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Show TIRED BACKS. HOME - MADE REMEDY DANCE' WITH LIVE SNAKES. The kidneys ifave a great work to do in keeping the blood pure. When they get out of order it causes backache, An Indian Custom That is Supposed to Bring Good Crops. INEXPENSIVE AND EASILY PARED BY ANYONE. PRE- - KNEW WHAT PAPA SAID. Mildred Of course, I care more for a mans true love than for the amount And It Was Something of a Variation of Old Adage. of money he spends. Clothllde Oh, of course!" Mildred But still, Its awfully hard to bold a cheap man . dear. The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel hopes to have a newf prov- ince In Central Afilca and new dioceses In Manchuria, Singapore, Edmonton, Khartoum, northwest and northeast Rhodesia. Tommy was stubborn and his teachGroups of three are now formed was having a hard time explaining er conheadaches, dizziness, by the snake med, each group ML A.A a small point in the geography leslanguor and distress- sisting of a carrier priest, an at- Is Said to Relieve Backache son. Promptly troubles. ing urinary tendant and a gatherer, and these and Overcome Kidney Trouble and Tommy," teacher began, you can Keep the kidneys wait their turn in front of the kisi, Bladder Weakness Though Harmlearn this if you make up your mind. well and all .hess where the snakes are handed to the Its not one bit smart to appear dnll. less and Pleasant to Take. will be carrier priest Soon all the dancers sufferings I know, she continued, coaxingly, saved you. Mrs. S. A. are furnished with reptiles, and, will What that you are just as bright as any very interesting appear of Moore, proprietor holding the squirming snakes in their to article is the here many people boy In the class. Remember, Tommy, a restaurant at For Infants and Children. teeth, they dance slowly and with York New a from where there's a will there's paper, taken daily Mo., says: closed eyes around the plaza. as formuAw," broke in Tommy, I know all "Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I The carrier priest is followed by giving a simple prescription, claims dat, I do. Me ladder's a lawyer, he is, Buffered everythinfrom kidney trou- the attendant, who holds a snake lated by a noted authority, who an Ive heard him say it lots o' times.1 bles for a year and a half. I had pain whip with which he distracts the that he has found a positive rembackcase of You should not have interrupted cure to almost any in the back and head, and almost con- snake and so diverts its attention edy tinuous in the loins and felt weary all from the man who carries it, and the ache or kidney or bladder derange- me, reprimanded the teacher, "but m glad that your father has taught ALCOHOL, 3 PLK CENT. the time. A few doses of Doans Kid- gatherer is always ready to snatch ment, in the following simple prescripAVegelable PrcparalionforAs ney Pills brought great relief, and 1 up the snakes when they are dropped tion, if taken before the stage of you the old adage. Gan you repeat it for me? similaiin the FoodanilRcgula Brights disease: kept on taking them until in a short to the ground. Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-haSure, said Tommy, confidently. time I was cured. I think Doan's iingllieSiomachsauilBavisoJ' I have often noticed rattlesnakes one ounce; Me ladder says dat where der's a Kargon, ounce; Compound Pills wonderful. are to the Kidney held closer to the rattles than ill ders always a bunch o poor reFor sale at all dealers. 60 cents a head, so they could easily run their Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three box. Foster-MilburLipplncotts. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. heads into the eyes and hair of the ounces. Shake well in a bottle and lations. each carrier priebL It was nervous work take in teaspoonful dqses after Promotes IslimJChrerful A Point of View. and again at bedtime. PROVIDENCE WAS IN IT. watching them, for it often appeared meal and IfrsLContalns neither ness of The new steamer City A well known authority, when asked so" as if nothing could prevent a fatal one of Opium the .Morphuic nor Mineral. was and laid for stated repairs up this Fortunate Meeting Surely Brought strike, bait the priests never seemed regarding prescription, sailwas line of the Not rickety About by Hand of Fate. to be unnerved or disconcerted in the that the ingredients are all harmless, small cost ing in her place. A passenger who and the programme is nevei and can be obtained at a least, jfcy at m iksvmnjnuas from any good prescription pharmacy, was somewhat irritated by the fact A farmerish-lookinman shared my changed. flmfikut Sad an to if remarked by 2 liishman, be another, would or up mixture the put seat on tle train as I was traveling After the plaza has been circled v, of The the always that stated City further way: He JbcMUSaltt-Aust- in through Indiana, and after we had twice with each snake, it is dropped asked to do so. been talking for a couple of hours a to the ground, the shock of the fall while this prescription is often pre- gets in at two In the morning and this woman got on at being violent enough usually to cause scribed in rheumatic afflictions with old tub never gets in before six. Yery common-lookinIturmSrs The Irishman thought for a moment a station. I saw the man look very the rattler to coil and shake its rat splendid results, he could see no reaC Sutrr s sl flavor. bard at her, and directly after she had ties. Then the gatherer, with a few son why it would not be a splendid and replied: "It's all right. The disa we same the and tance is trouand' get just taken a seat he rose up and said: urinary strokes of his feather whip, reduces remedy for kidney Apcrfeel Remedy for Ctmsilpa as it has a peculiar longer sail for the money." Excuse me, stranger, but I think I it to submission, picks it up and bles and backache, tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea used to know that woman, and I'll go hands it to one of the antelope men action upon the kidney structure, .Convulsions.Fevcrish Worms Finance. Fanciful over and see her. cleansing these most important orto hold. and Loss of Sheep. De ness Broke loaned Havent that you to and sift I them and was and an about so He gone hour, helping When all the snakes have been gans had forgotten all about him when he danced with, each one receiving the filter from the blood the foul acids a good deal of money?" Etc Simile Signature of No. I've let him have a number returned to say: same treatment, the head snake priest and waste matter which cause sicksmall sums." "Yes, I knew her. Durn my cats if strews meal in a circle at one side ness and suffering. Those wrho suffer of Mjl a Knowing his reputation, why did in it NEW YORK. no can mistake make giving it didnt turn out to be my first wife of the floor, and the snake priests him five? that last you give It did? all gather around it. Then at a given trial. It was this way. He said If I d let Sures you live. We was divorced signal, all the snakes are thrown NOTHING HID FROM KAISER. have It hed pay me something him then and since Ive within the circle, where they are leven years ago, on what he already owed me." been married twice and lost both sprinkled with sacred meal by num How German Emperor Keeps in Touch Well? women by death. I surely believe the bers of Hopi maidens. with Worlds Affairs. So I let him have the five and he hand of Providence is in it. Then another signal is given, and Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt INTW tlMMHf, MIWV9HH me one dollar on account." paid For just what reason? the snake priests swoop down, grab The German emperor's interest in Why, Ive got nine children that up as many snakes as they can carry that goes on in .he world $100 Reward $100. need a mother, and Hanner is willing and rush down the sides of the steep everything is well known, but few are aware of The reader of this paper will be plehaed to leara to try it again and see if we cant get mesa to the plains below to release '.he trouble he takes to keep in touch that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science been able to cure la all Its stage, and that the snakes in certain sacred places, with current affairs. According to a baa along better! Exchange. the only positive Catarrh. Hail' Catarrh Cure Catarrh now known to the medical fraternity. cure so that they may carry the prayers Munich newspaper, the kaiser reads Tm"t ,H & Pure Food. being a constitutional riUeato, require a constitu-Infrom the living to the dead, and the it least three papers every day, chhng-n- g tional treatmeul. Hair Catarrh Cure taken MEMBER OF --or. FOR EVERY BiS8HOE8 food does not mucous law eud The pure prohibit ancestors of the ternally, acting directly upon the blood THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. Hopi may intercede of the system, thereby destroying the the list several times a week in surface the sale of Cream of Tartar Baking for them with the and giving the patient Pr? Jt moll nature gods that order to become fully acquainted with foundation of the disease, i DoupM doom not mmko strength by building up the coaaUtuilon aud assist Powders because Cream of Tartar is morm Mon'm f 3 A 3. BO mhoom be plenty of rain and no the ideas of all political parties in- the lng nature in doing It work. The proprietors have there may as pure as Alum but it is a well o m id h faith In lu curative powers that they offer I A am mny of Asp manufacturer. of the crops being destroyed state. But this by no means exhausts One Hundred Hollars for any case that It falls to THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people cnown fact that a baking powder in danger bend for lit of testimonials. cure, In Craftsman. The all life than any other make, is because of their walkaot his appetite for information. Every Addreti F. J CUKNhVACO., Toledo, O. which Alum is used instead of Cream of by drought excellent style, easy tilting, ami superior wearing qualities, Sold by all Druggist, 75c. as of the affairs, T lie selection of the leathers ami other materials tor each part foreign day ministry Tartar is less injurious. Dr. Herman Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. of the shoe, ami every detail of the making is looked after by well as that of the interior, has to proEyes Are Hereditary. the most coinpleteorganization of superintendents, foretuenaiul Relnbold, the expert German chemist, skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the cuttings, properly The British Association is asking vide newspaper Where He Had Best of It. in a recent official report concerning shoe Industry, ami whose workmanship cannot tie excelled. on slips and and named dated, pasted In to the Their Willie are and John twins. hunting a public declares that pure if! could take you into my large factories at Brockton. Mass., Baking Powders, for the and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you perusal, emperors some fascl which secret of ready a down best friend and playfellow is Archie, Mum baking powder is better and less then understand why thfey wouM 'ift marshape, fit better, These he carefully reads, making who Is gifted with red hair and a hot wear longer and are ofgreater value than any other make. Cream of nating hints have just been discover.njurious than the and notes he as Shomm they GUt goes along, Edom Is of omnnoi bm mqttmMmd at any Jtffoe. and ginal ed. $ The 4.00 and Afy One investigation difficulty temper. Tartar powders. He says that if the day they quarreled CAUTION 'I he $5,00 genmue have AV .It. Douglas name ami pi Ice stamfied on bottom. T ke color are then scrupulously classified and Archie started home in a huff. The more no down than the sufW. Ask dealer L. shoes. Jf he caunot supply you, send No for a in noting contained alum of Douglas your Substitute, quantity immediate referdirect to factory. Shoes seut everywhere by mail Catalog free. W JJDouglaa. Brockton, Mean unsympathetic twins called after him ficient quantity of baking powder for of the eyes of th$ family. In the light put aside ready for of science there are only two sorts ence. Often, too, the emperor asks red head, red head. Archie seemed a batch of bread or cakes for an ordi-aarof eyes blue and not blue. Hence for Cuttings relating to the particular not to hear until the Insult was reone to be concentrated family, for the mouthful of food, and taken into the appears a strange law of heredity. technical subjects in which peated, then he turned and called stomach of any one person, no matter It is asserted that where both par- time he is specially Interested. back, Dont care if I am red headed, ents have blue eyes, all the children how delicate, it could do no harm. ain't twins and folks can tell me FURIOUS HUMOR ON CHILD. have blue eyes; where both parents apart. Grand Forks Press. Revenge is a momentary triumph, have brown eyes, all the children Effective Rat Poison. )f which the satisfaction dies at once, have brown eyes; but It is where the Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Body A new plague protective or rat Nothing Helped Her Cuticura ind is succeeded by remorse; whereas parents differ that this alleged law ol Cures Her in Five Days. In this poison has been discovered In India. forgiveness, which is the noblest of heredity is most surprising. It consists of a pasty substance Inocuill revenge, entails a perpetual pleas-are- . case brown eyes are said to be domi After my granddaughter of about lated with a bacillus. According to renant, and blue eyes recessive, so that Mountford. the children of mixed parents three seven years had been cured of the port a rat which takes enough to of every four will have brown eyes measles, she was attacked about a cover a pins head will not only die, and one blue. fornight later by a furious Itching and but will Infect every other rat with painful eruption all over her body which It comes In contact. Five vilespecially the upper part of it, forming lages have been selected by the govFirst U. S. Treasurer. Each of the new $10 treasury notes watery and bleeding sores, especially ernment in which to make tests of ounces has a portrait of Michael Hillegas under the arms, of considerable size the new poison. and for deal three a suffered She great labeled ol First Treasurer 'upon It, She Enters Finance. Made from pure, carefully tested the United States. This recogni weeks we nursed her every night, where Is Skinnems brokerJohn, we could think all remedies the tion of a man whose personal wort? using age office? materials. and service to his country have beer of. Nothing would help. We tried the Why do you ask? and Remedies after Cuticura twenty too long obscured, says a writer I understand he Is offering some Makes all baking healthful. must be credited to a descendant four hours we noted considerable im In stocks, slightly damaged bargains one and after only using provement, the Rev. Michael Lee Minich, a Lu Washington Life. by water. Why pay more for inferior. theran pastor, and to Secretaries Johr complete set of the Cuticura Remedies five consecutive In little one, the days Hay and Leslie M. Shaw, who, fron Guns, Traps, Decoys, Etc. powders? the archives of the state and treasury much to our joy, had been entirely Lowest prices. Write for free cabling No. 1 rNlJESMANf! a for well and been has long cured, Minn. & Hide N. Fur W. Co., Minneapolis, departments, got proof of Hillegas V R. F. D. No GuaraS prior claims to a post hitherto credit time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht, Some peoplq cant help making JAQUES MFG. CO. ed either to Robert Morris or Samuei 3, Bakersfield, Cal., June 25 and Jul 1906. of mountains. Chicago molehills out 20, Meredith. Hillegas was a refiner lutionary Philadelphia sugar NO NEED FOR WORDS. manufacturer of iron and merchant LIVE STOCK AND Positively cur d by whose credit was at George Wash Brief Pantomime Told Everything to ington's command whenever the grea MISCELLANEOUS Onlooker. the CARTERS these Little Pills. H military leader needed funds. They also relieve Disfostered historical research and was tress from Dyspepsia, I Harrison Grey Fiske discussed, at a Hearty musician of note. dinner in New York, the art of actEating. A perfect remWhen a woman suffering from edy for Dizziness, Nau ing. sea, Drowsiness, Bad female subtrouble is told that an operI Mr. in Wealth. Edwards said King believe, Fiske, Tastein the Mouth, CoatIN GREAT VARIETY ation is necessary, it, of course, While the king of England is gran' tlety and restraint. A nod, a shake of ed' Tongue, Pain in the FOR SALE AT THE her. frightens LIVER ed about $4,000,000 a year by the Brit the head, a silent pause these things LOWEST PRICES BY Side, TOKPID The of the hospital, very thought They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable ish parliament in what is termed the are often more effective than the most the operating table and the knife civil list, this forms only a fraction violent yelling and ranting. A.N.KELLOCC NEWSPAPER CO, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. strikes terror to her heart. of his majesty's real wealth, as the Life is like that, subtle and silent It is quite true that these troub73 V, Aiam, Slnet, CHICAGO Genuine Must Bear les may reach a stage where an opeking actually owns property valued What, for instance, could be more exration is the only resource, hut a at close to $100,000,000. As a matter pressive than this scene, a scene Signature great many women have been cured of fact, the king of England must be without a spoken word, that I once by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable considered as wealthier than ar witnessed in the country? Compound after an operation has American with two hundred million An undertaker stood on a corner MISS ROSE MOORE been decided upon as the only cure. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. of money. Moreover, the king has h near a noble mansion. He elevated The strongest and mobt grateful READERS sinngthlspaperde to buy anyhis brows hopefully and inquiringly statements possible to make come from women who by taking money all invested in real estate, an thing advert sod in owns more real estate than any insist should Its columns came upon house. a from as having the physician what they ask lor, refusing all substiTHE MAN WHO SWEARS BY English-speakinindividual ex The physician, compressing his lips tutes or mutations. made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations, as cept perhaps William Waldorf Astor, shook his head decidedly and hurried THE FISH BRAND SUCKER evidenced by M iss Rose M oores ease, of 307 W . 26th bt. , N. Y. She writes:-De- ar the elder, who owns blocks and blocks to his carriage. Then the undertaker E. Iinkhams Vegetable Compound has Mrs. Pinkham:-'Lyd- ia who is the man of New York real property, although with a sigh passed on. cured me of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express has tried to get he has become a naturalized subjecl to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years so that PARKERS Mere Man. the same service of the English monarch. I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I HAIR BALSAM man that woman out of some It is not the ideal CTetss aod baaufs tbs doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting Promote laxumnt growth. other make has to live with. The worst service to an operation which I was advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia Never Falls to Bestore Gray Chihuahua Dog. Hair to its Youthful Color she can dd the actual man is to ex E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound; it cured me of the terrible trouble Cures scalp diwamj a hair fiUkuL Although the Chihuahua dog 25 pect too much of him. Do not treat and I am now in better health than I have been for many years. ,U This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly years ago was common in Mexico, it is him as important or magnificent, or dia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation. said to be rapidly becoming extinct anything of that kind. He has no Irrigated Fruit, Alfalfa Farma payments. Special ynr. UALIrUnNIA Kasy Its abilities for the part. There is nothIt is a curious little creature. New Govt aided canal. OaG Clean - Light Durable Mrs. Women free. Wooster, 7U2 Market 8U. San k ranciboo alog Guaranteed Waterproof not more a sometimes is than to Women man. weight He is human suffering from any form of female weakness are invited ing great about and Sold Everywhere pound and a half, and it has a dispro- Which is a comfortable thing day by promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. From the Thompsons Eye Water symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest portionately large head, bulging eyes day so long as you treat him propof advised. way recovery The is ears. hair ttlWTMTtO and long usually erly. The Newsletter. tail fOt THl AUUN W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 40, 1907, v scanty, showing the pink skin under- J from this It characteristic and neath, Tough Proposition. has been known as the Mexican hair The devil take him! HOWARD E. BURTQH,aevm.st.nb less dog. They seldom show the usual Hush! Twixt you an me, I don SpMiDFu prices. GokJ. 8ilrer.Lesd.il; Gold,tests. Louis Color more good, brighter and latter colon than any other dye. One 10c package color all libera. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. Voo can dye dog straits of sagacipus and intelli- think the devil wants himj Gold. 60c; ZiDCorOopper.il. Cyanide Blading envelope and foil price list sent on applicaaoi garment without ripping apart. Write lor true booklet How te Ore, Blear.b and Uu Color. MOMROE DRUG GO., Quincy, lllinolm gent attachment ville Courier-JournaLi tion Control and Umpire work solicited. e. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the lt Signature of n Narcotic. hM old-time- g In g Use For Over oS-g- Thirty Years 1 1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 $3.50 SHOES $25,000 Reward - y Those who believe in quality use BAKING POWDER for 25 cents 25 (SOQKHTtf mmM &22M ifP fe ' pre-rev- o SICK HEADACHE Women Avoid Operations and-To- Fac-Simi- Electrotypes le othe-singl- Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound e g Pinkhams Standing Invitation to CATALOG V0Wt CO PUTNAM FADELESS DYES l. trill. Colo. Uttferenca. Carbonate National Banja a T-i- 3 A Y-- - r 5 t - A |