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Show Wednesday, May 10, 1995 guidelines for administrators to accompany these questions, i.e. any yeses should shift the presumption of eligibility, individual savings accounts saved by children in the home probably shouldnt count against eligibility. We would appreciate other suggestions for administrators guidelines, wrote formers of the Juab School Board hem 'ish List for next years funding USOE. The USOE office would also because $3,000 is the food stamp like to know if there are other assets that are not adequately projects and choose the most threshold. s Correspondent needed. The USOE wants to know if covered by household income Superintendent Kirk Wright questions should be asked about that militate against the preJuab School District has a list said a school fees asset test needs students cars and jobs. sumption of eligibility. of projects which each school will to be developed to help screen We would like to offer some need to have done in the future. applicants for fee waivers. Some of those projects will Judge Roakich wants the need to be completed this com- USOE (Utah State Office of EduSchool: Home ing summer, said Superinten- cation) to develop the tests said dent Kirk Wright. It is time to Wright This is a preliminary think about summer mainte- attempt by the USOE to form nance at each of our schools, he such a test. said. Wright presented the quesThe list of requests will be re- tions to the board and asked By Lilly Eskelsen, president viewed on site and recommenda- them to study the questions and Utah Education Association tions will be returned to the make recommendations. The Children learn. All ofthem. Its believed was right. He helped his board before the May 17 meet- State Office of Education would not that they can learn. Its not children learn by showing us that like from feedback. ing, he said. that learn, given even at his age, he was still Mona Elementary submitted a Questions include: 1. How the they might and learning. circumstances proper request form which included many registered motor vehicles going to painting both parking lots, resur- worth more than $1,000 do you opportunities. Theyre or Continued from page 3 For better learn anyway. facing the east parking lot, co- own, or lease, or are you buying? learn. worse, they ntinuation of the playground How many licensed adult drivers So for us to deproject, upgrading the ground, (18 or over) five in your home? cide its important very early in their lives what sprinkler head replacements, Are there more motor vehicles we want them to learn, knowing ladder storage, a retainer wall in than there are licensed driver livbe an important facwill we that the west parking lot, additional ing in your home? tor in their learning. For insupport shelves in the teacher Questions also ask if the appliwant we them to learn if stance, workroom, replace drinking cant owns or is buying more than to we have to do others, respect fountain, blind to cover window one home or piece of property, tell them more that other Val Anderson for Classic Car than acat gym exit door, repairing the has checking and savings and have that we Wash at 541 North Main; for feelings office ceiling, a counts, investments and cash people James W. Penrod for The Sound kitchen door, outside entry mats, average more than $3,000, in- should treat those around us as Box at 41 North Main; and for We silk trees and plants for entry cluding funds for college, health we would like to be treated. Michael Flickinger for the be models for to them. have insurance, individual childrens ways and a fence. Starlite Motel at 675 South , teach-Do our children hear us Projects at the school range savings and emergencies. Main. for our consideration those in from a low of $200 for hanging a Applicants could be asked if ing scold Nephi Community Team mock and see but us door to a high of $25,000 for con- they own any recreational ve- family, members have been appointed hicles worth more than $500 and humiliate as a way of disci- and have made several recomtinuation of the playground. plining? Do we remind them to Major problems that need to be each. for projects for ecobe polite to the neighbors face, mendations addressed at the high school inThey could be asked what they for Nephi nomic development clude repair of a buckling tile think of the $3,000 limit on only to have them overhear us City. Do back? his behind they floor in the new addition womens checking and other investments gossip The council authorized Robert see us revere and respect only, box of the . restroom, repair press those who agree with our reli- Steele, mayor, to sign the con-and stairs to it for safety and seCommuwith tracts the Nephi gious, political or social beliefs? curity, and repair of leaks in the nity Team and the State of Utah once me told about father My vocational building roof. a man he worked with. Appar- after they have been reviewed by The kitchen, type room, ag David Leavitt, city attorney. ently this man was so incomperoom and vocational restrooms The state legislature authotent, he created more work for all need Two vacurized several programs for ecoeveryone else as they tried to ums need to be purchased, two nomic faWhile undo his mistakes. development, said Randy my door mats replaced, the east with lunch som6 was McKnight, city administrator. ther having trailer door and west trailer door , one day, they Nephi was one of three pilot citdf his woodhojjr 6$ all began to complain about the. ies to try out a program for indoor needs repa&feight door, cloman: They starfteH attacking his creasing leadership skills and sures and six lever handle lock character and even his family. project development skills. sets need to be replaced, taps for Jeff Banks, USU extension They were angry and they were art room sinks, and toilet seats was selected as chair of until agency, and didnt it stop venting, are needed. one rather quiet individual inter- the citizen committee. The hall, gym and vocational The community team has rupted. He said, I dont like building outlets need to be identified several long and short working with him any more than garbage cans need replacyou do. But that doesnt make range projects, said McKnight. ing, a wood shop compressor him a bad person. Nephi Mayor, Robert Steele, needs repair, gym bleacher touched proclaimed This May 7 through 13 as conversation my sweep boards need to be inClerks Week. home and so Municipal dad he came much, stalled, the gym floor needs to be We want to recognize the imHe said it made shared with us. it refinished, the exhaust hood him stop and think about what portance of the roll of municipal needs cleaning, the ceiling and was doing. He reminded, us clerks (recorders) in local governfixtures in the vocational APPRECIATION Nila N. he that it would always be easy to ment and their valuable service restroom and the kitchen ceiling Keyte, Mona Town Clerk, has that people you got along to the public, said Steele. think need repair, the metal partition been honored by Mona Town with Steele said Nephi was particuwere good people and people in the mens vocational restroom Mayor Kevin Young and the larly lucky in employees it had. with were get yOU along needs to be replaced with a block Mona Town Council for all the bad The pubic receives great service people; He warned ug not to wall, and a modular metal door vital services that she performs in our community from the dedito conclusions. those is needed between two class- and her dedication to the commu- jump cated service. He to show his afraid wasnt rooms. nity. Mona recognizes the week of children that he was still strugSprinkler maintenance, filter May 7 through May 13 as Mu- gling to he what into practice put for remaining sprinklers, 200 nicipal Clerks Week. feet of broken sidewalk, a fountain at the football field, and bug spraying at the vocational building also needs attention. A dream project would be the installation of air conditioning in the vocational building. Custodians would like a conEach year approximately 5,200 troller, a garbage truck, a people die form solid or liquid and a grass sweeper for poisoning. To help protect you the and your family from these hazBoth trailers need to be refurards, the Utah Safety Council bished, several rooms need to be provides the following guidere carpeted, a large movie screen lines. is needed in the auditorium, a Clean out the medicine cabinew copier is needed, natural gas net. Throw away unlabeled or is needed for the greenhouse, outdated medications. Flush liqsand is needed for the volleyball uids down the toilet and thorcourt, bleachers at the football oughly rinse the bottle before displus $14.95 field are needed on the east side. carding. Auditorium lights are needed, programing Have a f section 30 lockers need to be added to the locks. medicine Even that if month your per metals shop, EthemetNetwork-in- g cabinet is high-utots are It just got easier to own the Digital Satellite System- "- so you is needed for lab computers, ous and avid climbers. can start receiving up to 150 channels of DIRECTV programming! a four gigabyte external hard Keep medication lids tightly Our new, monthly payment plan makes it more affordable than ever drive for lab and network data closed. A cap is to bring home the greatest home entertainment development since storage is wanted; a PrimeraPro not if meaningless properly fasthe VCR. Stop in today to pick up your new OSS unit and get set color printer is desired, a comtened use. after each of world television. new the to digital enjoy amazing puter is needed to work as E Mail Never take medication in THE CHOICE CLEAR. DIRECTV. IS server. front of a child, or refer to pills The art room needs a potters as candy. Income Tax Refund Special wheel, a lip needs to be added to Never take a medication prescribed for another person, even chemistry stockroom shelves, Save , price on Installation if your symptoms are similar, pads and clamps are needed for a vent in the paint booth, and there may be side effects and $75.00 Value complete shelving for the large warnings which you do not know about. trophy area at the south entrance is needed. Get clear directions on how Buy locally at Painter Motor, Nephi. 623-C3S- 6 The most expensive project at i , medication should be taken and the high school would be adding what the side effects might be. Central Utah Telephone, Inc. air conditioning to the vocational Do not keep different pills iA building at an estimated cost of the same container. 45 W. Contor, Fainritw $30,000. For a free brochure of prevent or (SOI) 427-333-1 (800) 427-844-8 i Obviously," said Leon Pexton, ing poisonings, contact the Utah board president, "we cannot do Safety Council at MTTW committee will need to sift the By Myrna Trauntvein . Times-New- and Vital Links Nephi City s . frajtfepz;be re-plac- KHWEH ssnauiE'ESi four-wheele- es Page 7 Nephi, Utah tElfe Poison safety tips r, four-wheel- , tejn State briefs. . . Centennial Happenings Duchdsne County' plans to open a new museum in 1996, present theatrical performances and host a golf tournament. Timpatiogos Cave The National Park Service is looking for volunteers to work with a ranger trailing each cave tour to keep groups together, answer questions, and assist visitors as needed. Call 4 Utah Art The Central Utah Art Center in Ephraim is calling for entries in the 1995 Spring Salon. Open to all Utah artists. Bring art to the Gallery May 19, 20 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. Call Ext. 234. BYU Summer Youth Schedule Cougar Cubs Basketball, where ages leatn new skills and hone old ones. Call May 29-Jun- e 2 7-- Domestic Violence Training The Utah Domestic Violence Advisory Council is hosting two free seminars for educators and health care providers: Wednesday, May 24th at 9 a.m. at the U of U Medical Center; and Thursday, May 25th at 9 a.m. at the West Jordan City Hall. Call Contractor Applicants Contractor licensing application classes are now available for all potential contractors through the Utah Department of Commerces Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing. All classes are on a drop-i- n basis, beginning May 10th, in the Heber Wells building, 160 East 300 South, Salt Lake City. Call Prehistory Week On May 13th, Fremont Indian State Park will provide various demonstrations and a lecture, Indiana Jones and the Real Story of Ancient Civilizations, at 7 p.m. Call Prehistory Week On May 12th, the Utah Field House of Natural History in Vernal will present a talk, Recent Paleontological Research in the Unitas, at 7 p.m. On May 13th, the park will host a field trip, Geologic and Archaeological Aspects of Island Park Dinosaur National Monument, at 9 a.m. Call Literary Competition The Literary Arts Program of the Utah Arts Council invites Utah authors to enter its 37th annual Utah Original Writing Competition. Call Mothers Day Contest Moms who visit Hansen Planetarium on Mothers Day, Sunday, May 14th will receive a chance to win a one year family membership package to the Planetarium. Call EMS Week The Utah EMS Week Awards, which honors 10,000 providers who deliver lifesaving emergency care, is scheduled for May 15, at LDS Hospital at 10 a.m. Asthma and Allergies May is national Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. The Deseret NewsIHC Health Hotline will answer questions on causes and treatment Saturday, May 13th, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call Fire Summit Everyone is invited to participate in the Utah Fire Forum to solve the problem of wildfire threat to homes, towns and cities of Utah. The Forum will be held Tuesday, May 16th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at UVSC in Orem. Call Free Gardening Class USU will offer Composting for Beginners Saturday, May 20th, at the Utah Botanical Gardens in Farmington. To preregister, call Program for Widowed AARP' announced that Utah is one of five states to pilot a program to meet the needs of widowed persons in rural communities cope with their grief and life adjustments. To participate, call Sailing Festival The Utah Sailing Festival and Race Week will take place May 1 at the Great Salt Lake State Park in Magna. Events include breakfast, sailboat racing, a barbecue and beach festivities. Call 17-2- child-proo- p, child-resista- 12 1 nt Groundwater Groundwater: Utahs Most Valuable Resource? will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Kip Soloman from the U of U on Monday, May 15th at the Utah Field House of Natural History in Vernal. Call Mountain Men Willard Bay State Part in Box Elder County will host a Mountain Man Rendezvous May 1314. Regular park fee. Call Channel Cattish Utah Lake State Park in Provo will present a Channel Catfish Clinic Saturday, May 13th, 8 p.m. in the visitor center Call 7-- - all the things requested. The t Rock Art Conservation Hidden Places: Ancient Places " a video presentation will be given at Edge of Cedars State Park in Blanding Thursday May lltb, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Call oinecvv POOR COPY; I |