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Show - J 1 SS'OIJ il . , Mrnc - .blishcd every Thursday !y NNEB& ANDREW JENSEN THE 12.00 1.00 50 iiontlis'. ANDill- SPANISH yf, Keknch, Editor and "'THURSDAY, ft' OU,? ! ), , y he Manner. MAY 10, 189?. BOW. Spanish Fork St'N lias risen, wo trust its adhope never to go down, and for tbi? city. vent will mark a new era Vo reulize'that our undertaking is, for but with js, of cousidorablo magnitude, 'icrsevcranco nnd tire help of our friends, wo think, to overcome all ill lo 1 I AJ6ZRICAN AN ACCOM PLISHRiENT. is quite a trick to It jump olf a train goiug sr.y ct thirty miles an hour, and tho Americans taka a pride iu cultivat ing dexterity tn tills trick. It takes consideiabie practice before it can be done successfully. The way to jump is always with the train and always on the left hand side of the latter, letting the right foot rest on the step, and tlie left foot swing from the step, then jump so that the left foot will touch the ground first, and tlie right foot to immediately foilo v it, so as to he able to run, Some of the men Jump from tthe middle ofJli6 train or tlie front, but most of tliepj go to Hie rear car and jump, so that if they fail they will not roll under tho cars. 'A correspondent waiting to the Court Jour ml once said : The best u an I ever saw, and the only man who could hold hit feet and stop himself without running at all, was Charles Phillips, He coull jump from a train thirty five miles an iiour, and stop without 'vdj.t,".cU'8. Tli'e 'proprietors of this paper are both had years of practical printers," having experience In tlie newspaper business, running a foot , editor has moyod his family to f 'lll IHaco with the iptentjoQ of' making or rtmld poopjo who Thkuk are ie aJtraid of a stoio clerk, and who Mr. tja nermanent homo. ftLN, nor a re- y . ... r is a hut it ; Pun, newspaper pub- of interests the people, and the tO'n Go dental vect to jlll its columns with the of all kinds, nnd jojm3t reading mattor Rl1 BCW8 ur wn M irnm ,ty, and yy ill pay special attention 'feTali matters peitaining to jnanufuctur-ing- , building, farming, stock raising, jjotiiil events, etc., and will assist all in pur power to build up the town and protect her interests. Our aim shall bo to junko I'jiB Sun a magnet to which the Essay people will all become attached. a owned I sulJ: one at tipie paigh became tho and once, people powspnptr jo attached to it that I could not raise " '- -v enough to lift the attachment." Tlie y not look for any such fate for this as there ure so many evidences oi 'tlnifunml enterprise on every hand that . ,ve tm ye no fear tor tho future, Spanish Folk is prosperous and grow jng, and with the development ot the jirineral and ffil.er resources that surround us we will soon see .our fair city We have here twice its present size. blocks in cm business finest of (lie gome in and moro ( lal contemplation, Utah, and within a few years we belieyo Span lsh Fork will bo he lending ritj of Utah q ,,1 i i f t i , r s A I do'-Xj'ic- . I I ' I hardly dare go 'away without buying something. They trcpible at the sight of a waiter, an;t fee him, and patiently take what he places before thcin? never grumbling. They reverence a conductor or a brakesman ns iflioweroa prime ministey, and are filled with glory if ho only does not put them off Hip car. They always take the poopst peat for fear people will think them selfish; and if a snow ball hits them in tho head they turn and snulo a vote of. thunks to the hoodlyin tli.it threw it. They are not Uriuii Heeps, but modest, qnworidly. goodliearted people,' who admire tlie saucy, practicable ones. But away down in their hearts there Js a spirit of Wild Bill, and once in a wji!p( whin too much imposed upon, they riso lip and spilt tilings. The latest case of the turning of the furnished l,y Missoipi, Some, where in that wilderness tlie other day at a base bull ".mis several players ob jected tj tlie d.cisions of the umpire. Immediately thcfcupoq flint functionary drew a fill calibre revolver and pup a biiiiot into each of the Objectors. They were curried from tlie field inortal'y were provided, wounded, substitutes and tlie game proceeded to a finish. W inn la pounty, Wa expect to make our Sun shine with A XOl'Nji,';- who held u loaded pistol ,.urh steady htilliancy that it wilt soon W. AAfTTiiead and to j.jow his ?ry to the hraiux out, uutess the girl w ho had relli keroaepa lamp. Wo hope to merit tho patronage n tlie fused him would consent to Iraye him was coolly told hv the young lady tlm! jiusinnss men and tlie people generally, he would in to blow this conduct w to bivvy pome ill and journul briti;; igto try Huh a fair, straightforward and business- his head first. lie didn't blow. like wanner that we will eventually Tiie deepest sea souudings known build up a monument of praise in their made in tho Pacific, wheie the liue l weie tower primls os high as reached dowu 4,673 fathoms, and oft' the to and bow Yi'e humbly make our say east coart of Japan 4,000 fathoms. Tim . and with We pro the pwpje: you, seems it that tho greatest heights ol ot tho us hnud will trust that you give mountains and tlie greatest depths of the . welcome nnd hid us friendship ocean correspond very neatly. IIeue is a piece from Lift that will be An enterprising Chicago firm Keelya motor interesting to tlie laities; kids of a superior quality is'fiimliy a success. This time the motive at from one dollar It would upward. power is sound . A few words uttered in seem as if modesty would tle compel an ordinary tone of voice will drive his dealer to throw in a or somenight gown r CIO engine at a mto of speed thing, but perhaps the price is so 'uw lie hat onuses the whole village of Jliilu cannot aftord to dress them. "'lcVplitr to vibrate.' A group of passen- -' gers convening near tlie engine room of A Tttx.vs horse thief being pursued an ocean steamer, aimed, of course, with took refuge in a lake, sinking himself a Keely motor, wou'.ij drive tho ship until only Ids uoso was above water. As through tlie water about ninety kinds an ho neglected to chalk that member behour. Tho ladies cabin, connected with fore taking to the water it chiued like a the engine by an ordinary gas pipe, will beacon light amf guided the pursuers to reduce the voyage to England fioin tin tlie fugitive. nour. days to three and r A I.ADV correspondent nsks:Vnuld you A ttvpii penman can wrio t,!rt please tell me wbat I ran do to make words to a minute. To do this lie must callous skin soft and white? Why, ol Let w course. a mother tlm do tlie of rod, ids draw your voie resiling peu through sixteen fert and a half. In foty minutes with the washboard, and fake good, his pen travel, a fuihmg. We make on strong doses of piano tlaily before and aiNteen curves or turns of after eating. ib III., pen i,Sfc.i.lgi; Wiiiirg Soap bubble can bo blow q to a si sc of must we tnakr a words minute, tliiity two feet iu diameter and kept two days In nu hour 4 si) tuips to each miuute; by using a preparation of oleatc of soda JS,000; in a day of five hours, It 1,000; in aud glycerine. Scienro has discovered a years oi 800 such days, 43,200,000. this. It will soon find a way to pack Here we have, in aggregate, a mark. 800 Imblca and slop them to Europe. miles long to be traced on paper by such soap A w riter in a yvar. Ada Rkhan, tlie aefres-- brought bull-donamed Mcpfyistn from England. I N an old issue of fho Solid JLulihwn, When the brute grabs an objectionable publisiied almut ten years ago, we find admirer by tlie l"g, tlie latter know how the following witty little piece: 'Thick tho bite of Mrphi8to photo. Iomeroy came to Colorado two years WtiKH a young man is cut out by some do! Ago with ono wife and tlirre hundred fellow ho feels unhappy, but his other n a he is worth uy quarter of face editor the of lights up witlt fiendish joy later on million. Thrco years ago when he beholds his successful rival one with Colorado struck this paper a baby carriage. day-w- ell, to wheeling ami the dysuepsia pointer dog to this day, we never did or could An exchange asks tho question: become of that find out what in What will be the fuql of tlie future? TV Such of us ns are living .Christian lives have been taught to believe it will be A (ipnti.evian entered a Portsmouth brimstone. 'dark the lug store nnd asked for Tho clerk idem. of blight Old Tlmo British Pross Gangs and miho hadnt it , j.tJ noppln-S'-Mother, about to visit her family iu lio customer then cxplamcd South Wales, has taken her passage in a n stock, . sailing vessel from Fulmoutli to Swansea that he wsntcd-- u bottle of ink, She is itrrauging her multifarious luggage on boaid, when a handsome young sailor, of singular agreeable appeal mice, The press gang, rustics iuto her cabin. is coming, lie says, and is sure to seize him, the only young and likely innu ou board. He has just returned f.oin a Will tlie lady save him long voyage. from (lie cruel late? Will site let him secrete himself among her luggage? Mother ubhores tlie tyrannical custom ofneizmgimn by force for sc: vice on the sliips'ol war, sml full ot cumpasbion, Tlie consented to Ids concealment. King's officer with his men search the He next opens the door of vessel. motbor'4 cabin, snd apparently much out of humor, advances cutlass in bund. Mother, looking up fiom her book or work, begs him to respect tho privacy of tier cabin. Tlie captain of the press gang makes a sign to his men to stand hack, but gay 3, He is- - bound to do Ids lias duty; a yuan is missing, whom lietherereason fo suppose is on board, ' fore pother, outwardly .cdmi but alarmed, ii terrupts inwardly him with the words, I am a Indy travelThese ing alone, you are a gentleman. words seem to disarm him. He offers a the polite apology, and, retiring, quits vessel with hip initp. The moment they sio gone tlie captain give order lo sail. TherCRCued sailor creeps from his hiding place, tm t is not allowed tn show himIn becoim-self till they are out at sea. mothers constant attendant during tlie long and stormy paBsng wliiel ensues. White she, the ojily female on honid, receives extremo consideration from the captain and tlie entire crew, who regard her as a general benefactress. Stampeding the Conre A gatipn, baptist ministir 1 1 lhe-Eifc- d horse-powe- M I i i , one-hal- t i I f , g I t I M ' 1 , lars-to-d- d i I Eng- him. He is a low, woitlilcsiq and I dont want anything to do with him under any circumstances. ' it My dear, interposed hi wife, isn't right to talk tl.pt way aliout any one. Tlie hoy ja young yet nnd may le foitn. No, lie never will. But you musn't he so severe on him If yon would try you might possibly help him to ho something be'ter. !I shut never try. If he should come into my church I would consider it my duty to order him out." Dont talk that wayl What bus le done to ennso you to have bueli feelings against him? Well lies done What tins hs done? enough, llek got a trick of linking a noise like twbogs fighting, aud for the last two Snfibail.'x lies got under one of the cliurc? nintAws nnd run out Hie whole congregation. I tell you it would make you have unChiistiun feelings to look up from a long prayir anil see your congregation falling over one nrpilur in cut of Hie door unio- tirettin" , t leaning deacon slioming that hell on either dog. two pouud-teI n jhnil-iehol- 'l I in Sheffield, land, was speaking for a ceitain young man living in the place. No, said Hie divine, I don't like A Nebraska pivir.o. A AFRICAN SAVAGES. Thoimml Tribe That Vanquished One Wlpte Mep. Only Mow weeks ago .toC of a terrible disaster to the expedition led which Capt von ZelewsUl .recent.y east.AL'kaot Uermap interior the into thousand lie bad with him about one and hundred two man. When about in the couninterior, the in .miles fifty he was attacked i'o try of tlie Waliehe, IIo and nine ol i that savage tribe. are misswhite officers were hilled or officers escaped Ids of two ing. Only into an to tbe coast. Tlie Germans fell ambush and were attached by Many .men. numbers. , of tlin expedition were taken capuu and it is believed that at leant three hundred of them were killed, while to the about three hundred returned oss of coast. A battle so costly m bemen has never before been fought of equanatives tween the Whites and torial Africa. It may be interesting, says the ofChicat.ie go Tribune, to know something a ternatives who have inflicted such rible reverse vpou the whites. I he aiamt plateau country of Ubebe. begins three hundred miles southwest ot JagIred cat fti,J ubotit onehjw and amoye Nyassa Along miles northeast of waters olhe Kutiji river, the -which is here knon na the Unuha, Uj, - o-- M (o ini Hr pore surrmded . liWf 'J'.fT is 'country felat fate to inarch. About all we know of the I'ticbe is derived from the writings of Joseph Thompson, who was the first white man to pass through this country, lie made his journey in 1879, though Burton nearly twenty years before passed through a corner of the country and formed a very unfavorable opinion of tlie natives. Thompson gave a more flattering account of the Vluhene. lie said they are rattier a lot of negroe., light iu color, with fine muscular figures. Their arms at that time consi-te- d of assegai i, a stabnnd a weapon that bing spear was between a billhook and tin a::. It is said, however, that they obtained good firearms from tiie rortugnese, and this ii (he reavon, doubtless, they were able so overwhelmingly to defeat tho German expedition. They aro a pastoral race, depend largely on their caliie lor food, und the Pirn never condescend to work In the fields. Thompson said not a single article was stolen from him though the natives did not receive him in a very friendly manner, and be bud difficulty in buying food from thr.bugft phen and 1 jf thi She good-lookin- g El ln.v-sinc- i voice them.. of It is suid that Germany will start an Js-Prepsrcc- .. c!o' " Txo' j far a tUg, fiocto ! c i bodies. The big i.vuc, tions of Germany in bulb west and e; Africa, and of tlie Freni li north of the Congo, have be. terribly defeated i.ud t';e l.o 1,; u of the last twelvj month L:.s r.eiw fore been equaled in the history ox At riean exploration, Thf J me a d advia Itk baby, in h-- nt vil Painting, the Town exciting features of Mbsiitippi liver tiavel, sml wlien an opportunity i Lied for a hull of speed all hundswere brea:h-hs- s wiiti cxciteinenr. Tlie first command from the captain would be; Paint her red boys! which was rivi r si mg for filling tlie fire box with rosin In order to create a quirk, hit fire, at width time tlie fire boxes would be throw n o) en. Then, if the night were dark, tlie tie-e- l was simply grand. As far ahead n the eye c uld see tlie river would lc a deep red frem the retleetion, tunning a mest beautiful picture, which, once seen, could never lie forgotten. It wi s at that time that tlie expression, paint the town red, originated, and the old strand Intended to convey the idea .hv its uo that they would lit vu a beautiful time on arrival at ttieir destination. oat-me- u Never Satlsflod. days ngo nnd the owner rewarded him with a pair of suspenders. Upou receiving tlie reward, instead of being satisfied, he kicked him self because tlie sum of money wasnt When asked why ho twice as large. wished the sum had hern larger, he said that lie would liavo stood a show of getting a pair of new pants to match Itie Home men are never now suspenders. satisfied; in these days, gratitude can only te found with a search warrant, he was in big luck to get tbe suspenders A man fojnd ijllCS a few Support Homo Interosts. minister in tho country had some j clothing repaired by a local tailor, and In conversing w ith him said, Incautiously : Win n I want a good coat I go to Boston. That's tho place. By the wav, he added, Mi, you ever gato tliutch? A Yes. sir. And wliero vmi at'end! Well, sir, when I want lo hear a good s niton I go to Boston, Thats the place, wits tl Made! cradle orlrna Of Every Description at rocker cradle, tarr prate pailxol prudenco by temptation to a dangerous attempt. IIo nevur remain more than ten minutes in ouo crowd, nnd seldom makes more than ouo victim in tho 6amo p.aeo. The 1 his fuvorito of opi rations. All tho pickpockets of tho North, Eng!l-h- , Russian, Polish, Gorman, i.re cool, method. c .1 ui,d tinuoi,.ui, and seldom let a viet'm go - fore they have emp-l.chij pocl.e'j. TIi Cerr.ian is at tho entitl'd known as a I'e.bi-outf.)- , which cnisVti in hustling thoxi.Tin violently, and ir.tffilng him during th.;' coaaidon which ensuoa. Ho r Iso excel i lo 'ho vol au rndin 1. verting the u'.l' alien of a shopman urd then auncxiuj tho contents of the till. 1ut tiio No th is not alone in supplying Paris with pickpockets. Italy uml Spain a r.utnurons contingent. Tho bp.mi h pickpocket l sp.u-lamutlon. IIo combine tiicfi with dovotl m, and whui urrestej maite a revniting dl p'uy of hypocrisy, protosting his latnconca by all tho faints in tlm culondur. Tho Italian Is extremely c.evor, is conjchtiu ct his superority, nnd cm often snap his ut all tho dot .lives In Europe. Full of confUleuco in Mutaeif, and ro joldng In his triumph, ho, nevertheless, ends In ruining himself, If tho Italian only had the prudence of tho Englishman ho co ild laugh at tho o police of the universo; but, car-rlc- d away by tlie Southern fougno, he gets caught through remaining to ro- -' pent hW triumph la the sumo pW, London Globe. by (if .( (?' race-cour-- ih-l- d ut fu.-n'- r! ' ..0. V, hr. r 0V Krfr; Wi a Os v. Vk Kr JU 1, kn-iv-cVvV;:-- . fin-ge- rs !it lift He kb he, ki k-- t on-tir- b' Im Mi trjl: ip fti Ail w s f t'li'riqvr !,ij Woman, v vVom.it) of fortv-fiv.is t.nrried to lmt V All of her husband v i,.v u. ,.d. r e Vi li-- cti i . ! ki t, lr i j , 0 M'V ntul CO t.r fo i in I, a a; We are well supplie with Presses, Type, Border! etc., and can Guarantees?.! isfaction in Regard to hot Style and Price. I i thi )uU Light-f-'liiKer- At this late day another oiigiu for painting it red, is givtn. Hack in tlie UO's racing was one of tlie j Baby - inely-arme- w All he expedition at once to punish these warlike natives. It is a curious fact that the events of this year seem to demonstrate that small nnd weak part i e s of tea vd r un iiyjexlXiimi' jure su?fy statu la r strniq'i r (irmii Win lack) Do you make a reduction for us pur- sons, inintei ? O in aim clothing mcnhaut Well, Hint question lias not been asked befi re, I PICKPOCKETS OF PARIS. will take pleasure ip nccommodat'iig The Skill of the Ilitfurcnt Nationalities Ol you, though. Are you a preutlier?'1 You bet. I'm tlie parson of Hie (icntlomen. Union chinch at Way back. yho majority of tho laris pickpockAii, I see. Well, sir. I bnveaviry ets and piekpockettoa, according to M nice frock coat suit I think w ill tit VU. Maee, ara foreigners, tu K.iji-- h and ,11s a regular preacher suit, too. Italian being the jr.Out i.uni' oik The F ror k cuut, eh? Yes. English pickp ickt Is the b et known; That means the sidis come straight one meets him every w her-- ; Ini hoi down? by n naans tho cicvero t. lid has Yes. obtainod a reputation w I, ho doos Wall, I don't think 'that there kind not deservo, lio Ubtiff in his movo-mewill do. I want something like this, , and, although very clover with A cutaway, eh! his hnndi, lie has too numb of tho Narememnow I n tho Yes, thats ime, tional phlegm about him. But be is an ber. IIo visit Hut w bat's your objection to a ludefatigab o walker. all tho prim;' pal crowd, ;J pilnu in fiork cont? Walt, you see the tails is iu tlie way laris in a s.ug.o way, mid fu,ly tires out tho t!i tcctivoj who follow him II-- . of tlie pistol pocket, Is as wiso as a serpent, and never lets himself bo entic.d from tho Red. l & (rltonnte rut ex will la ,lher stations iu Illiuoia, to. 1 |