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Show Earthworms are good backyard cash crop lia, earthworms may grow Earthworms may be tasteless, spicy, or like coconuts, dates, or almonds. The red worms are for cooking. They must be boiled briefly in each of four changes of water, then drained, spread on a cooky sheet, and baked until crispy. Then they may be chopped up, pulverized with a rolling pin, or left whole before adding to the cooky batter. sev- eral feet long and as thick as a finger. When baked, supposedly they taste like pork sausage. If you are a gardener or a gourmet, this is a story for your. It's about earthworms. The United States is experiencing an earthworm explosion, the National Geographic society says. The nations worm-raisin- g business is booming, thanks tc the widening interest in chemical-free gardening. The North American Bait Farms, Inc., of Ontario, Calif., which claims to be the countrys worm commercial biggest breeder and marketer, sold 61 tons of them last year or 248.000.- 000 worms. The entire industry produced an estimated 1.000.- 000.000 worms. The dietary worthiness of their produce prompted the of Ontario to sponsor a recipe s contest. Among the recipes: earthworm and pineapple meatloaf, wormburgers, ver de terre (earthworm in and French) stuffed peppers ver de terre. bait-breede- rs 200-plu- The earthworm well-name- d surprise Night crawlers, the five-inc- h earthworms that founded the fortune of many a farm boy, taste too wormy, except to fish. applesauce cake bait-selli- won 1500. Food companies credit the Utah Agricul- tural Experiment Station with breeding into tomatoes the wilt disease resistance that gives all modern tomato varieties their vigor . The annual investment of 20 thousand dollars In this program returns 20 million dollars each year in benefits. That means more, better and cheaper food for American consumers. Fish Hooks, Flower Beds Lots of them ended up on fish hooks, but most of the production now wiggles along under lawns and flower beds where, say their fans, the worms constantly aerate the dirt and manufacture astonishing amounts of topsoil. Some of the worms also end up in oatmeal cookies, purposely baked into place by worm-eater- s who sometimes talk evangelically about the crunchy natural goodness, especially of red wig-gler- s. The little girl who felt sorry for herself and proclaimed, Nobody loves me Im going to go eat worms! probably had a good, healthy idea, the way worm-eatesee it. Earthworms are about 70 percent protein, high in vitamin D, and low in calories. MIDk rs is a natural, for people on the go! Know Value Primitive peoples around the world know their food value and are big worm eaters. In Austra The Times-New- 2A Milk has a way with foods Try a refreshing cold glass with your meal and see Milk is a natural. s Nephi, Utah April 29, 1976 UTAH DAIRY COMMISSION sumG K dl e ex .vexW'.'&vsvs: ' H -- I jluu AwXVMt . fc1 N Hof Caps - Tillers We stlil have Some Seeds Como In And See Our ride Selection of PORTER - REDUCED TO Culfivafors-Klowe- rs Rakes - Shovels Anything you need for your Garden PLUMBING & BUILDERS' SUPPLY 6i South Main - Kephi, Utah 4-- D (23-119- 9 |