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Show Edgar Allen Foe slept with his cat. otherwise, within thirty The highest waves In the North 25 to of a defend' Ocean attain the: lantic heighth and after service, New York eats as many as 7, 000,000 Bieamists in Hungary are compelled above entitled action; and in case1 of j 29 feet, to- submit to an odd punishment The' your failure so to do, judgment will oysters in a day. man who has married., two wives is be rendered against you according, to' THE KEELEY CURE. t legally forced: to live with both, of the demand of the complaint, which To women 4or collecting within ten days after service of this Drunkenness Curs. names and selling out summons upon you, will be filed with them, in the same house. A positive and permanent cure novelties, we give big The throne of Persia, known- as the the clerk of said Court This action: for drunkenness and the opinm send your name today for" Wonderful Peacock Throne, is prob- is brought to recover a judgment dispremiums There Is no publicity, no our new plan ei big profits with lit- ably the most costly in the world: It solving the bonds of matrimony heresickness, Ladies treated as pri- tie work. Write today. Address C. is literally covered with jewels, and isjtofore existing between you and the t, vately as at their own homes. The T. MOSELEY, valued at between 110,000,000 and plaintiff: CYRUS G. GATRELL, Keeley Institute, 334 W-- So. Tem- 32 IE. 23rd Street,, New York City. ple, Salt Lake City, Utah Plaintiffs- Attorney. The Chief of the Ghent police, who P. O. addVess 311 D. F. Walker Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. is organizing a brigade of police-womeFirst publication. Sept. 22, 1907. . proposes to take on none except women of from forty to fifty. At that NOTICE. age he thinks the sex has reached years of discretion, and has sufficient nature. Lena of Estate Wannebo, Deceased; experience of life and human" The undersigned will sell at private are sale the real estate situate in: Salt In Sweden the public-house- s OWNED BY closed on Saturday pay day while Lake county, Utah described as folthe savings banks are kept open until lows : Lots one and two in block six midnight. No government can force in the. First Burlington- Addition to a man to save his money; but this Glendale Park in Salt Lake City, acF0R BUSINESJTMfT Swedish system at least encourages cording to; the- recorded plat, together him to .deposit it where it is most with the apurtenances on or after Sep7 tember 30, 1907, and written bids will likely to be of use. n McGur-rioffice of at the be received' 432 South Main Street Salt LaKe City. wholly & Gustin, 309 Auerbach Building, Medical treatment almost confined to the day time is thought by Salt Lake City, Utah, Terms of sale, Dr. Lauder, a French physician,, to be cash or credit as provided by law. a serious mistake. Disease is most ac- .: Dated, September 4, 1907. Edward Wannebo, Administrator of tive at night asthma, .; epilepsy and other attacks coming then almost en- he estate of Lena Wannebo, deceased: McGurrin & Gustin, Attorneys. tirely and observations have shown that medicine administered in the First publication Sept. 8,. 1907. Iudnend" Phsr night hours, or both night and 1. NO. with ASSESSMENT greater day, acts better and than an equal dose all given ' Utah Newspaper and Mining Comin the daytime. It is explained that in By the Location oi the nocturnal fasting state the body pany, a corporation. absorbs remedies with greater; energy, principal place of business, Salt Lake : while they are eliminated less quickly. City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at In many instances disease has resisted all medication by day, hut- has yield- meeting of the Board of Directors Su, Ova; Store, 2o4 bourn held on the 30th day of August, 1907, ed to night treatment cent per share an assessment of SALT LAKE CITY. GUARDIANSHIP was levied on the capital stock of the AND NOTICES. corporation, payable October 1, 1907, Consult County Clerk or respective to L. H. Grayj treasurer, at 14 Eagle Utah. Any ners fo further Information. Bldg., Salt Lake City, stock upon which this assessment, SUMMONS. may remain irapaid on the 1st day ot October, 1907, will he delinquent and 'in the District Court of the Third advertised for sale at public auction Judicial District of the State of Utah, and, unless payment is made before will be sold on the 22nd day of Octo, County of Salt Lake. THE RANGE THAT Katie Esther Bishop, plaintiff vs. ber, 1907, at the hour of 12 oclock m. THE STAY SATISFACTORY RANGE." Charles W. Bishop, defendant. Sum- at 14 Eagle Bldg., Salt Lake . City, SAVES. mons. Let us place one in your home, use it thirty days, if it is not Utah, to pay the delinquent assesswe will call for it all money paid refunded. $45.00 to The State of Utah, to the said De- ment together with the cost of adversatisfactory . fendant: of sale.1 and $70.00. expense tising You are hereby summoned to appear L. H. GRAY, Secretary. within twenty days after the service Office, 14 Eagle Building, Salt Lake of this summons upon you, if served City, Utah. G. CAMPBELL, Manager within the County in which this action First publication Sept. 1, 1907. is brought BITS OF INFORMATION. t'A; H. t ' y; a J lr':7' J ' I.5 n r A - I I m CORDON ACADEMY. 3 South & 3 East Streets, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Day School for boys and girls. Art and Music Department, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh, Eigth Grades, together with all High School branches. College trained teachers, individual help when necessary. " Expenses moderate. Private Boarding and For Particulars Address: D. ' CLARK, Principal Gordon Hall. B. We Carry SECOND-HAN- 8 DINNEER a Complete Line D HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Elsewhere. Mail Orders SolicitFigure With ed. Goods Promptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. ' South State Street. NEW STORE, 254-25- 6 SECOND-HAN- D STORE, 242 South State Street. Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old Stove. . NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS et-fe- ' Western iFurniture Company. A. H. Successor to Crow Brothers; DEALER IN Harness, Saddles, Robes, Dus ters. Horse Sheets. Etc. Good material, Good work, Just prices. 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. MALLEABLE RANG - . MONARCH HARDWARE CO., J. JUR SUCCESS IN PRACTICE (iSfARE ALONE DUE TO THE RESULTS OBTAINED THRO.UGH THE 7 WONDERFUL SCI ENCEr A. CHIROPRACTIC. People who come to us are, as a rule, without a vestige of hope, and after taking our drugless treatment for a short time, you can see the bloom of health upon their cheek. How is this condition brought about? Through the' wonderful science of chiropractic, which is the only science practiced today that exactly locates !!.LL Etc. Paints, Calcimining Tinting, Wall-Pape- r,, Painting, Graining, Sign Painting. Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. Phones: Bell 178 IK, Ind. 2287. : All figured papers trimmed unless otherwise ordered. 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. J Paper-Hangin- g, 1 ; low-pric- ed f t If te I Co. s I Sounds Big, but its True you want town in Utah, and Wyoming, the BELL. - talk with every Idaho, Montana you MUST have Otherwise CANT! A 18 k I am aware of the fact that many of our very best people have no confidence in the doctors who advertise and on this account it was with considerable reluctance that I began to give our business publicity by the use of printers ink. If, however, these same people will give the matter serious consideration, they will, I believe, see that our position is not to be compared with the M. D. who advertises. Let us draw a comparison. Suppose an M. D. comes to your city to locate. He rents an office and places a modest sign on the door, viz DR. JOHN JONES, M. D. Everyone who- reads this sign knows exactly what his method of treatment is. It is not necessary for him to advertise. If he does advertise and tell the people how superior his treatment is to that of other M. D.s, it is fair to presume he is exaggerating, because thousands of other M. D.s have graduated from the same school he did. Now suppose I come to your city, rent an office and place a sign on the hw "18 k" INSIDE. Lake City. ragbag GASOLINE Retail. Mining Timber, Genasco Roofing. Blue Plaster Board. of Building Material. All Kinds Write or Call at Oar Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. D Piles Removed n o Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases 261 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. T. W. BOCKS TIE Practical Gents TAI 21 Ladies LOR j Suits Made to Order $22.50 Q up, Pants $6 & tip. In Altering, Repairing, Cleaning & Pressing. ROOMS 33 35 EAGLE BLOCK, .' it SALT LAKE CITY.K SsSSvSIJ -- Eltl.atly Fornlihed, Strictly Modern. The Raleigh! Mrs. L B. McGrath, Prop. ( 137 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Rooms Single & EnSoito, With Private Bath. ) wr1. i "VfW Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. Strictly Modern in all Appointments. LIGHTING SYSTEMS OF ALL KINDS. SPECIAL LAMPS FOR THE HOME. power, 3-- SALT LAKE CITY. - Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. 138 State Street, Salt LaKe City. Jv Telephones havt this 0VTS1DE. ,f jfv - K 1 NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ' EUROPEAN. $ per hour.j Correspondence solicited. Send us diagram of your building and we will submit estimate, j SUNBEAM LIGHT COMPANY, 107 E. Second South Street, f n n n v - H ' Chiropractic. How much would the people who read the sign know of our method? It is quite probable that most of them would think we were corn doctors, and it is doubtful if one out of one hundred would give it a single .v thought. Now let us presume that after long weeks (possibly months) of waiting, Mrs. Brown (who is a chronic sufferer from rheumatism and has tried up evdry known remedy) musters courage enough to call upon me. She begins treatment and improves from the very first. On the third visit she tells one of numerous friends who have various ailments whom she has tried to explain to them what the treatment is, but they do not seem to grasp the situation from her explanation. , She ends by asking if I can send them some printed matter which will convince them that I am not a corn doctor or a humbug. It Is then up to me to produce the printed matter or take up my original place in the office chair, waiting, waiting, waiting. I am doing just what you would do under the same circumstances. I advertise that which I do, and I do that which I advertise. There is not a lie in this paper. Remember that consultation and examination is as free as the air you breathe. If you are sick, call or write to Dr. Farnsworth, 210 Auerbach Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. Absolutely safe and reliable. Full line of Mantels, Globes, etc. Pure Gold Rings Strait Wholesale FAKERS BECAUSE WE ADVERTISE? .. With the Utah Drugless Institute. and removes the cause of disease, PLACE YbUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. pud enables nature, the grandest of Stop Those Hea'- - all physicians, to perform her funcit tions normally, thereby restoring you W Are Here. 2 to perfect health; which goes to show Those Dizzy Spells beyond a shadow of a doubt that Times a Year there is a' cause for every ill that That Eye 8traln. afflicts the. human body.. Common sense tells us that this cause must be removed before you can get well. Do drugs remove the cause of disAlexander-Dibbl- e ease? If they do, why are there so many chronic invalids today seeking Formerly Alexander Optical Co. relief through drugless methods? Thd Atlae Block, Salt. Lake City. Both Phones 4444. questipn answers itself drugs never remove the cause of disease. The science of chiropractic will remove the cause, allowing nature, the only ' true physician, to cure. If you have been ailing for years, you no doubt can vouch for the truth of this statement, and ought to be interested enough in your physical welfare to investigate the merits of wonderful chiropractic, the most science of the age in relieving suffering humanity. i. Consultation and examination as as free the air you breathe. to If f " WE door, viz DR. L. E. FARNSWORTH, DR. FARNSWORTH, K W. 3 S. 9 FACTS ARE V MISLEADING. Parker Lumber Co. KNAPTON, CURTIS HANGER CO. $ ham THE MONARCH 27-2- MANUFACTURER convenances. ' LcMu.jcwein In SEPARATE STORES. , i0nL 1--4 Us Before Buying , , Hunnecutt. Day or Week, Visit Our Stores in Salt Lake City. of NEW and Premium-Departmen- LocRsley Hall. Mrs. E. - . "YT :v '-- r I |