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Show immnr ( J-MA- PHARMACY RT 656 NORTH MAIN NEPHI, UTAH PHARMACIES America's largest voluntary chain i ? V... 0 .Gillette wid Rklo?r NOSTALGIC CHINA DOLL Beautifully detailed doll dressed in an old fashioned costume Porcelain face, hands and feet with cloth body. 18" tall Ass't costumes 0 7 U j 3 PIECE LIGHTEN Y Afsj GIFT SET mr&- s 9ri Set includes two disposable butane lighters & beautifully decorated table lighter base. 25 13.98 -- 'TIo ' vtY 'J vnvn VALUE 104 SET v; 4544 VA - ? jKinr &k , fcro' u fu" BATTERY Grand Prix racing is the theme . . . shoot the boll into the 18"xl0" playing field and keep it in play by using the flippers Each time you hit the bumper, lights flash and bells ring for automatic scoring Fun for ihe whole family. 4 'D" batteries not included AUTHENTICALLY ms 3S a. i Pills! Plus! Pillsbuiy Plus r;rr. JaiKiU piLLseymr njr, CAKE MIXES New improved . . . moist 8. tasty. Your choice yellow, devils food or white. S , v; 5W 19.98 k 107 I .r 89' S, vt o A17 4 :V VALUE c j OPERATED PINBALL MACHINE GAME Alltel DETAILED i VL -- ' Isis EACH , , YYZS--- c .11 j 5 '.m m BORDEN CHOCOLATE LB. CAN COOKED HAM 88 1.09 VALUE REYNOLDS WRAP ALUMINUM FOIL 1 CHIPS Rich chocolate flavored chips for holiday baking. 12 oz. bag VALUE i 25 square foot roll. 43' 1; EACH VALUE Naturally juicy, boneless ham imported from Holland 7(0 A'ti I Irf K ' 3S 1 sSctS'CH 10 7 IN WHAT DOES PLATES Ctsm) ? 10&s. VALU-RIT- E PHARMACIES MEAN TO YOU? cU co'e d p posl'c pw n0P!iWms3 ona sixes an1 d - goo Asst m to,unts. 79 5 -- j 34 Pharmacy has joined hundreds of other independent pharmacies ail over the United States in a combined effort to oHer you new and unique merchandise at the lowest prices to be fo.ynd anywhere in the country. Major chain store prices combined with Hospitality and professional service BY 10 DAY SALE STARTS TODAY SUPPLEMENT TO NEPHI TIMES-NEW- S DESERT NEWS AND SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 931 17 Wl JtfSWVI THi KMT TO UMII QUANTITItS MOUUI Micts AM THOM SUdOfSTM IT OU tUMUMS. |