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Show TIMELY AND RELEVANT. ila per transport McClellan, Oct. 14; BASEBALL leave Manila, November Arrive OLD-TIM- E Authorities agree that the number of Vladivostok, Nov. 11; leave4; Vladivosvisitors from America to London this tok, train de luxe, Nov. 12; arrive year is unprecedented. The amount Irkutsk, Nov. 16; arrive Moscow, stop ciREAT GAME PLAYED AT AN of money the invaders left behind two days, Nov. 23; arrive St. PetersNAPOL1S IN 63. them also is unprecendented. As to burg, two days, Nov. 26; arrive Berhow much this is. the estimates vary lin, two days, Nov. 29; sail from Cherfrom f 7 5,000.000 to Jioo.ooo.noo. bourg Dec. 4 per North German Lloyd When the Jefferson Met the Monitor steamei for New York. The International Mercantile Marine and Had to Work to Win Doing company has anounced a reduction in Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett Harris, of Men Who Are Since eastward bound first cabin minimum of Aibion, la., take the prize for the Famous. rates on the White Star and Ameri- largest Roosevelt family in the state. can lines. Rates on the White Star They have just twenty-thre- e children In the early days of baseball it was "liner Oceanic have been reduced from All were born to one wife and none to a $105 wonderful $82.50, and on the Majestic of them is twin or triplet 1 thing for our looqj teams guess from $90 to $67.50. On the four Am- according to the statisticians 1 would to make visits to other towns aud erican line ships the rate has been re- have had over half a million dollars cities, and our embryo tourists regardduced from $90 to $67.50. The re- now. If 1 hadnt any children, re- ed the trip down to Annapolis, where ductions will take effect immediately. marked Harris, when the twenty-thirthey met the future rulers of the sea, was born the other day. They say it as a top notcher, said old Musty RecIt will cost about $1,000,000 to re- takes $30,000 to educate and up ord as he scanned the copy at the habilitate Central park. New York. a child nowadays, and I have bring brought sporting editor's desk, according to That the great beauty spot is deterior- all mine up and educated them, too. ating at a rate that will soon make it Lets see, twenty-thre- e at $30,000 the Washington Star. It was a pretty long trip in those an eyesore, and that the has apiece, that would make somewhere ' got to be spent if the parkmoney You had to get up with the is to be around $600,000, wouldn't it? But I times. sun if you wanted to reach Annapolis saved, is the opinion of John H. Beat- guess the kids are worth it ty, superintendent of the parks of the same day, as the then fast going o Manhattan and Richmond, who, with BITS OF INFORMATION. Baltimore & Ohio only had one train Mr. Miller, chief engineer, and Samout that connected with that air line uel Parsons, Jr., landscape architect, Colliers weekly and Lawson show that worked its a ay from the juncis now working out plans to get It in signs of a disposition to clinch. tions and stopped at every signal, like proper condition. Mr. Beattys estie our horse cars. mate of the cost is yet in the rough. The most remarkable method of de"The first team to visit Annapolis He thinks, however, that $200,000 a livering letters doubtless is that emyear for five years will be sufficient ployed by steamers passing the is- from Washington, and, indeed, perlands of the Tonga group in the Paci- haps the first from any place, was The itinery of Secretary of War fic. On account of many reefs land- that lively hunch of amateurs, called 'Taft on his trip around the world is ing is extremely dangerous, and the the Jeffersons, a ho were just coming as follows: few letters to be delivered are attached to the front in 18C8 as the leading exLeft Seattle via steamship Minnesota, to large skyrockets, which are fired ponents of their class of ball tossers. Sept 10; arrive Yokohama, Sept. 25; and reach shore in safety. This visit took place on Thanksgiving arrive Kobe, Sept. 29; arrive Nagasaday, so you can see here also that on G; Oct. ki, 4; arrive Shanghai, Oct The warmer weather of late is hav- that national holiday baseball was the arrive Hongkong, Oct 11; arrive Man- ing a most beneficial effect on the teal thing, at this progressive crops in Notts, Eng., and at Hovering-ha- period it is though football. In honor of the by the side of the Trent, A BEAUTIFuL there is a field of oats which has at- visit great preparations were made by tained the great hight of 6 feet 4 in. our gallant naval officers to make the COMPLEXION This is a most unusual length, and affair notable. The naval academy chaps called will prove too much for the Now Revealed. to reap when harvest day arrives. themselves the Monitors, in honor, perhaps, of the then new craft the A large Baptist church that stands navy had made historic, and their uniWhat beauty is more desirable than in the city of Santa .Rosa, Califor- form consisted of white flannel shirts an exquisite complexion and elegant nia, enjoys the distiction of having and knickerbockers trimmed with constructed entirely from a sin- blue, and blue jewels. An opportunity for every wo- beentree. stockings, quite a surOf includes that the course, gle man to obtain both, for a limited woodwork of the structure. The tree prise for the visitors, as the Jeffer-son- s time only. at that time, as most of the clubs The directions and recipe for ob- from which the timbers, lumber, and Red elsewhere, were was Califora except the famous cut shingles giant a faultless complexion is the taining were A still considerable redwood. Stockings, nia wearing long quantity secret long guarded by the master was left over after the trousers as a part of their uniform. minds of the ORIENTALS and of the lumber church building was completed. The The game was exceptionally brilGREEKS. This we obtained after years of building has a spire 70 feet high; an liant for those days. Some of the audience-roocapable of seating 499, fielding catches of the work and at great expense. It is the midshipmen method used by the fairest and most a parlor capable of seating eighty, a would reflect credit on the best pro14 20 a feet feet, by pastors study toilet-room- . beautiful women of Europe. fessionals now before the public and Hundreds of American women who vestibule, and a would warrant extra space in now use it have expressed their deas phenomenal. writeups BED. FROM FISHES OCEANS and satisfaction. light Midshipman Calhoun, afterward AdThis secret is easily understood miral Calhoun, played his position like and simple to follow and it will save UrxMuai Characteristic af Inhabitant a Lajoie, as he went after and capyou the expense of creams, cosmetics, of tha Daap Saa. v bleaches and forever give you a beauto brought tc tured everything that came his way .Whoa a dep-- a fth tiful complexion and free your skin tba mrtaos, Low gradually mad aara-full- with the ease and elegance of a seafrom pimples, bad color, blackheads, aoarer, Its bonaa ara oftaa Ilk soned player, while the backstop work etc. It alone is worth to you many m Koch touchwood asd tbs masalas of Dillingham was as good as Dug Altimes the price we ask you to send Uka rotten palp, while its eyee an lison showed with the famous Red for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s- t from sockets and Its via Legs of Cincinnati. , Walnwright, at thatr bant derlgn. We st" you this ring as one small earn are often blown oat of tbs body left field, was the admiration of the rofit abovO manufacturing- cost The cavity by the expansion of tha air large crowd, his excellent work bringwhat others bladder, it frequently happens that ing out applause from the Jeffersons. price is less than one-haThe Jeffersons won the game on charge. The recipe is free with ev- deep-ee- a ftshaa are found floating help ery ring. toesly on the surface of tha oeeaa, their merits, but it required the best It is a genuine rose cut diamond with large prey in thetr stomachs. individual and collective work of the ring of sparkling brilliancy absolute- Their appearance under theee dreom-stanoe- e team to surpass that of the middies. ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped Work made them best to aooounted for by the efforts Their clean-cu- t like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of of thetr struggling victim to eacape of friends, even among the young 14Kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more from their jaws, causing them to as- ladies present, and every one knows cend beyond the horisontal sose which how hard it is for civilians to make than $2.00. an impression on the fair sex when We mail you this beautiful fish comthey usually Inhabit Deep-ee- a plexion recipe free when your order are commoaly black or dark brown. brass buttons are around. Is received for ring and $2.00 in mon- But although It to claimed that light "This opening event in athletics at ey order, stamps or bills. Get your to aaaanttol to tha DonnaUon of oolora the academy was soon followed by order in before our supply is ex- some deep ssa fishes are ecartot to visits from the other organizations of hausted. or uniform red or rosy. Others Baltimore and Washington, In which . This offer is made for a limited parts, are silvery white, while, according to not only baseball played an important time only as a means of advertising part, but boat races and other sports Aleock, the naooopehts to one and introducing our goods. sheen of purple and diver and were Included. These have been mainSend today before this opportunity burnished gold, amid which to n spark- tained these many years, and it is reIs forgotten. markable that 90 per cent, of the midT. C. MOSELEY. ling constellation of 32 East 23rd Street, New York City. shipmen who have figured in the annals of athletics have also filled niches in the history of our country and become famous in war and the develop 1906 MODELS. ment of the service. Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double Grand, 8t. Louis, 1904. Russias National Anthem. Send coupon below, filled out, to Russias present national anthem is our nearest dealer or to na and gel our Free Trial and Easy Payment Of-- , probably the only one that was ever fer to responsible parties anywhere adopted as the result of an open comIn the United States. Dont delay petition. The musical committee apThis ia your opportunity to aecure ab pointed to do the first rough work of Bolutely the beat-- Talking Machine selection, rejected all the anthems made, on paymenta that will not be in except two, the respective merfelt We accept old machinea in part sent of which were left for the emperor payment. A written guarantee from its the oldest, largeat and most success- Himself to determine. One was by of ful manufacturers of Talking Ms Glinka, the renowned composer "Life for the Czar; the other was by chines in the entire world. Lvoff. Glinkas anthem was thoroughColumbia Phonograph Co Genl ly Russian in character, and in the M. R. 2 Columbia Phonograph ComName form of a march; Lvoffs was more S. Main St., Salt pany, General 227-2- 9 .Lake City, Utah. solemn, but much less original. He Please send me your Free Trial and Street and No. knew, however, that a highly military Easy Payment Otter with illustrated Stats City style of instrumentalization would appeal to the imperial ear, and his drums and trumpets decided Nicholas in favor of iL NUMBER BEING INTERVIEWED. We Cure Men For if Immanitv wls.lt For-bat Salt l.dke. Salt are now un enormous. Many Salt Lake people medcured by the Great No Pay Unless Cured icines. Consultation Free. Salt Lake, Utah. Tn view of the enormous sale of pre now going on in Sait Lake and the intense interest which Mr. n has stirred up since his arrival, a representative of the local daily papers of Salt Lake spent yesterday afternoon at the young Fer-Don- 'a WE ARE THff Leading Specialists d Fcr-Do- mans headquarters, watching the swarm of humanity come and go. During the afternoon the reporter interviewed many of the callers and obtained statements from all who cared to give them as to their exn and his perience with preparations. The folovving are selected from those statements as being typical of the general expressions1 of the people seen: Mr. J. King, living at 666 North Seventh West St., when interviewed I had suffered with stomach trouble for several years, I was so had the last few months I couldnt cat anything at all. I could not digest my food and had severe pains in my stomach most of the time. I did not sleep well and had severe headaches at times. I have tried many remedies, and have been to a number of physicians. I bought 3 bottles of Medical Comfor before I took and $2.50, pound one bottle my stomach felt much lx'ltcr since I have taken the three bottles, my stomach trouble is all trace of disease is gone and not left. I have come here to thank I want to say, also, Mr. that I tried Catarrh Remedy and found it to be the best thing I ever used for catarrh of throat, head and nose. Mr. Demiel Brisco, living at 936 Euclid, stated he was 85 years old and lias been troubled with partial deafness and catarrh. I tried ont bottle of Magic Reliet and one box of Catarrh Remedy and I can now hear a common conversation. Not only In Salt Daks but in tha wholo Paclflo W'oot. ThoCity, rooult of our ara work to our o profeasional brlnjln mon from every state and T.rrltory In tha Weat. We use tho mlorooopo to make our diagnosis. If you want a n ant cure, oonault ua. Blood and Skin Dtaeaaas. Nervoua Decline, Hie. Fistula, Kidney, Bladder nnd all Diseases du to Weakness and tha result of rpeolflo diseases, and all Urinary Private Diseases of Man. OUR SYSTHiM OF TRKAT1NO Is superior to any in this oountry, and our cures are the result of these methods. W never fall to offeot a cure In suffer from neglect, from want of tk- - If SV? or from unskilled praotloo hereFpu la an opportunity to get tho service money of a skilled giwduat epeelalUL nhyelclan, with years of ripe experience In treating complicated and special disorders of MEN ONLY. It will coat nothing to talk to us, and may bo th moans of restoring you to health and happiness. Why not call today? Our of floes are very private You see only tho dootcr. low. It enables many who are afflloted to procure tho I1" Pu Hlfheet sotonUno mtdloal aailst&nc. Trma midi to suit if mcMstry 10 that anyone nood not to without treatment. par-ma- old-tim- Fer-Do- We Want Every Man In the Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Ailment. ; Roars: I a. m. to SALT p. m.; evening. I to I JO: Sundays. I a. m. to U noon LAKE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 159V4 8. MAIN ST., SAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH. self-binde- FREE ions IlfemSa Fer-Do- i Fer-Do- n. Fer-Do- 's ns Fer-Do- Fer-Do- lf L v .... k WHEN YOU GO EAST u 1 want to far go as possible via the CANYON PANORAMA everything in traveling. 3 3 For information and rates sss any Oregon Short Line Agent or address D. E. BVRLEY. G. F. A. Salt Lake City D. S. SPENCER A. G. P. A. s TW : . of the GRANDE EAGLE RIVER CANYON. EOF NATURAL WAGON BEAUTY ALL WHEEL GAP. GLENWOOD 8PRINGS. jTHE WAY. CANYON If of the GUNNISON. GARDEN JTHREE OF THE GODS. Mrs. Mary Brugger, of, 15 Fulmer Ave., whose picture appears THE ROYAL GORGE. Strains. above, said she had been suffering with stomach trouble for years. Hot g cold flashes came over her at and THROUGH 5 times and a numbness of the limbs. g PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERS. At times I felt so weak and worn TO DENVER. ST. LOUIS AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address a out I could hardly walk. I took k Medical Compound and I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D JCHICAG0 ' I am entirely cured. K h now Salt Lake City, said that there were ! over two thousand people called on him to purchase his remedies yesterday. MANITOU THROUGH 8PRINGS. Fer-Do- Fer-Do- n DOCTORS WHO CURE shml diseases of too Kidneys, Bladdsf Thro,Dtsooss, fins Diseases, Deafness, Pita and Bowels, Bart Chorea, Mnatliaa PIUi Rapture, Dost Manhood, Proototlo Trouble an! all Ooaoirhooa, ByphlUa, ChjnniU II wrens aad Private Dtooaoos of Mrp, W Is so S faro foi S 9 and shlMrta. edlshnes bo M tenhal DUmm) M a wsatof CATARRH Bara tad ad taxaM fitismto. akroato III dieses. CONSULTATION FREE ' Jtsad Wtof E. la sharps anexeedol, proper dttlng of Adrto Pssa. eon' standing. A Special Department for Men. too tra.ts.ait a Shares have a wdidrdf gUaaes U Oomsnltatlom IT s. SpeoUI Deportwosd Is or eon legion. whether eaooed by igeaseaoa, axeeuea " o4 atoo old men who fnd "that sanal vigo totsswho hT eontreoted dlsoo.os the vtottma of Blood Poison snd aoontol and aid of axperlaneed and kindly physiol ous, to taodiaUp Invited I CRABQH, FREH Or tola deportaant and be advised aS XRTHODS MOD Bo sure U the our endor DBS. SHORES Dltuiu. that you may arrange to pay to fa hove "gone to axooaaao Jl th aure urogre.ooo, Installment, to Sot DBS. SHORES Dont advert! harf tai tWa boeoua singU ftllatnt to saso to as ths amount advertised Paha ootod. Drs. Shoro U.v that to to Dra Shores guoronts that on Inriitut. sea for ALD your ailment tf thoy trool your th fa for a CUBS will ha ohoapor than ytol saa to cured for eleowhera Dra Shore ale mJC Modlotoes" for hold up telnes FREE thar U ns attar yon her. arranged the fea Qua ok sad Fakirs rater to sueh trioks to rob th unwary but Legitime sbhor and denounce them. toko MedL Bewere of any fakir who hide behind a ho dar not edvertU under his boeaus al Inetitut own namt. There must to a reasoa for th Writ for Pro Ij septa list Homs Treatment Cures. If you esnnot cell. Consultation froo. OFFIOB HOURS I I a sa to I p. m. Rvontngs, f to Sf l Drs. Shores - LI & who Ad H fSLlf.'nmJn J QU?r It seems queer, remarked the thoughtful thinker, that hammocks are used only In the summer. Whats queer about It? queried the dense person. The experience of the average man would lead him to believe they were built for the fall, explained the thoughtful thinker HOW IfHew. It Easily Explained. The city boarder was angry all over. Look here! he blurted. You told me that you didnt put water in your milk. I found live evidence in the last pail. Live evidence, drawled the old What was it, neighfarmer, blandly. bor? Why, I found a frog. The old farmer laughed and stroked his long yellow whiskerb. Ha, ha! Dont let that worry you, he answered. That thar frog came from the food of the old brindle cow." And what has she been eating? Hops! Wrong Time. GOOD ROAD BED; Th argument is this; A SHORT ROUTE; That to EXCELLENT SERVICE; COVRTEOVS TREATMENT. . SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLb. das-slin- Say to the Agent . n - too wit Privet a REMEDIES CAN BE SECURED. 'FER-DON- S People living outside of Salt Lake can secure the remedies at their drug store in their home town or by sending in to the Great Fer-Do- n. Salt Lake City The prices of the Great Remedies: Medical Compound for the Blood, Stomach, Rheumatism and Kidneys, $1.00 per bottle, y or six bottles $5.00. Magic Relief for Deafness, Rheumatic Pains, Lame Back, and all Aches and Pains, 50 cents per bottle, or six bottles for $2.50. Catarrh Remedy for Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Hay Fever and Asthma, 50 cents per box, or 5 boxes for $2.50. First ask your home druggist for the remedies. If he dont have them, send all money orders payable to th Great P. O. Box 175 Sait Lake, Utah. All druggists vtn order from We want yen as our exclusive agent ia your towr. Fer-Do- Fer-Do- ns ns Fer-Don- Fer-Do- Fer-Do- n, Sundays and holidays IS Shores, Expert Specialists, 249 Fer-Do- n. i |