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Show Nphl, Juab County, 4-- Thursday, June I, 1967 Utah 84648 Club Hews H OUR PLYMOUTH FURY SALES ARE UP 28 Levan Local News Briefs '24 1 On May 29, the Six Little Sitters held their first meeting. They selected the group name, r and the leader, Sheri Menlove ; gave the girls their books and talked about them. The Six ' Little Sitters would like baby- sitting Jobs for the summer, i Those needing baby sitters are . Invited to phone President Jo ! spoRTsnoum at 623- - Green-- ; treasurer halgh at a ndreporter Carol Memmott 623-081- 3; at I 623-023- 0; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood and Shep- Memorial week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E .Hansen were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen and family of Ogden, Steve Stephensen of Riverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Benedict and two children of Mountain View, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ChristenSunday visitors of Mr. and sen of Hatch spent the week Mrs. Reuben Mangelson were end with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed Mrs. Lyman Christensen. and two daughters and Mrs. Memorial day visitors of Mr. Kent P. Christensen of Salt Mrs. E. C. Malmgren were and Lake City. her sister, Mrs. Pearl Ault and Mrs. Francis Wankier and two grandsons, and Mrs. Marfamily of Murray spent Mem. ilyn Pratt of American Fork. orial day with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDaniel and Mrs. Cecil Stephensen, and family of Arimo, Idaho, Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. David Manand Mrs. Erin Poulsen during gelson of Payson were Memorthe week end were Mr. and ial day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Poulsen and daught- Mrs. LeGrande Mangelson. er Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson Doyle Gill of Salt Lake City; of Springville and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Martin of Mortensen and family Marvin Las Vegas, Nevada, and Mr. were Memorial and Mrs. Marin Poulsen and of Bountiful of Mrs. Floy Morday visitors son of Payson. tensen. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern StepMrs. Mavis Williams and hensen of Salt Lake City visited on Sunday with Mr. and daughter of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Devere Ostler and famMrs. Dean Dalby. Mr. and Mrs. ily of Vernal, Memorial day visitors of An- Clair Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Tom gus Christensen and Miss Vin-ni- e May of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Christensen were their sis- Mrs. Art Young and daughter ter, Mrs. Lela Childs and Mrs. Sally of Pocatello, Idaho, and Nedra Bird, Mrs. Mary Lou Mr. and Mrs. Ralphr Davis and Welther and daughter Judy and family of Kearns were MemorMiss Cindy Childs, all of Salt ial day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lake City. Ray Winter. vice 623-191- 1; Mrs. Willis Shepherd. Week end visitors of Mrs. Edna M. Sherwood were Mrs. Ora Spencer and daughter Connie of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Sherwood and family of Tooele, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowers and family of American Fork. , Dene Menlove at president Debbie Winn 1280; secretary Becky Mr. and herd and family of Magna daughter Norma of Provo visitspent Memorial day with his ed with Mr. and Ms. Clark S. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wood on Memorial day. song leader Oar la 4 Memmott at or activ tty leader Valorie Gee at 623 623-001- 1081. SADDLERY RANCH WEAR ROOTS Visit our friendly WESTERN store. Widest selectiee of oil typos of Woitorn clothing end prices. Send For Your Now FREE Wostom Cotologl fully lllus trotod cotalog with many stylos In full ooturol color! Writ Dopt. I" 62 E. 2nd So., Soil Loko City, Utah Memorial day visitors of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Farren Anderand Mrs. Heber Taylor were son and family of Salt Lake Grant Taylor City visited with his mother, Mr. and Mrs. and family of Hunter and Mr. Mrs. Chloe Anderson and other and Mrs. Carl Tenney of Provo. relatives on Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. Mont Shepherd and family of Las Vegas, Nevada spent the Memorial week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Max Garrett and family of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wankier and family of Delta were Memorial day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Wankier. Memorial day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter were Mr and Mrs. Lyle Glover and family and Mrs. Effie Glover and daughter Linda and a friend of Salt Lake City. for Automotive Service, Repairs and Parts Keep your car in shape! Bibles Abroad In 1965, fee American Bible Society shipped more than 44 million books in 1,232 languages and dialects to 150 counties. This year, fee Society to ship more than 76 ex-,ec- ts .nillion. You'll find everything ftlilffijffi':!., from a Tumblers to tires at tune-u- the following otfe Automotive Specialists who welcome your First Security BankAmericard: NEPHI Nebo Gas Service, 825 So. Ma. Automobile Dealers - Parts end Premium Oil Co., 751 No. Main Service, Supplies Silver Maple Service 103 North Main Greenwood Service, 740 No. Main Whiting Bros. Gas & Oil 917 South Main Painter Motor Company 144 South Main Parkin Motor Company, 131 South Main Theres a good reason why large glasses are called "tumblers. The first glasses were shaped like Ice cream cones, and a glass was held until it was empty. When It was set down it "tumbled" over. S mo key Says! &ri REMEMBER BY THE OLD TIMER fS From Mrs. Buelah Smith, Huntington, W. Va.: One of my early morning pasttimes is watching the children gather in front of my home to catch fee school bus. A dependable driver gathers them on a nice, warm bus. The children always look neat and clean. Some of the children, while waiting, will chase a dog or wade through the snow. When I was a child, we had no hard roads, and we had a long way to go. The only time we got to ride was when dad loaded up a horse-draw- n sled and took us. The only warmth was from lighted lanterns or heated rocks. If we walked, we traveled the "near way, maybe ap a hollow that was a creek bed in winter and a "haul road In summer. Some teachers taught all ages, from primary to sixth grade. Children wore as warm clothing as their parents could afford. Most parents made all fee clothes their children wore. Girls wore long knit underwear, one to three underskirts, or petticoats long sleeved and high-nec- k dresses. Each teacher started fet day wife a prayer and a passage from fee Bible, sometimes a few verses of a favorite hymn. I 'l EUREKA Service Stations Eureka Auto Service, Main Service Stations Blair's Sinclair, 385 South Main LEVAN Bill Cowan Chevron Service . 95 South Main Service Stations Plymouth is winning em over. Chapman's Conoco Sherm's Conoco 9 South Main Dick's Service, Inc., 875 So. Ma. SCIPIO Don's Texaco, 309 So. Main Service Stations Garrett Service Station 563 North Main Scipio Garage Good advice for campfire makers I iir,i iV If you dont already Kill have a BankAmericard SEND M sw! 'Vtll' umiri Just mail this coupon or pick up an application at an First Security Bank office or at an ilace of business where you see the Welcome . . . First Security BankAmericard symbol. Its available at no cost to any credit-worth- y person and . . . you need not be a First Security Bank customer. PUASi Also ncMimndad fan OFFICE FURNITURI FUSTIC LUGGAGE OUTDOOR FURNITURt AUTO INTERIORS AN0 Plymouth Fury sales in this region are up dramatically for Magic? Juggling the figures? Nope. VMYlCONVERTIBUTOn 1967. A FUfST SCCUfVTY BANKAMERICARD APPUCAJK3H i I Name I I I Address. By Vil-Plas- tic State. Mail to: FIRST SECURITY BANKAMERICARD .Zip. M1MH,. PA W. HO. Ut . U FIRST SECURITY BANK Drive flfwrM I I I I I y has all-ne- w styling and performance to all-ne- w Plymouth Barracudas are winning them over too! Take your pick from our 61 Plymouth models right now. a winner. tasetf m mm aoM to Ma ,WILL NOT CHIP, CRACK OR PEELly tirtr it capture your imagination. Our C0LQ3 SPRAY EASY TO APPLY QUICK TO DRY ECONOMICAL 9411 actual sales figures were winning them over with Plymouth Fury 12 Brilliant Colors City v' A V AUTHORIZED Ftione 623-047- 1 tH ymr compared with DEALER w tm model yarn to mm date. CHRYSLER MOTORS CORPORATION PAINTER MOTOR CO. 140 South Main -Nephi, Utah Page Four |