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Show CAC84101 1199 EXP. UTAH 307 PRESS WEST SALT LAKE ASSOCIATION 200 SOUTH, CITY, UT SUITE 84101 5005 Serving East Juab County - A Nice Place To Live! Volume 92, No. 17 claims Sunday She life of Santaquin man one-car-rollo- ver By MymaTrauntvein Times-New- s Correspondent A Santaquin man died on SunBradley L. Tischner, 20, was bulance. of a the afternoon result as Randy Ingram, Utah Highpronounced dead at Central Valday one-ca- r accident one mile north ley Medical Center where he was way Patrol Trooper, said taken by East Juab County Am- - Tischner was traveling northof Mona on Interstate 15. bound in the left inside lane of travel when the accident occurred. The left front tire blew out and the vehicle went off the left side into the median, said Ingram. The vehicle spun in a counterclockwise direction and the tires grabbed in the dirt and flipped the vehicle. Ingram said it appeared the vehicle rolled one and a half times before coming to rest on its top. Tischner was ejected from the vehicle as it rolled. The driver received some medical attention from Richard M. Hodnett, M.D. at the scene, said Ingram. The 1970 Ford Bronco 4X4, belong- ing to Tischner Ford Sales, Santaquin, received extensive damACCIDENT SCENE Bradley L. Tischner, 20, Santaquin died Sunday when he was thrown from this Ford age in the accident. Bronbo north of Mona in a Trooper Ingram said the accident was caused when a tire blew. Nephi City Council takes steps to reclaim unused cemetery plots in both Nephi City Gemeteries By Myroa Trauntvein Times-New- s Correspondent Nephi City officials will be making a strong attempt at contacting families who own plots in either of the cemeteries in Nephi where there has been no activity in the last 60 years. Under terms of a new resolution adopted Tuesday, the city may reclaim those old plots. Burial rights to the plots may now be issued to others. Council members adopted the resolution which calls for the city to place a notice in the local newspaper. Owners of the plots will be contacted at the last known address. The newspaper notice will have to serve as a warning of the citys intent if there is no address available. If we know the last address, we will send them a copy of the notice, said Don Eyre Jr., city attorney. An owner or heir has a right to submit a claim which will be reviewed by officials. The city used to sell a deed for a cemetery plot, said Eyre. That is no longer the case, he said. We qow sell burial rights. After 30 days have transpired from the last notice date, said Eyre, the city has a right to sell the plots. There are a lot of old Nephi names, said Eyre. The Nephi 2nd LDS Ward is listed as an owner. It may have been purchased for indigent use, said Eyre. However, there has been no activity on the plot for more than 60 years. Employees have gone through the cemetery records and determined which plots were sold more than 60 years ago and where there has been no activity. Placing notices and sending letters may prove to be some- what expensive, said Eyre. It is i 10 pages Wednesday, April 27, 1994 cheaper than going out and buy- were not in compliance. I didnt ing new land for a cemetery, he have a license for seven years, he said. said. Most communities have passed Lynn said he was concerned with the plan to connect utility similar ordinances, he said. Three building contractors connection fees up front rather met with council members on than when the construction was Tuesday evening to protest parts complete. Will you start to of a new building code the city charge for utilities even though the people are not using the utiliadopted two weeks ago. Wes Lynn, Neil Garrett and ties?. Clark Wood all had concerns, McKnight assured the contractors that usage fees would not be said. they One problem they had, said charged until the home owner Lynn, was being asked to get a had moved into the home. The contractors also had a difplat from the county recorder to ficult time with the requirement submit with each building persubcontractors credenall that nor mit. It wasnt the cost, $1.50, the distance from city hall, the tials would be checked by the It is not the buildings are located next door contractor. contractors job to be the policto each other, but the time. Contractors, he said, were be- ing agency, said Lynn. Someing hit with more and more bu- times, he said, they did not even reaucratic paperwork and every- see the subcontractor, and carried on business over the phone. thing took time. A lot of people want me (as Some they had had work for them for many years, he said. contractor) to do all the legwork, Weve worked with them for 30 Wood. said The time it took from the job years and now we have to ask for to do the legwork made a differ- a number? We are not so dumb we canence, said Lynn. However, both Robert Steele, not see shoddy work, said Lynn. He said the contractor pays a Mayor, and Milton Hafmon, council member, agreed the need fee to the state, who is supposed for the plat was there. Some to assist the contractor. In spite would come in and not have blue of the fees, more and more of the prints, said Steele. There idea paperwork is required of the conof want was going to be done tractor. The state department of contractors is the poorest run would be vague. Some would bring in a little organization in the world, said sketch," said Harmon. Those Lynn. Chad Brough, council member, sketches often did not show that the property would not have the said all the council was asking right frontage or would not com- was the contractor provide a ply with restrictions in one way number of the sub. We are satisfied with Craig or another. The city now had a building Pew, city building inspector, inspector and was on the way to said Lynn. He does a thorough accommodating many of the re- and very good job. Lynn said subs were hard to quests of contractors over the get and were growing more diffiyears. We are doing what you have cult to get every day. Pew said he would request conasked u? to do many, many times, said Randy McKnight, tractors to get the license number of the sub and would look up city administrator. Garrett wanted to know what the number as soon as he re the city would do with those who It only takes a matter of minutes to check out. Garrett said he does a lot of handyman work and thinks his service should be considered. I have no objection to a permit, said Wood. However, he said, he thought the city had turned the building application process into a The state of Utah recommended the building permit be 60 percent greater, said Steele. Who should pay for the building inspector? asked Richard Paxman, council member. The general public is still paying some, he said. ceived it. fund-raise- r. Steele said he thought the Continued on page 3 Single Copy Price 500 Delivery late... is be ing delivered on Thursday this week, in stead of Wednesday due to the closure of the Post Office for a national day for morn ing for former President Richard Nixon. Your newspaper, The Times-New- s, School board purchases news computer system By Myma Trauntvein Times-New- s Correspondent a print out would be available. Sperry said this would help with attendance records. The principal can look up attendance for Juab School District Board the day immediately. Our report cards now have a members agreed to purchase the one week turn around, said Mac School Student Information Sperry. Now we will have local control and flexibility. We can System. district the report cards done have Tony Sperry, computer said a short time after the was within the expert, program needed because the state system teachers complete their grades the district has been working on the computer. with is not meeting the needs of The roll books, grades and student records will be password the district. We have decided to use no protected, said Sperry. Only e teachers will have access to their grades and we have to them into our student GPAs, grades. Comments on the reports are said Sperry. Instead of a mainunlimited. state like the computer, frame, Areport one page long could be ours would be prepared on each child, Sperry said Sperry. said. A data base would be located The $23,000 price tag includes in the central office, and then training, and each classroom would have a There is a discount if the person computer. responsible (Sperry) attends a Another benefit would be in workshop. Sperry said he had looked at figuring the schedules of high school and middle school stu- systems in other areas. There is dents. At present, each principal a users group, he said. In addition to being password must hand-d- o the schedule for the coming year so students can protected, the program keeps a sign up for the classes they can security audit of all who gain access to any program. The time fit into the time slots. With Mac School, said of day and the name of the indiSperry, 98 percent of schedule vidual is recorded. Passwords conflicts can be eliminated. The are changed periodically to procomputer will consider the re- tect the system, as well, said quests of the students and will Sperry. The system will be on line by work out a schedule to accommodate the needs of the students. August 1994. For a district of our size, said The computer can even favor a class in preparing the schedule, Superintendent Kirk Wright, for example, the senior class can this is one of the most economibe given priority in scheduling cal systems available. In addition, said Sperry, the conflicts so they can get the state system is continuing to esclasses they need to graduate. At present, said Sperry, a roll calate in cost. Each year the discall is made each morning. That trict faces raising costs. Owning is done by hand and runners pick its own system will be the best up the paper copies from teach- way, he recommended. The high school, middle school ers and return them to the office. The information is sent to the and both elementary schools will state computer and then back to have Mac School programs. The the school. It takes time. That elementary schools will also have would change with Mac School. health and immunization modA teacher would turn on the ules. computer in the classroom and Sperry will attend the Mac would check the roll on the com- School University in Vancouver puter. It would feed into the cen- B.C. which will qualify the distral computer in a central loca- trict for the least expensive distion. Five minutes after the bell, trict technical program. hand-figur- site-base- d, on-si- te up-grad- YES IT WAS SMOKY Nephi City fireman were called Friday evening to the meadow area east of in Salt Creek Canyon to deal with a brush fire that got away from the property's owner. Dr. Mark Oveson. Oveson said he was burning some weeds to prepare for the plowing of the area, when the strong winds Friday afternoon sent the fire out of control. The fire was contained after an hour. Nephi City had three trucks and crews on the fire. KOA 5 |