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Show with all requirement of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. Compile 204 , filed at Washington. 1 A GRAIN OF By We dined in some of the finest hotels and restaurants, but did not find any coffee to excel in quality Arbuckles ARIOSA. is what That package, one pound full weight, aring the name ARBUCKLES ARIOSA COFFEE and the signature of Arbuckle Brothers, which entitles you to presents. s, one Jady writes and millions of others prove they believe, by using more Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee than all the other packaged coffees in the United States 37 years, ought to induce everybody to at least sample it That is the genuine article, no matte The cities hide many country girls where you buy it or whatnce you pay put and boys - who secretly sigh for a for it. cup of good coffee like mother" made. Same old Coffee, same old firm. The fact that Arbuckles Mother" probably used the old ARIOSA Coffee costs less and original Arbuckles the first roasted If your grocer wont supply, write to has suited the health and taste of packaged coffee. ARBUCKLE BROS.. together, most American people for over UNION A66AY OFFICE. See that you get the sealed NEW YORK CITY. . STATE FAIR PROGRAMME. The days of the week have been for observance designated by the J. V. Sadlei committee to date as follows: M. f. Hanauer. Monday Opening day, Cache and 181 West Temple. Box Elder county day, special P. O. Box 1446. 8alt Lake City, Utah in the evening, balloon race In the horse racing and all afternoon, Analytical Work a Specialty. other attractions, Including Adgie, the woman non tamer. Tuesday Derby day. SETTLES, MATHEZ A CO., Wednesday Salt Lake county day, Assay, Chemloal and Metallurgies free concert by Salt Lake tabernacle choir, balloon ascension. Laboratory. Thursday Weber county day, with 168 South West Temple Street, Ogden tabernacle choir In attendance. Salt Lake City, Utah. Friday Utah county day; children's W. G. KING, MANAGER. day, all schools close, children's cho-ru- s Ch.mlrts and Assayers. Local & Nqws Items MERCUR ITEMS. fire-wor- for '3. Oold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL RESEARCH CO.,. Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo., U. S. A. Fifteen assays or analyse J. E. Crow, Formerly of CROW BROTHERS, Has opened up at South Temple Street, Salt LaKe City, 13 W Where he will be pleased to contest. Saturday Davis county day, auto- mobile races, confetti battle. Every day of the week there will be horse races. The management has appropriated $5,000 for purses, ana some very exciting events are 'promised. An Innovation will be the roadster auto race, which will be held at the close of the horse races. Several motor car ownerB In Salt Lake maclaim to have chines, and the race will be bound to attract a great deal of Interest and a large crowd. The fair will close Saturday night with a grand confetti battle. two-mil- e Mercur Miner. Plnety of work In Mercur for good men at the regular scale of wages existing throughout Utah. J St Alma Swenson & Co. have sold out their mercantile business, store buildings, bakery, residence, and about twenty (20) dwelling houses to the Union Mercantile Co. A J Evan Jones is hack to Mercur again and has a small force of men at the Sacramento property and getting things In shape for a resumption of operations at that property. Undoubtedly the Sacramento will install the slimes process at an early date. on nearly all the ore in Camp Floyd district by this process show excellent results. M St SENSE Robert Carlton Brown Customers. Harness WorK EVERYTHING RubbsrGoods line Fresh k. 64 All good gut nteed. Send us your mall order. B ITE DRUG CO, 338 Main 8L, Salt Lake City, Utah. & Suiueaio joduj HBAI SujniuniDieo Snnuu ooseunpig $ 9 SHOivuooaa ony . .Wil ? iAV ; uadvd saaiNivdJ SU3DNVH 6831 1193 enoqj 8JlT mbs5 SU3H10US S1N3W3T0 !! nuej IS 088 SuKUdiQ '0 TO 9S0I 8;ueui90 o AV Dr. Liro Tai French Tanlete. An - w qualntanca these tablets a result In a pie; nt surprise suffering worn The ladies' mi In cai guard. of painful or si non DINNEER lddl NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ." Day or WeeK. r John C. Cutler, Jr., INVESTMENT BANKER. Established 1893. T THE BONDS. SVGA1 STOCKS. BANK STOCKS. And Other; High Grade Investments Bought Sold. 36 Main St,. Salt LaKe City, Both Phenes 127. SStWMeSWWSSMMWSSWMeMNWHl MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE i MONARCH HARDWARE CO., J. St, Salt Lake City. t, Parker Lumber Co. Wholesale $ Retail. Mining Timbers, Genasco Roofing, Blue Plaster Board. All Kinds of Building Material. Write or Call at Our 50 o o WITHOUT KNIFE. o Doctor Johnson, o Specialist for Rectal Diseases 261 S. Main I Street, Salt Lake City. TEAMS T W. We do a General Commission Broherage In all UTAH and NEVADA STOCKS. Orders Promptly Executed References, any Bank in Utah. Child, Cole $ Co.,; Salt 100 Atlas BlacK, LaKe City, Utah. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium There is no publicity, no sickness. Ladies treated as privately as at their own homes. The Keeley Institute. 334 W. So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. He pulled the pamphlet from his pocket and threw it savagely Into the waste basket. The book said I was to act that way to win you, he continued, holding her to him so that she could not see him blush, but the book wasnt right. Ive won you another way, and I tell you it just all goes to prove what Ive always said." Whats that, John? Mary cooed, now that she was relieved of her anxiety. It just goes to prove, emphasized Bobbs, that a grain of common sense is worth a pound of book learnin." Real Sparking. The big green automobile stood motionless In the sandy road. Where is your father? asked the young man. peering around in the darkness. Under the machine looking for the whispered the pretty girl. sparking, The young man laughed softly and slipped his arm around her. he chuckled. Poor old gentleman! The idea of looking for sparking under the auto when it is going on up here. And then he intentionally fouled some of the mechanism and kept the perspiring old gentleman under the big car for over an hour. B Practical 0GentsCKS TIE, Ladies 0 R. TAIL a Suits Made to Order $22.50 $ up. Pants $6 & up. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning Pressing. ROOMS 33 35 EAGLE BLOCK, p The Farniihed, Mrs. 137 Strictly Madera, I tft if S U v Raleigh! L D. rf p McGrath, Prop. East First South Street, Rooms Single I 4 8 SALT LAKE CITY.K book. . S I Piles Removed J, ' Office, SALT LAEE CITY, UTAH. Corner 2 South & 3 West Sts. LABORERS ZOO To women for collecting vp names and selling our novelties, we give big premiums send your name today for our new plan of big profits with little work. Write today. Address C. T. MOSELEY, Premium Department, 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City. conveniences. ham jeweirr WANTED Is grow ing tn value, and now is the time to Invest. On Sept 16th will offer for sale: 500 lots in JORDAN PLACE. A subdivision of Salt Lake City, at Third Tenth West street between South and Sixth South streets. One dollar cash and fifty cents a week will buy one of these lots without interest or tax. Price from $100 to $200. Size, 25 by 157 feet to alley. Streets graded and close to city school and street cars. Send for Plat to E. B. Wicks, No. 69 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. I to-da- him? she gasped to herself. At last she decided that he must be sick and It had affected his head. Carefully she broached the subject. She said he was sick, he admitted it, for the book had instructed, Agree to everything she says." Finally, after more absurdities and foolish grtnnings, Mary jumped up with a frightened look, grasped him by the hand, and cried, Come, John, Ill take you to the doctors, you must come, there Is something dreadful the matter with you. For a moment he hesitated, he was just ou the point of gding then suddenly he scowled and immediately became quite natural. ' O "Theres nothing the matter with Subscribe for your local paper. me, he growled. per lower lip quivered, he certainly was strange she oould not the Great Blood understand it; she must get him to & Nerve Tonic. the doctor. Wages 25c per hour Well well, if youre all right, what A Purely Vegetable Compound. what on eartji are you acting so foolish for she pleaded. He hung his head shamefacedly and Tested by Years of Experience. Posthought. Things were not going Just itive Cure for Constipation, Kidney as the book had planned; he was losEquipped with Plank Wagons ing ground. for Grading Work. and Stomach Troubles. Suddenly he jumped up, seized her WAGES $4.50 FOR EIGHT HOURS. A Sure Relief for Rheumatism. by the hands, and shouted, "There's the matter with me, only-o- nly EMPLOYMENT nothingI love Testimonials furnished on request. STEADY you, Mary. Oh, John, has igone to your head Carbo Medical Company, like that? she cried, permitting herP. MORAN self to be hugged. 56 W. 1st South Street, No, he answered, as soon as he Salt Lake City Utah Salt Lake City. , felt like using his lips tn a purely pracNo Its this confounded tical w'ay. AGENTS WANTED. THsr succEEirsATc.rroorii bo. At all drug stores or by m; seourely sealed. Doull Drug Co.. Main, Salt Lake City. Utah. Hunnecutt. Mrs. E. The slimes process in operation, at the Golden Gate mill seems to be a great success, the results of August showing the bullion for amount of values carried In ore, according to the assays. This la, indeed, most encouraging, and indications point at this time to a flourishing condition for ried. Has he been drinking? her mind Mercur and the surrounding camps. The products of Utah Industries are The present business conditions are suddenly suggested. to bo given preference at the fair over much better than at any time during Continually she puzzled, while he foreign exhibits, according to a de- the past year and Mercur is taking on made frantic attempts to entertain her cision arrived at by the board of di- new life. with a few jokes selected from the Thb rectors of the fair association. o list of Utah exhibits is already very STOCKTON LOCAL SHORT STOPS. book. What on earth Is the matter with large, and by the time the day for Salt LaKe Cityj Real Estate 8 3 LocKsley Hall. d Horse Goods o o The Pittsburg man who had a two-yea- r Mr. Bryan announces that he will old child arrested on the charge his answer Taft through Dobbs was bashful. Hobbs was a Secretary lawn has given the bachelor. He bad loved Mary for three weekly paper. This serial will enliven of tearing up his Mr. Bryan proceeds country the impression that he is while th campaign do what good did that jears, but blessed with a disposition like a crosswith his whirlwind llobbs, and what good did it do Mary the third battle. oratory throughout cut saw. In her Yes Bobbs was bashful. presence he acted like a first offender before a judge. He was not a pretty thing, neither was he clever, but he was a man. The neighbors said that Mary loved him. Maybe Mary would have said so, too, but Dobbs never gave her the chance. . OWNED BY Somebody quite unwittingly sent Dobbs a sample copy of a fireside journal. In scrutinizing the advertisements F0R BUS,NESITM.Ee he came suddenly upon a startling one: CLOCH. HOW TO WIN HER LOVE. 432 South Main Street, Salt LaKe City. Its new, boys. Hasnt even hit Paris yet. The best thing in the world. Teaches you how to overcome bashful-ness- , how to act la the company ol ladles, and how to jolly the girls. It costs 10 cents, and the first smile will y to repay you. Send that dime the Donanza Company. Phora 27"4. There was something Imperative Bobbs about Send that dime always had taken orders, and this one, as the rest, he accepted meekly. By the Time hung heavily on Bobbs hands until the book came. When it did, he seized it greedily, rushed to his room, locked the door, pulled down the blind Si., Store, 2o4 Souin Ley aOii'a and read the whole six pages at one SALT LAKE CITY. , sitting. Having finished, he got weakly to his feet, crossed to the cracked mirror on the opposite wall, and smiled into it sickly. Greet her with a smile, he repeatf ed. Then say, Youre lookin swell Flatter her, treat her like you would the queen of England. Use lots of soft soap; they like the lather. Be agreeable. Humor her; jolly her; THE STAY SATISFACTORY RANGE. THE RANGE THAT never be obstinate; give in to her SAVES. Let us place one in your home, use it thirty days, if it is not 5, every whim. Gee but thats some job I they set before a fejler, but I guess I Y satisfactory we will call for it all money paid refunded. $45.00 to Y $70.00. can do it all right. He put the book in his pocket and went that night to call upon Mary, after an hours rigid rehearsing. G. CAMPBELL, Manager She looked blankly at him as he en27-2- 9 W. 3 S. tered the house with a wax figure grin, and remarked, Gee youre lookin swell Mary. That ginghams a beaut. He didn't once mention the weather in the course of half an hour's conversation, and Mary began to look wor- opening rolls around. It Is confidently The Stockton Sentinel." A goodly number of local expected that every home Industry of sports All klnda of any note throughout the state will be were hunting in Soldiers canyon durrepresented in the booths and stalls ing the week. at the I'tah State fair. A A o Stocktons livery stable keeper, Jas. Done on Shortest Notice and Lowest Although there are only eighteen Harris, is talking about putting in Prices. buggies and an automoflags used In the International Code of rubber-tireSignals, which Is used by warships bile. Go it, Jimmy, we can stand a and merchant ships all over the world, whole lot of that kind of talk, just so they can be made to represent no few- it dont materialize. Can and See Me. o er than 20,000 signals, and by its use An Illinois woman hid $2,000 in her something like 50,000 ships ean be desstocking and then forgot to dam the ignated. stocking. o For a while the country will have t Jn the . to witness the squabble between a number of actors who think they can fill Richard Mansfields shoes. See Old Friends The Democrats must nominate a man on whom all fractions can unite, Just says a Southern contemporary. now it looks as if no matter who is nominated all factions will unite in jumping on him. Should wives get salaries? ask a woman writer in one of the magazines. Men who are in the habit of handing their pay envelopes over every week will think this a rather late day to spring a question like that. j SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 2 EnSuite, With Private Bath. Rates Reasonable. Centrally Located. Modern all in Appointments. Strictly NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, EUROPEAN. Mrs. E. Bartlett, Prop. lad. Phan. S82, Ball Fhan.. 3901-- k. 138 State Street, Salt Lake City, if |