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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 STJjt' Stewardship TV LISTENING DEVICE for the Hard of Hearing Mr. and Mrs. Farren Anderson and sons Kirk and Wesley of Granger visited in Levan during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Soil Stewardship Week will Erin Poulsen and Mr. and Mrs. Dave be observed nationwide May 16 Winn. to 23, according to DeVon Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood had as publicity chairman of the Juab Soil Conservation District. This their guests last Thursday, in honor of observance places emphasis on Mr. Wood on his birthday anniversary: mans obligation to God as Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood of Provo, Mrs. stewards of the soil, water and Delma Bennett of Holden. Also: Mr. related resources. Woods sister, Mrs. Hazel Hannon; and Governor Rampton has offic- his brother and sister in law, Mr. and ially proclaimed this week for Mrs. Clyde Wood all of Holden. On all citizens of the state to pause of Wood Mr. Mrs. Dean Salt and Friday, and give thanks to our Creator for the good earth we have in- Lake City visited at their home. herited and for the bounties of On Thursday, May 6, in the Levan life which we enjoy. Hall, the Lions Club of Levan conCity Theme this year is The ducted their ladies night Preparing the World and They That Dwell dinner for the affair were President and Therein.' Mrs. G. W. Worwood, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Christensen, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard. Others present were Senior Citizens Hews Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Dean as has been declared Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Poulsen. May Senior Citizens month. On Wed- Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mont nesday, May 5, the Senior Cit- Shepherd of Levan, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis izens held their weedly meeting Lowe of Oklahoma and Jerry Beard of with 24 present. They enjoyed Nephi who presented several musical films on nature, and spent the selections. Martin Poulsen was installed afternoon visiting and enjoying as a new member of the club. refreshmets. On May 19 Senior Citizens Marlene Anderson and Edith Kahoilua will hold their banquet at noon. of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Each attending must have a Winter of Levan were dinner guests at card and bring the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Anmembership their own dishes. Call Mrs. Ver-d- derson on Mothers day. 7 Kendall at for resDinner guests at the home of Mr. and ervations, as soon as possible Mozart Larsen and his orchest- Mrs. Dwight Anderson on Mothers day ra will furnish music for old were Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Sanford of time dancing and listening Sutherland. This Is a special offer of a TV Device. Those who have trouble understanding the speaker at church meetings, if you fall to hear the telephone or like the TV or radio turned louder . . if you HEAR but do not always UNDERSTAND, this WILL BE A GREAT HELP! This offer is made to introduce you to a new, amazinghearing ly tiny device. MAY HURRY OFFER NOT BE REPEATED! To receive a free TV Listening Device, Just send your name, address, zip code to TV LISTENER P. O. Box 240 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 Please send free TV LISTENER Name Address City, State Zip Water repellent and acid resistant for life Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hodson and three children of Midvale spent Mothers day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard. Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bendixen were Mrs. Ramona Hoyt and children of Levan; Terry Hoyt, a student at the BYU in Provo; also a granddaughter Miss Ann Bendixen and a boy friend. Miss Bendixen is a student at BYU and her home is in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tobler and family, all of Salt Lake City spent Mothers day with Mrs. Grace P. Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jarrett of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin Anderson of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Poulsen and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rosquist of Levan all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Erin Poulsen on Mothers day. Mothers day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Paystrup included: Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pay-stru-p and three children of Springville! Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Squire and three children of Sandy; Paul Paystrup of Provo; Miss Debbie Wolf of Payson; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Paystrup, Carl Paystrup and Patricia Paystrup of Orem. 623-118- Please, hard of hearing persons only 1 1 Weather Report Nephi News Briefs , Mothers day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ingram were her mother, Mrs. Fern Francom of Moroni; a sister, Mrs. Doris Buhler of Payson; a son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ingram and son Bart of Cedar City; and a son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Christensen of Nephi. of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shepherd and Mrs. Randy Memmott and baby Stacy of Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Shepherd, daughter Terri and son Jacob of Levan. NEPHI STATION Date 13, Page Five 1971 mv m On May 7, Mrs. Evan Frampton entertained in honor of Cory Frampton on his birehday anniversary. The honored young man and 28 guests enjoyed Later in the games and refreshments. evening, guests atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frampton were Mr. and Mrs. De Loye Anderson, Mrs. Mary Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Broadhead and family; also Rodney, Wesley and Lori Ann, brothers and sister of the honored guest Cory. WEST Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gerhart and son Charles of Murray spent Mothers day with Mrs. Rosa Gerhart. WESTERN SHIRTS AND SLACKS TO FIT EVERYONE! Ladies, Men's, Childrens - Permanent Press Mr. and Mrs. Lester Broadhead and children William and Elizabeth visited in Nephi on Mothers day with Mrs. Olive J. Broadhead. They also visited with Mrs. Lela Fowkes, Mrs. Vivian B. Wing, Mrs. Thelma Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trowbridge, and with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Memmott and family. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Collard included Mrs. Dean Collard and two children, Mrs. Kathleen Callaway and two children, and Mrs. Ina Jones and son, all of Monticelio. Also Mothers day guests were Mrs. Clare Palmer and two children of South Jordan and Mrs. Larry Lunt and son of Nephi. SUMMER IS HERE! It's straw hat time and we have your size in stock OTn) Mr. and Mrs. Milton Larsen and four children of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seat and children of Tooele, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey and children of Ogden visited with their mother, Mrs. Carl L. Wilkey, on Mothers day. '0JJgJDay VOLKSWAGEN Mothers day visitors at the home of Mothers day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd were Mr. and Mrs. Garth Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shepherd and daughter Robin 11 Nephi News Briefs Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Francom were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Francom of American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francom and family of Lehi; Lynn Francom and family of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Francom and daughter Carolyn of Kaysville. Week Begins free Thursday, May News of Your Friends in Levan IIERVE DEAFI1ESS? FREE! SuitCO-iWtU- G Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nyman of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Berg of Heber City; Mr. and Mrs. Sharles Rose and children Kristine and Shannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lewis and children Lori and Bryan of Salt Lake City. 195 & FOREIGN CAR REPAIR East Third South, Nephi, Utah - Phone Miss Carol Jackson of Salt Lake City 623-105- spent Mothers day week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jackson. Day 0 or Night tymow fiascafir THE FRIENDLY STORE AT 56 EAST CENTER IN NEPHI PHONE 623-11- 31 May 10. Wade through rivers and streams, stalk over the most rugged terrain; this boot can take it, and keep you dry and comfortable. At the end of the day a wipe with a cloth is all the care it will ever need. The sole and heel feature nonslip lug crepe to keep you on your feet and comfortable. Speed lacing is another convenience feature of this boot. If you're a man of action this is the action boot. List of Patients IGA Patients at the Juab County Hospital Wednesday morning LaMont Blackham, included: Zella Carter, Levan; Moroni; Zelda L. Jones, Oak City; Gay Nell Majors, Sp. Fork; Cecil Morris, Nephi; Donna Quam-berScipio; Reuben Stephenson, Levan; Louise Williams, Mills; Sandra Worthington, Nephi; Elsie Zufelt, Mt. Pleasant. BRANDS SALE IGA BREAD Reg. 41.00 5 loaves 100 IGA EGGS Grade - - dozen 29 Med. g, WOLVERINE New Babies . . CARTER CLEANERS 123 So. Main Pll. 623D148L. Clow-ar- d Jr. of Santaquin are parents of a daughter bom May 12 at Juab County Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Swain, Payson, Mr. and Mrs Russell Cloward, Santaquin; great grandparents are Mrs. Floyd Cloward, Santaquin and T. J. Wadsworth, Salt Lake City. Vi cans - - 3 for 89c IGA FLOUR Qb bag 79 No. .in PICKLES-1- Ml IGA DILLS - 22 oz Except Beef ea. EACH 69c 49c IGA SUGAR WAFERS 3 for 1.00 lOozpkgs IGA CANNED POP -- IGA 4--D 9c SALT -- Regular or Iodized 26 OZ 11c IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE 46 oz tans 3 for 1.00 IGA PEAS 303 s 4 cans 1.00 i IGA CAKE MIX Full 18 OZ size 3 for 89c IGA SALAD DRESSING C'JtoBWiDD (XfelKalS D0h SHANK PORTION 32 oz -4- 9c lb 98 - USDA CHOICE - pound 1 .29 CHUCK STEAK - USDA CHOICE - - -- b 59c POTROAST USDA CHOICE -l- b 69c IGA FRANKS - -- pound package 59c BAR S BACON--- ! pound package s, Made lb 89c CORNED SPRING FRYERS -- WHOLE lb 29c BONELESS 1 1 Lean-Ho- me Table Fresh Produce o GREAT FOR SLICING -- NEW FLORIDA -- 3 lb can 45c 2.39 IGA FLOUR 25 Pound bag 50 pound bag IGA SYRUP 1.98 3.79 44c IGA HEAVY DUTY 25 -- 49c FOIL-1- 8 3 22 oz 1 IGA pj3cfesai SOLID 77c IGA MARGARINE pound CHERRY TOMATOES FIRM AND TANGY - BUTTER o ananas mm trope, CUCUMBERS SWEET CORN gallon size .09 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK BEEF-Oelciou- 1 IGA COFFEE ---- 59c 49 BRANDS SALE IGA BLEACH 7-BO- NE - - 2 for 69c 24 oz bottle Fishing Uscenses, etc. UTAH 2 -- Kosher or I2oz-l0for8- PLUMBING & BUILDERS' SUPPLY - 22 oz for 69c IGA SALAD OIL - FISHING SEASON Fishing Tackle - Ice Chests - Barbeques - - NEPHI, 2 CUCUMBER- UM SEED - BUG SPRAYS LAWN SPRAYS SOUTH MAIN STREET Assorted lb--1- for69e oz- -2 IGA SLICED FERTILIZER - LAWN 66 JENO S PIZZA Sausage, Cheese, Hamb. SWANSON TV DINNERS MORRELL HAMS center slices, T BONE STEAKS -- USDA Choice, IGA PICKLES MIX OR MATCH IGA SWEET um your IMI for $1 . IGA CLING PEACHES in fn m IGA Fruit Pies 3 AA Mr. and Mrs. James R. SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLY IGA cup 19c each 7c 3 ears 29c 3 fr 180 IGA ICE CREAM Vi gallon carton 59c 1 lb packages |