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Show SHELLS OF SMOKELESS POWDER. HOW IT IS PUT IN SHELLS FOB NAVAL PRACTICE. Interesting Inside Information About the Work Carried On at the Great Naval Magazine at Iona Island. Some The loading of shells with smokeless powder for use upon the many ships of the United States navy la an Industry of large proportions, but one about which the public seldom hears and about which it knows practically nothing. And yet one of the most Important of the government plants Is the great naval magazine at Iona Island, located about 40 miles from New York city, on the Hudson. The men are required to wear long white serge suits and moccasins, and no metal articles are allowed In the pockets which might cause .riction. All the tools, funnels, measure cups, scales and other appliances used are made of copper. Here the delicate and somewhat dangerous business of weighing out the various smokeless powder charges Is done. Even one or two grams difference In weight Is carefully observed. At the Indian Head proving grounds the naval ordinance experts by tests determine the powder charge best adapted for the various guns. These firing charges are constantly being changed and which keeps the filling house men very active. Dally boxes of smokeless powder are emptied Into a long wooden trough. The powder looks like cut up sticks of yellow candy with holes punched through them. With a copper scoop the powder Is dipped out of the trough, accurately weighed and tied up In quarter, hall and full charges, In white bags. These bags have several wide streamers attached, and each Is tagged with the date of filling and amount of the powder It contains. A small Ignition charge of quick burning black powdet Is stowed In the bottom of each bag They are then placed In large coppet cans and are ready for transfer aboard ships. The heaviest charge used In the navy weighs a little over 220 pounds, In four quarter and is arranged charges of S5 pounds each. This Is for the guns. The bags, when piled one on top of another, reach to the top of a mans head and present a formidable sight of bottled up de- struction. CHARGE OF SMOKELESS FOR Another Important operation performed In the filling house Is loading the 13 and projectiles with their bursting charge. For the former 50 pounds of black powder Is used, and about 35 pounds for the 12. inch. To hold the shells steady and to get at the base of these huge steel missiles, weighing over 1,000 pounds each, they are roped In a sling and hoisted clear of the floor by a pulley and chain. The point is then lowered a foot or so into a stanch wooden frame with an opening a trifle larger than the shell. A long, narrow bag is Inserted, and with a funnel the black powder Is poured out of the covered measure Into the shell. Some 50 of these giants can be loaded in a day. h GUN. strictest of rules prevails as to visitation, and about all that the outsider ever sees Is a distant glimpse of the from the deck of the buildings steamer as he sails by. There are 125 men employed In the various departments of the plant, which comprises six spacious brick and stone powder magazines, 200 by 60 feet In size, four shell houses, two general storehouses and four powder filling buildings. Tne Interior of one of the powder filling houses on the island presents a novel and animated sight. The 9000Q000OCO000C0OaC0Q00000OO09O0OCO8OGGOSO0CCOQ00Ci00Q CANADIAN WILL SEEK POLE. CANADIAN TO CONDUCT AN EXPEDITION TO ARCTIC REGIONS. Capt. Joseph Elzear Bernier, Experienced Navigator of Northern Waters Preparing for Peril-- I ous Voyage. What fascination the eluclve north pole baa for certain individuals of adventurous and scientific turn of mind. Never before has the world seen so many expeditions under way and being Fast planned as there are failure, attended as It has been by death In so many cases, has seemed only to whet the desire of others to try for the coveted spot In Bpite of Andres attempt to reach the pole by balloon, Wellman is making Ills last preparations for flight toward the unexplored regions to the north. Peary Is lost somewhere In the frozen depths of the arctic circle and his friends are anxiously awaiting some word wlhch will assure them that the intrepid explorer Is still alive. But notwithstanding the tragic history of arctic explorations past and present, there are still others ready to try. The latest expedition organized is that under Cnpt. Joseph Elzear Bernier, a Canadian, who will take the Canadian government steamer Arctic around the Horn and fit her for a voyage to the north pole via Behring to-da- straits. The captain was born In Quebec In 1852, was educated at the Christian Brothers college In that city and has led s stirring, adventurous life on the ocean ever since, having commanded ever 60 ships and steamers In all parts of the world. He Is an authority on the navigation of the coasts of Greenland, Labrador, Hudson Bay and the bleak and barren coasts of Newfoundland. He has never lost a vessel In his long career on the ocean, although he became a shipmaster when only 17 years of age. Capt Bernier comes from the famous La Salle family, the early explorers who penetrated into the heart of this Is vice northern continent, and y president of the Arctic club of New York city, which heartily Indorses his proposed plans of reaching the frigid to-da- goal. Of bis plans, 1 Capt. Bernier says: hare been a careful student of the western Ice movement as reported by competent observers, especially among the whalemen, and now that the buoys have drifted out, as I predicted they would two years ago, w'e must be convinced that there must be a certain passage between Capt Keegan Island, off Point Barrow, and an unknown Island In 75 degrees north latitude and 173 degrees west longitude, as reported In 18G4. The Jeunnettes crew saw birds going in that direction in the spring of 1880, and clouds over It bearing northeast about 70- miles distant. It Is my Intention to put the ship In the Ice from 164 to 169 degrees west longitude, and as far north as possible, working in with the lead, going on a northwest course, and the ship will get Into deep water, and In this way be sure to Sommer Resort Confidence. Knlcker Im afraid my husband must be having a good time; he didn't send me any check. Mrs. Bocker Im afraid mine must be having a better time; he sent one - without being asked. N. Y. Sun. The Sliver Hook. "Last tirr.s he went fishing he promised us a mess of fish, but we didn't get it "May be he didnt have th price. Houston Post Prominent Minnesota Merchant Cured to Stay Cored by Doans KidWERE THOSE OF COLONY AND ney Pills. DOMINION OF VIRGINIA. Order Given for Building of Jail Seems to Have Been Beginning of Law and Order Boles for O. C. Hayden, Co., dry goods La, Innkeepers. During- one of his last lecture tours through Old Virginia Mr. Harry Ellard was In a small town called Fincastle, which is the county seat of Botetourt county, and there gave a talk to the Confederate Veteran association of that place. He met a number of gentlemen who were connected with the courthouse and who allowed him access to all of the records of the county. On looking back nearly 140 years he came across a curious order of the court which he copied and which Is as follows: Be It remembered that at the house of Mr. Robert Breckenrldge, in the County of Botetourt, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of February, in the tenth year of the reign of our Sovereign King George the Third, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and seventy, in the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, that the Court orders that the Surveyor of Botetourt county do lay oft two and one-ha- lt acres of land for the use of the county, directed by Robert Breckenrldge, whe shall appoint by court Christian and Stephen Figg to agree with a workman to build a log cabin twenty-fou- r feet long and twenty feet wide, for a Courthouse, with a clapboard roof with two small rooms, one at each end, for a Jury room. The court doth give leave to James M. Geoock to build a log cabiq twenty-fou- r feet long and sixteen feet wide, with an addition at the end sixteen feet wide and twelve feet long, for a prison and the Gaolers House, the expense of which to be paid by the county. This was the first record Mr. Ellard came across, so it will be seen that by the building of the courthouse and Jail law and order began to prevafl In this section. Another curious order which Mr. Ellard copied is as follows: Order of the Colonial Court regulating the charge of Innkeepers at Fincastle, Virginia, 14th day of February, 1770, under King George III, of England, Defender of the Faith. "Ordered that the following rates be observed by innkeepers in Botetourt For East India rum county they may demand 10 shillings per gallon, for rum made on this continent 2 shillings sixpence per gallon, Madeira wine 12 shillings per gallon, for Tene-rif- f 11 shillings per gallon, for peach brandy 5 shillings per gallon, for apple brandy 4 shillings per gallon. For Virginia strong malt beer, bottled three months, 7 pence half penny per bottle, same not bottled three months one shilling three pence; for Bumbo with two gills of rum to the quart made with white sugar one shilling three pence, for same with brown sugar one shilling. For a warm diet with beer sixpence, for lodging with clean sheets one in a bed, sixpence, two in a bed three pence three farthings, more than two in a bed nothing. There was no explanation given as tc what Bumbo was, but.it might have been a colonial highball. - Gen. Edwin Augustus McAlpln, of New York, who was elected president of the National League of Republicans Clubs, In convention in Philadelphia, baa been a national figure In political affairs for many years, and especially Identified with the acaivlties of the league. WHY THUNDER SOURS MILK Electricity in the Air Seta Microbes Working with Wonderful Energy. To many persons the curdling of milk In a thunderstorm is a mysterious and unintelligible phenomenon. Milk, like most other substances, contains millions of bacteria. The milk bacteria that in a day or two, under natural conditions, would cause the fluid to sour, are peculiarly susceptible to electricity. Electricity Inspirits and invigorates them, affecting them as alcohol, cocaine or strong tea affect men. And under the currents Influence they fall to work with amazing energy, and instead of taking a couple of days to sour the milk, they accomplish the task completely In half an hour. It Is not the thunder In a storm that sours milk; it is the electricity In the air that does it. With an electric battery it is easy, on the same principle, to sour the freshest milk. A strong current excites the microbes to supermlcroblc exertions, and In a few minutes they do a job that under ordinary conditions would take them a couple of days. Employers of labor regret that electricity has not a similar effect on PERIODICAL A IN HIMSELF. New York Merchant Had Claim to Fame, Though Not Altogether Literary. It was Oliver Wendell Holmes was It not? who was asked, after he had made a trip across the ocean, If he had done any literary work while on board the ship, and answered that he had been a frequent contributor to the Atlantic. Somewhat similar is the anecdote related of a New York merchant whose business had required him to make several jouneys to San Francisco and back during the year. While on one of these long trips, after he had exhausted the stock of r he had brought with him, hi was showing a fellow passenger a bundle of the popular mag azlnes that formed a part of the sup reading-matte- ply. You dont seem to have the Over land Monthly here, remarked th passenger. Huh! exclaimed the New York er, Im the overland monthly Where Nutriment Is Lost. If meat is put into cold water first for boiling there will be a constant THE SITUATION. to-w- it: Her Thoughtfulness. An English cook dreamed of a lottery, and despite her masters advice invested her savings in a ticket A few days later the employer was astonished to see that the ticket had won $100,000. He was a bachelor and she was an old servant It was Impossible to think of parting. He proposed and was accepted, and they wer6 married by special license next morning. As they drove away from the church, he said to her: "Well, Molly, two happy events in one day. You have married, I trust a good husband. You have something ebe first let me ask about the lottery prize." Thinking her husband meant to scold, she replied, with a sigh of relief: Dont say no more about It I thought how it would be, and that I should never hear the last of it so 1 sold the ticket to the baker for a guinea profit THE ROUTE WHICH CAPT. BERNIER EXPECTS TO FOLLOW. drift In closer proximity to the pole than as yet has been done, reaching between 84 and 85 degrees on the other side of the passage. We will then leave the ship, taking to our automobile boats In the summer season and make for the trip to the pole. Having a specially devised system of wireless telege stations, we shall raphy with be enabled to keep our advance known between the parties on the ice and the ship at all times. Our drifting may cover a period of from three to four years, hut we shall be provisioned and outfitted for six years, so that there will be no anxiety in regard to food. While drifting toward the pcle surveying parties will be sent out on both sides of the ship, extending their operations at least 50 miles on either side, and being in wireless communication with the ship at stated Intervals during the day. The Arctic has been fitted with a large and powerful air compressor driven by a windmill, so as to economize coal, the power thus accumulated and stored being used for the dynamos for lighting as well as healing purposes. HIS ONE WEAK SPOT. CURIOUS OLD LAWS - box-kit- iOGOOOOGGOOOOCOOOOOQOOOOOQC Mrs. PRESIDENT OF REPUBLICAN CLUBS workmen. They say that If It had oozing of albumen from It There will they would use a good deal of it sur- be found more albumen in the scum that arises than In the meat itself. reptitiously. Mutton, cornbeef or fish if first put A Question of Means and End. into scalding water will have the pores John Morley, secretary of state for at once plugged by the surface albuIndia, himself one of the very few men, and thus all that Is vitally pre men In British public life who do clous will be retained. By putting not golf (he declares hes not old salt In the water quick coagulation la to enough yet begin it), tells of an especially aided. The nutritive qualIncident In a practice game to those ity of fish and its flavor is best obsame famous North Berwick links. tained by roasting or baking. FarmA laird and his son were playing, ing. when the younger man sent s ball Between the Horns. whizzing dangerously near his faJohnny Whats a dilemma? thers ear. Ye maunna kill pa! Tommy Well, its when you cant explained sit down because your pa licked you the caddie; then adding, after thoughtful pause: Maybe yell be the for going in swimming, and you cant stand up because a crab bit your toe eldest son? Leading Authority. IndividMister, said the Her Word of Honor. ual who had sneaked in the big skyDont you love me? scraper, can I sell you the great Yes. dear, but Im already en- Encyclopedia of Sporting Events? gaged. Nope," replied the busy man. We have one encyclopedia of sporting Break your engagement" Oh, George! That wouldnt be events already. That so? Where do you keep It?" honorable. An engagement is a sacred we try to keep him on that "Why, thing, not lightly to be entered Into or stool over there addressing envelopes. broken off. Besides 1 mean the office boy, and he Is an Well? Well, Pm engaged to two men, and encyclopedia on everything, from that makes it even worse. Cleveland game of skidoo to the Olympian games." Chicago Daily N v Lender. sad-face- d When They Wore Armor. Who are you? inquired King Arthur of the stranger. the safe I am Spike Hennessy, blower, was the answer. exclaimed the king. "At last! Hurry, then, and help me unbutton I my friend Launcelots life. fear that he has fainted. pea-jack- , New Standard. Employer What salary do you want? Office Boy Enough to place ms above de temptation of graft N. Y. Sun. of O. C. Hayden merchants, of Albert Minn, says: I was so lame that I could hardly walk. There was an unaccountable weakness of the back, and constant pain and aching. no I could And rest and very was uncomfortable at night. As my health was good in every other way, I could not understand this trouble. It was just as if all the strength had gone from my back. After suffering for some time I began using Doans Kidney Pills. The remedy acted at once upon the kidneys, and when normal action was restored, the trouble with my back disappeared. I have not had any return of it. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a bdx. Foster-Milbur- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. n A friend in need usually needs all he can squeeze out of you. Mr. Winslow' Soothing Syrap. Tor children teething, lofteni the guraa, reduce flaimtl0a,llaye pain, cure wind colic, fccftbottl Railway Tariff Simplified. Germany has just revised its railway tariff, which Involves a multiplication of tickets. It is calculated that a traveler with a small family going from Mulhouse to Bale will find himself furnished with 60 tickets. In addition to which are those for bag gage. Scotch Welcome Automobllista. Motor car reliability trials were held in Scotland recently, and the drivers were astounded at their reception along the route. In every town and village the women and children lined the roadside and shouted enthw.iastic welcomes. Sprays of lilac and other flowers were thrown intt the cars as they passed, and Invitations to stop were given. Sunday Rest in Italy. The question of Sunday rest Is being agitated to a large extent In Italy, and a commission was named some time ago which recommended that as far as possible an uninterrupted rest of from 32 to 36 hours should be Insured to all the working classes, and that in case of public services, the men who worked on Sundays should have one day off In the week by turn3, domestic servants being entitled to a half holiday a week. The law does not apply to fishermen. No One Wanted Box 13. In no other western European country is superstition so prevalent as In Austria-HungarQuite recently the chamberlains office changed the num- ber of box 13 In the Imperial opera house and the Imperial Court theater to 12a, because the public objected to sitting in a box bearing this unlucky number. None of the rich subscribers who takes a box for the year wanted No. 13, and for single performances It was just as hard to dispose of. This superstition reaches its height In medicine. Speaking at the health exhibition, Dr. Heinrich Grun declared that in many instances superstition, and especially local superstition, was an absolute menace to public health. In the Austrian hospitals one finds no block or pavilion 13, no ward 13, no staircase 13. Very few patients will consent to be operated upon on the thirteenth day of the month, and In thi3 respect Friday, too, is considered Just as unlucky. At Carlsbad, Marienbad, Gastein and other famous Austrian cure resorts nobody wants to begin his cure on a Friday. y. DIDNT BELIEVE That .Coffee Was the Heal Trouble. Some people flounder around and take everything thats recommended but Anally find that coffee is the real cause of their troubles. An Oregon man says: For 25 years I was troubled with my stomach. I was a steady coffee drinker, but didn't suspect that as the cause. I took almost anything which someone else had been cured with but to no good. I was very bad last summer and could not work at Sprightliness Unappreciated. times. traveler relates that the steamOn Dec. 2, 1902, I was taken so er was nearing the completion of a bad the doctor said I could not live very rough passage; and most of the over 24 hours at the most, and I passengers were silent sad and made all preparations to die. I could thoughtful. Only one gay and spright- hardly eat anything, everything disly individual looked as though an tressed me, and I was weak and sick earthquake hadn't suddenly swal- all over. When in that condition coflowed up his friend and all his world- fee was abandoned and was I on Look here," he said, Postum, the change in my pat ly goods. feelings dancing nimbly about Im all right came quickly after the drink that was If you chaps just brace up and be poisoning me was" removed. cheerful, youll feel all right" He The and sickness fell away did a hornpipe and a jig, and one of from mepain I and began to get well day his fellow passengers raised his head by day, so I stuck to It until now I long enough to say: "George, will am well and strong again, can eat you do me a great favor a very no with heartily, heart great favor possibly the last favor trouble or the awful headache, sickness of the I shall ever ask of you? Why, old coffee days. I drink all I wish of certainly, old man! What can I get Postum without any harm and enjoy for you? Nothing. I simply beg It Immensely. of yon to stop dancing. It shakes This seems like a strong story, the boat so. but I would refer you to the First Natl Bank, the Trust Banking ComNo Room for His Kind. "Bounders says he often knocks pany, or any merchant of Grant's Ore.. In regard to my standing, at the door of opportunity, but he Pass, and I will send a sworn statement can never get In. this If you wish. You can also use "Whats the matter? Is it fall tn of Name given by Postum my name. side?" Battle Co, Mich. Creek, Is. "No. But he Still there are many who persistently tool themselves by saying "CofEvidence. fee "What makes you so sure Bllgglns of dont hurt me. A ten days trial Postum in Its place win ten the Is a college man. He never quotes truth and many times save life. from the classics." Theres a reason." T4o. But he knows every techal Look for the little book, The Road calltythat pertains to athletics." to A WeUvUle, in pkgs. |