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Show r m n kind of a journal we were going ,o fished every lliursday run. This we lmve done, aud although by the paper is not as full of homo news as ,1NER& ANDREW JENSEN A Visit on to Some of tho Load we would 1 like to have it, wethink tho They Visited tho Donch tne: Institutions. people will excuse us when we stato that Tuesday. RSDAY, MAY 19, 1892. we had but four days in w hich to make . 11the paper from the foundation up, and ' Good Financial Showing Signs of Trouper - 1 two of those days the editor was sick And Considered the AdvUaWlUy of Cutting OCAL JOTTINCS. , .11 on Every Hand, with chills and fever, so that it is some a Drain Ditch. .itcrnoon a Sun did rise issued we remarkable at that thing alj 6PANIS olch never will go down, this week, but we promised to publish on forevermore will furnish light " To peoplo In this town. in a Thursday, and we have kept our word, as we to or. The mayor and city council went wo expect to do in the future in all northeast puit of .Theatre Tho Sptfnish Fork Co operatrve instibody on Tuesday to the con matters, and town to examine that locality tution has the largest mercantile'luilding Euil the now opera bouse. drain a of tho I aider cutting advisability Thos, Jones has a baby dangerously ill. in Utah county. Ills three' story, high r C ditch along under the bench and lias $ frontage on Main street of a "t Tbo storm is oyer and the Sun is out 7 g'Ve U ,,.la ubr,antml ' There are ao many farms on the bench There ate throe .'of good. (juarter of a block. and so much water is required to irrigate divisions on tho first floor, the north CnvSUrn8tmCDt' William Lewis has a sou sick with ' ready for business, and them tIiat it jiagcauscd a seepage from division tlio being " dry goods and grocery pneumonia. l .,1 i. bri6iS up l..s qatl- Jo ph A. Rees was in Ogdon the fore dojiulm.ut., wUlo th. on the mercantile ,llow, will presentativo ties of Sttlaratus at the foot of tho bench, ra-- t cf the week. me.', furaiulitnga , clotlj.g, tool. h covering over and making virtually Hr. Ilowe. of Howe & Taft. Frovo. and slioes, etc., and on the south side is acres of otherwise worthless tho hardware and crockery many A Cure for Smallpox. vn a in Spanish Fork yesterday. department, and valuable I land, destroying the A Paris jdiysician The second floor is used for a store room T herewith says: Tlicro seems to bo considerable sick-acc- s of owners, In nee orchards an J property city furniture, and on the third floor is append a yecipo which has been u?ed to in Spanish Fork at present. the undertaking department and shoe n,y knowledge in hundreds of cases. It it seems necessary that something shout The ti old lady of II. I will factory. prevent or cure the smallpox thong biuiafier ;rln died on Tuesuay evoning. uf meeting of I the pittings are Last Snturdut filling. Wheu Jetiner inspected, and the matter will be act. a Ilcwott Musettes hold the boards was held, at which a discovered the cow Mr . opera houso pox in Engined the upon at the next session of the council . dividc-nof 40 per cent, was declared, world hurled an The city owus some fine gravel be.ii -- aJ last Mr. and Mra. Is of fame upon avalanche Parley i baliy, Cause, pneumonia One dollar and twenty five' cents was his head; but when the most scientific hut at the next session of the council do TTft, to each share of ten dollars of the school ot medicine in the world that of they will consider the ndvisahilyty ol ,born ,0 the wife of Al. placed dt nt n v,, Tuesday morning. All doing capital stock, $1.75 per share was paid Paris-publi- shed this recipe as a panacea purchasing some more gravel adjoining to the stockholders, and $1.00 per share Join it smallpox, passed unheeded. It is the city beds. The gravel is of a superim was placed to tho reserve fund. R E- - Odes, of Provo, will as ns givo pufailing -fate, and chiiqners in quality and is quite useful in fixing up oncortin Ppaniuh Fork on Tuesday There are few mercantile institutions instance. is harmless whet, our streets and sidewalk every It a'Xt. u the territory that wi! come to this taken hy a well person. It will also cure There aro several other important matup Tho district schools in this city will 8 I scarlet fever, ters to come before the council at their Jlere is the recipe ns lose for the summer vucation next This speaks volumes for Spanish Fork, I have used it and inontli. mm) my child of next meeting, and altogether it will be seui let fever. Here it is as I have used an interesting cession. co-o- t, 'NE young The weather has been tho most tEjs change t0 V'? 8,U,,!11J0X: w,,.c, 80,no able this season of any Calling on Mr. J.S. Thomas sunerin- - Ihlearned spring in the said tin pHlient must history of Utah. tendeut ortho Noting Men's Registering at Washington. we d,- - it oaredSulpVita ,f zb c oie Her. R. Runolfson, of the Iceland Rv. were tnfoimed that that Look where that name is written. was LH,n; fosgl. ve (digital,'?), one yruin; said a Luthern church mission, took a to flra established in May, 1883, in a $100 hotel clerk, pointing to the autotrip ha!f . teMJllK,rul 0, sugar; mix with Provo yesterday. build, ng and w,th a $1,000 stock. an ex congresmuu in tho hotel of graph They lw of wafer Rent Browns little boy has been down afterwards When ,H,l,fllllu You see it begins about the removed to Rockhiil register. place tW'umonia for a month past, but and add four mmres of midtile of the page. That is an old trick remained there until lust March thoroughly mixed, 1 110 w on the wafer. Take a spoonful ivory Improve, when they moved into their own new of sly and vain congressmen Itom up the (low Either will itisappear in i waive disease i esterday was the last session of the and handsomo . I know it, for I whs cluk in eountry This building. structure district court at Provo for two months, is lihura, a ehid, smaller dos nc a s two story brick, forty-fivhouse in for y cat a. an.--l big sixty-seve- n wilt by cq July Hth. cording to ago. If counties comall do feet in size. The institution now The name is started so it. they pel their physicians to mo tlM, there fur Apostle John Henry Smith carries a $00,000 stock. over that Ihe clerk cun put Honorwmil.i he no neeij of down from Salt Lnko yesterday s. If you able before it, the writer having too and returned in the afternoon. morning value advice and experience, MALCOI.ua HUGHES. th.a much false modesty to doit himself. Bee, rribl This enterprising firm commenced bus-- 1 daughter of Wra, James is have put the fl ittering title .u tiering from an attack of inflainatorv against iness last July, I A.man who saw country Im.od adver-no- t this one. If I didn't I suppose the oid consequently tlio firm is ilieumutism. She is improving slowly, yet one year old. They have a nice 1'! y farmer, wrote to him. imjuir- - man would turn blue with disappointMrs. Babcock a widow, was taken brick building, carry a $10,000 11"1 har kiml of a table lie se,.- - Ti,e ment. I neglect' d it once us tin town with appoplexy aoout llireo expeii weeks stock of general merchandise, qnd Lave a answer came A meut, and I neper shall forget, the look proinjitiy: ago and does not seem to bo mdiogny improving. good share of extension tnlib' of ange that cross' d i he fttee of the patronage. mry. uiond, of Salt Lake, district in thatesAe when lie glanced at the rei SCRAPS A. OF SCIENCE. A. DAHI.E nmnage'r ft Mercanstei Jj's-V,,- ! four hours after lie lnijte? tile Hgeucy, made us , For different mountain peaks in "cntlemnn commenced business terJof tne'lon .north Idahorare t,r th5 jmujt hold from tweiojuivthirteen to . small hunt . n II t ml hi d 111,. ' ho 21 K Q J Dtf aexs;.7laiw the nii"iie to ills name kerosepa lamp. ptVino. Jt biainj out, unless thegfiTw (iri.jN-Jr'C...- ee Mrtmmr Wu hope to merit tho patronage of ihe fused him would consent to Clrrgieul still wanting. After a uiomeut u- tvr.i h Inye him ere fifteen years JJu . ,vva ..otnVm-bn iiiUifS men took people ocueralU up a pen aud (hdihcralely pul iu the a ago. ' l.ifb and'KvS McOiufey, wilha select structure, and last year he moved Into himself. Vkiladelphii Pen Honorable Fahbxnheit at first used alcohol la company of aitists, will appear at the new two story brick building which lie led was He thermometers. his ot their (n one opera house this purpose He carries making had erected to use mercury after experimenting . plays. a $3,000 stock. with boiling water. POLITICAL NEWS. i Decoration day is one week from The shell of an oyster in its native BANK. THE Some arrangements should Monday. labitat is always a little open, and mihu mado to observe tho day in an approcommenced Foik of bank The croscopic, waving hairs set up current Spanish food plants to It priate manner. business on April 1st last, with a capital which carry tho are where engulfed and afmouth, they John W. Deal and Joslah Beck, two of stock of $25,000, and has been doing terward digestod. Provos influential citizens, passed quito well since that time. Geo. D. Stone forests are found In various through Spnnlsh Fork yesterday cn Snell is president, Geo, O. Gilbert, part of the world. In many coses route to Fish Springs. and D. E. Mrrey, Cashier. they are hardened by some peculiarity of the atmosphere, and are found business other of Tho Sun will make a revolution every number a There are two in and month a fifty just as theo were when clothed week, four in .houses that will bo mentioned iu another standing with foliage thousand M years green one year. If cloudy and stormy weather have been so crowded this ago. U hero, the Bun will still appear. Call issue. We and subscribe. Fifty two y- - shines for week that wo havo net had time to visit Twq masked improvement have recently been made In the nse of gas for them all. $3.00. lighthouse illumination. One Is a procA fire broke out in Provo this morning ess of enriching gas made from ordiat l:dl) oclock, completely destroying a Pioneer, of Death nary coking coal by the addition of hytho old restaurant building opposite and heated air, the other is drocarbons first tho William Stoker, ono of YiijiVa' drug store, and damaging others, new dioptrio lens. the this died wn as tho Pratt buildings. Loss, settlers on Spaush Fork river, i.biut $2,000. RAILROAD MISCELLANY. William Walks was quite successful morning at 1 :30 o'clock, nt his rcsidenci in taking the stump during the recent Home was formally iu this city, of sppoplexy. A new and powerful machine for The Printers Life. Deceased was born in Jackson county. clearing wrecks on railroads has been campaign. opened last week at Colorado Springs. Gee, IV. Cliihls, for many years editor Ohio, March 20, 1810, being 73 years old lnventod and tried by a citizen of MichInfant Curiosity. and propt ietofof the Philadelphia Ledger, at tho time of his death. igan A careful mother had impressed upon are Amazon was instrumental in founding this insti Madeira and rivers Thh He joined the CL.Ji of Jeus Christ little boy the necessity of ejecting tutlon for worn out printers. to be connected by a railroad. This her 15 Smuts in Jackson county will bo built skins of grapes, and a few days ic of Later-da- y coatraoAmerican by an At the Ogden convention, m 8tu,day. she told him th story of when ho was 1" yours of age. The tor, and will connect Brazil with Bolivia afterwards Ohio, Tam L AMl tbc ant Jtidgo Henderson and lion. JolinT. ,wliale of Far to miles more West, moved States has he The United Cuino were elected delegates to the your following The whale .! a very Urge monster, ,, countries He all than railroad Nauvoo. to European there from aud Chi held at Missouri, national convention, to be mother, and he swallowed combined. Tho mileage in this country vugo. Hon. W, II. King and Rnnsford lived in the vicinity of tho latter place ia Jonah, 154,711 and in 168,817 miles, Europe Smith were elected alternates. until the Saints left. Ilo theu moved to miles. the little boy. lie lived six years hours 1,140 train Every twenty-fou- r Harry B, Hughes, Charles Booth, WilD. Pisgnh, lows, where I he did, continued Well, the on Rees settled liHin Davis, William James, Came to Utah in 1853 and rush paBt the signal tower of the Fenn- the mother, suppose who was somewhat hi on Filbert railroad .tames and George llitchings, sit mem street, then a at pluco sylvauia and while she was hesitating Spanish Fork river, record that can b doubt; of the Spanish Fork glee club, went called and moved up mto tin Thiladclphia, the about continuation of tho story, the ralmyra, in and . Provo on Saturday sang equalled by no other point ou the globo. boy interrupted: to town r Spanish Fork in 1850, where he i.U'Cit tlicio that Standing by Her notches. And, mamma, did lie spit the skins has resided ever since. turned home on tho midnight train. Mrs. Prentice now do you always out, too? Texas Siftings. children Deceased leaves eleven manage to get such delicious beef? The Ogden papers report two sad A Skillful riatterer. Mrs. Binthyre 1 select a good honest lrown tugs at that place on Tuesday. twenty nine grandchildren, and foui Van Bob bim. stand then Styek called on a Madison and a by 5J, butcher, butcher, aged George Chandler, great grandchildren. You mean you give avenue family, in which there were rrentice Mrs. was drowned while crossing the swollen at be held will The funeral services two old maiden sisters of about fifty old him all your trade? Ogden river, and Martin, tho afternoon. on of age. Van Blyek is an old I mean oclock Saturday that I years head fell foremost No, Mrs. widow Hansen, on of Binthyre stand by him whilo he Is cutting off the friend of the family, and one of them bole filled with water and was iu being in a bantering mood said; meat-On- co a Week. drowned. Our Position. Mr. Van Slyck, which of ns do you A CoBsclentloui Oyitcrnin is tho oldest? thiuk Whilo playing at school yesterday a When wo first arrived iu tlis city wt Van was hi n dilemma. He did no4 Tourist I have always understood daughter of Frod Hales fell on a board was considerabl that oysters are not good in months iii:o t- hurt the feelhig-- of either, lie and cut a long gash over her right eve. were told that there looks 1 from one to the other, and The wound bled freely during the night, pnjudico against starting a home paper, without an r. most called was Well, they genrally Dr. Warner in aUed; Dysterman and this morning as the people had been disappointed v You wnDt me to say which of you in. lie stopped the hrmorrage, dressed been aint of them two here having papers Tourist-Wh- en do you begin gather- two girls is the oldest? I ho wound ami left the patlcut in a comstarted and both . having suspended ing them? Yes. fortable condition. Ia Orgust Good News. Neither of you looks older than the not for the want cf patrouage Pysterman though patch on Sunday morn On other. Each of you girls looks young- Tlio Provo Set Baek. inquiry among snmo of tlio business the us complimentary following ( Siftii'f gave The misplacing of a slnglo letter -- r thnn tb jug t he above to bo true. Tiny found wo men The proprietors of tho Sun revo-tio- n a send off: what but seems a thing, trifling wanted a paper liei uro old tiipe standbys of tho Dispatch and stated that they of meaning it may produce; Iu.v W. Klnw? '! j know whereof we speak when wo gay were willing to give it any amount ol A sign made of cardboard letters, M. M. Warner. competent are thoroughly thev In ' a furnishing store, sun hung on a wire 1int must outs of a support in reason, but they yARNER&KF.NWARD, mints nnil know all tlio ins and tin announces to the publio of Boston that of a fixture become tii would at it do the will W. II. Kenner is Blanks Shirt Store. establishment the "wspaper. It cn JL.XTC2S.ITE23-A.T-IjAnna j town before they would oiler the ability any of tho final word somehow But the n fcfnvU tlrivlnff net, Ilo loi Both oatrons. his onr that decided Wc then doubt o plen90 tho courngomeut. Union toward preceding llod along Reiwi, VjUce slipped Ul!,t 110 were surprised gunner and Mr. Jensen are practical best policy would be to issue a pnpci word, and the passers-bseem . . rnoro, s Shirts Toro. .Tie v men and success would Blank Ttad: uv.j j before for either subscription Njd cauvnssiDg fo.vsurcd." BUSINESS HOUSES!0' US CITY FATHERS. fti,v;fcrisio TNI1 ' i lh, rP ,T n , ui " ''T T 1 c mm3 ' !' . , , I A lull I J HIM 1 Ra ' t.U I d 1 fr i CD CD: fT phy-icn- Co-op- ., r ? - XI J ' Ft e u u-- e ft d 1 two-stor- u tS j Ccw r j rt rrET5?hwnt.. h f-- r . t, EZ TT -- 3'.DzrH A . Z MMlAh - 1 - X . I t , Cxi n - i ' ars i ...o-.-v Ii ii't i y X' T7?? i - 1,.S n 'lifiuois, . T |