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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648 Levan Social Items Mrs. Haymond Gives 1 mms Thursday - Friday - Saturday Mrs. Lillie Crosland and son Wallace of Salt Lake City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Crosland on Sunday. Meet Literary League Levan Ward Relief Society The Ladies Literary League officers remind all to "Dont met on Thursday, November 19 forget the Levan Ward Relief at the home of Mrs. Joseph R. Society Bazaar on Friday, DecCome ember 4 at 8:30 p.m. Greenhalgh. President Velma Hansen and get your supper and buy presented the business of the your Christmas gifts early. evening. Collect was read by Mrs. Pearl Ault of American Euna McPherson. Coquella Fork spent Saturday and Sunof the was in Cooper charge at the home of Mr. and program and she Introduced day Rulon Shepherd. Mr. and Mra D. Mrs. George Haymond Jr., Mrs. Joseph Shepherd and two who gave an Interesting review also of the book And Then There daughters of Springville Rulon Sunday at the Was Eight"- - by Paul Malloy. visited on home. Refreshments were served to Shepherd Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. Reese The Civicettes met on ThursPainter, Mrs. Gibson Cowan, day evening at the home of Mrs. Stella Boswell, Mrs. Euna Irene Mangelson. Luncheon Cooper, Mrs. Raymond Pay, was served by the hostess to Mrs. Rex Tolley, Mrs. Velma Melba Ballow, Codeal Brough, Hansen, Mrs. Coquella McPher- Gwen Stephensen, Mary Jane son, Mrs. Clinton Kirgan, Miss Winter, Eileen Ballow, Alice Ireta Carter, Mrs. Elmo Wil- Shepherd, Enid Worwood, Louson, Mrs. Hosmer Grace; the ise Taylor, Fern Wankier, Floy hostess, Mrs. Joseph R. Green- Harper, Blanche Stephensen, halgh and the special guest, Bnnie Bosh, Pauline Mangel-soMrs. George D. Haymond Jr. and Laura Nell Sherwood. Book Review i Advance to the Rear i any i for CMstaiS ! at Ladies n, TEEN MEN V TOE SHOES- - Slip O- n- - - 9.95 JAC SHIRTS -- Mar 4.95 NOW ONLY SPORTS JACKETS-- 100 Acrylic with stand up collar 1 6.95 Shop Mow . . Lay Away your selections for Gift Giving ; imcG'&rtUfi Stye evs Ualkers Crossman and Dairy BB guns New and used pianos priced at reduced prices now at right. Expert piano restyling Store, Forseys Varety Nephi and refinishing for 18 years. Free pick up and delivery. A WANTED: Civic minded per. complete piano service. Harris son having confidence and re- Piano Shop, 1163 South State., Orem. spect of business people to make credit investigations in Juab County. Work is part TOY SALE time on fee basis. Write Dun FRIDAY NOV. 27 at & Bradstreet, Inc., P. O. Box FORSEYS VARIETY STORE 2160, Salt Lake City, Utah, Thursday, November 26, 1964 Chalice Club Members Receive Ideas for Yule Gifts, Decorations the city tax levy of 21.4 mills has remained constant since 1953. Electric rates have not Discussed for changed since 1931. In 1953 taxes collected were $26,919. In 1963 they were Ladies Literary Club $32,000, showing little difference In a 10 year period. An informal discussion was Mrs. A. L. Garbett was hostess to members of the Ladies held with members asking sevLiterary Club on Monday, Nov. eral questions concerning prob23. Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh, lems. A book of city ordinances club president, presided, and litany was read by Mrs. Wm. The American Creed Bailey. was read by Mra James H. Eagar. Mra Greenhalgh stated that the starting place for good government was on a local level; by learning of our own city ne Lu-O- ....FOR SALE Half ton truck. Also 1956 Chevrolet TRANSISTOR RADIO - reg. Station Wagon. Terms can be ular $29.95 now on sale at 19.95 arranged. at Forseys Variety Store in Bank, NephiSep first Security Nephi. Kodak Camera, sale price FOR SALE 1960 V. W. m only 12.95 at Forseys Variety good condition. Pete Belliston, Store, Nephi 291C, Wymont Terrace, Provo. M most popular cars! LOST in Nephi Wed. Nv. 18 Ladies Gruen wrist watch, square, with rock crystal. Has Speidel band. Return to Times News office at 96 South Main for return to owner Reward is offered for return. So place your order now for delivery on the beautiful new kind of 65 Chevrolet (halts right for you! The old agage says in part that "Mothers work is never ROLLING Americas IN... done . . . Perhaps not, but she appreciate the labor saving of an Automatic Dishwasher. Think what a nice gift that would be for Mother gee them today at jacks Appliance, 43 South Main, Nephi, Will .... 65 Chevrolet Impala Special $20.00 Its longer, lower, wider with comforts expensive cars feeling a bit envious. thatll at on stainless etee 10 pieces for only Nephi Jewelry. have many 4-- D 65 Chevelle Malibu its smoother, quieter with V8's available that come on uo to 350 hp strong. Thats right 350. WEDDING GIFT LISTS also a nice selection for your choice of gift. 4-- D Plumbing ft Builders Supply, phone 62 $2 149.95 REAL BARGAINS transistor radios on all Nephi Jewelry. Sedan 65 Chevy II Nova SUPER SUM SERIES LightweightICompact! Molded, beautifully finished front and back. In Tan color. Cheerful Habit Long Distance calls to favorite relatives or C3 Corvair Corea It s racier, its roomier again. With more its a Corvair revolution all over power. rear-engi- 3Son to tee, more to try in the can more people buy Order a new All New Chevrolet, CheveUe, Chevy U, Corvair or Corvette now at your dealer1e Deluxe Video Range Tuning System Custom Perma-Se- t Fine Tuning Control Automatic Fringe-Loc- k Circuit Gated-BeaSound System ROYAL lSO-- G ensemble Includes earphone attachment, set of batteries, custom carrying case and gift box. Rust and White color. Ebony and White color or White and Beige color. Its New Cortak Cona Sport Coupe SDIJilHrKHl no printed circuits m the liveliest, handsomest thing that ever happened to thrift. V8s available with up to 300 hp. CO-.- I -; Large 24 oz can 39c HUNTS PEACHES No. IVi size cans 4 Lor 89 TASTEWELL PEAS -CREAM or W.K. CORN Regular size cans 8 Lor 1.00 SUMMER GARDEN NEW POTATOES 10 cans for 1.00 PIERCES PORK AND BEANS -- No. m size 5 cans 1 .00 DUNCAN HINES With Pen BROWNIE CAMPBELLS TOMATO cans 1.00 SOUP POWDERED SUGAR pound packages 2 Lor 31c 1 5c off -6- 9c SALVO DASH NOW 49c -9 friends are among life's nicest experiences. Long Distance Is the best way to keep in touch when you cant be there yourself. Pick up your phone and go visiting tonight! - - The DISCOVERER Model M1615U HANDCRAFTED D Nova 1 FRANCO - AMERICAN SPAGHETTI -- Scans 1.00 QUAKER OATS Large 43 LIBBY'S BEEF STEW -R- eg-82c ONLY tf CARPET SPECIALS wide Seconds and roll ends chroice of colors and patterns. Pad and laying Included. Steiner Upholstery. 4548 ind. 65 Chevy i 1 BICYCLES PAINTED We can paint and repair your old bicycle to look like new. All sizes of tires, tubes; parts for bikes and trikes. Saws filed and set. Saw handles. Call or leave word at Kenneth Hoyts in Levan or Hardware in Nephi. Sams Shop, 317 E. 2 So., Gunnison, Utah. 44-4- 8 pd 65 CheveUe Malibu Super Sport Coupe f ---- Jewelry. tableware - MIX-2pL7- 9c GENEROUS TRADE IN ON ALL WATCHES Nephi 65 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe yyyyy- na 84110. at Christmas was left for the club members to study and be Informed about Mr. Christiansen closed with the statement that he felt Nephi City was a very fortunate cl tdingnyrseociSHAOLU NU city considering our problems, in comparison with many other cities, the amount we pay for services, and the good financial condition of our city. Thirteen members were in attendance. City Affaire, Mefhods The Chalice Club was held recently at the home of Erma Carter. President Jean Johnson took charge, welcomed the members and led the pledge to the flag. Betty Motes led the group singing. The inspirational thought was given by Cor-riJenkins. Fay Greenhalgh Introduced Kathryn Shaw who showed many articles that could be made for Christmas gifts and decorations. Club members also showed articles they had brought for Christmas sugproblems and responsibilities. gestions. She also stated that so often Johnwere Jean Attending we honor and praise state and Mildred son, Sherwood, Betty government officials while the Motes, Rowena Pew, Beth work and efforts of our local Jarrett, Marjorie Steiner, officials go unnoticed and unPrisbrey, Fay Pay, Mar- rewarded. Greenjorie Greenhalgh, Pat President Greenhalgh then wood, Thelma Linton, Adele Jackson, Alene Sperry, Corrine introduced Ray Christiansen, City Recorder, who has Jenkins, Fay Greenhalgh, the Nephi guest Kathryn Shaw, and host- served15 in the position for the past years. ess, Erma Carter. Mr. Christiansen first explained the type of city government we have and the duties ot SERVICE STATION the Mayor and each councilMANAGER Needed by independent station man. He then outlined where City in Sanpete-Sevle- r County area. Also, handle some farm sup- revenue comes from, and the plies and miscellaneous pro- approximate amounts from the ducts. Require energetic ap- property tax, business licenses, plicants desiring to live in building permits, court fines, small town and having farm state liquor apportionment recbackground and prior farm or reation and swimming pool, the petroleum retailing experience. cemetery fees, electric rates of one percent Must be salesminded and have and the a good head for figures. Salary local sales tax. to $500 and bonus on profits. Mr. Christiansen then disSend detailed outline of ex- cussed the expenditures, probperience and salary record to lems and needs of different deP. O. Box 2549, Salt Lake City. partments and also commented All applicants will be acknowlon the fact that Nephi City has no tax anticipation notes, and edged and held confidential. Page Four XMAS WRAPPING PAPER 3 mils 49c PASCO ORANGE JUICE 6 oz cans -- - 4 for 89c CHICKEN PARTS pkg 59c - pound 7 CARROTS pound 10c LETTUCE ORANGES EXCELL 12 pound BACON--R3- 9 GROUND BEEF- -3 bs 100 POTROASTS- lb 39c BLADE CUT DEMONSTRATION 7 BONE CUT Ib43 LAY AWAY GIFTS FOR per pound 49c CHRISTMAS NOW . . CHEESE Redinere - - Rockers - - Cedar Chests - -PORK CHOPS lb 53c TV Sets Lamps - - Kitchen Appliances SPECIAL COLOR TV IS GREAT. ASK FOR A - 4S-e- S4 MOUNTAIN GREENWOOD SERVICE 740 Itorth Main Si. - Nephi - Phene 623-185- 1 STATES telephone 0 MEATS'GRQCERIES-FRUIT- 623-047- 1 S VEGETABLES- - Phone 623-045- 2 |