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Show NpH Juab County, Utah 5 Nephi Clean Up Campaign Progresing Levan Local, Social News Hie Nephi City Clean Up Home owners are urged to campaign, although hampered keep in mind the painting that Mr. and Mrs. James L. by the weather on the dates is being offered as a reward to Painter and of Nephi 6et some weeks ago, is making the aora of the community that spent Sunday family at the evening Many citiz- si iows greatest improvement home of his steady progress. grandparents, Mr. en are making their yards The Federated Womens and Mrs. Peter Sorensen. more attractive. Many have Clubs have pruned the Nephi torn down old sheds and re- City Rose Garden, with the exMr. and Mrs. Meril Stephen-se- n moved unsightly debris. The ception of one small plot. The and family spent Mothers committee urges steady im- planning and replacement of clay in Moroni with her parprovement to continue through- dead roses also is being ar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nunout the summer. ranged for. ley. Mothers day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fwi Stephensen in- and Mrs. Fred Hansen and daughters of Pay-soMr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson and family of Mapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Devon Stephensen and daughters of Moroni, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Stephensen Mr. and Mrs. and family, Pete Ballow. cluded Mr. n, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Taylor were Mothers day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomson and family in Ephraim. Mr. and Mrs. Don Coffey and family of Layton were Mothers day guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sheptierd. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wan-kie- r and family of Orem were Mothers day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wankier. THE GREATEST TIRE SALE YOU'VE EVER SEEN - - ANYWHERE! ALL SIZES READY AT NEW LOW PRICES MANY OTHER BUYS AIR SEAT CUSHION 1.99 POWER BEAM LANTERN 2.99 Regular S4.44 value CAR WASH BRUSH GOLD CAR KEY $2.00 ---- 77 value 39e DON'S TEXACO SERVICE 3rd South and Main Nephi, Utah Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Worwood and family spent Mothers day in Scipio with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Memmott Mr. and Mrs. H. Ray Fran-cospent Mothers Day in Orem with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen, where they attended Stake Conference. They also visited in American Fork with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fran-coand family. On Saturday, Mrs. H. Ray Francom accomher daughter, Mrs. panied Zell a Madsen to a Mothers day in the Orem 20th banquet ward after which she and Mr. Francom visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francom and family in Lehi. On Sunday evening they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton and with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Francom and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francom on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Taylor of Provo visited on Saturlay at the home of her brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Derle Hansen. m m Mrs. Kathleen Price of Salt Lake City spent Saturday and Mothers day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Derle Hansen. Mr and Mrs. Harry Olsen oid family of Ogden were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hansen. Mrs. Vernon Callahan of Spiingville also visited on Sunday at the Hansen home. Mr. and Mrs. Erin Poulsen mother, Mrs. Zella Martin, on visited in Scipio with her Mothers day. Neohi Local, Social Items Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wood spent the week end in Bountiful and Salt Lake City visiting with their children. They also Alvin James Ingram of Denattended the funeral service in Colorado sjient Sunday at ver, for Mrs. Eva Payson Friday the home of Air. and Mrs. Mer-ro- n Jackman Anderson. E. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Marion WankJack S. Pace of Pleasant ier and Mrs. Joseph Wankier visited in Salt Lake City on Grove spent Mothers day with Friday afternoon with Mr. and his mother, Mrs. Alean Pace. Mrs. Carl Wankier. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jar-te- tt visited in Santaquin on Mr. and Mrs. Tom May and family of Salt Lake City and Friday. In the evening Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neil-se- n Jarrett was entertained by her and son of Nephi were daughter, Mrs. Elda Jarrett, at Mothers day dinner guests of a special Mothers day program Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winter. honoring the mothers of the Social Club members. A dinMr. and Mrs. Ralph Jack-ma- n ner, and program were enjoyed and family spent Mothers by the group. day in Fountain Green with On Sunday, Mrs. Ronald her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen-ry- P eterson. Also visiting at Jarrett received a Mothers day the Peterson home were Mr. call from her son, PFC Maurand' Mrs. Roger Jensen. Miss ice Jarrett, who is in Oklahoma Lora Lee Engle and a girl where he is in the armed service. friend of Salt Lake City. Mrs. William Bailey visited Mothers day visitors of Mrs. Pierce were Mr. and in Mesa, Arizona with Mr. and la9t W Mrs. Owen Pieree and Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd of Orem She accomPanlod Mr. and Mrs-anMrs. John Sandor of Salt Robert c- - Hansen and family from Cedar City. Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hull n and Mrs. Coquella Mc- (Evelyn Bailey) of Ogden visPherson of Nephi were Satur-day- q ited with Mrs. William Bailey overnight guests of Mr. over the week end. and Mrs. Clyde Ewell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton family in Ogden. They were Mothers day dinner guests of and family of Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Christen- spent the Mothers day week sen at Roy. Other guests at end with their parents, Mr. the Christensen home were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Linton and and (Mrs. Clarence Reed and Airs. Chloe Winter. family of Salt Lak City and and Mrs. Paul Lunt and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ewell and sonMr.Todd of Sandy, and Gorfamily. don Lunt of Salt Lake City with Mr. Mothers day visitors of Mrs. spent Mothers day Mrs. Lunt. and Ray Edna Sherwood were Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Bowers and family Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Park and of American Fork, and Mr. and three daughters of Spanish Mrs. Paul IMellor and family of Fork were Mothers day guests Lehi. of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Paintof Alpine visited recently with er visited in Ephraim with her his brother in law and sister, parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bosh. Rosquist on Mothers day. Mr. of visitors and Mrs. Roy McPherson spent Sunday Mrs. Jack Bosh were her Mothers day in Ogden with Mr. brother in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ewell and famand Mrs. Roscoe Hunter of ily. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelsey and Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sorensen family of Tooele visited with and baby son of Provo, Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Keo Sorensen and Bert Morgan, on Saturday. family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson of Centerfield Dinner guests on Sunday of visited on Thursday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan and Mrs. Peter Sorensen. were Mr. and Mrs. William E. and family of GrangMr. and Mrs. Peter Soren- Wright Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. sen spent Mothers day in Cen- er, Ostler and family, and Mr. and terfield with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs- - Norman Ostler and their James Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Birk Petersen and family of Provo also were guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Don Olsen and James Peterson home. children of Kearns spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Earl Nielsen. Man-gelso- MONA NEWS BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. LaMonte e Money that stands up to be counted A lot of Communist eyes are watching the financial strength of our government and of our people like hawks. That's because their leaders have said they would bury us economically and theyre waiting for it to happen. It must be a continuing disappointment to them that, year after year, U.S. savers put so much of their savings in U.S. Savings Bonds. This stake that Savings Bond owners now have in the strength of our country is more than $45 billion an high. And because savers can get their money back when they need it, thats financial strength for mil all-ti- Keep freedom In your future with lions of individuals and families. Your dollars in Savings Bonds do stand up to be counted as a meas- ure of the strength of our country and our people. Help keep yourself and your country strong by regular buying of U.S. Savings Bonds, through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or from your bank. Quick facts about U.S. Savings Bonds You get $4 back for every $3 when Your Bonds are your Bond matures replaced free if lost or destroyed You can save automatically on Payroll Savings. Thursday, May 16, 1963 Gimca-itfctu- fi spent Thursday Dan-s- i visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Peery, and her brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Michael PeeTy and baby. Mothers day dinner guests of Mrs. Katie Sheperd were Mr .and Mrs. Jack Cowan of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shephed and daughter Robyn of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mis. Wayne Sheperd and son Gary Mrs. of Springville, Reva Bryan and son Ronnie, and Mrs. Erma Newton and son Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Newton and family of Salt Lake City were Mothers day visitors erf Ills mother, Mrs. Katie Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Lewof Salt Lake City were Mothers day guests of Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler and family visited in Provo on Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen is Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilkinson and three children of Granger visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Painter Monday. Mrs. Fred L. Gowers and daughter left Friday for the Hawaiian Islands where she will poin her husband, who is stationed there. Mrs. Gowers lias spent the past four months in Nephi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (Merron Price, and with her parents-in-laMr. and Mrs. Ronald Gowers. Dont let them Mi-s- . Dorothy Neilsen, Kelly Kean Beck, daughter admitted patients Thomas NeiUen, son of Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Beck, at the Juab County Hospital, and Mrs. Gordon Neilsen. Maintain Green. according to the list released Leamington Mrs. Vemie Olsen, Nephi Wednesday by Hospital authKent W. Worthington, Nephi Brenda Mower, daughter of orities, include the following: Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Mower, Stellman NeGrcenhalgh, Wayne F. Morgan, Nephi Amos G. Irons, Nephi Gilbert Shepherd, Levan William Bradficld, phi. Nephi lioo II. Scott, Nephi John Larry Mower, Mt. PI. Connie Broadhead, daughter Grant Daniels, Mt. Pleasant of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Broad-heaMrs. Jerry L Beck, Fountain Levan Von Rosquist, Levan d, BIRTHS Recent new babies at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi include the following: Daughter, born May 10 to and MrsJrtay Sparks of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dee Sparks of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mor-le- y of Moroni. are Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oldroyd and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Money. - Great-grandparen- ts your pharmacist Son. born May 12, to Mr. and Richard Coons of Salt k diyGrandparents are n Sperry of UU Nephi and Douglas Sperry, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coons of Richfield. are Mrs. Gean Sperry of Nephi, Mrs Auer Simons of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs. Vera Neilsen of Richfield. . Daughter, bom May 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Bosh of Levan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bosh of Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bradfield of Scipio. Son, born May 14 to Mr. and Airs. Don Jones of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Amoldsen of Moroni, Bert Jones and Mrs. Elta Park of Nephi. ore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Deck of Spring City. Mrs- - - HES THE MAN WHO CARRIES OUT DOCTOR'S ORDERS Great-grandparen- ts Every time your physician for writes a prescription calls he upon your you, druggist's accuracy, skill, and knowledge. Great-grandparbn- ts T.V. Features d4-St- ar IGA TABLERITE IGA FROZEN BUTTER PIES Apple or 5 BISCUITS SAVE 14c IGA 69s -- lb IGA TABLERITE Cherry - CLING PEACHES Sliced or Halves AUTUMN GOLD CHINA ' IGA Coupon 10 J CLIP THIS COUPON NOW H CC FREE CUP 39$ Reg. 59c NOW PLASTIC PITCHER, 6 TumbieiS8)0( Rc Signature Reg. 2.49 NOW 1 .98 LARGE PLATTER ALKA SELTZER WITH PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE Limit I Coupon per family! Expires May 22, 1963 and 2 cans V 1.48 Value LEMONADE CENTER CUT NEW WHITE nibs SPUDS 3 TIP LOIN END CUCUMBERS ea. 5c 6 oz 10$ PORK CHOPS 491 PORK ROAST Regular or Country Style SPARE RIBS SWIFTS PREMIUM 391 0for(5)(5)g VV TV DINNERS 391 MEXICAN DINNERS 49c SWANSON OR IGA TIP TOP DRINKS W LIBBY SALMON ICfW Assorted Flavors AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PINEAPPLE 1 Tall can 59 12 oz can CORND JELL-- 0 PINK 5 CRUSHED CHUNKS OR TIDBITS 211 cans 1 OPEN FRIDAY til BEEF Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 6 IGA FULL QT SAVE 20c MAYONNAISE s tins 58' SAVE 7:00 p.m. 9c m FOR YOUR I SHOPPING CONVENIENCE MOfcfME Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! CHECK THE IGA ADS Get more MILK for the weekend I in S. snacks. Stock up now. Have plenty of Milk in your erator for the weekend. V M. fU Utnkt fks dot (W fU ft Utf wwiyifir ft Trmmtf D pt rMv available at . 25 Provo Papers BONUS BUYS refrig- AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH Sponsored by Utah' Dairy Farmers L and FOR MORE Youll need extra milk for the weekend. More of the family at home. More people for meals. Extra , rj n. Pay-eo- Recently Free Fishing Lure U.S. SAVINGS BONDS Green. Juab Hospital Patient List FRANKS down. Five Page YOUR NEPHI IGA STORE SHOP EARLY! FREE GOLD STRIKE STAMPS Gif at m&Wkr 56 r;'33ssn NEPHI EAST CENTER STREET Phone 623-- 1 131 Custom Cuffing, Wrapping, Freezing J |