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Show Universal Hicrofilming Corp. 141 Pfcerpont Avenue Salttt Lake cityy Utah GA101 Single Copy Nephi, Juab County, 10c "5 "vT leudiers, School Officials Next Thursday Arse sd Wew Salary l?ln editor ... To Workshop Ifl n .N BYU Lists Nine Dr. Edward Beaghler, and director of the Central Utah Mental Health Center at Provo will discuss ug addiction and alcoholism at the workshop to be held on Thursday, June 6 at the Juab Stake House. With him will bo several psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists who will give other discussions during the workshop. The public may attend as many of the departments listed below by time, title and discussion leaders, as they desire: 6 p.m. Disciplining children, with Jay Donaldson and Geoige Stanford. 6 p m. Communications Between Maiital partners, Dale Pearson. 6 p.m. Suicide Prevention Dr. Robert Bennion and Dr. V. M. Sevey. 7 pm. Problems of Aging Dr. Lloyd Cullimore, Elsa Harris. 7 p.m. Communications be tween Parent and Child Larry Washburn, Ray Burgoyne, Terry Jenkins 7 p.m. Drug Addition and A1 Dr. Edward Beaghcoholism ler, Swen Nielsen (BYU Security), Dale Pearson, 7 p.m. Changing Childrens Behavior Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain. 9 p.m. All of the sections will be repeated. At 8 p.m. a general meeting under the direction of County Commissioner Alton S. Gadd will be conducted. Grant Smith and Gene Gibbons of the Mental Health Center will explain the services available. Jay Donald son will tell about the regional child guidance services that have been doing work with the school children in Juab District for the past two years. Larry Washburn of the LDS Youth Guidance Committee will explain the Church program for fiding troubled youth. From Area as To phy-chiatii- st ) ' (',1 V. i AT DEDICATION of the Glen Worthington Park, adjacent to Logan High School, are Goan Worthington of Payson, Vida W. Ockey, Nephi, brother and sister of Glen Worthington; Mrs. Glen (Florence B.) Worthington and son Paul. Several other family members attended. New Pork of Logan Honors Memory of Former Nephite Located ajacent to the Logan High School is the new Glen 1 Worthington Memorial Park, honoring the memory f a Nephi native son who became one of the outstanding athletes of the state and who directed outstanding ahletic programs at the Logan High School and for the Logan area. Dedication ceremonies were held recently at the Park in Logan, and they were attended by sveral relatives of Mr. Worthington of the Nephi area and elsewhere. Principal speaker at the dedication ceremonies was EL L. (Dick) Romney, who coached Mr. Worthington during the four years he participated at the Utah Agricultural College, now Utah State University. Mr. Romney and other speakers lauded the outstanding achievements of Mr. Worthington and told of his guidance of youth of the area. reg that It appears Nephi is still to be classified as a small town! Anyway, an incident Tuesday morning brought out this fact and were glad to live in a place where this could happen: Mabel and Stella were heading back to their shop after a morning break at Nephi Drug as Juab Flower Removal Set At Nephi Cemeteries County Commissioner William D. Howard came out of their cleaning shop and headed towards his car . . and across the street sailed these words: Hey, Bill, do you want your In. order to facilitate proper oare and mowing of the lawns at the Nephi and Vine Bluff cemeteries, flowers will be removed from both cemeteries Miss Julia Nebeker starting on Monday, June 3. PROVO pants! ? Brigham Young Citizens of this area who Arent you glad you live in will use large or expensive con' University has announced the of 2,850 students who a community where all of us tainers for their floral tributes names are on a first name basis!!! and who wish to save them for will receive degrees at the 1968 reg another year, should arrange spring convocation on May 31. to pick them up prior to 8 a.m, Among the graduates are severHie irrigation water is on Monday. No flowers will be al from East Juab County and road-side small and in the on the graves that will several who are closely conleft nected with East Juab County Irrigation ditches . . and this interfer with the proper mow- families. time of year is when each Graduates noted from Miss Julia care Nebeker, and of the lawns. daught- ing Mom needs to keep an er of Mr. East Juab County, and whose Mrs. Thad M. and todon ever watchful eye the photographs are shown below Nebeker of Nephi, recently was dler who can be oat of sight crowned Miss are: Snow College. and into the water in Convention Called NEPHI Linda Marie Ingram Twenty-tw- o sponyoung ladies, flat! Daley, daughter of Mr. and sored by various campus orMrs. Leo Ingram; Gordon Lee reg ganizations, competed for the For Wed., June 5 Greenhalgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. the honor. rated Five judges we not often that Its dip candidates on Read Greenhalgh; George M. J. personalpoise, in its entirety a column from The Democratic County Con- MoCune, son of James P. Mo followand talent another newspaper, but this ity, beauty vention will be held at the Cune; Paul H. Ostler, son of week, because of its importance ing personal interviews, priv- Juab County Courthouse on Mrs. LeRoy T. Ostler; Roland to REX and to a host of others ate swim suit competition and Wednesday, June 5, at 8 Scott Nebeker, son of Mr. and p.m. in Nephi and from Nephi, weve the public talent show. The delegates elected at the Mrs. Thad M. Nebeker; RichsoMiss Nebeker the sang picked up (without permission, Democratic mass meetings held ard William Pace, son of Mr. too) the BATTLE CREEK prano solo One Fine Day from Monday May 27 will be the only and Mrs. Fred Pace; Marvin BREEZE from last week's issue the opera Madame Butterfly ones with but the Leon Williams, son of Mr. and voting of the Pleasant Grove Review. for her talent number. She public is stronglyrights, invited and Mrs. Charles Williams. will in Miss the Utah appear The Breeze is written by Karl MONA urged to be in attendance. Ac Morris Dale Young, Pageant during the summer. Banks, and follows . . . quote cording to Ivol S. White, Juab son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miss the Janice Washburn, Well sir, theres an old adage Democratic Central Young. County daughter of Mr. and Mrs. For- Committee that points out that If people est we are LEVAN Linda Lee Taylor chairman, was of Manti Washburn live long enough and take ad- named Miss expecting several county, state Tenney, daughter of Mr. and and first attendant, vantage of the opportunities Jannie Howell, daughter of Mr. and national candidates to vis- Mrs. Heber Taylor. that come along they will, in and Mrs. Demont Howell of it us on this evening. Others listed of Interest to time, experience almost everyof this area are: Afton residents was selected second as Such was the case Ephraim thing. Gibson Pace, daughter of Mr. are attendant. attendants Other Duncan at last Saturday night and Mrs. A. B. Gibson and wife Susan Plummer, daughter of Nephi News Briefs Manor in American Fork. of Jack S. Pace of Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Perry Plummer Lela and I attended a Ladies of and Nancy Albrecht Mrs. Harry J. Irons has four Grove; Olive Fowkes Stanley, Ephraim Night meeting of the Pleasant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. grandchildren graduating from sister of Earl Fowkes and Grove Kiwanls dub as the Keith Albrecht of Ferron. of Mr. and Mrs. Universities this spring. They daughter-in-laguests of Kiwanlan and Mrs. are Dennis J. Winter, Christina James R. Stanley of Mona; wife Leo P. Harvey. It was the Peterson and Zina P. Woods, of Daryl Stanley of Orem; Also first Kiwanls meeting for both from the BYU, and Sonya P. her daughter, Mary Afton Stanof us. of Orem. item Aycock from the University of ley, alsoinformation Another on grandNot knowing for sure, I supUtah. Husbands of two grand gives children of Mrs. Harry J. Irons pose there are Ladles Nights daughters also are graduating: and Ladles Nights for Kiwan-ian- s, Ronald Woods from the BYU of Nephi who are among the Ro tartans. Lions and what and Max Aycock from the U. of graduates. have you. But this one, staged U. Christina Peterson, Zina Woods and Sonya Aycock all by the local Klwanians last are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday night, was a little extra spedaL C. Ray Peterson of Boise, Ida' They and their ladies were honoring one of ho (Geneva Irons). their charter members for more than 50 years of service to his country, church and communYOUTH CATCHES ity. The charter member to whom WHOPPER honor was paid in music and the spoken word was A. B. With the official opening (Abe) Gibson, my boss and set for Saturday throughout associate in the publishing busthe state, a young Nephi fishiness for many years. That, no erman found that the open doubt, was the reason we were ear-round waters of Halt 72 tendered the invitation to at- Precipitation for week Greek still hold some big tend the dinner and testimonones! ial. Next June 1 it will be 18 While fishing last Saturday years since Abe picked me up as afternoon near the old gypa high school dropout and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt sum min, Kevin Brooks pullme to write a weekly col- - ' tertalned at a dinner Sunday, ed out a huge trout. DreWd, Mrs. and were Mr. umn for the Review. Some Guests the fish weighed 42 pounds later he asked that I ane Jensen and ArvUla Powers and was inches king. expand my writing to include I of Brigham City, and Ludean Good eating! Roland 8. Nebeker Park of Salt Lake City. Continued on page four -- Volume 59, Number 22 Public Invited by the The admonition to "Hire the Handicapped" has paid off in more than one instance. Many years ago, the Utah State Press Association, at the Salt Lake City office, acquired a clipping service. So you will not be misled by the word clipping, let us explain ln more detail. Each issue of each newspaper, including the daily papers, is read thoroughly. Any items of interest to, or mentioning subscribers to the clipping service, or their products, is "clipped" from the paper and 3ent on to the subscriber. Or it could provide information on published items on any subject or item in the papers which the subscriber desires. Well, to go back a few years a gentleman by the name of Rod Rasmussen was hired by the Association and its Manager to operate the said clip-- 1 ping service. This was nothing unusual . . men and women are and often hired every day fired the next! But Rod Rasmussen has been with the serhas pervice for many years haps read more newspapers intimately than anyone else in the state . . and has been on the job day in and day out, in spite of a handicap which has put him in a wheelchair during the larger part of his life. But now thing's will change in the as of office of USPA, Inc. this week end. Rod is going to that word that means retire its time for a rest and we extend to him our best wishes for a happy retirement day year to year! by day And theres another thing about Rod Rasmussen . . . you never would know, from his truly happy disposition that he had ever had a day of grief In his lifetime! Utah 84648, Thursday, May 30, 1968 As Graduates Snow College Honors Nephite Award Diplomas at Ephraim Institute to Information According received from the LDS Institute of Religion at Ephraim, adjacent to Snow College, President R. Roscoe Garrett of Juab Stake will present the diplomas to the graduates. The exercises will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m at the Ephraim West Ward chapel. Two Young Ladies on CSU Honor Roll Miss Donnette Yates of Mona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Yates, and Sherilyn Jepson of Nephi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Jepson are on the winter quarter honor roll of the College of Southern Utah according to the list received at s The this week. Times-New- The Board of Education flEDIII CII1 Juab School District has PfMI of 57500.00 in 13 years. An addit- lonal $100.00 per year will be ap- - 9 tne school year at a1 special board meeting on May 23. The new schedule represents a five per cent salary increase and also brings two new salary lanes Into effect. 1968-196- OPENS WEDNESDAY According to an announcement made Wednesday, the Nephi City Municipal Pool will be opened on Wednesday, June 5, starting at 1 p.m. Schedule of open hours will be the same as last season, it was announced. hours and $200 00 per year to those with 45 additional hours. A teacher with a Master degree can earn $8,000 after 13 years experience. W. Superintendent Ralph Menlove The new salary schedule also has been approved and accepted by the membership of the Juab Education Association. stated that the addit- ional money necessary to meet the new schedules will come from increased state support to the district, and a reduction In the number of staff members. Contracts are now being preTeachers will now be given salary consideration for addit- pared incorporating the new ional training following grad- salary schedules, Supt. Menlove uation from college. If a teach- stated. er has completed 25 quarter hours of work since graduation, he will be moved into lane two and 45 additional quarter hours of work will place the teacher In lane three. Lane four is for teachers who have received a master degree. A college graduate beginning Young men graduating from teaching experience will receive $5,200.00 per year, and the Juab High School were the can work up to a salary of guests of the Kiwanls Club of Nephi at the annual graduates luncheon meeting on WednesSnow Lists Graduates day, May 22. Dr. A. A. Boston, president the club, conducted the meetFrom East Juab County of ing and Lynn Wright, chairman of the Punblic Relations comGraduates from Snow College mittee acted as master of cerefrom the East Juab County monies. area have been announced this Miss Rhonda Stanley, Mona, week. They Include: Susan played several selections on the Broadhead, daughter of Mr. and piano. Mrs. Rulon Broadhead and L. Wilford Tolman, chairman of Scott Sparks, son of Mr. and the Design and Drafting DeMrs. Dee Sparks, both of Ne- partment of the Brigham Young phi; Von Earl Christensen, son University spoke on the value of Mr. and Mrs. James P. of higher education in our Christensen of Levan. Also on world of today, and of mans the list is Howard Mac Shaw, relationship to God. The guest son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton speaker was introduced by Shaw of Las Vegas, and grand- Lynn Brough. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaw Thirty-tw- o graduating young men were in attendance. of Nephi. Kiwanis Honors Boy Graduates Leah Sherwood Bosh Services Held Monday for Levan Matron Impressive funeral services were conducted Monday at the Levan Ward LDS Chapel for Mrs. Leah Sherwood Bosh, 85, who died May 23 at 12:05 p.m. In a Salt Lake convalescent home of natural causes. Bishop Golden R. Mangelson ot the Levan Ward conducted the services. Mrs. Bosh was bom August 23, 1882 at Sandy, a daughter of William and Mary Hansen Sherwood. She married Julius A. Bosh August 23, 1899 in Levan. Mr. Bosh died in 1939. Mrs. Bosh was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints and of the Chick en Creek camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. For many years she served as a midwife in Levan. Survivors are two sons; Clifton Bosh of Levan and Keith D. Bosh of Ogden; three daughters: Mrs. Thelma J. Peterson and Fern L. Christensen of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Beulah Roller of Ogden; also surviving are 32 grandchildren, 101 great grandchildren and four great-gregrandchildren, and two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Nielsen of Levan and Mrs. Luella Gear of Springville. Burial at the Levan Cemetery was directed by Anderson Funeral Home of Nephi. at Royalty Selected Miss Susan Greenwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Greenwood of Nephi, is 1968 Uto Stampede Queen. Miss Greenwood was chosen from a group of some twelve contestants at the annual contest held last Saturday evening at the Fairgrounds. Attendants selected are Miss Vickie Ingram, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ingram; and Miss Susan Garrett, daughter of President and Mrs. B. Roscoe Garrett. The Stampede Queen was winner of the Uto Stampede Bathing Beauty parade last yar, and is active in the Nephi-Neb- o Junior Posse, a 4-- sponsored riding club. Photographs of the Queen and Attendants will be outfits are published as soon as their new western-typ- e obtained. Uto Stampede officials have extended thanks to each of the several young ladies who participated In the eon-tes- t. One official stated Td hated to have had to be the judge there were so many fine young ladles participating. Stampede dates are July 11, 12 and 13. H -- w LiMorris Dale Young Marvin Leon Williams - Linda Marie Ingram Daley Linda Lee Taylor Tenney ed hs t5t George M. McOme Gordon Lee Greenhalgh Paul IL Ostler Richard William Pace |