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Show NepM, Jbab Ceunfy, Utah 84648 Sfljc In order to give us necessary time for illWfi-ftfot- U out-of-stud- io Lunt were Junior High Event home A invitation is exMrs. tendedspecial for all to visit the exhibits at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Chloe N. Bailey, Mr. April 26, when the annual JunMrs. p.m. to p.m. and Mrs. Clarence Greenhalgh ior High Achievement Night is and son Stephen, and Dr. and held at the High School AudMrs. P. L. Jones visited during itorium. -Under the direction of Mr. Mrs. Gilbert Bailey had as the Easter week end in Cedar her guest Friday, Mrs. Celista City with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohler, a display of articles Tidwell and her daughter, Mrs. C. Hansen and family. The en- made in the Vocational .Arts dewill be interesting. of Fountain tire group enjoyed a trip to partment Mont Nielsen An art exhibit Zions National Park. Enroute done in the of the fine things Thank you! Green. Evenings by Appointment Junior will be they traveled over the new under the directionHigh of James Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braith-wait- e Kolob Scenic highway. White of the art department. and family of Salt Lake Vance J. Belliston, son of City visited Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter J. Belliston of Lancaster, California visited several News of Events Brough. the days last week with his uncle Mrs. Evelyn Anderson spent and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Allen the Easter week end with her Belliston. He was enroute to a Senior Citizens' Center 1 brother in law and sister, Mr. new assignment with the U. S. Senior Citizens met on April and Mrs. Claude Pratt at Og- Navy. Other visitors at the den; and with her son and Belliston home during the week 17 and enjoyed a delicious daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. end were Dr. and Mrs. Rich- luncheon at their center. The Maurice Anderson at Bounti- ard Parkin and family and Miss luncheon was prepared by Mr. ful. Alice Christiansen of Sunset, and Mrs. Lynn Olpin, Mr. and FOR SALE! Mans ATTENTION WOMEN: You Miss Christiansen is Mrs. Rue Golden, Miss Ireta Utah. Austin David and Mr. Mrs. Bulova Watch. Self --wind, wat- can earn $35 or more a week in Mrs. Louise Ingram, at the Davis County Carter, teaching Mrs. Isabelle Ockey, and Mrs! er proof, shock proof, Speidel spare time supplying neighbors had as their week end guests, Schools. They also visited with Twist-oFle- x band. Lynn Wright and friends in Nephi with Raw-leig- h their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barres Jen- Clara Schofield. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Randle Members spent time followor phone 623-13kins and family. products. Write Rawleigh and children Michael and Tonya 1415 ing the luncheon by boxing the 23rd Co., Street, Denver, of Henderson, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Glade Green- donated books and magazines TWO BEDROOM home for Colo. 80205. and of Midvale, to be sent to a hospital ship. rent Call Mr. or Mrs. Paul 1516 halgh Mrs. DaVeda Davis returned and Mr. andfamily Mrs. Paul GreenIt was announced by ChestBoswell, 65 Blast 3rd North-ph- one recently after hav- halgh and children of Granger er Foote that on May 1, a specFOR RENT share of to her home the winter in Tacoma, spent the Easter week end in ial travelogue will be given by Nephi Irrigation Company wat ing spent Washington with Dr. and Mrs. Nephi with their parents, Mr. Forest Service personnel. FOR SALE Second hand er on Ditch 6. All Jay Bowles Howard and and Pratt family members are urged to attend 3. and Mrs. Ronald Greenhalgh. electric range Call phone at Seattle, Washington with this special program. Dr. and Mrs. Max D. Davis and Mrs. Harry J. Irons returned family. Enroute home she also home Sunday after a three-weeNEW SPRING JEWELRY visited with Dr. and Mrs. J. R. visit with her son in IS HERE Davis and family at Pocatello. law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. BEER -tto America's economy Beads, etc. Nephi C. Ray Peterson at Boise, Idaho. Earrings Mr. and Mrs. James W. Math- Enroute home she visited over Jewelry, 17 North Main, Nephi The brewing industry is a massive and dynamic part of ews entertained members of at Bountiful with Mr. Mrs. Mathews family at a din- night the national economy. Each year it pours billions of and Mrs. D. C. Winter and ner at their home Friday night. dollars into commerce and government. LAWN MOWER AND family, and at Tooele with Mr. Enjoying the affair were Mr. and Mrs. William Irons and BICYCLE SERVICE and Mrs. Henry Roper, Milford; $1.4 billion in state and federal excise taxes. Lawn mowers sharpened family. Mr. and Mrs. Emery C. Dutson, We have tires, engine $3 billion to employees, suppliers and distributors. Oak City; Mr. and Mrs. WalMrs. LaVere Haynes spent a wheels and blades for parts, T. lace Mrs. Mabel and Mr. million Centerville at in with week Jeffery, $875 agricultural products and packaging most mowers. All sizes tires Schick, Delta; Miss Carol Jef- and Mrs. Joe Makin (Carol and tubes and materials. parts for bicyfery and Mr. Van Wagoner of Lynn). Mr. and Mrs. Makin cles and tricycles. Saws filed Mrs. Lake Salt and Mr. bom new a are of son, City; parents The brewing industry is a proud contributor to America's and set. Leave word at Clarks Bert Hales of Deseret; Mr. and April 5. Market in Nephi or at Kenneth prosperity. Mrs. Jack Painter,, Lori and Jo Hoyt at Levan for pick up and Mr. home of Visitors at the Dee of Santaquin, and Mr. and Westenskows (forand Mrs. Melvin Stanley on delivery. Mrs. Gubler Provo. Maurice of UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. were Mr. and merly Sams Shop) Gunnison. Easter Sunday 366 SOUTH STH CAST Mrs. Loran Duff and son, and Rebecca Scribner and daught- Mrs. SAIT LAKE CITV. UTAH Virginia Duff of Paul, FOR RENT Two apartCarer Cozette and Mrs. Roe Mr .and Mrs. Bill ments (1 Idaho, 2 bedroom) ter and daughter Dawn of Pro- Hansen and bedroom, of Payson. Call Steve Greenwood at 9 vo spent Monday afternoon or with Mrs. Ruth C. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lunt Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jarrett and four children of Bountiful FOR SALE spent the Easter week end in spent the week end with his Practically home excellKearns with their son in law parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray new ent location and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lunt. gas furnace Owen Cowan at 377 North Kenneth G. Kay. With Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd has as her Seq Third East or phone Mrs. Kay they enjoyed a visit guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. to Brighton. John W. Gadd, daughter SharMr. and Mrs. Rodger Jarrett on and son Larry of Salt Lake MONEY A VAILABLE for of Salt Lake City visited over City; and son Rodney, who is any remodeling through Pruthe week end at the home of on leave from the Navy Base at dential Federal Savings. Come their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl San Diego, where he has com- in today Plumbing and pleted his basic training. He Builders Supply, 66 South Main Jarrett. to has been assigned the USS or phone Mr. and Mrs. George Victor Okinawa, carrier. He will be Jones had as their dinner reporting soon for service on WATCH AND JEWELRY guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. the carrier. Other guests inREPAIR Clair Anderson and family, Mr. cluded Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. 17 North Main and Mrs. Gordon Jones and Gadd of Salt Lake City, Mr. Nephi Jewelry, family, all of Salt Lake City. and Mrs. J. Hal Gadd of Provo, FOR SALE 2000 Cedar Mis3 Kathleen Burton of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Gedge Oliver of Posts Contact any member Lake City spent the week end Mona, and Mr. and Mrs. Don F. of Seventies Quorum presidency at the Jones home. Gadd. for information. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Davis and family spent the week end In Nephi with Mrs. DaVeda Davis and with Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ockey Sr. They had Just returned from a weeks trip to California where they enjoyed a visit at Disneyland and other points of interest. appointments and laboratory work in finishing pictures, our STUDIO HOURS will be 2 6:30 - WEDNESDAY MONDAY GERTS a gay girl ready for a Displays of Art, Other Areas to Feature Nephi Local and Social Items Page Thra Thursday, April 18, 1968 3 whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent an electric shampooer $1 at Chapman Furniture Co., 27 South Main, Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. Milton and children of Hunter week end visitors at the of his parents, Mr. and Frank Lunt. INSPECTION STATION AND FRIDAY CHAPMAN STUDIO 7J at ALICERS el 612-191- 7. 31 623-032- 2. 623-055- 1. 623-058- oast and-paire- d. 623-043- 623-185- 1. 623-063- 8. Motor Tuneup Repair SERVICE BRAKE Alan Paystrup Jeffery Ostler EARN A FREE VACATION STAY Two Receive USU Scholarships FREE vacation for two LAS VEGAS with the Two young men, seniors at Each year the Utah State Juab High School have been University Indicates its interest clair and day card awarded scholarships, each for in leadership of youth of our one full year tuition at the state by awarding several achUtah State University at Lo- ievement awards to boys who are outstanding in school and gan. the American Legion Boys State. They are Jeffery L. Ostler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan American Post No. 1 Ostler of Nephi, and Alan Commander Legion Wallace Fackrell son of Mr. and stated We in East Juab CounPaystrup, Mrs. Clarence Paystrup of ty are lucky in winning two Levan. awards. Fifty awards are given each year to boys who participate in the American LegFort Wall D. U. P. ion Boys State program. Fort Wall Camp of the oneThe program is set up with boy attending Boys State Daughters of Utah Pioneers for each ten members of the met at the home of Ida P. Bel- Post. Boys spend a week on liston on Friday, April 12. the USU campus during the Pearl P. Belliston, captain, summer. Outstanding young inat the meeting and presided vocation was offered by Celia men from this group are S. Briggs. Singing was led by Zelma C. Golden. The history of Susan Bingham Cazier was the only expense given by Zella P. Cazier and the lesson for the month was given thing about a by Amy O. Warner. Captain Belliston read a letter from the Central Company. Hostesses were Ida Belliston, Zella Cazier and Ethel Jarret watch Also present were Pearl Elizabeth Black, Zelma is how Bulova Golden, Amy Warner, Mary Scott, Olive Broadhead, Ellen makes Jarrett, Delta Wilkey, Goldie Howarth and Celia Briggs. from Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley spent Monday In Springville with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowles. SINCLAIR SERVICE 385 South Main -Nephi, Utah Drive With Smcm Care and Buy Sinclair! vC n, it 10 95 Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley were Mr. and Mrs. George Stalnaker of Riverside, NEPHI JEWELRY When crystal, ease end crown remain Intact GIFT ITEMS for weddings and birthdays all occasions. Fine selection. Nephi Jewelry, CCnewsfetfh Nobody else offers anything like It at the price. does away with the clutch Torque-Driv- e pedal. Most of the shifting, too. And for the most economy, its available exclusively on ad Comoro sixes and Chevy II mvj Tye-Pcwe- models. Nova 4- - and look how simple It Is. You accelerate in 1st; then shift to Hi for cruising. Thats all. If you like, you can even start in Hi. And accelerate from standstill to cruising speed. Its just a little slower that way. The folks are going bowling on Saturray nights at Rays Lanes come on out and join them in Scotch Doubles! Prizes for the high scores In Scotch Doubles every Saturday evening. Bring your wife or husband and young men bring your girl friend for an evening of recreation! adv . The shift lever Is conveniently located on the steering column, and there's a selector quadrant with st. Only your indications; Chevrolet dealer has driving HOME PLANNING HOUSE PLANS easy-to-rea- d at only $68.65. F. Keith Davis, 333 East 4th North, Springville, Utah. Ph. 489-601- 7. COMPANION - Preci- sion jeweled, waterproof. Sweep second hand. $10.95 PRINCESS Precision jeweled. Classic stylt. ing. Cord bracelet. $12.95 utefaC' BIGGEST STORE IN TOWN items to chose from. Shop at your Montgomery Ward Call 623-11Nephi agency. or at 45 South Main. WB 24 JULCASE 37 South Main St. gMf Payson Lay away WATCHES for graduation gifts NO- W- 20 toMnl OFF Special on Watch Cleaning . . only Only Chevrolet has It. JULCASE '.I 37 South Main St. 4 mil frict IkUii iim but I mt md Mi Oven Cleans Itself ...Electrically! Toss away your overt cleaning cares. Gone forever are the long hours of stooping, scrubbing and scouring to clean your oven. You get that kind of happiness with a modern new flameless electric range that cleans its own oven. Cleaner Other Ways Too. Walls, cabinets, curtains, pots and pans all stay cleaner with flameless cooking. More Extra Features. Youll discover other new conveniences with a modern electric range such as: a feature for keeping food warm after it is placed in serving dishes . . . changeable panels which permit you to redecorate your electric range . . . exciting new colors to compliment your kitchen decor. 130,000 dtelfi) GD Graduate to a new ffameless Electric Range See your electric dealers bright new models now! Payson C 1 BecauM Ifa electric, Ifa better! Utah Power & Light Co. se ED'S Caravelle Bell-listo- at pur-cha- of 200 gallons of SinGasoline, a grease fob oil change. See us tofor your special record and details! 4-- D 623-119- 9. and |