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Show From page one ir City Council news small or seemingly "fair and firm policy harmless they might be. would, in itself, solve It was decided that the most of the problem, police chief would handle with the rest of the problem handled through proper time management and scheduling by the department heads. the matter. In its last meeting, the city council tried to set up a vacation and holiday policy for city employees. In the past, the city has run into problems because summer is both the most desirable vacation time and the busiest time for city departments. Because of the increased summer work load, many employees are unable to take their vacations until winter. The city then finds large gaps in its staff during December. In order to try to solve the problem, the city has sometimes opted to pay employees for their vacation days rather than have the employees take the days Councilman Wilson felt strongly that prime vacation time should be given to employees with the most seniority. The council approved the idea. The council also tried to work out an equitable holiday policy. All regular city employees are awarded compensation time if they are required to work on holidays. Taking this time is generally no problem. The difficulty is in the police department, which finds itself in a cycle. When a police officer is scheduled to work on a holiday, works for another officer who is ill, works extra hours be- - off. It was the councils opinion that having a News and views from your county agent Cattlemen plan tour to Denver livestock show by Blaine Jones USU Extension Agent A group of livestock producers from Utah are planning to go to the National estern W Livestock Show in Denver Jan. The Beaver CounService and Extension ty the Beaver County Cattlemens Association are organizing the tour. The tour will leave the Salt Lake airport on Monday, Jan. 19 and will arrive later in Denver. The group will stay at the Denver Plaza Best Western Motel. Tour participants will spend the rest of the day at the National Western Stock Show and will attend the rodeo in the evening. The group will be at the stock show until mid afternoon on Jan. 20, and then they will board buses for the Fort Collins area. They will spend the night at the Fort Collins Holiday Inn. On Jan. 21, the group will tour the Fort Collins and Greeley area. They will leave later that evening for Salt Lake City. The cost of the trip will be $200 per person. The tour price includes air fare, motels, bus fare, rodeo tickets, and two meals. Time is short and in order to hold airplane reservations, the group needs to purchase airline tickets by Jan. 2. Deposits will also need to be made on the motel rooms. Registration forms for the tour will be available 19-2- 1. at the Juab County Ex- cause another officer is attending a school, or stays on because his shift ends in the middle of an important case which he cant leave, the officer takes compensation time off for these extra hours. When he does so, another officer must fill in for him. This filling in then gives compensation time to that officer, and so on and so on. Many council members felt that the only way to simplify the matter is to pay the police officers a straight salary and forget the comp time business entirely. This was found to be all right with regard to holiday compensation time, as the amount can be computed. At todays rate, $78 per holiday, $4,700 would be needed to solve the problem. The council thought that adding this amount to the officers salaries and freeing the police chief from the hours of paper work generated by the comp time problem was a good idea. Chief Young said that the policemen are now working off some of their comp time by the elimination of the overlap shift, which has provided extra protection in the city at certain times of the day. Young was instructed by the mayor to find out exactly what effect it would have on the overlap shift if it became city policy to use it as the schooling and sick leave comp time cush- tension Office on Dec. 29. The forms and money must be mailed that day. More information on the trip is available from the Extension office. While were on the subject of livestock shows, word has been received that the 50th Annual ion. Millard County Junior The reorganization of Livestock Show will be the Nephi City Fire held June 2, 3, 4, and 5. Department was approved by the council. OfTo celebrate its Golden ficers are Boyd Park, fire Anniversary, the comCleston Park, chief; mittee is preparing for a fire chief; assistant very special show. They Harold Parkin, captain; extend an invitation to first lieutenWhite, Hap young people from ant; Ken Ingram, second throughout the state to and Boyd be a part of this years lieutenant; The Howarth, secretary. show. council also agreed to The 1981 show book is pay $75 for the fire being prepared and will departments annual be sent to us as soon as it Christmas party. is completed. We will The council had earlier make books available to voted to allow Clarence those who desire to com- Greenhalgh to continue working for the city on a pete in the show. part-tim- e basis, but Tagging dates for the decided that Greenhalgh 1981 show are Jan. 31 for he would prefer to work beef and March 15 for e for part of the sheep and swine. year. Your request for tags Greenhalgh will soon must be made prior to retire and wants to stay those dates. You may re- with the city until he has quest tags by contacting made the $5,000 allowed the USU Extension Of- under the Social Security fice in Nephi or Delta or benefit laws. The plan by contacting Jay was approved by the city council. Dailey, local FFA advisor. In other business, the council: Merry Christmas! Issued a cemetery Levan plot deed to Virginia Anderson. Voted to give $100 to Derle Hansen, reporter the East Juab Arts Date High Low Prec. Council to help bring the Lane to the Weber River, the East Fork of Sevier River downstream from Highway 12, Hunting-toCreek below Electric Lake Dam (artificial flies only), Cottonwood Creek 1981 will bring new fishing regulations n year-roun- year-roun- d confluence of Rock Creek in Cache County, Echo Reservoir and Weber River downstream from Wanship Dam. Two trout may be kept each day from these waters during the year-roun- d 30-3- year-roun- whitefish d season has been set for several waters. These include Duchesne River proper downstream from the confluence of West Fork, Logan River proper downstream from Temple Fork, Blacksmith Fork River proper downstream from the In an effort to give thus better spread the more people a chance to harvest over the season. below Joes Valley limit will Reservoir and the Price hook larger fish in the The eight-trou- t be in and effect the re- River downstream from states streams mainder of of season. the the only rivers, Scofield Reservoir. taking two trout over 13 inches Farmington City ReserTo increase in a daily bag limit will voir, formerly a be allowed during the fishing opportunities, water, will be open 1981 fishing season, says the Wildlife Board aponly during general the Utah Division of proved several addi- season. Fishing in this Wildlife Resources. This tional waters, water, commonly known which will be does not apregulation open to as Farmington Pond, is reserlakes and Jan. 1, dependent on the regular to fishing beginning ply 1981. These include Pine-vievoirs. stocking of catchables. The limit of trout has Reservoir, Hyrum Waters planted with been reduced to six on Reservoir, East Park catchables are generally to help re- Reservoir, Paradise Park not waters. May duce the heavy take of Reservoir, Stoddard The Wildlife Board trout on the opening Slough Creek down- also approved other weekend of fishing, and stream from Stoddard year-roun- d a daily bag limit of six may exceed 16 inches. Larger walleye will be significant regulation changes for the 1981 fishing season. A special non-gener- season. d In Willard Bay, 'not than two walleye in more better able to utilize the larger forage fish found in Willard Bay, according to Rod Stone, assistant chief of fisheries. In Utah Lake and Willard Bay, the limit of channel catfish was reduced from 16 to eight, due to the increased fishing pressure for this species. Other new special regulations include a July 1 to Nov. 30 season for Manning Meadows Reservoir in Piute County and an April 1 to Nov. 30 season for Baker Reservoir in Washington County. Phone directory features new services The new Provo area telephone directory has a new look and some new ideas for helping customers find vital information and often-usenumbers, says Merrill Hymas, district manager for Mountain Bell. We redesigned the old call guide in the front of the book, Hymas said. The new pages are much easier to read and better organized. Weve also added many new features such as two pages for community services numbers. These d pages include the numbers for tax information, street maintenance, animal control, health care, and tourist information, to name a few. The customer guide section also includes money saving tips for telephone users, information on directory assistance, long distance calling, and an explanation of telephone com- pany services and policies. page as soon as they receive their directory. $1000 in goods taken from summer home Approximately $1,000 in goods were stolen from a summer house in Dog Valley sometime last week, the Juab County Sheriffs office reports. The burglary happened between Dec. 13 and 20. It was reported Dec. 21 for Don Hammond of Salt Lake City, the houses owner. The house is located by Spring Canyon in Dog (XIY l i SPECIALS ANY JEAN Valley. Stolen were three shotguns, a 22 calibre rifle, ammunition, binoculars, a and campstove, various food items. The burglary is being investigated by Chad Bowles and Dave Carter of the sheriffs office. The officers report they have two suspects in the case at present. Hymas added that customers should write their personal emergency numbers on the first AFTERCHRISTMAS The Times-New- UP THE COVER. ir i! i if'iv, , i nephi w i. A y LimiteapTime - SoSHurry s Nephi, Utah Dec. 24,1980 3 Parkin Motor Company Announces full-tim- ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Here's weather report Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 17 18 19 52 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 21 23 51 25 20 52 49 21 51 22 23 56 45 26 35 22 28 Missoula Childrens ON NE17 81 FORD GRAFJADAS, THUNDERBIRDS Theatre to the area. Took a tour through the old high school vocational building, which is being remodeled for use as the citys new offices. AND MUSTANGS. EXAMPLES: , THE JUAB COUNTY HOSPITAL Announces the Services of Medical Specialists to serve you better. Dr. Devon Nelson - Orthopedic Surgeon 11 a.m. Every Tuesday Dr. Greg McManama - Podiatrist 2:30 p.m. Every Other Thursday Dr. Todd Kimble - Optometrist CONTRACT-AMOU- NT FINANCED, $6000 Where the Prevailing Annual Percentage Rate Is: 14 16 18 Total Consumer Savings: s286.08 s578.40 s876.00 Example of transaction not necessarily for a particular vehicle Cash Price $6800, Total Down Payment $800, Amount Financed $6000 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCE CHARGE, At 12 $1583 52 Deferred Payment Price $8383 52 Payment Schedule 48 monthly payments of $157 99 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCE CHARGE. At 14 $1869 60 Deferred Payment Price $8669 60 Payment Schedule 48 monthly payments of $163 95 BUY ONE OF THESE POPULAR FORDS ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCE CHARGE. At 16 $2161 92 Deferred Payment Price $8961 92, Payment Schedule 48 monthly payments of $170 04 BETWEEN DEC. 5,1980, AND FEB. 7, 1981, AND YOU CAN SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE FINANCE CHARGE. At 18 $2459 52 Deferred Payment Price $9259 52 Payment Schedule 48 monthly payments of $1 76 24 9.00 a m. to 5:00 p.m. Every Tuesday Dr. James Matheson - Radiologist Monday, Wednesday, Friday Kent Burton - Physical Therapist 10 am. - 1 pm. Thursday - 8 a m. - 10 a m. Mon. - Wes. - Fri. Tuesday & -- Please call and schedule an appointment now at 623-077- 5 GOME in UOIV, WHILE THE SELECTION'S best Parkin Motor Company 131 South Main - Nephi, Utah 623-022- 2 |