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Show Menlove. Nephi Fifth LDS Wad The Nephi Fifth LD Ward will present aj&rCH ft Christmas programs choir director, says the program they will pre-sent is "the traditional story of the birth of Christ, portrayed in music from the choir and special solo and duet voices, with the addition of strings and the use of narration and poetry." The program is entitled "Christmas, a Gift of Love." Narrators are Richard Stowell and Karen Kenison. Soloists will be Lawrence Brough, Case, Janet Sutorius, and Julie Wesley UDOT plan will cut highway costs Co. Nephi LumberUt 623 by Eileen Tolboe and accompanied by Tq-ri$- . From page one Christ: gram entitled mas Peace.It uses chor numbers and also a ap ration adapted from the writings of Elder Mark E. Peterson, says Viofa Matheson. Kelly and Nephi Third LDS Ward Dan Paystrup will sing a The Nephi Third LDS duet. A quintet composWard's choir is singing ed of Allan Paystrup, Janet Sutorius, Cindy Hunt, Judy Hall, and Sheree Kenison will also sing. Violinists will be Mary Bankhead and Colleen Matheson. Chapel decorations will be by Annabelle Brough. Fern Wankier is the choirs accompanist. Nephi First LDS Ward Gloria Tunbridge will direct the Nephi First LDS Wards choir in its presentation of The Music of Bethlehem. The program will begin at 2:50 p.m. and will feature soloists Delora Nebeker, Ruth Epperson, and Tami Epperson. The choir will sing Ring On Oh Song, Music of the Bells, and "The Music of A solo Bethlehem. number called "Marys Lullaby will be done by Tami Epperson. The narration will be by Claudia Ostler. Tami Epperson is the choirs accompanist. Nephi Second Ward The Book of Mormon account of Christs birth is the theme for the The Utah Department of Transportation is considering steps to bring its maintenance budget into line in the face of a $2.4 million revenue shortfall in the Transportation Fund. Transportation revenues are down, so we will be unable to request any supplemental funds to cover snow removal and some other maintenance activities," said C.V. Nephi two numbers in their sacrament. meeting: "Holy Night and "How Beautiful Upon the Ockey, the choirs Julie ductor. Mountains.; Wright, Cindee Taylor, and Kim Taylor will also sing. Ron and Louise Gowers will speak on the birth of Christ. The meeting will begin at 10:50 a.m. Fern Gar- rett is the choir !s at 2:50 Pre-Christm-as con- SALE!!! p.m. was Born in Bethlehem,' "Blessed are They That Have the Faith, and "The Lords Frayer,will be sung by the choir. The choir and congregation will also sing many Christmas carols. A double trio composed of Georgia Carter, LaRae Kendall, Evelyn Anderson, Beth Hanson, Verna Boswell, and Arlene Jones will sing Love One Another and "If Ye Love Me Keep My direc- - 4 $ program, which will begin at 10:50 a.m. The program is com- ALL APPLIANCES , SMALL APPLIANCES, HOUSE WARE & TOOLS Commandments.. Readers are Donald L. musical and readings Bailey, James H. Ockey compiled by Susan Jr., Steven Ludlow, Angela Davidson, Doris Peterson. The choir will sing Sowby, and Phyllis Brown. Ward chorister is I Joy to the World, Heard the Bells on Evelyn Anderson. The Christmas Day, and accompanist is Ethelyn With Wandering Awe. Bailey. The Christmas Cradle Nephi Sixth LDS Ward The Nephi Sixth LDS Song will be played on Mel-lo- r Wards Christmas prothe piano by Angie and a medley of gram will be presented Second LDS the children of the Anderson, assistant Wards cantata entitled Christmas songs will be by played on the violin by Primary organization, director of UDOT. By "A Sign is Given. O says Bishop William D. A Choir numbers are Tiffany Peterson. reducing a few services A Holy Night will be sung Howard. and the scope of some Hymn of Faith, Details of the numbers other services, we might Sign is Given, and by Cary Peterson. were not immediately The following readings Hosannah. Soloists be able to save the entire available at press time. are Laurel Roth, Heber will be part of the pro$2.4 million. The top priority would Memmott, and Michael gram: The Man Who be a 50 percent reduction Cowan. A ladies trio Missed Christmas, Lee Nephi Variety in the amount of salt us- composed of Diane Scott; The Bethlehem Formerly Nielsonis Terrie ed on state highways Brough, LuAnn OsInnkeeper, is under new Christmas Menlove; during the winter. This borne, and Julene Darla will also parHall; Lesson, alone could procedure management. We Adopted a Grandpa result in a saving of up- ticipate. Most of the stock Bruce The choirs director is for Christmas, wards of $300,000. And is in. Come and One Wish for Hall; will be less Bob Tolley. The accomthe trade-of- f brouse and see Julianne possible damage to the panist is Cindy Howard. Christmas, Teach and the what we have. roadway environment, Tom Kendall is the Tolboe; Me, Susan the landscaping, and the choirs president. The Children undercarriage of high- - , program will begin at Peterson. The choir is directed way vehicles, said An- 10:50 a.m. derson. posed -- Your Ace Hardware Dealer The program will begin "When Christ tor and Rheta Sperry will accompany the group. Nephi Fourth Ward "Christmas is The Time to Let Your Heart Do The Thinking is the theme of the Nephi Fourth LDS Wards Christmas 55 West 200 North - Nephi . of numbers Jo olf GIFT IDEAS FROM CHISTENSEN'S Your favorite Christmas shopping Center ! Mc-Conk- ie . Another Handbags great new styles All Connie Shoes time authorized during the snow removal process. Snow crews would be relieved of duty after eight-hou- r shifts whenever possible, said An- 20: "Supervisory and engineering personnel could be used to supPre-tee- n under emergency situations this winter. General road clean-up- , including pushing the snow from road shoulders, would be accomplished during normal working hours under the prospective policy. The UDOT has practiced "bare pavement a policy in past years, but fiscal restraints this year limit UDOTs ability to retain that level of ser- vice. Consequently, INTEREST EARNING EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, Times-New-s Utah 4Nephi, 1980 Flannel Books $-- 33 15u yd. Reg. 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