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Show V SPECIAL NOTICE. AFFLICTED Consumption of Tea. Tho world's consumption of tea outside of the countries In which ft Is grown may be taken to be about 500,000,000 pounds per annum, ta'uc.t St 185,000,000. About 90 per rent, of the tea exported from Asia is consumed by English-speakinpeople. Get the benefit it none too good, of recent discovmediin eries cine THE BEST Dr. Orrlu Powells Nerve Tablets. The very latest treatment for Nervous Insomnia. Debility. l,ost Manhood. ImMemory, Falling Melancholia, Tru Friendship. Physical and Mental Energy. paired entire-aBScure A , guaranteed Weakness. The essence of friendship Is positive AMERICAN LEAGUE NOTES. manufacturers through their a total magnanimity and trust by the who aro undr Instructions to satisfied It mst not surmise or provide' for refund your money If1.00not n The two Armbruxters are the per box; six results. Price, It treats its object as a with infirmity. f boxes for $5.00. At all drug stores or baxeball. broihers of both. Address Emerson, by mall, securely sealed. god, that it may defy Stone and Hemphill are far in adDoull Drug Co., 338 Main, corner Marvance of the rest of the St. Louis ket, Salt iJike City. U row n butxmen. Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Catcher Carrlgan, of the Boxton Cheap lots any part of city. NOTICE. Americana, ix to do Home football loans. Anyone receiving this paper with coaching down xouth the coming fall. C. J. BOWMAN A CO., this paragraph marked with a red Pitcher 'Stony of York, Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk., cross will understand that they are hax given hlx word that if he quits the Salt Lake City, Utah, entitled to a subscription to the paper mtlawx he will xign with Waxhtngton. for three months from date, and they It ix hinted that Jimmy Collins' a as can retain this receipt. REMEMBER. knee Ix in xnch bad shape that he may never be able to play again. That Jf your local merchant does not would be a great loxx to baseball. THE LAGOON ROAD. carry in stock Temple Brand Garments, Rams Head Sweaters, Sego Jimmy Collins still insists that his team will finibh In the first division Lily Underwear, send your orders diSalt Lake and Ogdeh Railway. rect to the sole manufacturers, Salt Sounds like the time-wor- n cry of the Knitting Works. Time Table in Effect May 30, 1906. politician to claim everything. Salt I ake Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 Somebody hax suggested that when COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. Kube a. m.: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 p. in. Waddell outlives his useful. First six trains run through to Kays-ville- ness as a pitcher he may easily get a We have established a plant for botJob as ballast for a balloon. However, to Kaysvllle, 10:00 p. ballast Is tling this most popular drink and we m. Extra Lagoon required to steady a balloon, (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) uml the want an agent in every town in Utah Rube is not famous for I,eave 7:00, 10:00, 12:00 a. to handle it Good profits. Write us ni. ; 3:00,5:00. 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 p. m. maintaining his equilibrium. Whenever William Keeler, the crack at once for prices, etc. (Sunday, 9:30.) fielder of the Highlanders, and chamCoca-Col- a Salt Bottling Co. Sundays and holidays special through P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. batter of the world, trains to Lagoon at 3:00 and 5:00 p. m. pion welter-weigSIMON BAMBERGER, President and General Manager. A mRISIAN e thc DO MIDLAND On May 26-2- 8 DYE WORKS VIA 1906, 1-- 3 SALT LAKEbCITY stations, 1:3 When in want of help, call upfcj jor write Strocke Employment Agency, 45 West Second So. 3 J Phone 464, t:tt 6:60 IA6 d0 1 dt Bingham Junotioa Riverton 1:67 American Fork t:Sl Provo :10 1:1 41 Lehi : Bprlngvllle L M. 1A.-- ft I M4 di 4d 17 :04 1:67 1:18 1:17 HUDDART FLORAL CO. E. 2nd So. 6 p.m. p.m. p.m. 4 x VeaVlA'a d.1 A A A 'A A A A p.m. p.m. Firvr.r.FF.rrrw.vrvvvvrrvF.v.v.rei at-t- "Western Goods for Western People! The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) BELIEVES IN BEING Busy All the Time In Utah! (The object of the organization is to promote the use of ALLj UTAH-MADGOODS in all lines, in preference to E those manufactured outside the State. & ii Its Interest Is State-- : NATIONAL Pitcher Karger, of St Louis, is on the shelf with a split hand. Wide. jTHE MANUFACTURERS AND CHANTS ASSOCIATION. ,r c n. to Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner ami Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to H. BURTNER, D. P. A. & S. L. R. R. , Salt Lake City, Utah. I QqBI Branch Office. 444444444444 44 Dry 4 '4 4 4 4 4 '4 4 4 4 t I4444444444 444444 44 3 Ii 444444-444444- SHERWOODS MARKET 1 to our own premises on State Our trade is growing very We like the change. Street Our Lard is nicely, and we can give you better service. has moved from Main Street guaranteed absolutely pure. Both Phones Robert Sherwood. 749 & 751 State Street, Salt Lake City. Hardware Why Pay More? North First West Street, SALT LAKE CITY. S- We Can Save You Money. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main 5lXlXiWXlX-X- i ? SMOKE LAPALOMA CIGARS! i$Theyre High Grade and Union Made. M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. 155 East Third South Street. SALT LAKE CITY. S rafflffitra 4 44 BARNES GROCERY CO., 143 4 4 at your home at Goods, 4 a Try our Mall Order Department and be satisfied. Groceries, Everything. p Try This Route East 4, i ORDER OF US. delivered 8t Washington, D. C. W Corner Third South and State Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. Goods City. New York 4i S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. Salt Lake prices. 636 V Broadway, The Most R.llsbl Dentists In the City. Teeth extracted without peln by our scientific Free with other work. OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Set of testh (best red rubber), Sa. Gold crowns. .. 33 60 to 6.00. Bridge work, best, H.i0 to 1.00. Oold fillings, 1 and up. Other fillings. 60o to 76c. TWELVE YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE. Open till 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to 2. Phone, Ind., 9W; Bell, 234 Xa n EXAMINATION FREE DR. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. methods. K-k- - 1TXS-- fKkeWhKK1 nms(stststiir.ittsttwi1ititttt(wtttetlicece(tcsw Good Service - Good Company! I Good Meals. to-da- Southern California S. P. L. A. MUNN & - ' Do You Yant WorkT The St. Louis club has turned WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Catcher Tommy Raub back to Montreal as Collegian Murray looks good to Teamsters, Laborers. Always Wanted. Manager MoCloskey. We Furnish All Kinds of Help. Jake Berkley has joined the ranks EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. DIXON John Titus is the of the clean-shave62 musFirst a East South, Salt Lake City. only National leaguer wearing Ind. Phone 923. y. Bell Phone 1S72-X- . tache McGraw has high hopes of Ferguson, but Isnt disposed to lean on him heavUTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. ily until the world beaters shall ut the lead. least have regained H. N. Winter, Manager. Campaign, Society, Advertising and FROM THE MINOR LEAGUES. Photo Buttons to order. We copy from any size or kind of Umpire Owens never played baseball, picture return same uninjured. Photos on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, professionally or otherwise. The Montgomery club has signed Lockets, etc. Why trust traveling Pitcher Burnum. late of Atlanta. strangers with your choice photos The Evansville club has signed when permanent residents guarantee satisfaction? Pitcher Watts, of Hartford City, ltd. Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos, PhoPitcher Dave Williams, of Scranton, 49 Main street. Salt Lake. Pa., has signed with the Sioux City to Buttons. 967-k- . P. O. Box 1301. Telephone club. reducing, etc., copying, Enlarging, Pitcher Berger, of Columbus, has any kind or size of picture in photo, 13 in twice struck out games this sea- crayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest son. grades consistent with price. Every Indianapolis has released Pitcher grade of work absolutely permanent Billy Hart to enable him to become an will not fade. Frames and framing. All sizes and grades made up to order. umpire. $5,000,000. The Best Line Largest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year : four months, fl Sold by all newsdealers. r he LEAGUE NEWS. St. Louis is playing good ball, but not quite good enough to win. Nobody in the world can give a baseball a straighter drop curve than declares Bowerman. The betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, Matty, Catcher Bergen, of the Brooklyns, hamlet and district ii its aim. For full particulars has done fine work this season in write to throwing to bases and on foul flies. The Pittsburg club is said to negoMERtiating with Pitcher "Cy Barger, of the outlaw Lancaster (Ga.) club. In timing the swing of his bat to meet the ball Beaumont, of the Pirates, P. O- - BOX 1584, SALT LAKE CITY. is an ideal performer with the stick. Catcher Murray, of the Cardinals, is showing signs of being a slugger. He connects with the ball in a pleasing Manufactured THE HISTORIC WORCESJohn manner. by John Siegle says he expects to be Reeves Co., Salt Lake, and TER. indorsed by the M. & M. right to do strenuous duty for the QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE return from their next See the Ass'n of Utah. Ask your Reds when they trip. On the Labels. Grocer. It is said that Andrew Freedman, formerly owner of the New York Nationals, is now rated as being worth The New Road Scientific American, Milwaukee&St. Paul Chicago. a Railway 4 (4? p.m. p.m. WITHOUT REMOVED KNIFE. DR. JOHNSON, South Main street Salt Lake PILES ON YOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK TO HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA the plate there is a buzz of exMAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., pectancy among the onlookers. They feel confident that something will hapManufacturers of pen to change the complexion of the PURE FOOD VINEGAR. In commenting on his stick game. who one the is of work, Clark Griffith, Factory: 720 South Second We hepdlest pitchers in the game, onqrt f' Telephone 979-said, pointing to Keeler, who was WWR KKKKIMMMtKV There stands the most plate: scientific batter in the world. Moses W. Taylor. Not only is Keeler preeminent as a Frank Y. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. hitter, but he has no superior as a REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. right fielder, and on the bases is as Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt He is Lake speedy as a streak of light. City, Utah. noted for phenomenal catches in the Salt Lake Real Estate the best Inso a he but has Intimate autfield, vestment in the world. Utah Comknowledge of the peculiarities and tac- mercial and Mining Stocks the safest tics of opposing batsmen that he is in the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Minusually in the right spot and makes easy work of the majority of his ing Exchange. chances. He is equally at home runAmerican Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. ning out or coining in for a ball, and he will jump for a high liner that he European Plan, 50c up. runs with, or pick up a low shoot off the grass as he gallops in to meet it HOTEL HALLS. goes to IntutH A handsomely Illustrated weekly. 4-- 1 WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences, Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Copper in all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. State St Salt Lake City WILLIE KEELER. :WWgwikWgtkkWlititittlilgitit J. V P. O. Box 443. V 106. z s J and description may Anyone sending whether an quickly ascertain our opinion free CommunicaInvention Is probably patentable. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patent taken through Munn & Cix receive tpecial notice without charge. In the CRAGER mnriTur 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 jf Jtc 44444 a BALT LAKE A LOS ANGELES RAILWAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, 1906. Leave Salt L. Ar. Salt Lake. 10:30 a.m 1:00 p.m. - Mil 0, J Phones : a.m.... a.m.... Leaves. Stations. Mercnr .....145 p. m. Summit . ... .1:65 p. m. Manning ....2:35 p. m. Fairfield ....3:13 p.m. Arrives. rararararararara a :47 Arrives. 11:15 a. m 11:00 a. m Beesley Music Co., (Opposite Grand Theatre.) K Cut flowers and floral work for 2 s' Vail occasions. V V We make a specialty of shipping V m a funeral designs. Write , telephone' fc m a or telegraph. TIME CAW Westbound. Ar. P, pm. A. M. Lv. fcflO liOO Balt Lake City dS 1:41 1:11 :U Murray Lv No. 2 No. 1 Leaves. rate K Mill Eastbound. Westbound. 10:30 10:05 RAILWAY. June, Effective December 10, 1905. rararassffi 114-11- fiOHAHOtVl AST SALT LAKE & MERCUR RAIROAD-CO- . TIME TABLE. of one fare plus two dollars for round eras This includes the famous trip to Chicago, Minneapolis, MemOVERLAND LIMITED phis and west thereof. Limit October MUSIC, and the new 31st, stopovers allowed, west Missouri river. For further information write LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED PIANOS, L. H. Harding, General Agent, Salt Strictly Twentieth Century, Vesti-buleElectric Lighted Steam HeatOrgans And All Lake. We will arrange all details of ed Pullman Palace Trains operating your trip. Musical Instruments. Sleepers; incomparable Observation of the and Cars very Dining Library BIG SHOW AT SALT LAKE. latest manufacture. For three weeks the New Grand 46 South Main Street. 42 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO theatre has been crowded to the ONLY CHICAGO. Salt Lake City, doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comCity Ticket Office, 201 Main SL pany who came to Salt Lake for three SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Utah. months engagement presenting two new plays each week with special vaudeville features between each act 60 YEARS The New Grand will be open every EXPERIENCE Saturnight with a Wednesday and THE KEELEY CURE. day sourvenir matinee for the entire Drunkenness Cured. 30, 50c, presenting the best plays ob-3A positive and permanent 55c, presenting the best plays obdlaeaeea. tainable. ' drunkenness and the opium sickne-Lno ' no publicity, For out of town patrons Beats will There is as at tnel as privately treated be reserved and held by addressing Alee Trade Marks homes. The Keeley the request to the New Grand theaDesigns Utah. Ac. W. Bo. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Copyrights tre, Salt Lake City, a sketch su---r !D T DAILY E ht PAUMF& A TRAIN5 CHEAP RATES EAST VIA COLORA- Cor-ili-a- lke 4 If thi paragraph is marked with a red cross it indicates that your subscription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross it has only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. -- That Is the happy trinity that makes happy travelers on Rock Isl-- J snd through trains. Through Standard Sleeper daily Salt Lake and Ogden to) Chicago without change. Arrives In) Chicago In the morning. We also run through tourist cars to Chicago and St Louis. Steamship tickets on sals to all points in the Old Country. Let us know where you want to go. We will do the reet Nothing finer than the Rock Island Diner. Both phones 245. N. L. DREW, General Agent 809 17th Street Denver, Colo. or E. DRAKE, Diet Pass. Agent,S G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. AgL,ji 100 West Second South St, Salt Lake City, Utah. |