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Show ' Wednesday, April 27, 1994 X'' ' '(Hty "' S f fa V' ' . ' 4 Page 9 Nephi, Utah '2Eune0-c6j- 0 cur 'yZ-f'-- :i ' 4. V't:' ' ' ' f ' ' A ' s , , ,yVS t, , f V ,t: 1"" ,Av V CcricfCgnJ We would like to (hank everyone who helped mate our wadding and onn house, such a apodal timo. Thanks to al who went on gift lists, gave us money and brought us gifts. We will always remember your thoughtfulness and your friendship. Ws also thank our parents, Brent and Carol Jones T. UgdwteJ Lcgsl nctkcs... the cemetery shad revert back NOTICE OF FINAL TAX SALE and be vested in Nephi City ownership. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON 3. The subject cemetery lots and the last WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH DAY OF MAY known owner of said lots are as follows: 1994, AT 10:00 A.M., AT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE JUAB COUNTY CENTER Vine Bluff Cemetery. I WILL OFFER FOR IN portion of Plat and Richard and Janice Scott and grandparents, Reese and Mildred Sherwood . Heather Michelle and Richard .. ' A, one-ha- lf Samuel Randerson Plat A, Block 1, Lot 15 South one-haChas. Callinswood Plat A, Block 1 , Lot 1 7 North one-haGeorge Blackett Plat A, Block 1, Lot 17 South one-ha' Thomas Pace Plat A, Block 1, Lot 18 Maiy Pitchforth Plat A, Block 2, Lot 13 Chas. Andrews Plat A, Block 2, Lot 14 John Andrews Plat A, Block 2, Lot 15 Scott. 17Pd We express our thanks and sincere appreciation, to all who generously donated clothing, toys, etc. for us to take to Baja, Mexico, to the needy. A special thank you to Kenna Winn and her home economic classes for the 50 pair of shorts and 12 shirts that they make and donated. To the Juab High School Spanish classes, we give thanks for the letters they wrote. They were distributed to students there by a teacher we know. She is also a pnncipai of the comondee School. We trust that this will be rewarding and special experience to all who participated. Thanks Harlow and Blanche Pexton. S. Plat ITsnted... Oppv plmUUre (UeiMblili Rat A, Block 4, Lot 4 South ' Low Start-UHuge Market, Distributorship under $100 (Not MLM). Money-Bac- k Guarantee. Exceptional Vblue: CRC, Dept.84Ufe?S.7.44?71. 17Pd DaaPaW74. (ucan) ELECTRONIC MEDICAL & Dental Insurance claims processing. Work at home) Complete program includes Total 1m-- 1 Marketing Support, al clearing house set-ucharges, state of the art' Bar Code Reader and all software. $3,950 wo computer. Nothing else to buy. No down local financing available. Home office in Scottsdale, AZ. 17Pd (ucan) p 973-961- 8. Own your OWN apparel or shoe store, ' choose: jean sportswear, bridal, lingerie, western wear, ladies, mens, large sizes, infant preteen, petite, dance wearaerobic maternity, or accessories store. Over 2000 name brands. $24,900 to $36,900: inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening, etc. Can open 15 days. Mr LougNin (612) 17Pd 888-655- Lcd ncticcj... PUBLIC HEARING There will be a public hearing on the FY-9-5 Area Plan on Aging update, held May 8, 1994 at 1:00 p.m. in the Civic Center, 95 West Center, Loa, Utah. The plan includes a major change in the method service is of Juab, Sanpete, Brovided in the counties Sevier, Piute and Wayne for the 1995. penod July 1, 1994 to June 30,directed Inquines on the plan can also be to the Aging Human Resource Office of Six County Association J 157-198- Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 175-198- 9 ' Serial No. Account No. 0089164 ' ALL OF LT 46A PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 9 Serial No. Account No. 0062161 THAT PORTION OF THE S 12 OF THE SE 1 4 OF SEC 10 T 1 6S R 2W SLM LYING OUTSIDE OF AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. MAP NO. 263 LEAVING A BALANCE OF 1.19 AC ML. Metro National Title, Trustee XD-44- ' lf lf L IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 5.040 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Sale No. Tax XD-44- :d burial plots m the vs Recorder show that the hereinafter described tots in tie Wie Bluff Cemetery and tie Nephi City Cemetery are owned by toepereons indicated and toat said tots or portions thereof have been unused tor buna! purposes tor more than 60 years; end WHEREAS, Nephi City has a need tor adfiional buna! lots, and it is maaoneble and beitsr use of existing City assets to use abandoned existing cemetery tots than purchase additional property tor cemetery pufpom, NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to Section U.C.A. 1953 as amended it is hereby resolved by the Nephi City Councl as 1. Nfphi City hereby lf lf Sale No. 161-19- OB 8 Serial No. Account No. 0088802 ALL OF LT 10B PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174373 & MAP NO. 346 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE. CONT. 5.112 AC. Metro National Title, Tiustee Jay McGregor XD-44- Tax Sale No. 162-198- 9 8 Serial No. Account No. 0088810 ALL OF LOT 11 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS FNTRY NO 174363 A MAP NO 936 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.806 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay Walton XD-44- Tax Sale No. 163-198- 9 Serial No. Account No. 0088919 ALL OF LT 20B PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 5.735 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay Walton ' e one-ha- lf Lot 33 Hattie Darton PlatB, Block 3, Lot 35, C. A. Greenland RatB, Block 4, Lot19 W. F. Hoftadaw Rat B. Block 4, Lot 27 North one-haNephi Second Ward Plat B, Block 4, Lot 27 South one-ha- lf lf one-ha- lf a one-hal- 164-198- 9 Serial 8 No. Account No. 0089016 ALL OF LT 28 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.955 AC. AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. 8 Serial No. Account No. 0089024 ALL OF LT29 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.038 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor lax Sale No. 8 Serial No. Account No. 0089040 ALL OF LT 31 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 $ MAP NO 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9 959 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee 165-19- E. R. Booto Block 5, Lot 35 Juab County Nephi City Cewntory; Rat B, Block 1, Lot 8 Unknown PlatB, Block 1, Lot 11 West Thomas W.GL Parks Plat B, Gtock 3, Lot 9 Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0088927 ALL OF LT 20B PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174373 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 6.124 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee XD-44- M.W.A. Rat B, Block 4, Lot 35 South Tax Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. John Flory PlatB, Block 4, Lot 30 owners or anyone dawning Serial No. Account No. 0088703 ALL OF LOT 2 PLAT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE E. CONT. 9.63 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Tax Jno. Worries nlomet under toem, Me a notice of dm o any of toe heremafter iatod lots in toe 9 XD-44- 8 K. M. P. Kong Block 3, Lot 23 SOUth PlatB, Stock 3, Lot Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 159-198- Hoyt PlatB, Block 2, Lot 31 Hyrum Marble RatB, Block 2, Lot 34 W. A. Wright PlatB, Block 3, Lot 5 D. E. Moore RatB, Block 3, Lot 7 Wm. Foster Rat B, Block 3, Lot 23 North-on- Rat Metro National Title, ' Peter Jeanselme Rat B, OFFlCqlX 10.3A,, Trustee f 1 in 166-196- XD-44- f 11 167-19- XD-44- RatC.Ctock1.Lot6 or Nephi City Cemetery h toe Nephi Cy Recorder, 21 Ead 1100 lotto. Nephi. Utah, wrtsn 30 days of toe (Jut Cemetery 2. If any person fails to state a valid ntsrsst to the use of the cemetery lot tor unal purposes sntom 30 days of toe dele f toe lest pubtiostion of this oninanoe. tie Jwners njit shat be tomwitoed and that , oW lf Lot 14 Annie Christensen Rat A, Block 5, Lot 24 Grover Rat A. Block 5, Lot 34 North one-haIda Scott Jordan Rat A, Block 5, Lot 34 South one-haGeo. H. Small Rat B, Block 1, Loti Wm. D. Norton Rat B, Block 1, Lot 3 Wm. I. Norton Rat B, Block 1, Lot 18 Samuel Tolley Rat B, Block 1, Lot 19 Geo. Teasdale Rat B, Block 1, Lot 30 Chas. Tingey Rat B, Block 1, Lot 31 B. J. Clayton RatB, Block 1, Lot 36 David J. Norton RatB, Block 2, Lot 14 James Cazier PlatB. Block 2, Lot 17 Eliz. Hague RatB, Block 2, Lot 29 demands tost toe late of the lad publication of this t 9 Chrie Jensen r Plate. Dock 4. Lot 11 Harry Foote Passed and Approved tore 19to day of Apt! 1894. Robert L Steele, Mayor Attest, Cormne Garrett, Reoorder 8 fleoorder Jay McGregor Tax Sale No I 168-198- Jay.McGregor Tail Sale No. i 177-198- 9 SeriaUlo., 448151 Account No. 0089230 ALL OF LT 51 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.122 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 178-198- 9 Serial No. Account Na 0089248 ALL OF LT 52 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.049 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. Published 27, MAY 4, STATE ENGINEER on APRIL in Nephi Times-New- s & 11, 1994. 17 -- 19 NOTICE TO WATER USERS 96 South Main SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.992 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGreaor Sale No. Serial No. Tax 623-052- 5 Bill The State Engineer received the following Application(s) to Temporality Change Water in Juab County (Locations in SLB&M). Persons objecting to an application must a Protest stating the reasons for the protest To have a hearing before the State Engineer, persons must request a heanng in toe Protest. Protest must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 file West North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah on or before MAY 84116, jMi 96 South Main 5 623-052- -- ETURN il AC pr 2 of the Division of Water Rights. POD; (LEGEND: Points) of Diversion Place of Use POU; Nature of Use USE) Venice Ballow propose(s) to change the POD & POU of water as evidenced by 66-4-5 (A22857). HERETOFORE: QUANTITY: 0.446 cfs or 161.6 ac-f- t. SOURCE: 16 in. well 358 ft. deep. POD: (1) S 2548 W 1461 from NE Cor, Sec 33, T15S, RIW. USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Sep 30, total acreage 1 50.00 acs. POU: W 12 SE 14 Sec 28; W 12 NE 14 Sec 33, T15S, RIW. HEREAFTER: QUANTITY: 0.446 cfs or SOURCE: 16 in. well 382 ft. 161.8 ac-deep. POD: (1) S 2560 E 5372 from NW Cor, Sec 3, T15S, RIW. (3 Miles SW of Levan) USE: Same as Heretofore. POU: NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Sec 3; SE4NE4 Sec 4, T15S, RIW. The 96 South Main as remaining water is used same Heretofore. 63-052- 96 South Main 5 180-198- L. Morgan, P.E. STATE ENGINEER on APRIL Published in Nephi Times-New- s It 1994. ) fell NEBO 111 AGENCY INC. fiJNEPHI OFFICE 623-120- 0 96 Soiith Main Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 623-052- 5' 160 ACRES IN DOG VALLEY will well. Owner will ' f nance e, $40,000. Cal Barb or LaDaun ALL OR BRICK RAMBLER . Family room, living room with 2- - f replace, routed in ball in basement. Only $59,900.' Call LaDaun. "SPTE 96 South Main 43 ACRES FARM GROUND $400 acre, water available at $800 per share. Call LaDaun IN LOTS LEVAN. Starting at $6,500. Call Ladaun. IMPROVED 623-052- 5 - i Get the point? Se e The Times-Nev- s For Rubber Stamps 9 Account No. 0089396 ALL OF LT 66 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.025 AC. Metro National Title, Tiustee 5 623-052- Robert 179-19- Serial No. Account No. 0089362 ALL OF LT 62 PLTAAMENDED STARTER and HOME with new siding roof. Call Barb. STREET BUSINESS sale. Large building on west side. Only $50,000. Cal LaDaun. MAIN br 181-19- 8 Serial No. Account No. 0089420 ALL OF LT69 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT, 8.471 AC. XD-44- AC. Utah Title & Abstract Co., Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0062674 THAT PORTION OF THE N 12 OF THE NE 14 & THE NE 14 OF THE NW 14 OF SEC22T16S R 2W SLM LYING OUTSIDE PLAT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. CONT. 7.8 AC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal ton twentieth day of Apnl, 1994. Pat P. Greenwood , , 182-196- 9 Juab County Clerk-Audit- or SLB&M). Persons objecting to an appficalion must a Protest stating the reasons tor the protest To have a heanng before toe Stale Engneer, persons must request a hearing in toe Protest Protest must be filed m duplicate with the State Engineer, 1636 file West North Temple. SMt Lake City, Utah on or before JUNE 64116. 10, 1994 (PROTESTS MUST BE LEGIBLE WITH A RETURN ADDRESS) These are totoimal proceedings as par Rule R655-6--2 of toe Division of Water Rghta. POO; (LEGEND: Povitfs) of Diveraron Place of Usee POU; Nature of Use USE) APPLICATIONS) TO APPROPRIATE WATER (A67678) Timothy N. & Maxine P McPherson QUANTITY: 1.73 ac-f- t. Miclielson's COUNTRY MALL IN LEVAN. New gas heating system, over 4200 sq. feet retaH space on 2.11 acres. Call LaDaun ) 4- - 0 DREAM VICTORIAN bedroom, 1 12 beautiful woodwork. $125,000. Cal Tari at 623-043- 1. VICTORIAN ANOTHER Ready for a new owner. huge famly room. BeautifiJ woodwork, fenced yard. Lots of space, over 4,500 square feet. Call Tari 623-043- 1. SPACIOUS STARTER. Charming home looking for a famlyto love I. femiy room, gas hot water heat, fenced yard, fruk trees. $34,000. Cell Tari at 0 623-015- 2 0 Still tha finest catering svcilzbls. ) Pirtics f lV tzttzxs o 0 ( Q Colonial Living Center 71 North Main Nephi, Utah 84648 Phone 623-043- 1. 623-061- 1 Room and board 3 meals and snacks Private rooms baths Laundry housekeeping services staff available 24-ho- ur Activities Usa Til Class Ads ( Restaurant bath. Completely restored. 1& acre with bam. Pioneer glass and at NOTICE TO WATER USERS The Stale Engmeer received toe blowing Apptication(s) to Appropriate or Change Water in Juab County (Locations in 53-13- 9 UgdncteJ SOURCE: 6 in. well 100 ft to 500 ft. deep. POD: (1) N 351 E 663 from SW 14 Cor, Sec 29. T12S, RIE. (1.25 miles NW of Nephi) USE: Irrigation: from Apr 1 to Oct 31, total acreage 0.25 acs; Stockwatering: 10 head of livestock; Domestic: 1 family. POU: SE 14 SW 14 Sec 29, T12S, RIE. Robert L. Morgan, P.E. ft 176-19- 8 Serial No. Account No. 0089222 ALL OF LT 50 PLT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.063 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Serial No. Account No. 0088695 ALL OF LOT 1 PLAT A AMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY Na 17436 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS. Rat A, Block 5, RatB, Block 3, BLUFF AND NEPHI CITY CEKETERY FILE A NOTICE OF CLAIM OR THEREAFTER HAVE THEIR INTERESTS TFRT iATFf) WHEREAS, foe records of the Nephi City Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. lf one-hal- W. ' RESOLUTION NO. 41994 A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT' THE CWKER3 OF ABANDONED AND Ana Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 158-198- one-ha- JO&eptvJrtydOofcanMft tepF Plat A, Block 4, Lot 29 East one-haH. A. Christiansen r Plat A, Block 4, Lot 29 West 993-199- lereefjr titled 174-198- -- J.J. Barnes Plat A, Block 4, Lot 22 . 17-1- utjuc 18-19- Wm. I. Birchett Rat A, Block 4, Lot 5 Miles Miller of Governments, 250 North Main, P. 0. Box 820, Richfield, Utah 84701, phone 896- Bill 7 9222. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Levan Town Council will hold a public 4 budget The hearing to open the 1 meeting writ be held on May 11, 1994, at the Levan Town Hall, at 20 North Main, Levan Utah 84639. At 6:30 p. m. The purpose of the public hearing is to increase funds in the General and Electric funds from state sources. Connie C. Dubinsky Mayf 169-198- lf HIGH-PROFI- the lf A, Bc:!r3SS 754-394- 9. lf L Jackson Goldsb rough Rat A, Block 2, Lot 21 M. A. Grover Rat A, Block 3, Lot 10 A. C. Nielson Rat A, Block 3, Lot 20 North one-haJ. Fryer Rat A, Block 3, Lot 20 South one-haE. Harris Rat A, Block 3, Lot 28 E. W. Evans Rat A, Block 4, Lot 4 North one-ha- NOWI Any Size Nationwide. Great Prices. Call 1 (2274). 17Pd (ucan) Wanted to buy. Junk or unwanted cars or bucks. I will tow. Also Complete used engines for sale. George Finch, 20Pd Santaquin, 4, lf Block 2, Lot 18 W. R. May Plat A, Block 2, Lot 19 East one-ha- lf J. H. Mynders Plat A, Block 2, Lot 1 9 West one-ha- lf 17Pd WE BUY MORTGAGES and Trust Deeds. Did You Sell Property? Receiving Payments? Why Wait! Fast. CASH NEPHI, UTAH, SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF UTAH CODE SECTION ANNOTATED, 1953, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE SITUATED IN SAID COUNTY AND NOW HELD BY IT UNDER PRELIMINARY TAX SALE. NO BID FOR LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAXES, INTEREST, PENALTIES AND COSTS WHICH ARE A CHARGE UPON SUCH REAL ESTATE WILL BE ACCEPTED. Linda N. Lange Tax Sale No. 9 Serial No. Account No. 0007026 BEG AT THE NE COR OF LOT 1 BLK 3 PLT B NTS TH S ALONG THE E BDRY OF SD LOT 1 80.52 FT ML TO THE S LN OF NEPHI TOWNSITE ENTRY TH W ALONG THE SD S LN OF NEPHI TOWNSITE ENTRY 429 FT ML TO A PT CN W BDRY OF SD BLK3TH NORTH 160 FT THENCE EAST 429 FT TO THE E LINE OF SD ELK 3 TH SOUTH 79.48 FT TO BEG. CONT. 1.57 AC. Utah Title & Abstract Co., Trustee Block 1, Lot 15 North Serial No. Account No. 0089057 ALL OF LT 32 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.983 Metro National Title, Tiustee Jay McGregor Tax Sale No. 9 Serial No. Account No. 0089065 ALL OF LT 33 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 9.945 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Jay McGregor 9 Tax Sale No. Serial No. Account No. 0089156 ALL OF LT 45 PLTAAMENDED SEVIER RIVER RANCHES SUBD. FILED AS ENTRY NO. 174363 & MAP NO. 236 IN THE JUAB COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE CONT. 10.062 AC. Metro National Title, Trustee Transporation to Dr. Trained and Caring Staff |