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Show J Nephi, Juab County, Utah a. t "f y .U- Nautilus Liferary Club Members Enjoy t r y v; ' I'&JS'S f The Nautilus Literary Club held their anniversary party at Hays Cafe recently. The committee in charge of the evening consisted of Mrs. Kelvin Clay-teMrs. Cary Peterson, Mrs. Forrest Anderson and Mrs. Jack Carter. The tables were decorated with violets In white vases and the birthday cake lormed the centerpiece. The members enjoyed a delicious steak supper after which they played games. Mrs. RichMrs. Virl ard Whittington, Shell, and Mrs. Cleston Park von the prizes. Members present wer Mrs. Norman Ostler, Mrs. Kelvin Clayton, Mrs. Grant Kay, Mrs. James II. Ockey Jr., Mrs. Cary Peterson, Mrs. Cleston Park, Miss Corrine Garrett, Mrs. Kenneth Ingram, Mrs. Richard Mrs. Virl Shell, VV'hittington, Mrs. Jack Carter, Mrs. Forrest Anderson, Mrs. A. Rex Hill and Mrs. LaMont O vy c "'I f -- .f-- J r: a T. voV. The weather vane was not working, so a cowpoke had to straddle the slanted roof to adjust it The high adjusting job took place near Nogal, Ariz. BUM STEER When To Prune Spring flowering shrubs should not be pruned until after they have completed blooming. If stems have become thick and numeious, remove a few at ground level. 200 Attend 0 Over 200 ASSOCIATION List on this form the names and ages ot all persons in your household who appear at the clinic at tbs same time for vaccination. CLINIC DATE:. HOUSEHOLD ADDRESS:. .COUNTY. CITY. FIRST NAME INITIAL AGE L . vrfajatvx n S Mitlte TOO LATE PRATT & LAMSuiT Viiralie the long-lif- e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Mayor and City Council of Nepha City, Utah, in the Blue room of the city equipment building at Nephi, Utah, on Monday, May 27, 1963, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. to consider and pass upon recommendations of the Nephi City Council that the following uses provided under paragraph No. 14 of Section 871 of the Revised Ordinances of Nephi City, Utah, of 1951, be hereby amended to read as follows: 14. The following uses: (a) Coal and wood yards, I hereby request that Sabin Oral polio vaccine be administered to above listed minors: interior enamels. Smooth and easy to apply with a bright-as-porcela- look. in Your choice of Gloss or Eggshell luster in White and many Ijstw mi SECURITY WITH U.S. SAVINGS BONDS & Contractors equipment storage yard and plant. Nephi City Council, Nephi, Utah Attract Birds Advocates of feeding the birds give humane reasons for the practice, but heres a reason from a yardener Wild birds are great insect eaters. By attracting them with feed you protect, trees, shrubs, lawn and garden from pests 4D PLUMBING Builders Supply club camp. 4 Claude R. Lomax instructed the presidents and vice presidents on the proper way to conduct meetings, and the duties of presidents. The job of secretary was explained to the new secretaries by Mrs. Ruth Wetherell. Reporters met with Lynn Esplin; leaders with Mrs. Velyn Stevens; and Ray Worthington gave the song leaders and recreation chairmen pointers on how to conduct effective group recreation. One of the highlights of the evening was election of for the 1963 club camp. Club camp officers elected in- RELATIONSHIP FILL OUT and bring with you to polio clinic! Less nolss! NH7 rrrv ! r- - tmimUM'i i, it -"i KIWANIS LITTLE BUCKAROO RODEO Lorraine Steiner; special activities chairman, Sandra Oook; and song leader, Emily Sue Sperry. It will be the responsibility of these officers to plan and conduct the 1963 club camp. They will be assisted by the 4H advisory council. Juab Extension Agents Lynn Esplin and Velyn Stevens will be in charge of the camping -- 5 P.M. SATURDAY 3 P.M. FRIDAY Nephi Rodeo Grounds Children 14 and under CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone who helped in any way during the illness and following the death of our husband and fath- - Adults 15 and over - 50c 1.00 ALICERS GRADUATION SPECS AL FOR FUN ... FOR "VALVE FOR SALE Giant Pansies, Basket of Gold, Delphinium, Painted Daisies, Stocks, Phlox, Carnations, Sweet Williams, Snap Dragons, Asters, Zinnias, 13 varieties of Marigolds, stock of automotive glass for your car or truck. Quick installa Intion and free estimate. spection time is here. Painter Motor Co., 140 South Main. THE PICE OP THE POETABIES We carry a complete Dahlias, Salvia, Cockscomb, Verbena, Tuberous Begonias, Geraniums, Bravo Dianthus in COMPLETE RADIATOR ping and red, 33 varieties of SERVICE NOW AT Petunias, Alysum, Lobelias, Perennial Asters, Doroncium, JENKINS SALES AND Gladiola, bulbs, Rose bushes, SERVICE Peppers, Cabbage, Cauliflow805 North Main Nephi, Utah er, Egg Plant, Tomato Plants, insecticides, Fertilizers, Peat Moss At Olsens, 212 South AVON COSMETICS Center St., Santaquln, Ntah. Phone 4tip needs a lady to serve custom era living in southeast NephL Write Mrs. Gala Christensen, FREE CHINA Clip the Richfield, Utah. coupon in Johnsons Advertisement In this issue for free chin at your IGA store! BALDWIN PIANO Take over payment of 310.00 TIRES? OAR WASHER? per month on Baldwin Spinet Also You can save money on them or will sell for cash. this week end at Dons Texaco electric organ. Write Adjustor, Service, 3rd South and Main P. O. Box 2033, Salt Lake NephL Big Firestone sale Is City 10, Utah. now going on! LAME Sweetheart J Walt Disney Productions. Ludwig Von Drake stars In Walt Wonderful World of Color" Sundays on NBC. Disney TINY! TUNEFUL! TERRIFIC! acA Victor Chest for Graduation Rushin Roulette POWERLIFT TRANSISTOR P0CKETTE RADIO The ELF 3RH1 Amazing low price for an RCA Victor quality transistor Pockette! Dramatic Powerlift perfoin stations strong and clear. rmance-pulls "Golden Throat" tone. Operates on one small battery. See it, hear it now! Series 1495 Wwie! the SW by chon Day GIFT PERFECT! Pockette full of pleasure! RCA Victor transistor radio with "Powerlift" performance in shirt pocket size. Packed in reuseable vinyl case with earphone, battery and leather carrying case. Big sound chic styling a top buyl BIG RADIO PERFORMANCE Low-LoFull-siz- e w Prlcol RCA Victor transistor port- able. "Golden Throat tone. Powerful ferrite rod antenna. Rugged IMPAC" case. A sensational value! popular modem Walnut ign euipped with tray. SEE OUR SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL CHESTS THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN RADIO JACK S REF. & APPLIANCE Phone U Pr.PHone --3x2623-0471 fit fitvitn SoMjr Senric Corel t met i caviet mere accident then bod roods. 623-017- 7 NEPHI, UTAH immil IT 754-391- 3. Give Her A nnr 623-062- 7. SECURE YOUR 9.90 1963-6- SAVE CASH RADIATOR REPAIR equipClip and use ment is here. Jos Shepherd has the coupons In Allens Cash returned from the Radiator Re- Store advertisement this Issue pair School at Omaha and is now qualified to do your rad iator repair work. Painter FOR SALE 14 ft boat with Motor Co., Nephi two motors, trailer and complete assembly. Very reasonCo. FOR SALE Stallion, mare able. See at Painter Motor and colt. Tree Topping. James completely enclosed build- David Sullivan, phone 623-15SEE THE NEW CARVE LLE ing or within an area enWATCH closed on all sides with a Priced from 13.95 LOST Two car keys on and up at solid wall, compact everlicense tab. If found NEPHI JEWELRY green hedge or uniformly ring with call please board not fence, painted less than Six (6) feet in height: FRESH EGGS FOR SALE ....Plan your vacation with 1. Junk yards. See Mike Carter at 173 So. BULOVA Transistor radio 2. Stone monument works, 1st East. 924.95 at Nephi Jewelry wholesale MOON MULLINS Ferd Johnson exclusive Calibra ted Colors and leaders met last Wednesday to receive training In their new leadership assignments and to elect officers for the 4-- H SIGNATURE freighting or trucking yard or terminal. (c) Building material sales yard, including the sale cf rock, sand, gravel, and the like as an incidental part of the main business, including concrete mixing. (d) Power, light or steam plant central station. (e) Small boat building. 14A. The following uses, provided that they are conducted wholly within a e ENJMR Heres the finest of all 1 Even though hes too late to claim the invention, David Stover is planning to enter his bright idea (home-madlight bulb) in thr Topeka, Kans., science fair Odd Job Sherman, Tex., premed student sometimes calls for a date in a hearse, lie works for a funeral home. Past Their Bedtime New Jersey passed a bill to allow children under 8 years of age to work professionally in theatrical productions, movies or television between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. Whats in a Plate? Hollywood newsman finds his California license plates quite appropriate. The plates start with the letters club officers H clude: Mayor, Dale Royce; vice Mayor, Cherry Orme; chief of police, Sue Wetherell; campfire program chairman, Linda Powell; recreation chairman, Linda Sperry; clean camp chairman, Evelyn Nielson; camp editor, Dorothy Wanlder and Rebecca Warner; handicraft chairman lumber yards and planing Is 4-- rs mill. (a) Draying, t Planning Meeting Six Pg Comedy Corner H FILLERS PROGRAM FOR UTAH UTAH STATE MEDICAL LAST NAME 4-- (PLEASE PRINT) pQl'lO n. k. -- r Anniversary Party . 'jVr. CH May 16, 1963 Thursday, |