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Show THE SPECIAL GRADUATION SUPPLEMENT NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Thurtday, May 26, 1 966 Page Three Graduating Seniors of the Juab High School who are the of Htholarsliip to continue their rdicution in lariou m hools and fields, are show n uhoe. S holarshiHi will lx auurdcd on Thurd.iy eiening to: front row, left to right, Toni Guide, Fenton Broadhead, Dennis Jensen, Dun Boston, Earl Andersen and Gary Jones. Back rnm: MjiIii Carter, Claudia Parkin, Ann Brough, Jackie Shaw, Eunice Broadhead and NorTinies-Now- s ma Bale. photo by Vance Gibson s( IIOLAR'dlil WINNERS m IpicnN PLUMBING AND BUILDERS1 SUPPLY 4-- D - - Housewares Hardware Wedding Gift Lists 66 South Main Nephi, Utah Mail copies of this souvenir supplement to friends and relatives . . . extra copies are available at 10c each at Time-New- s office. Q D ADVISORS to the Senior Class during the current school year have been Rey Decker, left and Mrs. Farrell Wankier, center. Their responsibilities have not only Seen to guide the class during the year, but to assist in the planning of graduation activities, and to supervise all commencement and baccalaureate exercise planning. M. Clark Newell, right, principal of Juab High School, also has kept dose touch on the Seniors planning, working wit hthe advisTimes-New- s ors on many problems. photo by Vance Gibson. Want to sell something? Best Wishes 1966 ... Use a T! Your diploma is a mark of achievement-W- e wish you continuing success. K CONGRATULATIONS ... and best wishes for the years ahead! PEXTON WHOLESALE CO. r PARKIN MOTOR COMPANY CHAPMAN STUDIO 1 Used Cars and Trucks Ford - Mercury 137 South Main Nephi, Utah A-- -- |