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Show stepped upon the pier I saw a old man in the pavilion overhanging the water. He was dressed all in white except sky-- 1 . e tie that harmonized with the color of his eyes. He was neither fat nor lean, and h:s smooth skin was protesting ruddily his against the age proclaimed by hair. He rose as I came toward him. and, while I was still several yards away, showed unmistakably that he knew who I was and that he was anything but glad to see me. "Mr. Forrester? I asked. He grew purple to the line of his thick white hair. It is, Mr. Black-locI have the honor to said he. And with wish you good day, sir. that he turned his back on me and gazed out toward Long Island. I have come to ask a favor of you, sir, said I. as polite to that hostile back as if I had been addressing a cordial face. And I waited. He wheeled round, looked at me from head to foot. I withstood the inspection calmly; when it was ended I noted that in spite of himself he was somewhat relaxed from the opinion of me he had formed upon what he had heard and read. But he said: I do not know you, sir, and I do not wish to know you. You have made me painfully aware But I have of that, replied I. learned not to take snap judgments too seriously. I never go to a man unless I have something to say to him, .and I never leave until I have said it. I perceive, sir, retoited he, you have the thick skin necessary to livAnd the twinkle ing up to that rule. in his eyes betrayed the man who delights to exercise a real or imaginary talent for caustic wit. Such men are like nettles dangerous only to the timid touch. On the contrary, replied I, easy in mind now, though I did not anger him by showing it, I am most sensitive to insults insults to myself. But you are not insulting me. You are insulting a purely imaginary, hearsay person who Is, I venture to line-lookin-g wool-whit- ME MELUGE Bn DAVID GRAHAM PIHLLJP5, Author o 77FCOSZ2te COXEEVK) (COWESrT JSCS' 9 tfo SQB83-13&EK- I. of a mother waylaying the doctor as CHAPTER XXV. Continued. . "If you will save me. I continued, he issues from the Luck? said I, gazing blankly at will transfer to you, in a block, all my Coal holding. They will be him. Youve seen the latest quotation, worth double my total liabilities withhavent you? In his nervousness his in three months as soon as the is announced. I leave it temper was on a fine edge. I sat No, replied I indifferently. to your sense of justice entirely whether I shall have my part of them down at my desk and began to busy Were out myself. Then I added: hack when this storm blows over." Coal of combine. transferred the Ive Roebuck? to go didnt you Why our holdings. Look after these things, . he asked without looking up. And I gave him the checks, Because it is he that stuck the please. notes and memoranda of agreement. knife into me. And Galloway!" he exclaimed Why? then his eye fell on the totals of the I dont know. I suspect the Good properties, which I brought stock I had beth carrying. Ruined! the combine, have some, value, God, Matt! he gasped. And he sat down, and burled his which no one but Roebuck, and perface and cried like a child it was and that about knows Langdon, haps then that I measured the full depth them to was some I in dangerous way through that fact. They havent giv--- of the chasm I had escaped. I made no such exhibition of myself, but when me time to look iuto it. A grim smile flitted over the face. I tried to relight my cigar my hand , "Youve been too busy getting mar- trembled so that the flame scorched my lips . ried, eh? Ruined? I said to Joe, easily Exactly, said I. Its another case Not at all. Were back in of unbuckling for the wedding-feas- t enough. and getting assassinated as a pen- the road, going smoothly ahead alty. Do you wish me to explain any- only, at a bit less stiff a pace. Think thing on that list do you want any Joe, of all those poor devils down in details of the combine of the Coal the mining districts. Theyre out clear out and thousands of em dont stocks there? Not necessary," he replied. As I know where their families will get had thought, with that enormous machine of his for drawing in information, and with that enormous memory of his for details, he probably knew more about the combine and its properties than I did. You have heard of the lockout? C inquired for I wished him to know ( had no intention of deceiving him as to the present market value of those stocks. Roebuck has been commanded by "his God, he said, to eject the free American labor from the coal regions and to substitute importations of sick-room- '1 -- Man-asqual- e n -- - coolie Huns and Bohemians. Thus, the wicked American laborers will be - matter-of-cours- - I bowed. Though he had not saved me as a favor to me, but because It fitted in with his plans, whatever they were, my eyes dimmed. "1 shant forget this, said I, my voice not quite steady. I I know it," said he cilrtly. know you. I saw that his mind had already turned me out. I said no more, and withdrew. When I left the room it was precisely as It had been whetT 1 entered it except the bit of paper torn from the pad. But what a difference to me, to the thousands, the hundreds of thousands directly and indirectly interested in the Coal combine and its strike and its products, was represented by those few, almost Illegible scrawlings on that scrap of paper. Not until I had gone over the situ- ation with Farquhar, and we had signed and exchanged the necessary papers, did I begin to relax from the Strain how great that strain was I realized a few weeks later, when the gray appeared thick at my temples and there was in my crown what was, for such a shock as mine, a thin spot. said I to myself, ven"I am saved! turing a long breath, as I stood on the steps of Galloways establishment, where hourly was transacted business vitally affecting the welfare of scores of millions of human beings, with James Galloways personal interest as Saved! the sole guiding principle. I repeated, and not until then did it flash before me, I must hav6 paio a frightful price. He would never have consented to interfere with Roebuck as soon as I asked him to do it, un-- less there had been some powerful motive. If I had had my wits about me, I. could have made far better terms. Why hadnt I my wits about me? Anita was my instant answer Anita again. I to my own question. had a bad attack of family mans And thus it came about that panic. I went back to my office, feeling as ir I had suffered a severe defeat, instead of jubilant over my narrow escape. Joe followed me into my den. What luck? asked he, in the tone , 1 1 GORDON ACADEMY. kind-hearte- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Gordon Hall. Salt Lake City. Visit Our Stores pro-jMis- NEW and HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old Stove. Western Furniture Company. A. H. Crow, Crow Brothers, me. chastened for trying to get higher wages and cut down a pious mans dividends; and the downtrodden coolies will be brought where they can enjoy the blessings of liberty and of the preaching of Roebucks missionaries. I laughed, though he had not smiled, but had spoken as if stating colorand And righteousness less facts. Roebuck will prevail, said I. He frowned slightly, a sardonic grin breaking the straight, thin, cruel line of his lips. He opened his tables one shallow .drawer, and took out a pad and a pencil. He wrote a few words on the lowest part of the top sheet, folded it, tore off the part he had .scribbled on, returned1 the pad and pencil to the drawer, handed the scrap of paper to me. I will do it. he said Give this to Mr. Farquhar, second door to the left. Good morning. And in that atmosphere of vast affairs speedily dispatched his consent without argument seemed, and was, the e as sne lus been accustomed. 1 know she would not take it from me. So. have come to ask ou to pretcr to give it to her I, of course, gtvic it to jtu to give. Again we looked full and fixedly each at the o' her. Come to the hhouse, rinek'.oe.v, said at last iu a tone that was th s ibtlesi of com'tml lie linked his arm in pliments mine, Hall up v to the rambling stone house, seere .n its lines, jet flue and homelike, quaintly lesembllng its own er, ns a man's house always should he paused 'I owe jou an apology, said he. After all my experience ol this world of envy and malice, should have recognized the man ever In his caricatures of his enemies. And you brought the best possible ere dentials you are well hated. To bt well hated by the human race and by the creatures mounted on Its back la a distinction, sir. It Is the crown ol the true kings of this world. We seated ourselves on the sftie veranda; he had champagne and wa ter brought, and cigars; and we proceeded to get acquainted nothing promotes cordiality and sympathy like an Initial misunderstanding. It was a good hour before this hard soft, typical old fashioned New 3 South & 3 Cast Streets. Englander reverted to the subject of And now young my visit. Said he: man, may I venture to ahk some exPrivate Boarding and Day School for Itoya and girls. Art and Music tremely personal questions? Department, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh, Eigth Grades, together with all High In the circumstances, replied I, School branches. College trained teachers, individual help when necessary. 'you have the right to know every- Expenses moderate. thing. I did not come to you without For Particulars Address: first making sure what manner of D. B. C L A R K , Principal I find. was to man At this he blushed, pleased as a girl at her first And you, beaus first compliment. Mr. Forrester, can not be expected to embark in the little adventure I in until you have satisfied yourWe Carry a Complete Line of self. SECOND-HAN- D First, the why of your plan. I am in active business, replied I, and I shall be still .more active. In SEPARATE STORES. That means financial uncertainty. His suspicion of me started up from Figure With Us Before Buying Elsewhere. Mail Orders Solicit-e- d. its doze and rubbed Its eyes. t Ah' Goods Promptly and Carefully Packed for Shipping. You wish to insure yourself. NEW STORE. 254-25- 6 South State Street. Yes, was my answer, but not in SECOND-HAN- D 242 South State Street. the way you hint. It takes away a STORE, L mans courage Just when he needs it most, to feel that his family is inV volved In his venture. Why do you not make the settlement direct? he asked, partly reassured. Because I wish her to feel that it is her own, that I have no right over it whatever. He thought about this. His ejes were keen as he said, Is that your real reason ? Successor to I saw I must be unreserved with him. Part of it, 1 replied. Tne rest is she would not take It from ... Harness, Saddles, Robes, Dus JThe old man smiled cynically Have you tried? he inquired. If I had tried and failed, she would have been on the alert for an Indirect , attmpL said he, "Try her, young man, In this day there are few laughing people anywhere who'd refuse any sum lrom anybody for anything. and a x'.ew And a woman York woman and a New York fashionable woman and a daughter of old Eilersly shell take it as a baby ters, Horse Sheets. Etc. Good material, Good wortt, Just prices. 35 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. akes the breast She would not take it," said I. My tone, though I strove to keep angry protest out of it, because I needed him, caused him to draw back instantly. I beg your pardon, said he. I forgot for the moment that 1 was talking to a man young enough still to have youths delusions about women. You'll learn that theyre human, that its from them we men inherit our weaknesses. However, lets assume that she wont take It. Why wont she take your money? What is there about It that repels Ellerslys daughter, brought up in the sewers of fashionable New York the sewers, sir! ' She does not love me, I answered. I have hurt you, he said quickly, In great distress at having compelled me to expose my secret wound. The wound does not ache the worse, said I, "for my showing It Ami that was the truth. I to you. looked over toward Dawn Hill whose We live towers could just be seen. I pointed. "She is like a there. guest in my house. When I glanced at him again, his "TURNED HIS BACK ON ME AND GAZED OUT TOWARD LONG IS LAND. face betrayed a feeling of which I doubt if any one had thought him car bread. And though they haven't assure you, utterly unlike me, and in many a year. I see that you found it out yet, theyve got to leave who doubtless deserves to be in- pable love her, he said, gently as a mother the place where theyve lived all sulted." Yes, I replied. And presently I His purple had now faded. In a went their lives, and their fathers before on: The idea of any one If your them have got to go wandering' about far different tone he said: love being dependent on me in a as them to in a world thats business in any way relates to the sordid strange most distasteful to me. as the surface of the moon, and as family into which you have married, And way is does not love me, does she since bare for them as the Sahara desert. I do not wish to hear it. Spare my not even like me, it is doubly necesThats ' so, said Joe. Its hard patience and your time, sir. be Independent. she that sary But I saw he was thinking luck. It It does not, was my answer. I I do not quite follow you," confess only of himself and his narrow escape relates to my own family to my wife said he. from having to give up his big house and myself. As you may have heard, How can she accept anything from and all the rest of it; that, soft- she is no longer a member of the me? If she should finally be comhearted and generous though he was, Ellersley family. And I have come to do It, what hope pelled by necessity to those poor chaps and their wives to yon chiefly because I happened to could I have of her ever feeling toand children he wasn't giving a know your Bentiment toward the ward me as a wife should feel tothought Ellersleys. ward her husband? I have no sentiment toward them, Youve done a grand two hours At this explanation of mine his eyes sir! he exclaimed. work, said Joe. They are nonwith anger and I could not Your sparkled Grander than you think, replied existent, sir but that he had at one time suspect I. Ive set the tiger on to fight the wife's mother ceased to be a Forrester in his life been faced with a problem bull. when she married that scoundrel. like had settled it the othand mine, Your wife is still less a Forrester. Galloway and Roebuck?was not weaker way. My suspicion She is a Black-loc- ened Just that, said I. And I laughed, True, said I. when he went on to say: . sat down No, Ill started up, again. Boyish motives again! They show Ill let He winced, and it reminded me of put off the pleasure, said I. d'J not know women. Dont be Roebuck find out. when the claws the night of my marriage and Anitas you deceived by their delicate exterior, by catch in that tough old hide of his. expression when the preacher called their pretenses of her by her new name. But I held affect to be what passion XXVI. his gaze, and we looked each at the They us But into thinking them. .A CONSPIRACY AGAINST ANITA.. other fixedly for, it must have been, Just clay, and far sir, clay, theyre hottest afternoon of courfull half a minute. Then he said On about the less sensitive than we men. Dont that summer I had the yacht take me teously: . What do you wish? . you see, young man, that by making Conon a to Sound I the went the to the point. My her down point straight youre throwing away necticut shore within sight of Dawn color may hare been high, but my yourindependent best chance of winning her! seven miles from I farther as not voice did but hesitate Hill, explained: Women are like dogs like dogs, sir! New York. I landed at the private I wish to make my wife financially They lick the hand that feeds em pier of Howard Forrester, tin only independent I wish to settle on her lick it, and like it. 1 mother. As of an Anitas enable income that will her to live brother rro RE super-refinemen- t. ue-hid- -- CONTINUED.) DEALER IN MANUFACTURER Sounds Big, but its True If you want to talk with every town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the BELL. Otherwise you CANT I INSIDE. 18 k Pure Gold Rings ha 18kM Telephones have this OUTSIDE. DOCTORS WHO CURE ui n mU hMak !mmm Una, TlwoH Itamaeh. Urn, KlJn7. Bladder Jlda DImum, Deafnsta, JIM, Iwt DWea, Lost Manhood, Yart- Man OhWTM, Kheumatlam. - flaiaiifciiM BrphuU,Brotiin, Praatatla Troubles, and all OATASXH hL and il ptaaaaa! o Mao. Worn., fas s aua (oi Mdteiaaa raa tor all Dlaaaaaa s hwlawl as IS s aa 1 CONSULTATION FREE IT yarn standing. OnmlMta M timt Ins lor Men. A Special Department ef aUWuTDtoSartlly$ har. oontrsoMd souneel and dlmitt 1vt vtstUaa of nil at suptotinaad and Mndly Bln ad tha Potooa Mil idl .thaw wha an nfdUIly invito to sonnlt sbrvtiana, ST.S TS t. n all waakly or monthly Dlseatea, that yon Bay arranya Installments, as tha aura P SHORES Don I adnrdM ,lwmMrr Im DR3. t ns mm ailment an then aharys yen ton lull, beeatun adfurtlsad tha amount at Dn. Shoret laava that t sated. to ' Drs. Shorn (nnranto. that Institutes. maltALL for your ailment! If thay trait ywrthan 1U ha shaavw yw mi In a OUB1 ha fas forolaewhsra. Dra. Shore, ala. furnish ynr medf eured for Madlalnaa fcr hold no la up FREE than lolnaa after you her. arranftd the fee. Quseks and Fakirs resort but Lagltlanta 8 peto tueh trtaks to rob the unwary than. el. llit. abhor and d.nounee fake MediBeware of any fakir who kldaa behind a baeauae ha dan net adnrtU. under his cal Institute own name. Than most ha a reason far it. Homs Treatment Ouns. Writ, for Fna U 'pm-- l lnalac T tu 1 Sun days and holiday. IS ,0OFFI01 ton n 2 Dn. Shores d Shores, Exfert 8f eelallsts, tit , |