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Show PAGE SIX THE NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Thursday, February 24, 132 STAR DUST HARNESS & SADDLES m By VIRGINIA TUDY JthoseBrice VALE GARLAND, Fanny and Allan Jones, persistent favorites of the Good News radio hour threaten to become stars in motion pictures, too, as soon as releases Every- Tavottte ?2ccipa THE FEATHERHEADS By Hook, Line and Osborn. -- MR FEATreR HEAD ? THIS is EERBEhJDER OF THE CHARlTy M Ay WE PUT you CHLlMS Povbl FOR A SUB SCRIPT IOH HERE IS WHAT WE PLAU TO DO OF COURSE YOU KsJOW OF OUR PRO SR AM, OUR AIMS, LARGE EXCEEDIMSLY Miss top-ranki- lVeek'm' ofi tha Radio it ne NariMM Aaddl Dof olfl on MONTHLY PAYMMNTrtl h xvorrd bl fanners and siockmen for bl years. HJgbejl Qoalitjr-oip- ort low workmanship prices. WnU for VHEK illustrated catalog and terms 6C0RSE LAWRENCE CO.. 300 1 W first, Portland, Ort(0t LAWRENCE QUALITY er body Sing. For Winter Meals. Unlike recent screen musicals O CALLOPED dishes are favor- ites for cold weather because that buried their stories under ponit is a pleasure to use the oven, derous sets and armies of dancers, and because the blended flavor o1 this one makes the story and just Introduces song numfoods makes such delicious finbers and gaudy sets Incidentally. ished products. The tartness oi It is a tale of a frenzied family. tomatoes complements most any meat that is being served, and Papa Is Reginald Owen, an excit- while there are almost unlimited of amouhT etc Good ways of making the dish, you may enjoy trying the following recipe: Scalloped Tomatoes. 1 No. 214 can 1 tbsp. 2 cups tomatoes 1 tbcp. minced onion 4 tbsp. 1 Up. salt sugar bread crumbi butter Combine the tomatoes with tha onion and arrange a layer in baking dish. Mix the salt and sugar with the bread crumbs and blend with melted butter. Place a layer of crumbs over the tomatoes, add another layer of tomatoes, crumbs, and so on until the dish is filled and ingredients used. Leave crumbs on top. Bake SOjnihutes in a moderate oven. MARJORIE H. BLACK. WOMENWHOSUFFER Tucson, ' Arit Mrs. Ids M. Dys, 116 N. First Ave., says I To rdieve functional dis turbances I believe there Is nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Favonte It made Prescription. me feel so much strong or, helped to relieve me of nervous heads chef, cramps and pains associated with functional disturbances. Ask your druggist today for Dr. Pierce's Favonte Preemption in liquid or tablets. New tixe, tablets 50 cents. able playwright; mama la Billie Burke, a stage star given to fits of weeping; Judy Garland the swingsinging daughter, Fanny Brice the maid, and Jones, the chef. With the aid of the maid and chef, Judy tries to bring some order into the chaotic household. Walters up at the Arrowhead Lake lodge where many Paramount comRecreation in Its Place Make thy recreation servant to panies go on location think that -picture acting and strange thy business, lest thou become a slave to thy recreation. Quarles. tastes in food go together. Fred MacMurray demanded maple syrup on his cottage cheese. John Barrymore puts pepper on his oatmeaL Gladys Swarthout eats whipped 'cream on boiled cabbage, a peasant dish she learned to eat as a vocal student in Hungary. Many doctors recomk mend Nujol because of its gentle action on Beeause Carole Lombard does not the bowels. Dont like turkey and cannot eat it withconfuse Nujol with out an expression of disgust, a propunknown erty man on the Fools for Scanproducts. dal set had to fix up something that looked like a turkey leg, but wasnt, for a scene of hers. He just stripped a turkey leg, wrapped it with roast beef, and Carole was able to play the scene with required enthusiasm. MESCAL IKE B, s. Account of It Seemed Like a Good Idea L. HUNTLEY motion- CONSTIPATED FINNEY OF THE FORCE Delinquent k INSISXONGENUINENUJO Hollywood players, equally weary of crowds, are joining a movement For some time Barbara Stanwyck has lived on a HOTEL BEN LOMOND POP TAKING FOR YOUR INSOMNIA ' N o! BUT THEN 1 WANT TO DOES THAT MAKE YOU SLEEP STAY AWAKE 9 Q Win-ning- OGDEN, UTAH Booms 356 Baths $2.00 to $4.00 Family Booms for 4 persons $4.00 K PORT NOW AND THEN YOU ranch quite remote from Hollywood and recently the hinterlands have claimed Myrna Loy, Charles Kay Francis, Clark Gable, Robert Taylor and Carole Lombard. I' A GLASS OF WHAT ARE Kay Francis Clark Gable By J. MILLAR WATT When a Man Doesnt Miss Sleep 15 Air Cooled Loungo and Lobby Coffee Shop s . Tap Boom Grill Boom Homs of Rotary Kiwanig Executives 0 Exchange Optima Chamber of Commerce and Ad Club. There is no unemployment problem these days among the HollyExtras wood studio hairdressers. appearing with Norma Shearer in Marie Antoinette require the daily services of one hundred and fifteen hairdressers, who draw a total wage of two thousand dollars. k HOTEL BEN LOMOND Com. a. yoi ar. T. E. Fitzgerald, Mgr. NU 838 W Personal Burdens liifes heaviest burdens are se our own hands bind upon r backs. Grace Arundel. HELBKIDNEYS To Get Rid of Add nd Poisonous Waste Tour idneys help to keep yon seed filtering wata matter by constantly from tbo blood. If your kidneys get fractionally disordered sad fail to rsatovo oxcem Impurities, thero may bo poisoning of tbo whoio system nod distress. Banking, seaoty or too frequent may bo a warning ol soms kidney pr Wnddsr disturbance. Yoa may suffer negring barkarhot perrirtant koadarbs, attar-- of duuuneea, swriiing, pomnww gotting M ttlghta, andor the sym fam weak, nervous, nU piayod oat. p sack ream It It bettor to vofy an I msdlciao that baa won nouatry-wid- o oa something Um favor anrisn than Uso Dean's f'Uis. A multi uhy knowa. tadn ol grumfol eena. Art fear amgkbar t body-wl- D'OlNSRILLS Rumor has it that several of Ray Bolgers best scenes were cut out of Rosalie, but he does not care any more because he is to be rewarded with stardom in Snug HarAudiences at the preview of bor. the Goldwyn Follies were so enthusiastic over Phil Baker that Sam Goldwyn ordered his salary doubled on his next picture. Third of the trio on whom good luck smiled this week ii Frances Dee. Paramount was so impressed by her work in Wells Fargo" and her current Marching Herds that they have given her a glamorous role opposite George Raft in Racing Form. k 0 BQ Syndicate dD ...f C Western Kcwapeper He Teacher (pointing to a doer at the zoo Tommy, is that? Tommy what kind of animal Gee, 1 dunno. Teacher Oh, come now. What does your sister call your brother? Don't tell Tommy Gosh! that's a louse! Lets SOW SfWULS 6UPOH1.V ( Ol! Of ar.pinG WISMW& hum to SHOW m comp usih6 ii WUJLP SS Fgfttf it Sff WHdf FH Of HI5 CfrttP WHO IS Sifts KfilWS to get married. They tell of a shiftless character Nothing doing. Im just as who into bed one night after a sensible as I look. Stray Storiess coon piled bunt, with all his clothes on, Magazine. including boots. After a while his wife shook him, Get up. You got e your shoes on. Im a coin collector. To which he mumbled, Thats all So am I! Lets get together and talk over old times. Boys Life. right They ain't my good ones RfToaf is pliXjI rate fell) 00 sop girl. She raftfi) Q3BE0 To WiKDOW WfAJrtfR Jrium contained in BOTH Pepsodent Tooth Powder and Pepsodent Tooth Patte r!ivof twin StPDftt ypi Is 11 pgr, T graft Porsnf w galKlSllCnlO it loor a I sit SCO mu .pot Wi rfpot. tf'S SncwiHfe ' 14 it s pay 1 tt fi. S.fP fj Sttto tvs cits twits, OV I. . warfj it t vaap as UNO JJ4 anow jut ft fgt fjoli SMM POWN tw frff IrOwli VoH Im t . . When your mirror What a kick show you teeth that sparkla and thine with all their glorious natural radiance! How thankful you'll be that you decided to try Pepsodent containing lnuml See bow wonderful Inum help Pepsodent Service SHE GAVE UP! You look like a sensible wooer Tocserst rue u,v nwinw ft 5 to ivtttvrsi twist Lf m weoow ODDS E,DS Don ITUson. Jack lleruiys announcer, plays himself red Astaire in Radio City ReteU and James Cagney are inseparable pals these days, tier since Cagney reviled his old days as a hoofer m Something to Sing About he has been dance mad . Ilenny Youngman long on the Kata Smith hour made a tremendous hit in a Hollywood night club Kith tha result that you Kill be seeing him m motion pictures soon . . . Hick Rowell is dissatisfied with his radio program and threatens to walk out on it if he is not given more authority os er what appears on the program Union. That Was Why MY GOODNESS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS THE NEW SLED WNU gently brush away dulling, clinging sur e from tooth enamel. See your teeth glisten and gleam aa they naturally should! .And Pepsodent containing Irium WORKS SAFELY I Contains NO BLEACH. NO ORIT NO PUMICE. Try It today! face-statn- G V .4s.- - 'll u |