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Show (Df tlim From page -- 2CetiJ Nephi, Utah Page 2 $2. 461,874, said Olsen. Of this amount, $2,020,000 is 1 considered to be general obligation debt backed by the full faith and credit of the city.' He said state statutes limit Audit the amount of general oblielude General, Capital Projgation debt a governmental ects and other funds, report- entity may issue to 4 percent ed combined fund equity of of its total taxable value and $2, 106, 061. This represents Nephi was well within those an increase of $496,4 15 from limits. Olsen said that the unlast years ending balances, most of which arrive from employment rate for Juab the increase of revenues over County was at 7.4 percent, to the Utah Departexpenditures in the General according of Workforce ment Services, F und. which a state with compares Since the General Fund of of 4.8 rate the city is the chief operating unemployment and a national rate percent fund, all activities which are of 5.5 percent. not required to be accounted The General Fund budget for in separate funds, either for the fiscal year reflects an by state or local ordinance over or by a desire to maintain increase of 3.4 percent for the fiscal final the budget a matching of revenues and ended June 30, 2003, expenses, are accounted for year he The largest part of said. in this fund. is because of this increase Olsen said that major capital asset improvements were additional personnel in the recreation departmade in streets at $114,186; organized and in the parks department in street rehabilitation at ment." $168,737; in the airport exPlanned improvepansion at $1,902,348; in the ment projectscapital for 2005 include golf course irrigation project more street improvements at $204,656; in the Equip- and rehabilitation, the city ment Shed Well at $111,430; and in purchase of a golf hall building remodel (now underway), the animal shelcourse mower at $17,488. ter building (under construclong-terIn debt, at June recreation improvetion), 30, 2004, the city had total the continuation of the ments, bonded debt outstanding of airport expansion project, a Area Weather From The Internet Wedn golf course expansion, equipment purchases, and parks development. All departments were within their budgets," said Olsen, and all pay for themselves. Olsen said a clean opinion was alo obtained by the city on a single audit performed because of federal funding received for the airport pansion project. Olsen and June, agreed that the city owed a great deal of thanks to Blair Painter, city recorder, and to Handy McKmght. city administrator. for the work done to keep the city solvent ami the records and in perfect order. Trauntvein counts according to the city's Corresponds t policy." Jone- - -- aid the city did not seem to be con-i-te- nt with policy in actually -- hutting off By Myrna Nephi is not unique after it joins other communities in its need to enforce an ordinance calling for the shut-of- f of pa- -t due utility accounts. Those who do not pay utilities should expect to he shut off and have services discontinued. They should also expect to pay a penalty. A second point of the management letter said that, in addition to the rate of nonpaying utility customers, the city golf course continues to be late in making deposits to the bank. There is a large amount of past due utility accounts," said Clyde Jones, representing Larson & Peterson, Certified Public Accountants. Jones and Russell Olsen all Thursc Ki Itebecca Dopp Tips and Feedback becca8nephitimesnews.com By presented the independent audit to council members at Happy Holidays! Chri-tmis upon us (Saturday to be exact) and all of you have gotten your la- -t minute shopping hope done and your presents w rapped and ready to go. I hope 1 didn't forget am thing", seems to be our famous last words. Did you all remember to get the batteries that make the toys work? How come hiding the gifts seems to get harder and to be that we'd put them in a harder even,- year? It clo-and never have to think about them. This year I started off that way, but Em went snooping one day and found some of them. I've had to move them to another strategic location, code name: Mou-- e Hole, Highly Classified. because My kid- - are even more anxious for Chri-tmwe had our Dopp Family party on Saturday. They got to ts early. I've been eyeget .the tree to make under the are that already ing sure no little fingers have been prying at the edges to get a neak peek. Heath had to move my Chri-tmpresent out of his work van and into the hou-- e so I got my present early. The kids think that's -- o unfair that Mom gets hers early. He me if I wanted to wait, but since I guessed what it was (it 't hard, he'd been asking me if that was what I w anted for the last few week-) I didnt see any reason to lie about it. But now that I have my present I can't wait for the big day when my kids can get theirs. They are so excited about leaving cookies and eggnog out for Santa, or Monkey Face (our cat), whoever gets their first, and they keep asking me when they can hang up their the stockings. Em once me how Santa gets into our house because we don't have a fireplace. Now how do you explain that w ithout giving away the magic? He squeezes through the vent? Appears out of now here? He has his own key? I dont know. My typical answer of. "He just does" doesnt fly over too well. I think they're getting suspicious. How Santa choo-e- s to get in to put those gifts under the tree will be a thought when my kids wake up Chri-tmmorning and see their names on at least one of those gaily wrapped boxes. The paper will fly, the cat will play in it, and jubilant w hoops and hollers and exclamations of He remembered!" will be heard in my living room and all those endless hours of searching for the perfect will be a distant thought in my mind. Ahhh, the pre-e- Well. - as came to hove. -- con-i-ten- t." pre-en- pre-ent- ly -- as ed wa-n- my-terio- us -- -- lowed ed . What happens, on a consistent the Tuesday meeting. is that Jones made his state- get behind for one rea-o- n or ments as part of the review of another and then have a difmanagement practices in the ficult time catching up the management letter presented payments so that they fall further and further behind. to the council. "Shut-of- f The city - not doing nondo procedures not appear to be followed payers a favor by not shutting consistently, said Jones. them off in the early stages of because the We recommend that utilities be shut off for past due ac- - longer it goes the more difficult it is for the payment to be made, .Jones said. Dear Editor As for the golf course, this year, once again, the ca-- h collected there is not always deposited in the bank within the three business days of receipt. "State code requires that Shouldn't every child have all public funds be deposited the right to be educated? daily, when practicable, but One of our esteemed elnot later than three days ementary school educators after receipt." aid Jones. made a comment something Following the practice, he to the effect like; It is a waste said, protected public funds of time and money to school and the personnel in charge these children. The money of public funds. could be used for the other We thought we had this students. solved." said Brough. We These children she was worked though this after the referring to are the physically audit last year." and mentally challenged. City office staff will contact Every child has the right the golf course and help them to be educated to their full poimplement a system to bring tential. Children learn in difthem into compliance. ferent ways at different level.-an- d at different speeds. Even if a child only gains a minimal amount academically, is that not an accomplishment? Especially for children that face insurmountable odds on a daily basis? Instead of criticizing these much needed programs, this teacher should be thankful for them, because without special needs programs, the children By Myrna Trauntvein might be main streamed and Ti rues Nen s Carre span den t she would have to teach one or two in her own classroom. The road bordering Walnut Personally, I don't think Grove Subdivision, which she is educated or talented caused so much controversy enough for the challenge. I say thank you to all special needs educators and the wonderful job they do. We need more of them and more programs for these much deserving children. What is the plan? No Child Left Behind! Ramona Tin gey non-paye- di-ta- K Friday Child Partly cloudy. Highs In the lower 30s. nt s! joys of Hope you have a merry and safe holiday weekend. Happy Iolidavs! Chri-tma- The Times News welcomes opinions from its readers concerning any subject pertinent to Juab County. Letters should be to the point and must include the writers name, address and telephone number. Letters may not be used to replace advertisements, Cards of Thanks, or to list sponsors or participants to a particular event Letters to the editor will be not be accepted from any candiate that has filled for political office or from anyone supporting a filed candidate. Anything unsigned, of a libelous nature, or containing defamatory statements will not be considered for publication. All letters must be typed (using upper and lower case letters only, letters in all caps will not be considered) or legibly written, be less than one double spaced type written page in length. Letters are subject to editing. Mail to Letter to the Editor, P.O. Box 77, Nephi, Utah, 84648. Deadline is Monday before 5 p.m. Allan R. Gibson. Publisher Mariann C. Gibson. Editor Myrna Trauntvein. Correspondent - Nephi Rebecca Dopp. Correspondent Levan controversy, subdivision road - Sam Morgan and Zane Howell, developers, requested the subdivision be allowed to develop in two phases, rather than one. com 5 news or advertising FAX. INTERNET Email editor editortSneph1time9news.com publishernephitimesnews.com The Times-New- s is published each Wednesday by (UPSP The Times-New- s Publishing Co., 96 South Main, Nephi, Utah 84648. Periodical postage is paid at Nephi, Utah. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Times-NewP. O. Box 77, Nephi, Utah 84648 Deadlines: News and advertising, close of business, Monday prior to publication. When a holiday falls on Monday, the deadline is the Friday prior to publication. Subscription prices: Six months, $20 in or out of Juab County; one year, $24 in Juab County, $30 outside Juab County, $12 Electronic download only, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted for less than six months. Single copy price, 75 1. Advertising rates available upon request All articles and photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing and only will be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor reserves the right to hold submitted news items for space reasons. Copyright The Times-NewNephi, Utah 2001. All rights reserved Reproduction .reuse or transmittal of all matter herein is prohibited without prior written permission by the publisher or editor. 631-06- 4 Sled I hope you will run this is said weather-related.- " Mor- gan. He said developers did not want to tear up 300 South and then leave it unfinished the entire winter. The intention had been to take away the existing surface and rebuild the road. The early snow in November made that so the road would then not be resurfaced until Spring. Rather than have the residents on the north side of the street home construction to proceed but will not make a mess of a roadway that is functioning. The lots in the subdivision will now need to be renumbered to reflect the change but that will be done as a matter of course, said McKnight. Morgan said the change approved by the council to allow the two phases w'ould mean the majority of the roadway would not be dug up until next vear. V Yv Ask your local paper how you can reach over 500,000 households 50 Utah newspapers in one easy step Utah Press Association statewide classified through in advertising network. (National placement also available through Utah Press ) 1 2fUtah Press am paoiw Free Pre-Surgic- class: al Tote Hip or Knee Joint Replacement Classes taught by seasoned expert in let- ter and help make a Christ- mas wish come true. This last spring we were transporting an old Flexible Flyer sled between Nephi and Scofield and it was lost. We put signs up, but did not hear anything. It does have our family names on it. It reads BrackenHoog. We are hoping maybe a hunter found it this fall. It belongs to a little boy going through chemo and because it is big enough to hold two, it holds special memories we want to continue to create. There is a $50 reward. Please call Hoog Mosteller Family Nephi administrator. The decision will allow "The reason for the request m Dear Editor construction season. The new first phase would be on the internal road which faces inside the subdivision, said Randy McKnight, city 2005. puts hold on Mona Dopp. Sports & Photography Nephi Check us out online at: www.nephitimesnews Call: for subscription Email publisher Weather, not travel in mud all winter, it was decided to postpone that roadway until the next road during the fall, will not be torn out nor finished until warm weather comes in -- Letters to the editor policy... nt as non-payme- Thursc u-- ed et -- aid "We are Chad Brough, mayor. "It (not -hutting off utilitie.-- ) is done but it - not done. We need to shut off non paying If the current policy is ineffective, then a new policy could be created and implemented to ensure that the city - compensated for the services it provides, said Jones. "You need to tick with a policy or it is not a policy, -- aid Jones. Brough aid the city council will look at the current policy and determine whether a new policy is in order of if the existing policy will be folcon-i-tent- as I when g non-payin- pu-- h ba-i- s. Wedn ex- Nephi will need to be consistent with following utility shut-of- f policy 7i tries News December 22, 2004 Physical Therapy! The Class covers Basis tor Joint Replacement surgery Surgery preparation and procedure Returning home Therapy options and recovery Class Schedule HORIZON HOME HEALTH Call (435) 623-140- 0 for details t December 28, 2004 January 25, 2004 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 160 North Main, Nephi in the Commission Chambers Rm. |