob Stultz, 20; Jim To-b18 and Wayne Wright 18. Walt Jones and Bill Strang both scored 22 to lead the Clear Creek shooters. In addition to the regular team shoot there was also prize shooting after the regular meet. Cliff W odruff and Bill Strang shot it out for the grand prize with Strang finally winning to take the silver cigarette stand lighter back to Clear Creek with him. A squad of Price shooters were also at the meet Sunday to take part in the prize shooting. Les Peterson, president of the local club wishes to take this opportunity to invite the young and old alike to come out and enjoy the fun trapshooting. ALL IN READINESS FOR OPENING OF DRAGERTON BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSED September 7. Numerous teams are expected and everyone is looking forward to a successful meet. Number 9 ; g INTERESTING PERSONALITIES m REUS FROM Sunnyside News Columbia News By Marion By Joan Mai a by and LaVae De Angeles Ruth Preston Approximately 850 children are expected to enroll in the Dragerton School. About 325 o these will be in the Junior High which includes grades 7 to 10 inclusive. Students from Dragerton, Sunnyside, Sunnydale and Columbia make up the Junior High while' only Dragerton children attend the Elementary Grkdes. Mr. Hansen reports that the faculty of 30 teachers is nearly complete and that no new classes will be added to this years curriculum. Most of this years instructors taught in the Dragerton School last year. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Mr. Hansen states they are looking forward to a full schedule of extra curricular activities They now have a full supply of good athletic equipment and good prospects returning for the football and basketball squads. A good band and chorus is also anticipated since both organizations stood out; in competition last year. School lunches will begin within a few days after school opens. Mrs. Tomsic will be in charge of this department and it is anticipated that" six women will be employed. Mr. Hansen also wishes to remind the student of the opper grades that Carbon High School and Carbon College wUl also hold their "reghiraUen on September 4. Teachers Institute win be held in Price ron September M FUND BASED ON ATTENDANCE Mr, Hansen wishes to make note of the fact that because of the change in requirements of the new school financing system enacted by the legislature-las- t January the income of the school is based on the average daily attendance of the students. Therefore, greater pressure will be used to keep children in school. Parents will be required to see that their children attend school regularly. Mr. Hansen feels this method of school financing is the most progressive in the U. S. today and feels it can be particularly helpful to the Dragerton School because of its large enrollment. He encourages the parents to cooperate in the matter of regular attendance. Reference Isrbrought to the fact that children who become 6 after October 31 of this year may not be registered in school. Mr. Hansen states the reason for this being that the state provides no funds for the education of children 5 years old and the Dragerton School is too crowded for space to take these extra children. Following is the list of the teachers for the Dragerton School; Mr. and Mrs. James Equinto Miss Mary Candalaria, daughter were visitors at the home of Bill of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Candalaria, Equinto for a week. was married. recently to Mr. Dale A group of L. D. S. boys and C. Rucker. The ceremony took girls spent Thursday at Wellingplace in Salt Lake City. The young ton working in the beets on the couple will make their home in church farm. Portland, Oregon. Bernice Galgar and daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Holliman is vis- Carol Lue, are staying at the home of Bernices mother while she is iting in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Douglas Pitts and baby workihg in the confectionery. son, Douglas, returned home from Mary Equinto is back at her job the Dragerton Hospital Sunday. in the store after spending her Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts are vacation in Grand Junction, Colo1st grade, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. vacationing in Denver, Colorado. rado with friends. Gantz, Mrs. Monroe, vafcancy; 2nd Gary Turnbull has returned j The Sewing Club met this week home from his vacation spent at at y,e home of Josephine Jensen, viduals n our community is Fred grade, Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. Rose, n, Ferron, Utah. a lovely luncheon was served theV Johnson. Good matured Fred Mrs. Moyer; 3rd grade, Mrs. has been employed with the town Miss Cobo, Mrs. Busch; Mrs. Jerry Hernandez, the for- gr0Up 1 since 1943. 4th grade, Mrs. Thurman, Mrs. mer Tressa Stella, has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston; management ofHe was born January 28, 1915 Stevenson, Mrs. Lund; 5th grade, work in the Columbia Mine Nolen Mecham, Elmar Marley ar)d in Salt Lake City. His father was 2 vacancies; 6th grade, Mrs. Hanfice. Andrews and their families a stationary engineer at the time ley, Mrs. Justesen. The Junior Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeAngeles, Floyd took a fishing trip last week. he was born. He attended Wash High teachers are as follows; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J- - C. Snow of Price ""he recreat0n group of thelngton jrenientary School in and Mr. and Mrs. Tony DeAngeles Salt) Varner, home economics; Miss Da-- of people closed Lake $and m 1932 he graduated vis, English; Mr. Lund, physical San Francisco, California were Sunnyside young their summer program Friday, from West High. During high education; Miss Warner, commer-Ja- y guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs August 22 with a day of swim- - sch0ol he got in onhis share oflcial; Mrs. Lamb, history; Mr. DeAngeles. eve: the athletics by taking part in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Giles and min and a lawn Par(y ln Fryer, mathematics; Mrs. Crawningboth fencing and boxing. ford, mathematics and phys. ed.; daughters. spent the week end in Wednesday evening a bunch ofj ATTENDS UTAH UNIVERSITY Mr. Anderson, science; Mrs. HarBicknell,'-UtahMr. and Mis. Sam Bianco of Sunnyside young people-helaj Fred attended the University of vey, science and health; Mr. Mayand marshmallow roast up Utah after his graduation from er, social science; Mrs. Mahalik, Weed, California'are guests of Mr,'wien Sunnyside Canyon. They made high school. During his first year music and social science; Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Fariaino. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Malaby,the triP n Turners truck. Those of school he studied tp be a radio English and chorus. .. spent Sunday and Monday in attending were; Dorothy Taller-- 1 technician but he gave this up at Mr. Melvin Day and nephews Colorado. Their children, Randall W0- - Gayle Taylor, Charleen Mi- -! the end of one year for a course and Patsy, returned home with lant Vera Nuzio, Jeanine Ezell, 'in engineering. He studied this from Coffeyville were visitors at for two years and then quit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie them - Tuesday. 'Marjorie Kbig, Martha Fahl, La-jlMr. and Mrs. Henry Giles en- - Nelda Brown, Ted Taylor, Frank school to devote all of his time to Morrison. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson Turner, Ranae Swenson, Vauna his job with the Utah Tax Com-an- d Mr. and Mrs. Reush at a dm- - Beth King, Ruth Preston, Jay Wil- - j mission. He continued to work in the statistical department ner party held at their home Wed- - Lams, Bob Barnett, Jimmy Ches-jheMil- - for three and a half leyTommy Chesley, Johnny years. It was nesday evening. Leandro Jiminiz and Mary while he was working here that Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Ellett he married Mabel Ashley of .Salt and. family spent the week end in Bishop, Lake in 1935. - I BLcknell, Utah. He next went to work for the The stork is on his vacation this Reverend and Mrs. Carl Measell Beverly Jones of Price visited at the home of Merlene Stevenson of Price attended the Bible State Engineers in 1938 and re- week and only one child was bora last week. Merlene- - then returned Schools closing program at the mained here until he went to Cali- at the Dragerton HospitaL the visit by staying at the Jones Dragerton School auditorium fornia to work in the shipyards in August 15: Mr. and Mrs. Daffo-de-ll i on ihorne in Price for a few days. Martin, Dragerton, boy. (Continued Thursday evening. Page Four) j Hen--derso- j j - Mc-Alpi- ne. re - , ' |