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Show the filing of the 706 form. from It summarizes any gifts that have been made at any time during the lifetime of the deceased. Thats one of the reasons Commercial tight sand why we need to keep wells are already producbecome part of his records and really give ing billions of cubic feet a estate. If the property is serious attention to the year from reserves sold or if the receiver matter. estimated in the trillions, dies, the property imThe Utah State Hodgson says. mediately becomes tax- University Extension able. Service has been helping Across the country for Its important perpeople in estate planning wells for drilling coal sons to know the basis workshops held in seams to bleed of for declaring a value various counties of the methane gas are going whenever he receives a state. More workshops into opreation. Harvey gift of property or an in- are being scheduled to Price, Houston heritance because the help people in these mat- petroleum experts says: value will affect the ters important to their We think production own peace of mind and could reach a trillion capital gain over time. of cubic feet a year by 1985, Keep in mind that at financial the time of the death of family members, Cle- the equivalent of 40 the property owner, In- ment said. million tons of coal ternal Revenue Service If some of you are in- with no environmental appraisers evaluate any terested in receiving problems. property that has been some assistance on this given away over $3,000 program, let me hear Perhaps the largest unand every farm. The ap- from you and we will see tapped reserves hide in praisal is triggered with what we can get going. Continued pressure. Soviet scientists talk world of a 30,000-yeasuply trapped in those r ix Gas, oil Blaine well-bein- made of water and gas that solidify naturally underground at certain of. $6500 00 Half-acr- e building lot Beautiful location. All utilities 1IOMI provided DIMOIM Call Ann Spotten 623-137- Paul Bigler LUih or 1 465-253- 5 Nebo Agency West 100 South - Payson, Utah Please Call 465 2152 197 tast Payson, Realty South Main Call-623-022- - 100 North UT. - 465-253- 5 jOne day service on Auto Class, Homej Glazing, Nephi 1 Sliding Doors, Screens andi :Rescreening, Mir-- i rors 5 older Lovely bedroom home in Nephi. Completely remodeled. A good in- to into. Large lot just the right price $35,000 Call Dovey Clemens or Bert's Body !& Glass 96 West Center vestment. Ready move 462-254- 1 Three-bedroo- MUR 36 Lots and Acreage 623-199- 110 N 800 t Payson, Utah 465-142- choose to from. 3 Hansons Home Service Center Check with us for your home needs! We have several 9 lashion - IXL & More kitchen Cabinets For all your Real Estate Needs. Cali Bird Solid Vinyl Siding - Hardware 21 Century Appliances All Western 36 South Main - Nephi 623-022- 1 gas-ric- Alaska, ocean h North sediments beneath the Beaufort Sea north of Quality Products Professional Advice kitchens our specialty not a side line f Entry A TV set for sale (,ood shape, has not been used j B & VV 49 very mm h ( all 62 1 1062 Reduted for quick sain 1974 Plymouth Satellite New tires, new brakes new starter motor Excellent condition $1 195 See tom lervort 165 North Sixth tast Nephi, 621 49 67 Chevy Impala New tires Air Address - Cut out, color and then take to any Nephi Chamber Member Mom or Dad and register for the contest! with-- ' 6. i&C' chambers, courthouse, Nephi, Utah The purpose of the meeting is to hear public comment on the proposed amendments to the county zoning ordinance Copies of tne proposed changes are available at the of-e of the county clerk 49 49B B lT 6r F7he BOARD OF OIL, 623 10O0 49 1974 ( happarai 440 snowmobile liquid tooled Low miles $800 or best otter Phone 621-046levari 49 1971 Dodge Charger RT New tires $1800 or best otter Phone 621-046Levan 49 Need something foi that person who has everything try a (afra set Be sure and order before UTAH INSURANCE 33 South Main NEPHI, UTAH Agent - Broker f HL SI ATI Of UTAH TO AIL OPERATORS, TAKERS OF PRODUCTION, MINI RAL AND ROYAL fY OWN! RS AND PARTICULARLY AIL OIL AND GAS PROUUf ERS IN THE STALE OF II service station and clerk wanted to work afternoons and weekends. Must be 21 years old Contact Don Olsen at Whiting Bros Sta- 49 tion, wanted mechanic Experienced at Parkin Motor Good fringe benefits Commission Apply in person, 131 South Main, Nephi Ask for Harold 49 50 623-992- Services B Wanted Set of used Wanted to buy drums Contact Chris Neilsen at 623 1344 48-5- Wanted to buy set of used bunk beds Call Vance at 47ttb or Sonya at 623-052- 5 623-039- 0 f AH Notice is hereby given that the Board of Oil, Gas, and Mining, State of Utah, will conduct a hearing on Wednesday, December 20 1978, at 9 a m in the Exec utive ( onforence Room, Holiday Inn, 1b59 West North Temple, Salt Late City, Utah, in the above entitled matter, at which time all persons, firms, and corporations interested may, it they sc desire, apnear and be heard Notice is further given that the purpose ot said hearings will be to determine whether or not the Board ot Oil, Gas, and Mining shall enter an Order increasing the ' Oil and Gas Conservation Mill Levy" from the present rate ot one and one half mills (Ii) on the dollar value, to the maximum two mill (2) rate as authorUtah ized by Section Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, for the purpose of paying the expenses of administration of the Oil and Cas Conservation Act DATED this 1st day of Decem, ber, 1978 STATE OF UTAH BOARD OF OIL, GAS, AND MININC Is Scheree Wilcox Secretary of the Board Division ot Oil, Cas, and Mining 1588 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Phone (801)513-577- noticF CEOTHERMAL TF RESOURCES LEASE OFFERING CEOTHERMAL UTAH OFFERING NO 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Bureau of land Man- RESOURCES U LEASE S agement, Utah State Office, University ( lub Building, 136 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Notice is hereby given that seven (7) leasing units of land, totaling 7,138 28 acres within the Crater Springs, Part time mini-mark- 623-119- 9 623-025- 0 NOTICE OF HEARING CAUSC NO 181 1 Help Wanted 15tf LARRY PETERSON Phone ( Mobile home spaces Pineda le Park Water and sewer paid Call 4 Don Royce at 623 1148 Office space for rent Main Street location Contact Juab tfB Medical Clinic, 6234)775 623-047- 1 CENTRAL IN-1 HE ( CONSIDERING Of Ttlt OIL AND GAS LEVY ONSIKVATION MILL REASI 50B 623-172- 8 I 9 BONDS LIFE ION I One bedroom home for rent in Nephi All utilities paid $145 00 per month Six month lease Call am now taking applications for piano and guitar lessons for beginers and advanced students Please stop by at 26 North Sixth 49 East, Nephi We II clean your rugs or rent you our Blue Lustre, Host, or Rug Doctor machine for you to do to reyour own Call serve your machine or to make an appointment for us to clean your carpets at your convenience Chapman Furniture Co 27 4tfB South Main We maintain a wedding gift list on all tast Juab County weddings! $1 00 or $2 00 amounts 4 D Plumbing and Builders' Supply, 66 South Mam, Nephi FARMOWNERS HOMEOWNERS Of Oil, CAS, ,AND MMNC I, PON IIS OWN MO- - For Rent Fast Ninth North or call FIRE THE OF MATTER THE BOARD Remodeling Building Kitchen off Forsey s, 42 cabinets, 50 9ttB South Main, Nephi Rent a 1 5 passenger van for your club, family, or large group (all 20tfb Painter Motor, 6234)686 We carry caipets and hneoleum If you are thinking about new carpets, let us give you a quote 9ttB Forsey's, 42 South Main See Chapman Furniture, 27 South Main, Nephi for ail your floor covering needs 28 years of 26tfb installation experience 50 AUTO IN 52 623 1711 Broad head, INSURANCE GAS AND MINING, Ul PARI MENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES , 49 Randy Burkett, 623-021Used dishwasher Built in model $79 Ralph Wilson, 623-03950 Beds by night, Corner unit couch with bolster pillows by $80 or best thy Good condition otfer Warrens, 623-050- 5 50 Rose beige studio couch and c flair Harold Warner 346 South First West Nephi 623 1616 50 ! f. c , December 11 to ensure Christ mas delivery ( all JoAnn Winn 6210614 49 lq76 hampion mobile home 14 x 56 two bedroom washer dryer cooler underskirting Call 4 16 8761 Moroni 49 Real cute childrens tables All wood Sturdy construction Picnic style with durable Formica top and padded naughahyde seats Seats four children nicely and can be used in most any room lust $10 See lo apprec rate at 195 North First West Moroni or call to order, 416 871 5 49 Hanging chain lamps Glass tub enclosures Call 623 0622 49 1972 mobile home 14 x 70 in ex- ellent condition On permanent foundation Driveway sidewalk chain link fence Fully land scaped with building lot Call 56 two-stor- , conditioning Good condition Best of ter (all 6211967 or com miss loners' county I 10 50 Billy Lunt at 623 041 3 1977 Honda motorcycle Only 1,000 miles Perfect condition Recently tund Book at $1100 Make offer Call 623 0549 from 8am to 12 noon or after 10 pm 50 Phone. - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held January 8, 1979 at 1 p m m the family home on ovely acre lot at 285 tast first North m Mona llwee bedrooms one bath, double carport fireplace, enclosed patio and two decks HA Gary 912 6614, $52 000 51 Mane. 6210144 Small beautitul player piano with bene h and rolls Easy terms 51 Williams Music Co Provo All new lowrey organs on sale Williams Music Big savings 51 ( ornpany Provo 374 1481 Brand new piano with hem h delivery and tuning Walnut oak, or pecan finish Beautiful deal only $995 while they last 51 Williams Mu, re Co Provo Several used upright pianos in excellent condition All on sal,' Just nght for ( hristmas Williams 51 Music Co Provo new used and 200 Over pianos ami organs on sale Small down of See terms easiest payment us now for Christmas delivery 51 Williams Music Co Provo Player piano rolls and bench pads An ideal gift for ( hristmas Excellent selection Williams Music Co, Provo Open friday nights till 9 p m until Christmas 51 beginning November 24 Eor all the best prices on Rl A and Sylvania TV. see Forsey s 46 South Mam, Nephi, Utah 48 51B 12tool fiberglass boat with 10 HP motor I ike new (Used approximately 8 hours) Call "l 623 1711 75 Olds Regency 98 Excellent condition Loaded with extras I 12 inch See at 1 South I For Sale Doll clothes for Christmas Barbie and Ken doll sizes 13, 14, 15, and 16 inch Call Rose Shepherd at 623 1365 or Mary Madsen at 62 102 33 50 Fresh rut Christmas trees for sale at Steele Brothers, 725 North Third East, 580 North Fifth fast and 394 East 1 (XI South 50 12 x 55 Champion mobile home Name. Age and Classifieds ntact Kathleen 623 1634 ChC Christmas Coloring Contest Official Form more Lost and Found America. Girl's snowmobile suit, size 1u Real good condition $10 Co- Nephi Area Chamber of Commerce with hydrate indications off the Atlantic coasts of And seismic evidence Glass Service Western miles of permafrost. A All of shows signs thousands of square mense amounts of gas believed to be beneath vast expanses of Soviet Complete 623-022- 1 ACERAGE! im- and temperatures MONA MVIliUJU the layers underground mobile home. Well taken care Now in Utah: State Farm Newer Home Discount. If your home p, less than 7 yeai s old, you can save wit h Stale Farm From MG for brand new homes to 2t7i for old homes Save up to 15 more with State Farm Home Alert. I f your home has fire detection or burglary protection devices, you can quality for other discounts. Start saving now, Call layers, including methane hydrates, g Save up to t'Po on Homan i neis insurance 29 page two Monroe-Joseph- ' , Roosevelt Hot Springs mo Hot Springs' known resources areas m Beaver, Juab, Millard, and Sevier Counties, Utah, are offered for geothermal resources leasing through sealed bids to the qualified bidders of the highest cash amount per acre or fraction thereof All bids must be submitted on or before 10am, MST, December 13, 1978 Sealed bids may not be nodified or withdrawn unless such modification or withdrawal is received before that time The offering will be held at 10 30 a m , MST, December 13, 1978, in Room 1408 of the University Club Building A detailed statement of the terms and conditions of the lease offering, bid forms, and other required forms may be obtained from the Bureau of Land Management, Utah State Office and-Ther- -) TOR BIDS CALI The Juab School District Board of Education will accept bids for a new eighty-fou- r (84) passenger school bus These bids will be submitted prior to the regular meeting of the board on December 20, 1978 at 7 30 p m in the Juab School District Office, 305 East First North, Nephi, Utah 84648 The specifications can be secured at the district office address as listed with all specifications meeting federal transportation requirements By order of the Board of Education Juab School District Sheri D Ferre, Published in the Times-New- s November 30 and December 7, Clerk-Treasur- Notices TV REPAIR All Makes Antenna Instalation Skyline TV & Of Ephraim Serving Nephi CB Twice a Week Call Forsey's or Nielson's 623-064- 3 623-053- 6 For Appointment Something County New For luah We have extra photos as well as original negatives of high school basketball teams, graduation classes, football teams, also church groups, bishoprics, club pictures, Relief Society singing mothers, and various other groups If you don't have or want one, there is still time while we have the original negatives We can make them at prices we charged ten years ago No negatives or prints will be available after December 31, 1978 We have at present a nice selection of beautiful natural color scenic views of Mt Nebo These are the last at present prices Come and see us Fred 49 Chapman, 275 North Mam A wedding reception for Sandra Dansie and Kay Rasmassen will be held Dec ember 1 5 from 7 to 9 pm at the Payson tast Stake Center, 76 South Sixth East Friends and relatives are invited No formal invitations will be 50 sent When you want a Santa Claus tor this year's parties, think Hap White He will arrange to Santa to visit your party or gathering low rates Call 6210344 or 623 9909 MINUTE MAN Forsey's will be open each Sunday from 1pm to pm for your shopping convienre Including December 24th tor all the late Santa's helpers Forsey's - 42 South Mam. B Nephi s Classified ads are payable m advance, except to businesses or others who have arcounts with us The deadline for classified advertising is Tuesday at the rfose of business We will take classified ads over the phone, but they must be paid by the deadline or they will not tun Do you plan on submining a photo tor public at'on m (be 1 irnes News Please bring a st i mped envelope addressed to tor the yourself rhoo f return Photos submitted without such '('turn envelopes will 6e l.w ad ed after it ecr public ation 3Atf t SERVICE CO. 49-5- 1 Times-New- Refrigeration and Apphanc P Spec laliMs Sec, ,ng most of luah Counts factory Franchised t Santo's Helpers. Busy making toys in Santa's Work Shop at the florlh Pole. Mrs. Santa helps with the work. Color it. Ser- - ice S We Spruce rrosf a 'I nr a or branch of Appliances Whir'p'Hii CF n K at ben A el, Maytag, Sea's t Von and (H bnif t Ml Weil Mam Ml Pleasant. Utah 462-266- stwwwmwwAv 1978 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Ceorge R and Mrs Jill Jackson, Star Rt , Nephi, Utah 84648, have filed with the State to Engineer Appl. 52213 (53-66appropriate 0 015 sec ft of water in Juab County The water is to be diverted from a well, 100 500 ft deep, at a point N 220 ft & E 850 ft from SW Cor Sec 20, T12S, R1E, SLB&M (4 5 mi S Mona), and used from JanltoDec 31 purposes of for the domestic 1 family and stockwatering of 50 cattle; and used from April 1 to Oct 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 ac in SW.SW. Sec 20, T12S, R1E, SLB&M Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in the State duplicate 231with E 400 S., SLC, Engineer, Utah 84111 on or before Jan 6, 1979 Dee C Hansen STATE ENCINEER Published in the Nephi Times-New- s Nov 23, 30, & Dec 7, 1978 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Jprold Hall, P O. Box 34, levan, Utah 84639, has filed with the State Engineer Appl 52261 to appropriate 0 015 sec. ft of water m Juab County. The water is to be diverted from a well ft deep, at a point N 360 ft W 115 ft from 4 T15S. R1W, SE Cor Sec SI B&M (3 5 mi SW levan), and used from Jan 1 to Dec 31 for the strx kwafering of 250 cattle, 20 horves, and used from April 1 to Oct 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 ac in SE SE Sec 4, ((6-259- ) 100-40- T1SS Rl W, SLB&M Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons Iherrdore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 231 f OS, SIC. I tah 64111 on or before (an 13, 1979 De C Hansen - PuM-she- STATE ENGINEER in the Nephi Timev-NewNov 30 Dec 7,14 1979 s , |