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Show News and views from your county agent Light cultivation well. varieties of plants in your garden that it is not practical to use chemicals. The best will destroy now thousands of weeds in your garden rows, but if you let them go a few weeks, the roots will be will not be cial fruit grower should deep and you of them able rid to get obtain a copy of the exre no There easily. very tension bulletin Utah Spray your apple trees by Blaine Jones USU Extension Agent For several weeks now I have hadfjj- calls iA'' many asking when to spray pie trees to ap-j-- v prevent! wormy Kf m, M' ap-- l Th of B. Jones thumb has been that you should start spraying about three weeks after the apple trees are in full pies. rule bloom. to the Guthion. For the home orchard-is- t the recommended Fruit chemical is Diazion. You should spray your apple trees now at at two week intervals summer until copy of the bulletin Home Orchard Disease and Pest Control. Both of these are available from the County Exten- about 20. August Fruit trees have other problems besides moths. Weeds apples. The varieties most susceptible to this malady are the Roman Times-New- 86 South Main Jonathans. Karathane is Commercial apple pro- a good chemical to use to ducers, however, have control powdery mildew. become Cherry growers should more sophisticated in their be on the lookout for methods of determining powdery mildew, cherry the time for spraying. slugs, and russet and They put out baited brown mites. Fruit growers should traps which attract and also watch for twig catch the codling moths. When they start catch- borers, aphids, and ing a lot of moths they thrips. Spray for these know that they should insects when your Elber-t- a start their spray propeaches get about a s of half to about ten gram days an inch in diameter. later. The information given According to word above has been quite received from Utah brief. For more details inCounty recently, there formation, the commer- was a heavy flight of codling moths in that area about May 20. It is J4 quite safe to assume that our conditions would not be much different here and that we would be safe in beginning spray Sturdy brick home, ten programs now 1 Vi days after the moth baths. Just right for a sighting. person with animals. 115' X 220' Lot. In the commercial or$53,900. chard, the recommended Call George at control chemical for codor ling moths is Guthion. If you missed the calyx Call Dovey Clemens spray stage for aphids or and brown mites you could add some Thiodan down. Now 'tis the spring, and weeds are shallow rooted; Suffer then now and they'll o'er grow the Open each night at One day service on Auto Glass, Home Mir- 623-022- J Shakespeare THE BEST TJEIV TIRES ARE MADE LIKE THIS. TV REPAIR Skyline TV at & SO ARE THE BEST RETREADS. 623-053- e 623-199- in fire- , Nephi 224-630- 3 The most advanced tire manufacturers are using Orbitread automation to build their best new tires. And your AMF Orbitread "dealers use it totjive you the best retread on the oad today. Since the tread built on our Orbitread" machine goes through the same process as these new tires, you can expect excellent performance. And thanks to automation, you get this performance at a bargain price. See how much farther Orbitread will take you, in mileage and savings. Drive into our shop today and look for this emblem. 21 GREENWOOD TIRE 740 North Main 6 36 South Main - home for sale Three-bedroo- partially finished 1 or 225-959- 6 623-022- 22B 623-058- All Western For Appointment 623-199- 1 Century or Nielson's 623-064- 3 Camper for sale Rancho with lacks Call 2213 or 6231732 Culfstream boat for sale. 17 foot with a lohnson outor board engine Call place. new kitchen, large lot. Additional lot available Financing available $33,500 Morris, Hansen, Liston or Realtors Call For all your Real Estate Needs. Call Call Forsey's 22 623-173- CB Twice a Week Sinclair, Remodeled older home tor sale 623-022- 1 Of Ephraim Serving Nephi Brian - 623-185- 1 basement, building lof, orchard, and corrals. In Nephi. Call Karl or see at 635 Carter at 623-115- 0 North Third East 23 looking for a house in a good location? For sale, house with living room, family room, kitchen with windowed dining area (great for plants). Two stories, tour bedrooms, utility room, newly remodeled bathroom. Interior recently painted, papered, carpeted, etc. Central heating and a half basement You may or see see by calling David Worwood You may call DaNell at during the day home Great buy: on beautiful corner lot. Large living room with bay window Many nice features Call Darla, Wilde and Company, 623-199- 7 623-119- 754-373- 23 465-925- Nephi "For complete Tire Service in new 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM and retread tires." Gordon's Rod's PEST CONTROL Sharpening Service Yards, Inside Homes, Fruit Tree Program Call Clark Morgan Phone 623-079- 4 FREE block south of the Levan Ward Church on the southeast corner. Light siding on house. ESTIMATES it Factory Trained to Sharpen 623-071- One 6 Saws, Scissors, Knives, Chisels, Planes, Chain Saws, Mower Blades, Hair Clippers, Drills, Carbide Saws. Owned and operated by Cordon ). Bosh Box 42 Nebo Agency Levan, Ut Garrett GREENHALGH'S JANITORAL SERVICE Richard Creenhalgh Owner - Bonded Insured Good dependable service at a resonable price. Commercial Industrial Offices Construction Clean ups Buildings - Etc. Free Estimates 623-041- 0 Payson, Dealer for COMPLETE Contractor Brian W. Sinclair PRECISION BILT HOMES 2525 North Highway Ogden, Utah 84404 Comercial Additions Drafting Service Residential Remodels Free Estimates Neil Garrett Phone Minimum bid is $15,870.00. Covering the cost of materials and overhead. 623-054- 7 Days . Phone Nights 623-183- 8 Call TV Service in area every Monday Service on all makes ol TVS and stereos. Warrenty service on Zenith and Sylvania Antenna Installation 12 years experience Call Chapman Furniture lor appointment FOAM UL APPROVED CELLULOSE 864-208- 8 Box 624 Delta, UT 421-047- 1 ( y 623 1371 Steel buildings clearance Argus For farm and ranch $6695 FOB factory on this large 50 x 80 x 16 Ask about savings on others Westover Builders Outlet. Authorized distributor of Argus Steel Buildings in Utah Santaquin, 25 Home. home on lot in Mona Root cellar, two fireplaces $27,500 Nebo Agenor Ann Spotten, cy, 754-363- 754-341- 0 half-acr- e 623-137- CHRYSLER CORDOBA CLEAN. 18 MPG HIGHWAY. JIM AND 1977 GOOD CONDITION 18tfb van for your Rent club, family, or large group. Call 20tfb Painter Motor, See Chapman Furniture, 27 South Main, Nephi for all your floor covering needs. 28 years of 26tfb installation experience 623-081- 1 a 623-068- home for rent or sale Contact Dr. M A Lyman at or 864-383- 5 22 864-317- unfurnished home for rent. Fenced back yard, corner lot $200 per month plus 22 utilities Call 623-171- 1 Help Wanted Looking for a lady to be distributor for Sandak Shoes in your area 50 percent commisr sion and guarantee Shoes sell themselves. Contact joAnn Richardson, Salem, Utah, 22 Nurses aides. We will train Colonial Manor Health Care Center Paid holidays and vacations Health and life insurance Credit union Call Mrs. Crawford at or come in to 71 North Mam An equal opportunity 22 employer Two employees wanted at the Sunset Chevron. These openings are on swing shift Must be 21 years of age Apply in person Sunset Chevron Great opportunity for the right woman to teach ladies personal development course from home Unlimited income potential For Phone interview call Ann Spotten Representative I I 1 1 1 REALTOR Subscribe! INSURANCE FIRE Times-New- Services Piano tuning, Saturday une 2 only For appointment call Den22 nis Whitworth at 623-- 520 All kinds Very Typing quick service Betty Boswell, 22 623 1114 Nephi Auto Wrecking We buy or cars and trucks 23 623 9925 FARMOWNERS HOMEOWNERS Kirk Otteson Call design 3 BONDS Well rent you our LIFE CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE 33 s 623-052- AUTO South Main NEPHI. UTAH LARRY PETERSON Phone 623-025- 0 Agent - Broker classified Here are ad rates 304 per five words or portion of five words, $1 50 minimum. No discount on additional weeks. Rates for display lines on classified ads available 7tfb on request s Classified ads are payable in advance, except to Businesses or others who have accounts with us The deadline for classified advertising is Tuesday at the close of business We will take classified ads over the phone, but they must be paid by the deadline or they will not run Do you plan on submitting a photo for publication in the Please bring a stamped envelope addressed to yourself for the photo's return Photos submitted without such return envelopes will be discard38tf ed after their publication Times-New- Times-News- 62 landscape or 623 0181 1479 25 Blue Lustre. Host, or Rug Doc tor mac hme for you to shampoo or clean your own carpets Call 6214)471 tore-serv-e your machine ( hapman furniture Co, 27 South Main 4tfB Nephi We maintain a wedding gift list on all t st luab County weddings' 4 D $1 (X) or $2 00 amounts Plumbing and Builders' Supply. 62 W. South Mam. Nephi 15ttB Wanted Handmade hubbv and craft ftt fund faunfc baaar and bake sale (tor W PJ to be held & 14 Cad Ora at July 1 or Mariawi at b2i4)riJ7 Anyone interested ,n helping is extremely use Lome VNe need II you tor PI P 1 ? Card of Thanks The 20th Century Club would like to thank the members of luab High School's FHA Club for their hard work and generous 22 donation to PEP. Legal Notices NOTICE TO WATER UStRS The following application has been filed with the State Engineer to exchange water in luab County throughout the en- tire year in SLB&M. s Times-New- unless otherwise designated Locations in SLB&M. Ex 1414 (66 area) Neil R Duff, 5505 Grove St., Sp. 117, Rocklin, CA seeks the right to exchange 1 2 ac ft. of water as evidenced by 1 share Abraham Irrigation Water. The water has been diverted from Sevier River, at a point S. 51 deg 44 ft E. 615 ft from WVt Cor., Sec 10, T17S, R7W, and used for misc purposes Hereafter, 1 2 ac. ft. of water is to be released info Sevier River, and 1 2 ac. ft of water is to be diverted from a well, ft deep, at a point S. 760 ft W. 2340 ft from NE Cor., Sec , , 100-30, 22, T16S, R2W; (2 mi W. of Sevier Bridge Res ); and used for the domestic purposes of 1 family, stockwatering 2 cows, 1 hog; and for incidental irrigation of 133 acs in NWiNEi, Sec. 22, T16S, R2W. (53-64- Dee C Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Nephi Times-New- s May 31, and une 7 and 14, 24 1979 Storage sale 1955 CMC pickup Idaho Serial No 1028PY2161 License 7B 16570 Amount due, $730 Sale date June 8 Eric Raits, Levan, Utah Published 22 May 17, 24, and 31, 1979 NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Juab School Board at its office, 305 East First North, Nephi, Utah, up to 7.30 p m , Wednesday, une 6, 1979, for the furnishing of all labor, materials, LEGAL transportation, services, and by proper setup ;or a modular relocatable ) Nephi City Cor- poration, Nephi, Utah proposes to correct the point of diversion, place, and nature of use of 8 sec ft of water out of a total of 2 sec ft of water as evidenced by Appl 21184 The water has been diverted from Thermoid Rubber Co. waste water and Nephi City Disposal Plant at a point N. 1490 ft., W. 2160 ft. from the SE Cor. Sec. 32, T12S, R1E; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 140 acs. in Secs. 31 and 32, T12S, R1E Hereafter, .8 sec ft. of water is to be diverted same as heretofore, at a point N. 2300 ft., W 1200 ft. from the SE Cor , Sec. 32, T12S, R1E (3 mi. NW of Nephi); and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the supplemental irrigation of 594.4 acs., but limited to the sole supply of 50 acs. in parts of Secs. 29, 30, 31 and 32, T12S, R1E, Rex L. Palmer, 52608 (53-67300 E. 310 N Spanish Eork, Utah. .015 sec. ft. of water is to well, be diverted from a 100-50- 0 ft. deep, at a point S. 150 ft., E. 1880 ft. from the N' Cor., Sec. 20, T11S, R1E (2 mi. N. of Mona); and used for the domestic purposes of one fami5 5 hogs, ly, stockwatering sheep, 3 calves; and from Apr. 1 of .25 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation ac. in NEV4NEV4, Sec. 20, T11S, R1E Melvin Hunt, P. 52687 (66-26O. Box 41, Ucon, Idaho. .015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from h ft. deep, a well, 100-50- 0 at a point S. 660 ft, E. 1320 ft. from the N'S Cor , Sec. 35, T15S, R1W (7 mi. S. of Levan), and used for the domestic purposes of one family; and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of .25 ac. in NV5NEV4, Sec. 35, T15S, R1W. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E. 400 S, SLC, Utah 84111 on or before July 7, 1979. Dee C. Hansen STATE ENGINEER Published in the Nephi May 24, 31, and June s Times-New- 1979 7, 3 LtijAL nuiicr cn uuuuci FOR UAB SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETINC ON REVISION OF BUDCET AND THE 1978-7- 9 THE ADOPTION OF THE 1979-8- 0 BUDCET Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 E 400 S , SLC, Utah 84111 on or before uly 14, 1979 24 Job opening for a part time person to work at The Must be sixteen years of age and have a driver's license, ibis job and will continue throughout the year. Apply in person, 9am to 5 p m, 96 South Mam, Nephi, IF Utah propriate water in luab County throughout the entire year unless otherwise designated. Locations Notices 462-308- 5 Someone to cut and W'anted bale 15 acres of hay west of Nephi Call David Beardall at 24 798 3934 after 5 p m 23 623-100- For Rent 462-308- Division Pre-Bi- Westlund E 84624 3 the Best sssssssssssssssss! FREE ESTIMATES Call 623-035- For Bill's Insulation XERO-LIT- 89-9- 1 Nephi, Utah SERVICE Sealed bids for the house built by the Juab High School vocational carpentry class will be received until 7:30 p.m. on June 20, 1979 at the Juab School District office at 305 East 100 North, Nephi, Utah. Bidders are ivited to attend. Chevrolet Impala Very dependable $200 Call Spottens, 1968 part-tim- e General PAINTING -- 24 623-025- 623-051- pSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Painting Cashiers check representing one percent of offer must accompany bid. Highest offer which meets listed provisions and financing requirements will be accepted. Cashiers checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned. Finance arrangements to be made outside of school district Terms cash payment in full within ten days of bid acceptance Building to be moved by successful bidder by August 15, 1979 Those interested in bidding should start to arrange their financing so they can be in compliance with the terms above. r 798-833- UT. 623-137- Description: Frame construction ready for siding or brick. Main floor, 1100 square feet, two bedrooms, one bath, living room, kitchen Electric heat. Outside measurements, 27 X 41 feet. 1192 garage, square feet One-cafenced back yard, fireplace, oil furnace Downtown location. Call Charles, 623 0222 or NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change, and ap- 623-198- ' home five-yea- 197 East 100 North Kenmore washer for sale Heavy duty. Wash and wear cycle or Good condition Call 1974 Ford Mustang Air condilower brakes, lower tioning, steering New radials Fxcellent 22 condition 621-019- 8Vi-fo- South 700 East, Nephi. 95 Vi X 117' lot. This one won't last at $47,000. Call George Antenna Instalation Call Legal Notices For Sale For Sale For Sale $4800 495 All Makes Opening )une Uth The North Avenue lrregularsG g tf I 623-035- 1 two-bedroo- $ Opening )une hth The Bermauda TriangleG yt C 19b9 Ford Calaxy, $100 Refrigerator, $25 Stove, $25 Bike, $20 R Bender, 623-01522 1977 Maverick Tip-to- p shape Has 23,000 miles Good on gas Asking $3200 or best offer Neil 22 Kendall, 623-004- 5 1977 International Scout Terra pickup Less than 30,000 miles Older home at Comming Attractions I IN Classifieds 23-19- understood it pretty 1 Listing. Open nightly except Sunday Students $1.50 Children (under twelve) 8th 2 Prices Adults $2.00 Glass Lots and Acreage New Today thru June 5th Show Time 8:00 p.m. only jj - 96 West Center 6 462-254- sEDg Bert's Body ! William Shakespeare Henry VI three-bedroo- 623-022- Closed Wednesdays - 623-068- ::nruiK. 225-959- MtUXMPnutAMlON 6 p.m. rors. garden. three-quarter- & 5 for take Phone out or to order ahead Sliding Rescreening, I HEATRE Nephi's Family Theatre" ENICE 623-068- 5 Pizza is Great Food On Family Night s Doors, Screens and V Italian Food" Glass Service Glazing, - "The Best in Pizza, Sandwiches s Complete probably y Venice House of Pizza Nephi, Utah May 31, 1979 7 destroy more vegetable gardens than any other one problem encountered by the gardener. I read a litte thing the other day and wrote it the and F: magic chemicals for use in the vegetable garden. You have so many The cultiva-generall- mi,"iiuuui.Liuji JWiiiiui.M.tiimmi,mn.yi sAoipiiWMiiii wryuf iii im vxw. L sion Office. Powdery mildew can be a serious problem on some Beauties The home should obtain a the through Pest Control Guide. method of weed control is frequent, light tions preferably a few days after each watering. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Juab School District will hold a public hearing on the revision of the budget of the district for the fiscal year July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979, and prior to the revision public hearing will be made The Board will also consider at this public hearing the adoption proposed budget to the revenue and expenditures of the district for the 1979-8fiscal year The meeting will be held on the regular board meeting night Wednesday, June 20, 1979, at 7.30 o'clock pm. in the Juab School District Office, 305 East First North, Nephi, Utah By order of the Board of Education JuaB School District of the govern 0 Sheri D. Ferre 60-fo- classroom The successful bidder shall have responsibility for proper execution of all work contracted by him Instructions, plans, specificaand proposal blanks will be on file in the luab School District Office after May 24, 1979, where they may be consulted or secured for the purpose ot bidding The manufacturer's past pertions, and equipment, and ability to per-- ' formance, organization form and complete their contracts in the manner and within the time limit specified will be elements, along with the cash amount of the bid, which will tie considered by the owner in letting of the contract Time is essence of the contract Classroom is to be constructed, delivered, and set in place by August 15, 1979 The luab School District reserves the right to accept any or to reject any or all proposals or waive any informality in a ptopocdl By order of the Board of Education luab School District Sheri D Ferre 21 22 B Clerk Treasurer Probate, guardianship, conservator, and trust notices. Consult clerk of the court or the respective signers for further informa- tion NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No 1942 Estate of Jay C Mickelson, also known as lay Clifton Deceased, Probate Mickelson. No 1942 All persons having claims reagainst the above estate are quired to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 24th day of August, 1979, or said claims shall be forever barred Thalia R Mickelson Personal Representative co Clark R Nielsen 410 Newhouse Building Salt lake City, Utah 84111 Arthur H Nielsen Clark R Nielsen NIELSf N. HENROID. PECK Attorneys for Petitioner 410 Newhouse Building Salt take City. Utah 64111 telephone 521 1350 Published in the Nephi May 24, May 11, 7 Times-New- and lone 2121B |